by Palomino, Honey

  The question was how to get there.


  Two hours and four whiskeys later, I was having the time of my life. I had chosen three different women for private dances, one of which was the blue-haired girl that I had quickly become fond of. Her name was Austin, and she was currently sitting in the booth with Colt and me. Jesse was sitting at a nearby table with another dancer he had been talking to for a while.

  Austin was smart, sexy, and as I found out in one of the private booths about an hour ago, an excellent kisser. Her hands were all over me, as we snuggled up against each other and flirted as the night wore on. Colt didn’t say much, but I could tell he was at least attempting to appear less uptight. And as much as he tried to be discreet about it, I caught his gaze lingering several times on a few of the girls. Instead of making me jealous, it turned me on even more. At least I knew he was human. I wondered if his cock was hard. I would have loved to have reached over to find out for myself, but I knew he would have been less than pleased about that.

  I had to respect that he was trying to do his job. I hadn’t thought about Crazy Jack once all night and I was thankful for that. If Colt hadn’t been there, with his hands folded over his chest ready to strike at any time, then I might have been more worried. But now with my defenses down, I had half a mind to fire him, just so I could discover exactly what was waiting for me in those jeans.

  My respect for him doing a good job was quickly being overridden by my desire to feel him inside of me, and my body was screaming at me to accommodate it.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I said to the very attentive Austin next to me, “how about we continue this party at my hotel room? You can bring a few friends if you want.”

  Austin smiled in agreement.

  “I’d fucking love that! Let me get my things and get dressed. I know just who to bring.” She was wearing the tiniest bra and panties in existence. “I’ll be right back,” she said, pressing against me and kissing me quickly before sliding out of the booth. I watched as she sashayed across the floor, and disappeared into a back room.

  “That’s not going to happen,” Colt said, his voice harsh and firm.

  “Excuse me?” I said, turning back to him.

  “You’re not going to be bringing those girls back to the hotel. They could tell anyone where you are. They’d probably have the name of your hotel tweeted before they even walked in the door. It’s not happening.”

  “Colt,” I said, my voice slurring slightly. “It’s happening. This is what I do.”

  “This is not what you’re going to be doing as long as I’m here to watch over you,” he said.

  “I hired you to be my bodyguard, not my fucking father,” I replied. Fuck him if he thought he was going to get away with telling me what to do! Now he was just pissing me off.

  “Why, Jett? Why do you need to do this? Isn’t your safety more important?”

  “Actually, Colt,” I said, sliding out of the booth, suddenly feeling claustrophobic behind the big mahogany table. “It’s not.”

  Colt stood up, too, his frame towering over me, a hulk of intimidating sexiness.

  “How can you say that, Jett?” His eyes softened, and filled with concern. “Your safety has to come first. Before anything.”

  “Not tonight, Colt,” I replied, knowing I was being stubborn, but at this point, I didn’t care. I knew what I needed, and that was a release. A release that I could only find when I was naked with another human being. I needed connection. However I found that, that was what I needed before this night ended.

  “Tonight, I’m getting laid. I’m sorry if that bothers you. To tell you the truth, I’d much rather be having sex with you, because that’s all I can fucking think about. Just having you around and not being able to touch you, because of some self-imposed ban you’ve decided can’t be broken, is driving me out of my fucking mind, Colt! I can’t take it anymore. And if I can’t fuck you, I’m fucking this girl. I’ll let you be the one to choose!” My voice had risen above the din of the crowd, but I didn’t give a shit. I had had enough. Either Colt was going to give me what I wanted, or I was going to get it somewhere else. It was as simple as that. At least in my drunken haze, it was.

  Colt’s eyes raged as he held my gaze, the boiling anger only adding to my desire. I wanted to sink my fingers in his hair, pull him to me, and feel the searing heat of his lips again. Time seemed to stop, and I felt the crowd watching us, an entire room full of people hanging on to Colt’s next move.

  “Goddammit, Jett!” he roared, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the exit.


  The ride to the hotel was grueling, and thankfully very short. Jesse had jumped in the back of the limo, quickly following behind a very angry Colt as he pulled me in with him. I could have protested, I could have egged him on just a little more, but I was even more intrigued to see exactly what his intentions were.

  When we got to the hotel, we took the private elevator to the penthouse. Colt didn’t say a word until after he opened the penthouse door.

  “Stay here. Let me look around first,” he instructed me. I waited in the hallway with Jesse, the silence between us awkward and hilarious all at the same time. When Colt returned, he handed Jesse a six pack of beer, a bottle of whiskey and a fruit and veggie tray.

  “That’s all that’s in here. Stand guard. Yell if you need me, you hear?” he said to Jesse.

  “You got it, Colt,” Jesse said.

  Colt turned his gaze to me, grabbed my hand once again, and roughly pulled me inside, closing the door after us. I knew he was pissed, and the guilt of being the cause of it seeped through my defenses. I looked at him sheepishly, then looked down at the floor.

  “Colt, I’m sorry, I —,”

  His lips smashed into mine before I even knew he had closed the distance between us. The force of his approach pushed me against the wall, and his body pressed into me, his hands everywhere all at once, his lips kneading into mine, his kiss hot, electric, pulsing and hungry.

  Hungry. Like a starving man, he began to devour my lips, his kisses became savage and searching, his hands pulling at my clothes, pushing at my waist and hips, then pulling me closer, his fingers digging into my flesh.

  “Colt!” I whispered, my lips breaking away, my lungs gasping for air.

  “Shhh…” he said, his lips on my neck, his kisses trailing lower and lower as his arms wrapped around my waist.

  “Colt!” I whispered again. I didn’t know what to say, but I felt like I should say something. I didn’t want him to fuck me out of spite, or anger, or some other fucked up reason. I wanted him to want me, just as much as I wanted him.

  “Don’t,” he grunted, “just stop…” His head dipped down, his kisses hot on the top of my breasts.

  “But Colt, please!” I said, pushing away from him.

  “What, goddammit!?” I looked at him, and everything exploded inside of me. His hair had fallen over one eye, feathering his rugged features, his gaze intense and fiery. His lips were swollen and red, and I had an intense need to lick them.

  “I just…um…you don’t have to do this. If you don’t want to…if you don’t want me…” I couldn’t find the right words. My head was cloudy, the words slurred out of me in a mixture of insecurity and confusion, and I groaned inwardly as I heard my voice.

  But the look in Colt’s eyes told me that I didn’t need to say a word. He grabbed my hand, pushing it down between his legs as he growled at me. The heat of his hardness throbbed in my hand and I licked my lips in desire.

  “There! Does that tell you how much I want you? Fuck, Jett…you kill me. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole fucking life. Do you know how many women I’ve slept with? And with every one of them, do you know who’s face I saw? It’s always been you, Jett. Can’t you see that?”

  My breath caught in my throat, and whatever words I could have used to reply died before they could escape from my lips.

  “No?” he ask
ed, pressing my hand harder against him. “Doesn’t that tell you everything you need to know, goddammit? Isn’t this what you asked for?”

  His eyes flashed with anger, and I whimpered under their assault. They raked over my body, darkening with desire before his mouth caught mine again, the heat of his lips, his hands, his body enveloping me in a thick blanket of passion and yearning.

  “Say it,” he growled, his voice low, his face millimeters from mine.

  “Yes. I, god yes, I —,” his lips were on me again, my words lost in his passionate kiss.

  I melted under his touch, my arms wrapping around him, my mouth opening to his, our tongues twirling together, deeply searching for the closeness we were both so desperate for.

  His hands tucked under my ass, lifting me up, his cock pressing into my center as I wrapped my legs around him. He kissed me harder, his cock almost hurting me as it pressed into my center. I moaned, arching my back and pushing my breasts against him. He shifted his weight, easily lifting me away from the wall and carrying me into the bedroom.

  Without tearing his lips from mine, he placed me on the bed, his heaviness delicious as his kisses turned fiercely rough. And I loved it. I needed it. I was overwhelmed by the need to be as close to him as possible. His skin slid smoothly under my hands, his hair falling into my face as everything outside of our embrace melted away.

  Impatiently, his mouth broke away from mine, and he smiled down at me, his eyes full of purpose and hunger. He pushed my jacket from my shoulders, and pulled my tank top over my head. Smiling up at him, my pussy throbbed in anticipation as he began to unbutton my jeans quickly.

  “Colt,” I began again, but once again he stopped me.

  “Jett. Hush. Listen to me,” he pulled my boots and jeans off quickly, his words slow and methodical in contrast. I watched in awe, his muscles moving under the moonlight streaming in through the window.

  “Tomorrow, we can talk,” he said, as he began undressing. It was like a symphony of flesh began in front of me. His cut fell to the floor first, and his cotton shirt stretched up his torso, as inch by inch of his washboard stomach came into view, followed by the perfect outline of his chiseled chest and shoulders. My eyes followed along his sculpted arm as he flung the shirt to the ground.

  When I looked back, the fire in his eyes raged.

  “But for tonight,” he continued, his fingers deftly working the buttons of his jeans. He slid them down his hips, and along with his boxers, they joined the growing pile on the floor. When he stood up, his arousal was magnificent and undeniable.

  My moan echoed through the room, any words I might have uttered in approval falling away in pitiful inadequacy.

  He reached down into his jeans, fumbling around until I saw the foil packet in his hand.

  “Tonight,” he repeated, sliding on the condom, and slowly crawling towards me, his bare skin sliding against mine in a teasing torturous pleasure. When his lips reached mine again, the brush was teasing, feathery, a quick pause, before he continued, “tonight is for fucking.”

  I whimpered as his lips met mine again, his kiss once again full of fury and passion. I was breathless, my lungs burning as I gasped for air between our lips. His knee nudged my thighs apart and with a quick push upwards, he was inside me, filling me with his hardness as I wrapped my thighs around his thrusting hips, holding onto him tightly, my fingers digging into his back harder and harder with every thrust.

  His breath quickened as he lunged into me, his thrusts turning savage and forceful, his body like a well oiled fucking machine. A fucking machine that I had been dying to get my hands on.

  Over and over, he ravaged me, his groans becoming louder and rougher as he savagely pierced into me, his passion swelling inside my spasming pussy as our bodies intertwined. I clasped onto him, my nails scraping his back in a desperate attempt to hold on to him.

  He lost himself completely in the act, and I opened my eyes for the first time, the need to see his face so overwhelming that I was almost crying out. I searched the darkness for his face, for a chance to peer into the eyes that haunted me for so long. I needed to know that his anger was gone, that his passion was filled with love, not rage. But he turned his face away, and when the faint light fell on his face, I saw that his eyes were closed. He was a man focused on his mission and he was either right here in the moment with me or a million miles away inside of himself.

  When I felt him quicken his pace, his breath turned to a deep, low moan, his strokes shortening, his cock swelling even more inside of me before I felt the short, searing bursts of heat. He threw his head back as he thrust into me harder and harder, spilling me over the edge, my body slamming into him, my pussy spasming around him as all the pain, the stress, the worry, all the evil in the world that was waiting just around the corner for me…it all disappeared.

  The only thing that mattered was in that room.

  The only thing that mattered was that man.

  That delicious, stubborn, handsome man.



  The rain pounded the large floor-to-ceiling window of Jett’s penthouse bedroom, slowly waking me from my dreams. Jett, her legs heavy and tangled with mine. Her head rested on my shoulder, the same place it had been for the last several hours when she had finally fallen asleep after I had eventually found the willpower to remove my insatiable cock from her perfect pussy.

  I had imagined for years what it would be like to sleep with Jett, beginning when I was about thirteen years old, and yet never in my wildest fantasies had I dreamed it would involve strippers, ultimatums and a bodyguard outside the door.

  But it did, and as I lay there listening to Jett’s deep breathing, her hair splayed out across my chest, I stifled a laugh. This wasn’t exactly the kind of story you told your grandchildren, but I knew we would laugh about it for years to come.

  I had tried to resist her, I really had. But her constant teasing, her spectacular curves, the way she brushed her hair out of her eyes, it all just became unbearable. I would have taken her back to the room and devoured her without her silly ultimatum, but when I heard her invite Austin back to the hotel, I knew I couldn’t watch another night of her having sex in front of me without sinking into her myself.

  And I’ll be damned if I was going to share her. No matter how sexy the other woman might be.

  No fucking way.

  And, for fuck’s sake, Jett was on fire standing there yelling at me. A hot mess of passion and desire, her intensity was contagious. My cock had made the decision for me already, and by the time she had finished her little speech, it took all my willpower not to take her right there, and give everyone in the Kit Kat Club a show they would never forget.

  Now that I had her, I wasn’t about to let her go. I wrapped my arms around her tighter, inhaling the flowery scent of her hair. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen when I was a kid, and nothing had changed. If anything, she was even more beautiful. Only now, she was blessed with the addition of sex appeal and talent.

  She was a force all her own, and as I remembered all the events leading up to me being here in the first place, I felt the low grade, constant anger that had plagued me since I arrived begin to return to my consciousness.

  Last night had been a welcome reprieve from that feeling, to say the least. But now, in the early morning rain, the light grey sky slowing filling with light, reality was unfortunately showing its face again.

  I was here to do a job, I couldn’t forget that. Jett was paying me, and Jesse, too, very good money to protect her. Fucking her wasn’t in the agreement, and I needed to stay focused. It was important not to let my emotions get in the way. One moment of letting my guard down could prove disastrous, and that was a mistake I couldn’t afford to make.

  Not when Jett’s life was at stake.

  I smiled as she stirred, and watched her slowly open her eyes and look up at me.

  At first, I wasn’t sure what I saw. It wasn’t what I expected,
that was for sure. It was a mixture of confusion and surprise.

  “Good morning, beautiful,” I said, kissing her despite the look on her face.

  “Um…good morning?” she asked, her lips frozen and not even close to returning my kiss as she had the night before.

  “Yes, it’s morning, Jett,” I replied, reality slowly dawning on me.

  “Um…yeah I guess it is, huh?” she said, slowly inching away from me.

  “You gotta be fucking kidding me,” I said, my voice filling with anger.

  “What?” she asked, her face pale, her eyes filled with apprehension.

  “You don’t fucking remember, do you?” My stomach churned when I realized she didn’t remember a thing about the night before.

  “Well…I…um, shit, Colt. I remember going to the strip club…and um…” her voice trailed off and she looked at me apologetically.

  “Un-fucking-believable,” I groaned, putting my hands over my face.

  “We’re naked, huh?” She peeked under the covers quickly. “Fuck! You’re um…wow. Damn.”

  “Un-fucking-believable!” I repeated. I was pissed, I was hurt, I was bewildered and I felt like a goddamned fool. What was I thinking fucking her in that state anyway? What did I expect?

  I tore the covers away from us, and disentangled myself from her, getting out of bed and throwing my clothes back on. She watched silently for a few seconds before she jumped up and ran to the bathroom quickly. The sounds of her retching were icing on the cake.

  “Fuck this shit,” I said to the empty room as I pulled my cut back on. “What the fuck is wrong with me?” I asked myself as I pushed my feet into my leather boots. “Un-fucking-believable.”


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