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Page 105

by Palomino, Honey

  I searched all day, and once evening began to set in, and I still hadn’t found her, I started to lose hope. Fear began to settle deep into my gut, and although outwardly I tried to stay calm, I was becoming more frantic with each passing hour.

  Rhododendron was part of three sister towns that encompassed Mt. Hood Village, a sprawling forested area that made up a huge portion of the foothills of the mountain. It was all densely forested, with endless roads that branched off the highway into the woods, with even more endless roads branching off of those roads. Some of them seemed to go on forever.

  In the beginning, I had set out to methodically go down each and every one until I had covered every road, every tiny gravel road that disappeared into the woods and not turning around till I had reached a dead end. It was obvious that people were private and kept to themselves here. And the roar of my bike, of Hal’s bike, made it impossible to be inconspicuous.

  Like the rain still pelting me, and the danger I had put myself in weaving in and out of traffic, I just didn’t give a shit. Several people walked out of their cabins when they heard my bike, but once I saw they weren’t Jett, I went on my way, and they eventually went back inside.

  After a while, I lost my patience, and I started following my gut, without any pattern to my searching at all. If I saw a road that looked promising, then I’d go down it. If I didn’t feel it, I’d pass it up. I had gone down road after road after road, and my worry for Jett just kept growing. What if Crazy Jack had found her? What if he followed her? What if she wasn’t there at all and had gone somewhere else? She could have gone anywhere in the world. This cabin had just been a hunch. If I was wrong, I would have wasted precious time looking for her.

  But what if I was right? What if she had headed straight there and Crazy Jack had found her? I didn’t even know what kind of a man we were dealing with, but if he had the strength to take down Jesse, then he wasn’t someone to take lightly.

  There was no way I would be able to survive if he hurt her. Jesse’s dead face flashed in my head, and I felt sick with fear.

  I pulled off another one of the many deserted roads and stopped under some trees for shelter to call Rusty. They had arrived in Portland, and he told me he was handling everything there. He even had Seth doing a little digging, searching records, and trying to find an exact location on the cabin.

  “It just took a little convincing on my part. It’s interesting what people will do when you use a little gentle persuasion,” he said.

  I laughed quietly, thanked him, and after he assured me they would call me with any news, I hung up.

  The sun had set hours ago, and it was pitch black now, the rain soaking everything and creating shiny puddles all over the ground. It was cold, and I wished I was wearing my jacket instead of my vest. The ride up had been brutally cold, and it hadn’t let up a bit. In fact, the rain, the wind, and the cold all seemed to be getting worse as the evening wore on. I hadn’t noticed I was shaking until now. I was soaked through to my underwear.

  And I desperately needed to pee.

  I wandered away from my bike a little, walking down the deserted, rocky road and into the woods a little. As I was zipping up, I looked through the woods to the left. A faint flicker caught my eye, and I saw another cabin through the trees, just like many others I had seen while I had searched all day. Most of these were on leased forest land, and the log cabin look was very popular.

  This one was more secluded than the others, though, being the only one that I could see on this road. Usually, they were clustered together, sharing electricity and water sources.

  I continued walking down the road, my boots waterlogged and sloshing through the rain. The trees whipped around me, their limbs flailing, shedding their sodden leaves. I looked up at the sky, a huge, bright moon clear between the clouds above me, the rain silhouetted against it as it fell out of the sky.

  It was beautiful. I would bet it was even more beautiful when it wasn't raining, and you could actually fucking see more than ten feet in front of you. For the millionth time, I wiped the rain from my eyes as I approached the driveway that led down to the cabin.

  When I saw Jett’s car, I almost jumped with joy.

  Quickly, I remembered Crazy Jack, and I ducked into the trees, and looked around the grounds. Everything seemed peaceful and quiet. There was no sign of another car.

  I walked out of the woods and up to the living room window. A fire flickered in the fireplace, and Jett was sitting in a plaid easy chair next to it, her expression sad and far away as she stared into the flames, a quilted blanket covering her lap.

  My heart soared when I saw she was safe. She looked sad, but she looked peaceful. I almost didn’t want to intrude, but there was no way I was fighting that rain to go back to Portland, and there sure as hell was no way I was ever leaving her alone again. She was just going to have to get used to me being glued to her side.

  I decided to give her just a few more moments alone, and I walked back to retrieve my bike.


  As I roared back down the hill, my headlight lit up the cabin like a spotlight. The front door opened, and Jett ran out. At first she smiled, her eyes full of happiness, but just as quickly, her smile faded, and as she ran to me, she broke down in tears.

  She flung herself into my arms, sobbing harder and harder until she was almost hysterical. I held her close, the rain falling around us, soaking her as much as I already was. She was talking, saying something I couldn’t hear, her words muffled in my chest.

  I pulled her away from me slightly and she looked up at me, her lips spilling out a trail of incoherent pain.

  “I’m so sorry, all my fault, and all those people, and Jesse! Colt, I’m so sorry about Jesse, none of this would have happened, I was just trying to please everyone, I should have stopped long ago, but there’s just so many people, their lives are important too…”

  “Jett!” I yelled, grabbing her flailing hands and gripping them firmly.

  She kept babbling, a stream of hidden pain and torment rushing out like a broken dam of long restrained words.

  My kiss shut her up.

  Her lips were hot, heavy, salty with tears. My mouth engulfed her words, my kisses trying to engulf the pain at the same time.

  Shut up, they said.

  Stop it, they said.

  Be still, they said.

  I pulled away, looking into her eyes, - no, looking into her soul. She was so lost, so far away from what really mattered.

  “Jett, none of that is important.”

  “It is, Colt,” she protested. “They —,”

  “Stop!” I pressed my hand against her chest, leaning into it steadily. “This is what’s important, Jett. This is the only thing that matters. You. Your heart. You, having some semblance of peace and balance. That’s all that matters. Without you, nothing else is real.”

  My lips found hers again, my kiss gentle and probing this time. She let my words sink in, for the first time, really, and she sighed, her shoulders relaxing, her body almost melting under my kiss.

  “You’re all that matters,” I growled, pressing my entire frame into her.

  “And this,” I pulled my hand away from her chest, pressing it between my legs, my hot desire throbbing in her palm. “This matters.”



  Not even this rain can help you, Jett. You let that man touch you again, his filth burning into you, turning you into a whore.

  It’s going to take so much scrubbing, so much boiling water, so many bottles of bleach to cleanse you.

  You dirty, dirty slut.

  How could you do this to me? How could you do this to yourself? Did you think you could escape with this disgusting man? You have a destiny, Jett, and it doesn’t include this parasite of a man.

  I’ll show you a man, Jett. You kiss him like a wanton wench!

  As soon as I’ve bathed you, scrubbed you, I’ll show you how a real man takes you.

p; You almost saw me, didn’t you, my dear? You heard the crunch of my shoes as I watched you collect wood.

  You know I am there, don’t you? You know I wouldn’t just give up on you, an angel like you, a precious, pure light like you! How could I turn my back?

  You just need saving, baby, that’s all.

  My precious, lovely Jett.

  Soon, darling, soon. We are so very close now.



  Hearing Colt’s bike pull up was like hearing a choir of angels singing. My heart jumped in my chest, and I ran outside, barefoot, in the pouring rain.

  I was so happy, but when I saw him, when I saw the look of relief on his face, it made me realize just how much I had worried him, how much I had hurt him. It was all too much to endure and I couldn’t help but break down.

  He was the most amazing man ever. He had every right to hate me for ruining his life, for causing Jesse to die. And yet, when he kissed me, when he said those sweet words of comfort to me, I realized he was right.

  I was what was important. If I wasn’t happy, then none of this was worth it.

  “I love you, Jett,” he said, after carrying me back into the cabin and lying on the braided rug in front of the fire with me. He had undressed, his soaked clothes forming a puddle on the hardwood floor. I was clinging onto him, his kisses like a salve on my soul. “I’ve loved you since we were kids. I’m never going to let anything happen to you, do you understand? I don’t care how long it takes to make sure you’re safe, nobody is ever getting close to you. I promise you that, Jett. With all of my soul, I promise you that I’ll protect you.”

  “I love you, too, Colt,” I said, tears streaming down my face. “I love you so much. I’m just so sorry about everything, and it’s still not over.”

  “Shh!” Gently, he placed a finger over my lips. “I don’t want to think about any of that right now. We’ll deal with it tomorrow. Whatever it is, whatever happens, we’ll deal with it together, baby. Tonight, I just need this. I need you, Jett. I’ve always needed you…” The words faded into the night, and our kisses took over, our hands caressing every inch of each other. He paused to fish a condom out of his wallet, and then his magnificent body hovered over me, entering me swiftly, softly, his strokes gentle and loving at first.

  But I was hungry for him. I was starving. For me, this was the first time. I may not have remembered the night before, but I was certainly going to remember this one. My body took over, my yearning for him pulsing through my soul.

  “Colt, please…,” I murmured between kisses, “I need more, I need your strength…”

  He growled, his cock swelling slightly inside me as his hips began to move faster, answering the need in both of us. He thrust into me harder, deeper, and I opened up to him, raising my hips off the bed to meet his strength with every stroke, until our bodies were moving together in a dance of lust, love, pain and joy all tangled together.

  His tongue delved into my mouth, searching for the same fulfillment I was looking for. And we found it. Right there on that old rug, the warmth from the flames licking our bare skin, our hair still dripping wet from the rain - we found everything we had been searching for.

  Connection. Lust. Fulfillment. And with each thrust of his magnificent cock, complete and utter satisfaction.

  And love.

  Pure, joyful love.

  I realized then that I had never been in love before. My heart had never felt so full, and as we drifted off to sleep hours later, our bodies and hearts satiated, I knew I’d finally found happiness.



  The muffled sound of my phone ringing woke us up. Reluctantly untangling myself from Jett, I jumped up and searched in my still wet jeans for my phone.

  “Rusty!” I answered, suddenly feeling like an asshole for not calling him sooner.

  “Colt, we’ve got a location for you. Seth tracked it down in some old tax files.”

  “I found her, Rusty!”

  “You did? That’s excellent, brother. Is everything okay?”

  “Yes, she’s safe, she’s fine. I’ll be heading back to help you with everything as soon as the sun comes up in the morning.”

  “No, brother, that’s no necessary. You stay there as long as you need to, take a little time to recover. Both of you probably need it. I can take care of things on this end. We’ve already got everything cleaned up and removed. Sam and Seth are still here. They took care of canceling everything, and haven’t uttered a word to anyone about what went down.”

  “Are you sure you don’t need my help, Rusty? This is my mess to clean up.”

  “I’m sure, Colt. You stay there. But be careful, and watch your back, brother. This shit is far from over. And if you need my help, anytime, you call and the club and I will be on our way. Seriously, don’t hesitate to call us.”

  “Rusty, I can’t thank you enough. I love you, man.” My voice was cracking, and the reality of Jesse’s death was beginning to hit me hard. And when something hits me hard, it usually results in a lot of aggression, if not anger. I looked over at Jett smiling patiently at me, completely naked, her long black hair flowing over her bare shoulders, the curves of her breasts calling out for me to touch them, and most of my anger faded away.

  “I love you, too, brother. So does everyone else. Do you want me to turn Sam and Seth loose? I think we’ve impressed upon them the importance of keeping their mouths shut.”

  “Yeah, let them go.” I said. Jett gestured to me, asking to talk to Seth.

  “Hey Rusty, can you give the phone to Seth, brother? Jett wants to talk to him.”

  “Of course, hold on,” he said.

  I listened as Jett told Seth she was taking a much needed break. I was proud of her. She didn’t waste a bunch of time asking permission or explaining herself, she simply stated what she was doing and that was that.

  “Make sure you pay everyone anyway, you understand? I don’t care how much money we lose. We can afford it.” She was firm, and in control, and my cock twitched, coming to life again as I watched her lips moving.

  Impatiently, I took the phone from her and hung it up without letting her say goodbye to Seth. He had enough information from her.

  “Colt!” she playfully admonished me.

  “He knows what to do. The less time you spend talking to him, the better.”

  She laughed, and I pulled her back on the floor with me, rolling her over and kissing her neck. Her moans caused my cock to stand at full attention, and as I nudged her legs apart, and slid smoothly into her once again, she wrapped her thighs around me and raised her curvy hips up to me.

  “I thought you were tired,” she whispered in my ear.

  “I’ll sleep when I’m dead,” I replied, thrusting into her fully, her sweet warmth enveloping every inch of me, pulsing around me, catching my rhythm and dancing with me blissfully.

  “No dying allowed,” she whispered.

  “Only fucking, baby,” I growled back. “And love.”

  She began to laugh, but her laughter quickly turned to whimpers as I fucked into her so hard and so fast, until we were both shuddering and clinging onto each other, lost in the waves of pleasure washing over us as I exploded deep inside of her spasming pussy.



  Colt’s snoring woke me up. I laid there staring at his profile, my fingers lightly tracing the tattoos on his muscular chest, feeling peaceful and awake. Alive.

  It had been a while since I hadn’t woken up with a raging headache and a heart full of regrets about the night before. And it was a far cry from what I had woken up to yesterday.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I had woken up before whoever was sleeping next to me. It was more than quiet, more than peaceful. There was a stillness to the morning, the light barely beginning to break through the clouds, the rain still coming down, but lighter than it was yesterday. It was just a steady stream, the wind was gon
e, and the trees that I could see outside of the window stood tall and still, their leaves dripping water onto the pine needles that blanketed the ground.

  Maybe it was this cabin, this amazing place. I couldn’t hear a thing except the rain and the sounds of the river further down the hill. There were no traffic sounds, no ringing phones, nobody knocking on the door with room service, no Seth, no Sam, nobody invading my space. No stranger that I couldn’t wait to kick out of my room, whose name I either completely forgot or just plain forget to get in the first place.

  This was much better.

  Just me and Colt and a bunch of trees. I could get used to waking up like this.

  Carefully, so that I didn’t wake him up, I untangled myself from him. I had taken a stock of the inventory in the kitchen last night, and I knew there was not much in there except for some instant coffee. I was starving and I figured Colt was too. As soon as he woke up, we could drive into town and get some breakfast. For now, instant coffee would have to do.

  After I made it, I went into the bedroom and got dressed. The sounds of the rushing river had been tempting me, it was my favorite thing about this property. I hadn’t had a chance to visit it yesterday when I’d arrived before night fell, and once Colt had shown up, I spent the night practically dying from pure pleasure in his arms, the river being the last thing on my mind.

  It had been a night I would never forget. I still cursed myself that I couldn’t remember the night before, but at least I had this. It was almost better this way. I hadn’t had a drop to drink yesterday, and every minute detail was etched into my brain. I could still feel his sculpted muscles sliding under my fingers, the feel of his magnificent ass dancing under my hands as he plunged into me, over and over. He was skillful, patient, and savagely uninhibited.

  I felt as if I had finally had a delicious meal after years of starving. And I had. Delicious didn’t even do him justice. His mouth had moved over every inch of my skin throughout the night, his tongue sliding into me as easily as his cock had, smoothly, expertly…he was nothing more than exquisite.


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