Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance

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Expecting The CEO's Baby - The Complete Series: BWWM Interracial Billionaire Pregnancy Romance Page 4

by Mia Caldwell

  However, the raunchy, desire driven side of me, having been awakened by Andrew’s tongue, wanted me to tell him, Forget gentle and slow, let’s do this hard and fast! But I reminded myself that Andrew and I would probably need to do this more than once before I became pregnant. Gentle and slow would do . . . for now.

  I took a deep breath as the tip of his cock edged into me. Though still warm and sticky down there from my orgasm, I spread my legs wider to accommodate him. Andrew moaned and said, “Oh, Ryanna, you’re so tight.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s because I don’t have the much experience.” I said, hating the note of self-consciousness in my voice.

  His eyes, which had been closed, snapped open and looked down at me with a caring tenderness that made me tingle all over, almost to the same degree as when he’d given me head earlier. “You misunderstand me, it’s not a complaint, far from it. I’m loving the way your tight pussy closes around my cock. Just let me know the minute there’s any discomfort or pain.”

  “I will,” I told him, knowing I wouldn’t. As much as I was enjoying our coupling, I still remembered this was a job. We were only together to make a baby, and if a little pain and discomfort went along with it, then so be it.

  As he promised, Andrew went slow, taking his time pulling in and out of me. Eventually, my folds began to open us and take more and more of his cock in. I loved the fullness of him between my legs, and I spread my legs even wider to help him fulfill his earlier promise of getting as deep in me as he could go.

  While I didn’t think we’d get to that point ─ at least not this time! ─ Andrew’s cock sank deep enough where we began to develop a rhythm of his thrusting and my arching to greet his entry. It didn’t take long before the wild heat of a coming orgasm began to spread over my body again.

  I didn’t expect to be back on the brink of ecstasy again so soon because I wanted this round to be strictly about Andrew’s pleasure. However, his groans and cries of “Ryanna” indicated he was getting plenty of satisfaction. There didn’t seem to be any reason why I couldn’t come along for the ride again.

  I trembled as the now familiar warm wetness flooded my core, signaling my orgasm. Andrew must have felt it too because he let out a loud moan and thrust inside me a final time. Hot spurts of cum shot through me, further stoking the flames of bliss that had captured all my senses.

  With a long sigh, Andrew collapsed on the bed, centering himself so that he didn’t put all of his weight on top of me. He held me tightly and didn’t withdraw, probably thinking as I did, that as much of his sperm that remained inside me, the better.

  It took a few minutes before our breathing slowed to the point where we were able to talk. “Maybe it will happen this time and I’ll get pregnant,” I said, hope and optimism clear in my voice.

  Andrew leaned over and gave me a deep kiss. “That would be wonderful. But if it doesn’t, we’ll just keep trying. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?”

  “Not at all.” I snuggled deeper into his arms, hoping that I’d already conceived our child, but looking forward to our future efforts to make sure that I did.




  I awakened to tingling sensations on the back of my neck and in between my legs. A slow smile spread across my lips as I opened my legs wider, giving Andrew greater access to me. His fingers plunged deeper into the folds of my pussy, causing a sticky moistness to form and warmth to spread all over my body.

  “So, Sleeping Beauty is awake,” Andrew mumbled as I threw an arm behind me to caress his neck, something he loved.

  “Who can sleep when you’re doing this to me? What time is it?”

  “Baby making time,” he said, shifting our positions so that I was on top of him.

  A quick glance at the clock on his bedside table showed the time as a quarter to six. Since Andrew usually arrived at the offices of his company, Rutledge Electronics, around seven, that meant we had time to sneak in a quickie.

  He cupped my breasts in his hands as I bent down to kiss him, enjoying the friction created by his cock rubbing against my inner thigh. As his thumbs grazed my nipples, I moaned as they pebbled underneath his touch. Andrew liked making my nipples hard. “They are the female version of an erection,” he explained.

  We’d learned a lot about each other’s intimate likes and dislikes in the last ten weeks since I’d accepted his offer of three million dollars to have his child. Andrew went nuts if I squeezed his ass while he pumped his dick into me. He also liked it if I played with his balls while going down on him, something I did only in preparation for his entering me. While I enjoyed tasting him, his sperm was too valuable to waste by swallowing it. Every bit of his seed needed to go between my legs, at least until I got pregnant.

  While Andrew appeared to have no worries, I’d begun getting a tiny bit nervous about conceiving the child he wanted. Even though we’d been doing it every day since I moved into his mansion, my periods still had come as regular as clockwork. I’d had two already and dreaded the appearance of a third.

  “We’ve only been trying for a couple of months,” Andrew had said last night over dinner. “Stop stressing out about it.”

  But that was easier said than done for me. Maybe it was my science background and training as a chemical engineer, but I expected a certain result after having applied and followed standard procedures. Andrew and I had been having plenty of sex, so why wasn’t I pregnant yet?

  The tightening of Andrew’s grip around my hips forced my thoughts back to our current efforts to have a baby. Actually, not being pregnant yet had some advantages. I loved sex with Andrew and having not yet conceived was the perfect excuse for us to do it as often as possible.

  I slowly lowered myself onto his enormous cock, with my moist folds accommodating his very generous length and girth. Although I should have been more than familiar with his body by now, the fullness of his entering me still took me by surprise. My body continued to tingle with warmth as if it was our first time coming together, instead of the nth time.

  Andrew thrust his hips up to force his cock in deeper. I steadied my hands on his shoulders and undulated my hips, taking more of him in while enhancing my own pleasure.

  “Ryanna,” he moaned as he sat up and smashed my breasts together with his hands. He kissed the nipples crushed in his palms while I rocked faster and faster. I ran out of breath trying to maintain the frenetic pace. Between his thrusts and my bounces, the tingly heat between my legs began to spread over my entire body.

  He lifted his head from my chest to kiss me, our mouths meeting in a collision so hard, my lips bruised. However, I didn’t care. Temporary pain meant nothing as our pace grew more and more frantic in the attempt to reach the height of bliss where a baby, hopefully, would be created.

  “You’re so fucking incredible,” he muttered as he entwined one hand in my hair while the other gripped my waist. “It’s never been like this for me with anyone else.”

  “Me neither,” I panted. I’d slept with only one other guy before Andrew and it had been a very disappointing experience. Even though I might not have had many lovers by which to judge, I still knew what Andrew and I had was special. I didn’t even want to think about what would happen to the two of us after I got pregnant, had the baby, and we went our separate ways. Andrew had agreed I could be part of the child’s life and we could co-parent. However, that didn’t necessarily mean our intimate, physical relationship would continue.

  I made myself refocus on the here and now. With Andrew’s cock buried deep inside me at the present, that’s all that mattered. I became dizzy as I grew closer to my release, ready to topple over the cliff into paradise.

  The tip of Andrew’s cock swiped past my tender bud once, twice, and on the third pass by, a white hot heat overtook me as I tightened my arms around his shoulders and snuggled my head into his neck. I saw stars as a moist, sticky wetness warmed my crotch.

  Shortly after, Andrew groaned
and thrust up into me a final time, shooting spurt after spurt of his cum into my core. We clung to each other, not only to capture the warmth our passion generated, but to ensure every drop of his seed remained in me.

  Only after my panting subsided and my breathing returned to normal did I lift my head up to look Andrew in the eye. I placed a light kiss on his lips and told him, “I think this time may have been it.”

  “You think so?” He smiled, showing off his incredibly even white teeth. I hoped our baby inherited his dentistry.

  “Okay, I know I saw that almost after every time we do it but I think this time might really be it!”

  Andrew tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and kissed me back, but deeper than the kiss I’d given him. “I wish you wouldn’t worry about it so much. Have you considered maybe that could be harming our chances?”

  “Perhaps. But if we went to a doctor together, then we could find out for sure.”

  Andrew frowned and shook his head. “I told you that discretion and confidentiality were of the utmost importance with regards to our arrangement.”

  “But doctor-patient guidelines are very strict. No one but the two of us would know because the doctor wouldn’t be allowed to discuss out situation with anyone.”

  His face hardened. “Ryanna, I’m afraid I’m going to have to insist we keep this between us and leave doctors out of it for now. I’m at a very delicate place with the board of directors of my company. I want to broaden Rutledge Electronics’ horizons and expand into different areas while the majority of the board wants the company’s focus to remain on electronics.”

  “But what does that have to do with our seeing a fertility doctor?”

  “If some members of the board knew about our arrangement, they’d use it to question my judgment and force me out of my own company. I can’t risk a doctor I don’t know saying the wrong thing to the wrong person. Doctor-patient confidentiality isn’t as strong as you think it is.”

  I wrinkled my nose in skepticism as Andrew continued. “I’m serious, Ryanna. A man I respect very much, the CEO of an auto manufacturing plant, was forced to resign after word leaked to the press that he was being treated for stomach cancer.”

  “That’s awful, making someone quit because they got sick. As long as your friend could still perform his duties, he should have been allowed to remain on the job.”

  “Business gets very cutthroat at this level.” Andrew shrugged. “With the company’s earnings not meeting analysts’ expectations last quarter, there have been a few rumblings that perhaps I should step down and someone else take over. Discovery of our arrangement would only add fuel to that fire.”

  “I understand,” I said, disentangling myself from him. “You’ve made clear from the start how important secrecy is. I guess I’m just a little anxious about getting pregnant and making sure we’re able to do so. What if it turns out I’m allergic to you and that your sperm has been avoiding my eggs all this time?”

  Andrew laughed and took me in his arms again, reclining so that we were both lying down on the bed. “I highly doubt we’re allergic to each other. If nothing else, the last couple of months have shown we’re very compatible with each other.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” I told him, though I could hear the doubt in my voice.

  “I know I am.” He kissed my forehead. “Trust me, if I had any doubts, I’d take us to the best doctor as soon as possible. But I think all we need is time.”

  But we don’t have time, I wanted to point out. Our agreement called for me to conceive within twelve months, and two of them had already passed.

  What he said next alarmed me further. “I just got word I need to go on a business trip to Silicon Valley. I leave the day after tomorrow and will be gone for three or four days.”

  Gone for three or four days? Andrew and I hadn’t spent a day apart since I moved into his mansion. We hadn’t spent a night apart either. Though he set aside and specially decorated a suite of rooms for me, I spent most of my time in Andrew’s bedroom or keeping him company in his office after he came home from work. I hadn’t anticipated growing as close to him as I had. His going across the country for three or four days bothered me more than I cared to admit.

  As if he sensed this, Andrew kissed my forehead and said, “I’m going to miss you. It will be the first time we’ve been separated since you moved in. I’d take you with me but you’d be bored and I don’t want anyone prying into my personal life. Silicon Valley is a fishbowl like no other.”

  “I don’t mind staying here, although I’m sorry to lose three or four baby-making days.”

  “Then we’ll have to do our best to make up for the loss before I leave, won’t we?”

  “Yes, we will.” I smiled and opened up my arms to Andrew as he moved on top of me, settling in between my legs. We began rocking together once again, and I mentally crossed my fingers that his absence while on the business trip wouldn’t adversely affect our efforts to conceive as much as I feared they would.


  I watched as Natalie executed a perfect swan dive from the diving board into Andrew’s Olympic size swimming pool. When she came up for air, I held up both my hands with my fingers spread. “Perfect ten,” I shouted.

  She swam to where I sat at the edge of the pool, dangling my legs in the water. “I can’t believe this is your first time trying out the pool.”

  “What can I say? I’m not a swimmer.”

  “And the tennis court? You and Andrew have never played a set?” She gestured in the direction of the court which we’d passed on our way to the pool.

  “How am I going to play tennis when Andrew works so much? And when he is here, we’re, um, busy doing other things.”

  “Yeah, I can imagine.” Natalie rolled her eyes as she propelled herself up out of the pool.

  “Well, that is what I’m here for,” I told her as she toweled herself off. “Andrew is paying me to have his baby, not act like I’m at a spa by swimming and playing tennis all day.”

  “What do you do while he’s at work? Don’t you get bored?”

  “Not really,” I told her in all honesty. “I spend most of my time researching pregnancy and parenting. Since I didn’t anticipate either one happening to me this soon, I’ve had a lot of catching up to do.”

  “So you pretty much spend all your days on the computer?”

  “No, I explore the grounds too. This place is so huge, I’ve been here almost three months and still haven’t seen it all. There are even stables on the grounds, but Andrew said he wanted to be the one to introduce me to his horses when he gets back for California.”

  “Wow, Ryanna, you’ve really got it all.”

  “No, I don’t,” I said, taken a little aback by the bitterness in Natalie’s tone. “You, better than anyone, know this is all temporary. I’m only here because that’s what Andrew wants.”

  “From what you tell me, sounds like you’ll be here permanently. If you and Andrew are getting as close as you say, there’s no way he’ll make you leave once the baby arrives. You might as well start considering this your home.”

  Deep down, I hoped things would turn out exactly like that, but I didn’t want to get my hopes up. Nor did I want to admit as much to Natalie, not with her sounding almost angry at the possibility.

  “I need to get going.” She turned and walked back to the pool house, where she’d stored her clothes.

  Stunned by her abrupt departure, I had to run to catch up to her. “Wait, I thought you were going to stay for lunch.”

  “What are we having? Lobster, champagne, and caviar?”

  “Roast chicken and Caesar salad.” We’d arrived at the pool house, but I stood in front of the door to block her from entering. “What is going on? Why are you being so nasty all of a sudden?”

  Natalie glared at me before her face crumpled and she burst into tears. “I’m sorry, Ryanna. My luck’s been really shitty lately, and I don’t mean to take it out on you.”
/>   I opened the pool house door and let her get a tissue and dry her eyes before asking, “What do you mean by shitty luck? What’s been happening?”

  She sighed and collapsed onto a small sofa while I sat in the chair opposite. “I had a roommate lined up to take over your half of the lease, but that fell through at the last minute. She got engaged and she’s moving in with her boyfriend.”

  “That sucks.” I reached over and squeezed her hand. “I’ll keep paying my half of the rent until you get a new roommate. I know I left you in the lurch moving out with practically no notice.”

  Natalie managed a small smile. “Thanks, it will help out. I’m really strapped for cash right now.”

  “Strapped for cash? What about your job at the bank? I thought the main reason you’d wanted to work there was because you’d be making so much money.”

  She let out a huge sigh and her eyes filled with tears again. “The big money doesn’t start until you get out of the training program and I may not make it until then. Things aren’t going well at the bank. Becoming a financial advisor is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be.”

  Natalie was a math and numbers whiz, so hearing she was struggling at the bank surprised me. I listened as she continued, “I got sick with the flu in the second week of the program and have been playing catch up ever since. We’re quizzed nearly every day and I don’t think I’ve passed a single one. There’s almost no chance I’ll pass the exams to become a financial advisor and that means I won’t be offered a job at the bank.”

  “Wait, I thought you already worked at the bank.”

  “I do, but a permanent position at the bank is contingent on ‘satisfactory completion of the training courses.’” Natalie made air quotes with her fingers.

  “There’s got to be something you can do. Did you talk to your boss or your instructor about why you’ve been having trouble? Maybe they’ll let you retake some of the quizzes since you were sick and give you more time to prepare for the financial advisor exams.”


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