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Page 82

by Palomino, Honey

  How dare she take advantage of me! What kind of scheming hussy does something like that? Rebel had always been a handful, and I knew that.

  I knew it when she was five and she got busted for throwing apples at the cars speeding down Harry Hines Boulevard. I knew it when she was eleven and she took all of her Barbie and Ken dolls and super-glued them to all the bikes in the shop, saying they needed hood ornaments to be prettier.

  Her dad had been so pissed. And yet, she had him wrapped around her finger so tightly, he promptly forgave her. He found her constant antics amusing, which is why her gave her that nickname early on.

  Rebel. She was almost like an informal mascot for the Renegade Rebels Motorcycle Club. And she loved every minute of it.

  Being the only daughter of the MC president and his wife gave you a special place at the table, so to speak. Everyone watched out for her, and everyone spoiled her. And she took full advantage of the privileges.

  Rebel always got what Rebel wanted.

  And by the look she was giving me across the table, what she wanted this time was me.

  Her eyes twinkled as she smiled, licking her lips after pulling the bottle from them.

  It was going to take all my strength to resist her devilish temptation, but I knew if I didn’t, Harley would kill me.

  And that thought alone was enough to make my cock wither up.



  “Of course you can’t join the club, are you out of your mind, Rebel?”

  “No, Harley, I’m not. Dad almost let Mom join.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m not Dad, am I?”

  Pain and disappointment crossed her face as she pleaded with me.

  “Just tell me why not then!” She was pouting, tears springing to her eyes. I groaned inwardly, the last thing I wanted to do today was sit across from my little sister and make her cry.

  “Because you’re a girl, Rebel! You’re barely eighteeen—.”

  “I’m NINEteen, Harley!” She interrupted, her voice so high-pitched it hurt my ears.

  “Okay, okay, whatever. You are still way too fucking young. And you know the rule - no women allowed!”

  “Yeah, well, you’re the president, you can change the rules anytime you like.” “No, I can’t. You know we’d have to take a vote, and no member in his right mind is going to agree to having a woman in the club. So stop fucking asking me!”

  She was pissing me off and my sympathy for her was running low.

  “Now, let’s figure out another plan for you. You can still stay at Missy’s right? Do you have a job?”

  “No, I don’t. I’ve been looking and looking. I was waiting tables for a while at a diner on Greenville, but they fired me.”

  If her bottom lip got any bigger, it was going to fall off her face.

  “Look, stop pouting, Rebel! I don’t know what gave you the idea I would let you join the club, so I refuse to feel like shit because you were so misguided. Keep looking for a job, and go back to Missy’s. It sounds like you’re on the right track.” I reached in my back pocket, pulled a wad of cash out of my wallet and handed it to her.

  She took it and tucked it inside her bikini top.

  “And for fuck’s sake, buy some fucking clothes.”

  “Harley, I wish you’d reconsider. Let me just hang out for a while. I could help out here. I could clean the shop, or run errands or —."

  “Or what? Stick around and keep fucking Mason?”

  She looked like I had slapped her across the face. Closing her mouth slowly, her bottom lip quivered and tears fell down her cheeks as she stood up and headed straight for the door without another word.

  We watched her go, and Mason punched my arm.

  “Dude. Come on. Let her stay. I can control myself.”

  “Fuck you, Mason.” I said, my anger at him growing as I stood up and walked into my office, slamming the door behind me.



  I sat at the bus stop on Harry Hines Boulevard, right outside the clubhouse, waiting for the next bus to Oak Cliff.

  I had lied when I said I was staying with Missy. When I first got back to Dallas, I had gone looking for her, but couldn’t find her. I had spent a year on the streets, because I wanted to try to make it on my own, without resorting to begging Harley for help.

  I had failed miserably, and the streets were beyond brutal. Almost as brutal as the foster home, but not quite. I could live with the scary nights under the bridge a lot easier than I could with Mr. Fuckingham coming into my room at night.

  Anything was better than that.

  But I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t tired of it. I had tried to find jobs, but I had no experience and nobody wanted to hire a homeless nineteen year-old girl. If it hadn’t been for begging people for change, I wouldn’t have been able to feed myself. And some days, even that didn’t work.

  Which is why I found myself here today, sitting outside of Harley’s clubhouse, my last resort. And even he had refused to help me.

  I was grateful for the cash, but it sure would have been nice to have a bed for a night.

  I would have to come up with a new plan. In the meantime, I was going to sit here and wait for the bus, and do my best not to think about the fire in Mason’s eyes as he dropped that whiskey bottle on the ground and kissed me.

  His lips had been red-hot and soft, which was not what I expected at all. I don’t know what I expected, really. I really had just shown up to talk to Harley, but Mason was standing there, towering over me like a sex god with those damned green eyes of his — and I just couldn’t help myself.

  I wished I had done it differently now, though. Maybe if Harley hadn’t walked in on us, he wouldn’t have thrown such a hissy fit and he would have let me stay.

  Instead, I managed to show him that I was just as much trouble as I always was.

  I just couldn’t seem to make anything work. Being an adult was much fucking harder than anyone ever made it seem.

  I took a deep breath, reminded myself once again that where I was was a million times better than where I came from and wiped the tears from my cheeks.

  Harley could go fuck himself.

  I didn’t need him.


  I jumped at his voice, my head so lost in my own depressing thoughts that I didn’t hear Mason come up behind me.

  He sat down next to me, and I could smell myself on him. My body trembled from being this close to him again, and my breath caught in my throat. Damn it, why did he have this effect on me? It was exciting and annoying all at the same time.

  The last thing I needed was to be crushing on my brother’s best friend like a school girl. I needed to get my shit together, find a place to live and a job and then maybe I could think about finding someone to spend some time with.

  But definitely not Mason. Never, ever Mason.

  “I wish you had told me it was you,” he said, so quietly I almost couldn’t hear him over the traffic flying by in front of the bus stop.

  “Sorry,” I replied. “You’re right, I should have.”

  “Yeah…” His eyes searched mine, and I suddenly felt like a shy kid again. “So do you want a ride to Missy’s?”

  “Oh….well, thanks for the offer. I…um…”

  “It’s no trouble. Just don’t tell Harley,” he winked at me, his grin spreading across his face, his eyes twinkling. God, he was so fucking handsome. Why couldn’t Harley’s best friend be ugly?

  “No, that’s not it.” I wasn’t sure if I should tell him the truth or not. I had only said I was staying at Missy’s so Harley wouldn’t be worried, and now I wished I had never said it at all. Maybe if I hadn’t, he would have let me stay.

  “Then what is it? Do you need a ride somewhere else?” Mason’s eyes were going to be the end of me. I looked away, his gentleness just too much for me to take.

  “Well…I don’t exactly have anywhere to go.” There, I said it. He could tell Harley if he wante
d, I didn’t give a shit.

  “What about Missy?”

  “I lied.”

  “Oh. I see,” he replied, staring at me with curiosity. “Where have you been staying then?”

  “Oh, you know…here and there.”

  “No, I don’t know, Rebel.” The look on his face was a mixture of concern and irritation. “Where have you been staying? How long have you been back in Dallas?” “A year. I left on my eighteenth birthday. I couldn’t get away fast enough, and every time I ran away, they just sent me back. Once I was legal, I left. That was a year ago last week.”

  “So you’ve been here for a year without a place to live?”

  “Pretty much.” I jutted my chin up, determined not to let him make me feel bad about myself. “But I can handle it.”

  He scoffed at that.

  “Is that so? Your begging to join the club earlier makes me believe you’re lying again. You have a hard time telling the truth, huh, Rebel?”

  Mason had been around through my childhood and all the way through the humiliation of puberty, laughing and making fun of my antics right along with the rest of my family. I wasn’t exactly known for my honesty.

  I sulked next to him, hating how easily he could make me feel like an awkward, fucked-up adolescent.

  “The truth is overrated,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “Listen, Harley’s just mad because he caught us…um…kissing. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you stay with him, but you can forget about ever actually joining the club. Family or not, you’re still a girl…um, woman, I mean.” His eyes raked across my body, and I glanced down to see his cock rising in his pants.

  My nipples hardened as I recalled the feel of him thrusting into me from behind earlier. These feelings were much more enjoyable than feeling like a kid next to him.

  “Look, Rebel, Harley hasn’t seen you since you were a little kid. He still sees you that way, and he will until you show him something different.” His cock grew harder in his pants as he continued, his eyes meeting mine as he pulled them away from my breasts. “I already had a chance to see you as…something different…so it’s already different for me.”

  “Now, you should have told me that was you. I never would have touched you, if I had known. But, goddamn, if you don’t look different, Rebel.” His eyes grew serious as he stared at me. “You look good, though.”

  “But listen, I feel like this is my fault. If Harley hadn’t seen that, things might have turned out differently. And there’s no way we can let you stay on the street another night. You should’ve come here sooner.”

  “Yeah…I guess.” My heart filled with hope when he said I could stay.

  “But you can’t stay at the clubhouse, either.”

  “Why not? I’ll be fine. I practically grew up there!”

  “Well, that’s when you were a just a kid. It’s not much of a place for a nineteen year-old girl to hang out. There’s a lot of horny dudes there.”

  “Including you?” I asked him teasingly.

  “Yeah, including me. Fuck. Listen, that can’t happen again. Harley is pissed now, but if it happens again, now that I know it’s you, he’ll fucking knock my head off.”

  “Well, Mason, Harley hasn’t been around me for a long time, so as far as I’m concerned, he doesn’t get the privilege of pretending to be the protective big brother. I can do whatever…and whoever…I want.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, but trust me, Rebel - it’s never happening again, you got it?” “Sure, sure, whatever.”

  “Okay, good. Now that we’re clear, you can stay at my house until Harley cools off, then we’ll ask him if you can stay with him. Maybe I can help you get a job and an apartment. But in the meantime, you can hang at my place. I have an extra bedroom you can use.”

  I threw my arms around his neck, bouncing with excitement, the satin fabric of my bikini rubbing against his leather vest.

  “Oh, thank you, Mason!” I said, pulling back.

  The snap on his vest caught my bikini top, pulling it down as I backed away. My breast fell out, my hardened nipple protruding in the breeze.

  We both looked down at it, motionless. Slowly, I raised my hand to cover my breast and raised my eyes to meet Mason’s gaze. I bit my bottom lip and batted my eyes at him.

  “Whoops. Sorry about that…” I whispered.

  He groaned, his gaze fiercely fixed on mine.

  “Watch yourself, baby girl. Watch yourself. Come on,” he commanded gruffly.

  I’d rather watch you, I thought, as he stood up and walked away.

  As I followed closely behind him, his muscular ass provided me with the best view I’d had in a long, long time.



  Flying down Central Expressway with Rebel’s arms wrapped around my waist, I reminded myself that I tried to let her walk away. But something in the way her lip quivered when Harley yelled at her tore me up, and I couldn’t help but feel responsible.

  I knew Harley had been worried about her. He had mentioned her often over the years, expressing his disappointment, guilt and regret at the way things turned out. It was hard on him, and I knew it.

  And he knew I never would have fucked his little sister if I had known it was her.

  But I had fucked her. Hard. She had turned into quite the little sexy vixen over the years, and I wished like hell she had been someone else.

  I should have known, though. By her eyes. Her voice. Something had nagged at me about her, and I should have listened to my fucking instincts before I bent her over my bike. But the way she had fingered the leather on the bikes had turned me on in a way I hadn’t felt in years, and when she untied that bikini top, there was no turning back.

  And goddamn, it was fucking amazing. Even if it was incredibly wrong.

  My body was in a constant fight between my raging cock and my guilty spirit, as I watched her walk out of the parking lot and sit at the bus stop.

  Harley had been rough on her, and it was all my fault.

  I had only intended to give her a ride, but when she said she didn’t have a place to live, I felt like even more of an asshole. I was positive that if Harley knew that, he wouldn’t let her spend another night on the streets.

  But he was in no shape to change his mind right now. Maybe if he hadn’t been tortured with the vision of his best friend making out with his sister, he might be a little more willing to listen. But if there was one thing I knew about Harley, then it was to stay far, far away from him when he’s angry.

  It would all be alright. Rebel could stay in my extra bedroom for a few days, we’d talk to Harley again, and then she could go stay with him until she found a job. She just needed a little stability and support, and she would be fine.

  The hot Texas sun beat down on us as we sat in traffic on the expressway. Sweat was pouring down my back, and while I normally wouldn’t even notice much, I couldn’t help but think about it with Rebel’s practically naked breasts smashed against my back.

  When her tit fell out again at the bus stop, it took all my willpower not to touch her again. Visions of scooping her up and bending her over my bike again filled my head, and I had surprised even myself with my steel resolve.

  She was not going to be a easy one to resist, especially now that I had a taste of her sweet body. I was determined, but I was beginning to see a lot of cold showers in my future.

  Hopefully, Harley would cool off sooner than later, because if my cock stayed this engorged all the time she was around, I was going to have a serious problem.

  We sat idly in a long line of cars, barely inching along. Rebel’s hand slipped down, the need for holding on tightly abandoned for the moment. Her hands rested on my thighs, inches from my pulsing cock, and I took a deep breath and willed my erection to go away.

  It was impossible. Those tits on my back, her breath on my neck, and the pressure of her thighs on the outside of my own - I knew if she were to touch my cock at that moment, it would ex
plode right there on the expressway.

  And I think she knew it, too. She kept wiggling around behind me, her every movement an assault on my senses.

  “Can’t you be still?” I yelled, turning my head so she could hear me through my helmet.

  “I’m just trying to get comfortable. I haven’t been on a bike in a really long time. It feels so good, Mason!” She wiggled more, her nipples poking into my back.

  I groaned, shook my head, and tried to think of something, anything, that would keep me distracted.

  My cock grew even harder in my jeans, and I knew I was in for a major challenge.




  I slammed my fist in the wall, cussing at the top of my lungs. I knew the other members could hear me, but I didn’t give a shit. I was pissed, and it was best if everyone knew it, so they could stay out of my way.

  Especially Mason.

  Fuck Mason. What a fucking moron. Did he have such little control over his prick that he couldn’t keep it in his fucking pants long enough to ask a girl her name?

  “Goddammit!” I yelled, hitting the wall again. My knuckles were bleeding, but the pain felt good. It masked the pain I felt inside, helped me ignore the creeping guilt for turning Rebel away.

  I knew my old man would be pissed when he heard about it, but fuck him too. Maybe he and my mom should have been more careful before getting locked up in the fucking pen while they still had kids to raise.

  What did he expect me to do? I was the president now, and the decisions were mine to make. Of course Rebel couldn’t join the fucking club. Was she out of her mind?

  Sure, I guess I could have let her stay with me, but when I saw her standing there with her tits out, her tongue down Mason’s throat like she was trying to crawl inside, I just couldn’t think straight.


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