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Page 88

by Palomino, Honey

  “I love you, Mason.” She whispered in my ear, so soft, so quiet I almost didn’t hear her. But I did and it stopped me dead in my tracks, as I stiffened against her.

  “I —,”

  “MASON!” Harley’s voice bellowed down the hallway, his footsteps coming closer and closer as I looked down at Rebel still impaled on my still swollen cock below me.

  “Fuck!” We both exclaimed, jumping to our feet and scrambling to put our clothes back on.

  “Stay here!” I told her. “Hide!”

  She looked at me questioningly for a split second, but she did as I asked, running into the bathroom and closing the door behind her after scooping up her clothes.

  I don’t know why I told her to hide, but it would haunt me for the rest of my life. If I had known that making a different choice in that moment would change the future, I would have done it in a heartbeat.

  But life doesn’t work that way, and so it was.

  I was pulling on my boots just as Harley knocked on the door. I opened it, blocking the doorway, hoping like hell he didn’t come in.

  “Hey, buddy,” I said to him, doing my damnedest to keep a straight face.

  “There you are. I hadn’t seen you in a while. You okay?” “Yeah, sure, just fine,” I replied.

  He squinted his eyes at me, looking me over curiously.

  “You alone in there?” he asked.

  “Nah, man. Just hanging out with Becky for a minute.” I prayed Becky wasn’t anywhere close by.

  “Oh. Cool, cool, man. Sorry to interrupt.” He turned to walk down the hallway, and as I watched him walk away, my stomach dropped. I had never lied to Harley before Rebel came along, and now it was becoming a habit that I was not fond of at all.

  “Fuck.” I closed the door softly, turning to stare straight into Rebel’s angry eyes.

  “Becky?” she asked.

  “Fuck, Rebel. What do you want me to do? This isn’t a good time, and I am in no mood to get in a fight with Harley tonight.”

  “Yeah, right.” She said, turning away from me, her eyes darkening with pain.

  I stood there contemplating what to do, but she took my contemplation as something else entirely, because it only seemed to anger her even more.

  “Whatever, Mason. I get it…” She walked past me without meeting my eyes, opened the door and thundered down the hallway without so much as a backward glance.

  Letting her walk way was another moment that would replay in my head over and over.

  Life is full of choices, and sometimes you make the right ones, but way too often you make the bad ones, the ones you wish you could go back and do over. But that’s the cruel part of it all, isn’t it?

  You only get one shot.

  And you’d better not fuck it up, because you’re the one that has to live with the consequences.

  As I walked out of the clubhouse, I heard the roar of a motorcycle start up. As I looked in the direction of the sound, I saw Rebel backing her bike up and then roaring off down the street, the ends of her gorgeous black hair sticking out of her helmet and flying behind her as she sped away all alone into the night.

  I contemplated going after her, but didn’t. That was bad fucking choice number three, and at this point, I was on a roll.



  My body shuddered in release as Becky wiggled her hips under me. I held onto them, pressing into her deeply as we came together, her tight body bent over the side of my desk.

  I buckled up, disappointed that my encounter with her hadn’t done much to relieve my stress. When she had walked into my office an hour ago, expressing her unfulfilled needs, thanks to Mason, I was amused at first. But then, I thought, why the hell not? I hadn’t fucked anyone all week. I had been staying up late at night and waking up early in the morning, and spending every waking moment either stressing out about the meeting tomorrow or stressing out about Rebel.

  Mostly about the meeting. I had come to the slow conclusion that Rebel was a grown woman, and could make her own decisions. I was going to provide her whatever support I could to start her adult life, but the reality of the situation was that she was going to do what she wanted, no matter what I thought.

  And if doing what she wanted included Mason, who was I to stop her? She could do a lot worse. Mason was a stand-up guy, and he would never hurt her. He had always been there for me, and it was obvious that Rebel’s appearance back in our lives was tearing him apart.

  The chemistry between the two of them freaked me out, I had to admit, but it was undeniable when you were in the room with them. It was certainly real, and it yet it definitely wasn’t there when we were all kids together.

  Mason’s resistance had been admirable, considering the look in his eye every time he looked, or avoided looking, at Rebel. And he had been doing it all for me.

  I almost felt bad for him. Especially when Becky told me what happened.

  “Hey, Becky, enjoy the rest of your night, sweetheart.” I stuck a wad of cash in the bra that she had just put on, and gave her a quick kiss at the same time.

  She laughed, running her fingers through my hair as she looked up at me.

  “I feel like I should be paying you, Harley. I think your cock is bigger than your bike.”

  “Oh, darlin’, you are too kind. It only feels that way, because your pussy is tight as a glove.” I winked at her, kissed her again, and left her in my office.

  I walked out, looking for Mason.

  I checked outside first, the party still in full swing, with Maverick sitting in the middle of the stage, four girls stripping and dancing naked around him, all of them rubbing their bodies against him. Maverick had a shit eating grin on his face and an ass in each hand as he looked over at me, nodded and winked.

  “Happy Birthday, old man!” I yelled to him, grateful he was having a good night before our job tomorrow.

  There were still a few details I wanted to go over with Mason, and I walked back into the clubhouse to continue looking for him. Mason was a known loner, and was often found closed away somewhere in a room by himself when there was a big crowd at the clubhouse.

  He’d always been like that. The silent, lonely guy that was there in a pinch anytime you needed something.

  When he opened the door to the bedroom, he looked like he had just been shot. His hair was disheveled, his clothes rumpled and he had red lipstick smeared across his cheek.

  “Hey, buddy,” he said, his hands shaking as he stood in front of the door.

  “There you are. I hadn’t seen you in a while. You okay?” I asked. “Yeah, sure, just fine,” he replied, quickly looking over his shoulder behind him.

  “You alone in there?” I asked.

  “Nah, man. Just hanging out with Becky for a minute.”

  Um, what? Becky was still in my office, peeling her naked body off my desk. Why was he lying to me?

  Of course. He was with Rebel.

  I felt my anger rise, and then fall just as quickly. Whatever. I was coming to tell him I approved of their relationship anyway, and if he wasn’t ready to tell me, then I could accept that.

  “Oh. Cool, cool, man. Sorry to interrupt.”

  I walked away, smiling to myself at the fact that his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

  Power. It was a fun thing every now and then.

  I was sitting at the bar, talking to Hairy Joe when I saw Rebel run from the hallway and head straight to her bike outside. She put on her helmet, and roared off into the night alone before I could decide if I should follow her or not.

  She was a grown woman, I reminded myself once again. She had a key to my house, her own transportation, and plenty of money. She could take care of herself just fine.

  I looked over and saw Mason standing alone in the hallway watching her himself, a look of sadness on his face.

  Whatever was going on, it would all work out, I thought to myself. Just as soon as we get through tomorrow’s meeting.

  As f
or tonight, well, tonight was for whiskey, and perhaps another taste of Becky, I decided, as I opened another bottle of Maker’s.



  I drove all over Dallas after I left the clubhouse. I couldn’t bear to go home alone, and there was no way I could be locked up in that house while was my head was spinning like a top.

  Mason. Mason. Mason.

  His name ran through my head like a delicious mantra, and as much as I wanted to be mad at him for not telling Harley I was in the room, I couldn’t help but feel like my body had just come alive for the first time in my life.

  Mason. Mason. Mason.

  His hands! Those lips! His muscles, his ass, his fucking eyes burning into me like they could see into my deepest, darkest thoughts! The way his body worked against my own, touching me in places that I yearned to be touched without having to say a word to him! His caresses and his tongue and his amazingly huge cock that touched me in places I didn’t even know existed!

  I would never be the same after tonight.

  Something deep inside of me had been awakened, and I felt like an entirely different woman.

  I had been fucked before, but tonight was different.

  Mason and I had made love. And that was a whole different experience. It was something entirely new, and suddenly I was addicted. I wanted more. I needed more.

  I wanted that sickening feeling of my heart swelling in my chest every time he looked at me. I wanted to feel like I was going to pass out from sheer joy when his skin slid against mine. I needed to feel him inside of me, our bodies joined together in a search for something that neither of us have ever had.


  This was what all the hype was about, and I got it now.

  I sighed as my bike flew down the freeway, the big Texas moon following me as I made my way to White Rock Lake, circling it three times before I decided to go back to Harley’s for the night.

  I had a plan for tomorrow, and I needed to get some sleep so that I could be as alert as possible. It was important I didn’t fuck anything up, or get caught.

  But I knew I had to do it. I was going to watch the club’s meeting. From afar and from a safe distance, of course. And secretly.

  I knew neither Harley or Mason would approve, but now that I knew there was something big going down, and since I overheard the location and time, I couldn’t resist going to watch.

  It might be a little risky, but I knew I could keep myself safe. If I stayed far enough away, I knew that nothing bad would happen. I would stay alert, keep an eye on my surroundings, and get there early so that I could find the perfect hiding spot.

  Everything would be fine.

  And then, afterwards? When everything was over, and Mason and Harley were happy everything had gone so well, then maybe Mason and I could talk to Harley together. We could tell him how we felt about each other.

  Sure, Mason hadn’t told me he loved me back, but I knew it. I could see it in his eyes. I could hear it in his voice, and feel it every time he touched me. It didn’t matter if his touch was gentle or rough, there was strong emotion behind every caress and he could try denying it if he wanted to, if he felt the need to, but I knew better.

  I may not have ever been in love before, but I knew it was real. Nothing in the world had ever felt like this for me.

  I lay alone in bed that night still smelling him, still tasting his kiss on my lips and still feeling his hands running over my naked skin as I drifted off to sleep a changed woman.



  My eyes opened Saturday morning to the sounds of birds chirping. I rolled over, groaning unhappily at the emptiness of my bed.

  I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Rebel. Imagining what my life might look like with Rebel in it. Imagining what my bed would look like with Rebel in it, tangled in my sheets, her hair messed up and her lips swollen from my kisses.

  I knew she was mad at me, but she was just going to have to get over it. I hadn’t told Harley about us last night, but only because it wasn’t the right time. As soon as today was over, I was going to tell him everything, whether he wanted to hear it or not.

  And then she wouldn’t be mad anymore.

  Then, she would smile that thousand-watt smile at me, and she would wrap those long arms and legs around me, and I could lose myself in her again, I could spend hours inside her warmth, tasting her and teasing her until we were both crying out in pleasure.

  She had been so amazing beneath me last night. My cock hardened as visions of her softening below me ran through my head, her body submitting to my hard thrusts. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and I planned to make her all mine.

  As soon as this fucking day was over.

  I wanted to rush through it, have it over and done with in whatever the easiest way possible was. But with something like this, there was no easy way.

  It was dangerous, pure and simple. Dangerous, with a capital D.

  But despite that fact, I was confident we could handle it. Harley had a way of exerting himself that made you more than happy to oblige him, no matter what he wanted, and I knew he would be exercising that unique gift of his fully in this situation.

  After a quick meeting at the clubhouse, ten of us suited up, arming ourselves fully, a show of excessive force that was more for intimidating the cartel instead of actually using it against them. Harley and I, and eight other brothers, mounted our bikes and put on our helmets. Hairy Joe and Hooligan, two of our longest standing brothers, rode in the truck, which carried even more guns and ammunition, should the need arise.

  We caravanned down the street, turning heads the entire way there. Harley had gotten the word from Johnny that everything was going as planned, and by the time we arrived, both the cartel and El Loco Gatos were locked inside the warehouse.

  We parked our bikes and the van around the corner, and walked down behind the warehouse, quietly opening the back door Johnny had left unlocked for us.

  We trailed down a long hallway, and then stopped to watch the men standing in the center of the room. Hiding in the darkness on the edge of the dimly lit warehouse, we sat back, watching and waiting until Harley gave us a sign.

  The warehouse was one big, empty concrete room, with a huge, dark loft hanging on the side of it. No windows, no ventilation, and suffocatingly hot.

  “Dónde está la cocaína?” Johnny asked Sergio Garcia, the leader of the cartel, the most dangerous drug dealer this side of the Mexican border.

  “Dónde está el dinero?” Sergio replied.

  Johnny nodded to another man on his right. He lifted up a dirty, black duffel bag and placed it on the table between the two groups of men. The tension was thick, and everyone in the room had their hands placed on the guns at their sides, ready for all hell to break loose at any moment.

  I held my breath, keeping one eye on Harley and one eye on the men in front of us.

  The sound of Sergio unzipping the bag was the only sound in the room. He looked at the wads of cash inside, nodded his head to a man standing on his left, and smiled at Johnny.

  Sergio’s man placed two briefcases on the table, and Johnny slowly walked over and opened each of them. Taking a knife out of his pocket, he stabbed one of the bricks contained inside them. He stuck his finger inside it, then licked the powdery white cocaine from his finger.

  “Delicioso!” he said, his voice echoing through the warehouse eerily.

  “Un placer hacer negocios con ustedes, mis amigos,” Sergio said.

  “A pleasure doing business with you, too,” Johnny replied in English.

  The loud sound of the latches on the briefcase clicking shut and the zipping of the bags rang in my ears, and as Harley slowly rose from his kneeling position, we all followed suit, one by one standing up and following our leader, our guns drawn, our senses on the highest alert.

  We were some tough motherfuckers, no doubt about it, but even the bravest of men would find their
hearts racing in a situation like this. I’m sure none of us took a breath from the moment we walked in the door, and I could have sworn I heard Harley’s heart beating loudly in his chest beside me.

  We approached the cartel from behind, the Gatos seeing us, but not letting on that we were there. The cartel consisted of five men, and we quickly came up behind each one of them, the clicking of our guns at their temples causing them to freeze one by one.

  Harley was the only one who spoke, standing with his gun pressed hard to Sergio’s temple. Sergio and his men dropped their guns right away, their hands rising to the ceiling in surrender.

  “Hello, my friend,” Harley said, circling around to look Sergio in the eye.

  “Amigo Hola, mi vestido de cuero,” Sergio replied, his smirk failing miserably at concealing his fear.

  “Sergio, I’m so disappointed in you. You know this transaction is against our agreement. I don’t have to explain that to a man as intelligent as yourself, now do I?” Harley smiled, his grin as intimidating as if he were snarling.

  “No, amigo,” Sergio replied quietly.

  “Sergio, have I been kind to you so far?”

  “Yes, amigo, very kind,” Sergio replied. His hands were raised above his head, and I saw him shaking and smiled to myself.

  “Thank you. I like to think I’m a kind man. But here’s the rub, Sergio. If I’m too kind, people do things like this to me, because they think they can get away with it. And I just can’t let that happen.”

  “No, amigo.” Sergio’s face was full of fear, and Harley took full advantage of it, pressing his gun directly into the middle of his forehead. Sweat began to pour down Sergio’s face as he shook his head.

  “No. No is the right answer. Now, the problem, Sergio, is that I like you. I like doing business with you, and I would like to continue to do so.”


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