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Make Me Yours (Bayshore Book 3)

Page 12

by Ember Leigh

  Because he’s right. It’s beyond decided. I’m erasing the professional line for one night.


  His lips are softer, the kisses needier and hotter, than I could have ever fucking imagined. I wrap my arms around his neck as one kiss bleeds into a second. A second bleeds into a million. We are making out hot and heavy on the sidewalk, in plain sight, and I can’t force myself to care. Not even when a moan bleeds out of me and into the night.

  His tongue pushes into my mouth, and I wilt against him, fisting the front of his gray button-up. My fingers drift toward the exposed patch of hair that has been teasing me all night, slipping beneath the starchy fabric until I find the heat of his skin. A chill races through me, and a triumphant sense of relief fills my limbs. Finally.

  Because for how wrong this is, it feels too right.

  We kiss until he finally breaks for air, looking up and down the sidewalk. When he assesses me next, his eyes are hooded, lust shining in his icy blue gaze.

  “So,” he says, his voice husky, “are you seduced?”

  I shake my head vigorously, my lips buzzing. “Unclear still. I think you need to expound a bit more on what would happen after the kiss.”

  A shit-eating grin stretches from ear to ear. His big palms make a hot trek down the small of my back and over the curve of my ass. Something primal slides over his face as he grabs my ass cheeks in each hand.

  “Once I kissed you until your lips go numb, I’d take you upstairs to your cute little apartment.”

  “How do you know it’s cute?”

  He smirks. “Because it’s your apartment, so it can only be cute.”

  His comment makes warmth trickle through me, though I’m not sure why. “Smart man. Go on.”

  “And once we get upstairs, then I’d lay you out on the nearest flat surface. Doesn’t matter what it is. Kitchen countertop works just as well as a bed. And I’d start taking every piece of clothing off your gorgeous body.”

  My vision goes cloudy for a moment as he gives my ass another healthy squeeze.

  “And then,” he continues, “I’d kiss every inch of you. Starting with the tips of your perfect breasts, all the way down over your belly, until my lips found your dripping…juicy…pussy.”

  My eyes flutter shut, and I wilt again. It’s too much. I can’t take it. I want him so badly that my brain is dissolving. I’ll have to donate my sexually crippled body to science, so they can study the ways in which my Dom-inspired libido caused my demise. His arms go tight around me.

  “I’d kiss your clit until you come. Then I’d fuck you with my tongue until you come a second time. And then I’d ease myself inside you so slowly that you come a third time before I’d even buried myself inside of you.”

  I gasp without meaning to, my eyes shooting open. Dom is watching me with the satisfaction of an expert seducer who knows that he’s not only hit his mark, he’s reduced his target to a willing puddle of goo.

  “Now tell me, London,” he says, his deep voice scraping through me, “are you seduced?”

  “Oh god,” I pant, squeezing my thighs together. I don’t even know if I have it in me to lie. “I—”

  “What if I were to slip my hand underneath this skirt,” he growls, his fingertips trailing up the side of my hip, “and push a finger beneath your panties? What would I find?”

  I swallow hard, hardly able to form thoughts anymore, much less words. My panties are a sopping mess, and I need this man more than I’ve needed anything else in my entire life.

  “London,” he prompts, when I’ve taken too long.

  “You would find,” I force out, my voice husky and foreign to my own ears, “the wettest, most willing, most seduced vagina of your medical career.”

  A laugh escapes him, and he looks so boyish and joyful in that moment that I think I’m not just horny anymore, I’m actually in love. He grabs my hand and pulls me into a quick walk beside him.

  “Do you have your key?”

  “Of course I do.” I pat the front of my body, forgetting where I put my purse. Where my keys are stored. What my fucking name is.

  “Get it out. Because I can’t wait another second to get you laid out and screaming my name.”

  Heat shudders down my spine. Like hearing that is supposed to help me think clearly.

  Dom smiles over his shoulder at me, equal parts mischievous and tender. The type of lusty look that washes over a woman and makes every inch of her feel alive and desired.

  This is the sort of thing I could get used to.

  Except I could never get used to it with Dom.

  Because this attraction we’re diving into can only last for tonight.

  Chapter 14


  I lead Dom through my dark office and toward the back hallway like we’re thieves heading for the getaway car. Our footsteps clang up the back steps to my apartment. Once I push past my heavy front door, Dom is all over me. He cups my face in his big, warm hands, his lips gliding over mine like it’s been years apart from me instead of minutes.

  We bump and thud our way down the hallway, me halfway guiding him through my apartment, halfway blind and useless from the mind-numbing kisses. I should give him a tour, but how can I concentrate on anything while he’s got his mouth against mine? When there’s a pause, I manage to say, “Here.”

  He breaks apart long enough to smirk. “Yes. We’re here.” He looks around, nods, and adds, “Yeah, this is totally cute.”

  I’m glad he notices. I put effort into my new home. But now’s not the time to talk about my interior decorating choices or the extra fluffy rug I just couldn’t say no to at Target. I tug at the lapel of his coat, urging his mouth back toward mine. He gladly resumes kissing me, shrugging his coat off at the same time. Once the heavy wool crumples to the floor, he begins easing me out of my own jacket, without missing even one French kiss.

  And lord, how I needed this. The strong, measured movements of a man rocked mindless with desire for me. How long has it been since I’ve felt this? I can’t even remember. Possibly never, if I’m being honest.

  Dom has desire written all over him. In his quiet push to speed things along, in the growls that escape him as he tugs at my bottom lip with his teeth. And damn, it feels good to relish this sizzling attraction for a night. A woman should explore a connection like this at least once in her lifetime.

  I’m full of rationalizations now that it’s happening. Because there’s no way in hell I’m letting this stop.

  Dom peels my coat off and drops it to the floor. He breaks for air, looking around long enough to set his sights on something. “Here we go.”

  He hoists me then, slinging me over his shoulder like I’m a rag doll. I giggle, kicking my feet. His hot palm glides over my ass and down my skirt until his fingertips scorch over my bare calf. He removes one heel—it drops to the floor with a thud—and the other. He sets me down on my square black dining room table, and the evil glint in his eye tells me exactly what comes next.

  “Nearest flat surface?”

  “Mm-hmm.” His eyes are hooded as he unzips my skirt and starts easing it over my hips.

  “You know, my bed is right over there.”

  “We’ll get there. Don’t worry.”

  Every inch of my body is tight and expectant as he tugs the skirt over my ankles. His gaze lands on my sheer black panties, nearly setting fire to the fabric. And then he presses his lips to the inside of my knee. Coaxing my legs wider, seeking a path up the inside of my thigh. My fingernails curl against the table, my lower belly taut as his head creeps closer to my pussy. The barely-there scruff of his face stubbles against the sensitive flesh of my inner thigh. When he reaches the seam of my groin, his breath coming out hot against the crotch of my panties, I’m a fucking mess. And he hasn’t even properly touched me yet.

  “Dom,” I whisper, my voice hoarse.

  “London.” He drags his teeth over the crotch of my panties, which have to be embarrassingly damp. Like,
just-throw-them-in-the-trash-already soaked. My legs are trembling. If he breathes right against me, I might come.

  “Do you want me to keep going?” he asks, his voice like rough velvet. He nuzzles my inner thigh, which makes my entire body jolt.

  “Oh, God, yes,” I moan, firming my palms against the table. He grips me by the hips, jerking me closer to the edge of the dining room table. My knees bend, heels dug into the edge of the table. With the way he’s crouched in front of me, we look like he’s doing a back alley gynecological exam. A laugh rockets out of me, and he sends me a quizzical look as he hooks his fingers under my panties.

  “Miss London. What is so funny?”

  “This is like, getting back to your first love, right?” I can barely form words, much less make sense right now. Not with all this unbridled lust streaking through me. “Back when you wanted to be an OB-GYN.”

  He chuckles, sliding my panties down my legs. They drop to the floor a moment later, and his heated gaze finds the crease of my pussy.

  “I can’t respect the doctor-patient boundaries when your legs are spread like this,” he says, palming the thick ridge tenting his charcoal gray dress slacks. He wets his bottom lip, shaking his head. “Good thing you never showed up during the one week I shadowed that GYN.”

  I giggle as he presses kisses along my inner thigh again, heading for the dripping core of me. “So no examination today.”

  He grunts, his mouth stopping at my mons. He drags his chin over the tightly trimmed hair there. “Oh, I’ll be examining. Just not medically.”

  A shiver of anticipation races through me. I’ve never hooked up with a doctor before, and I didn’t realize it would be this much fun…and a turn-on.

  My thoughts dissolve when his crushed velvet lips press to the lowest point of my mons, and then his thumbs are spreading me open, apart, baring all for him to see. But I don’t flinch. I don’t even mind that he’s opening me up and looking at my most intimate parts. Because there’s hunger in his gaze. He’s ravenous, and the meal of his life is right in front of him.

  Dom covers my clit with his plump lips, pressing slow, lazy kisses to my needy nub. A strangled moan escapes me immediately. It’s exactly what I need, but I need so much more of it. His lips close around my clit again, and he sucks. And as he does, he eases one knobby finger inside me. My pussy makes a juicy sound as he sinks his finger inside me, and then a second one.

  “Ohh, my god.” I sink back onto my elbows, unable to keep myself up on my palms. My thighs are shaking as his tongue takes another lazy pass over my clit. A noise I’ve never made before slips out of me. Something between a grunt and a hyena laugh and a sob. It’s unattractive, but I can’t even care.

  “Jesus, you feel amazing.” He pushes his fingers into me, swiping his tongue back and forth over my clit. I sink all the back onto the table. I’m done. He’ll have to collect me here later. “How are you so fucking juicy?” He slurps at me, his thick fingers pumping in and out of my dripping slit. My legs are totally splayed open. He runs his teeth along the stiff bud of my clit, and I cry out.

  “Dom!” I reach for something, anything, and my fingers connect with his thick head of hair. My thighs go around his head, because he should absolutely never leave this spot.

  He says something, but it’s muffled between my legs. It doesn’t matter. Not when he’s creating these sensations in my limbs. Making me useless and dumb with bliss.

  He sucks at my clit again just as he fills me again with his thick fingers. The delirious combination sends me over the edge in a free-fall. Fireworks explode behind my eyelids, and I’m screaming, unable to control it or stop it or do anything other than ride this orgasmic wave.

  My pussy pulses while he continues dragging his tongue back and forth over my clit, the evilest glint in his eyes. He groans, gravelly and low, nuzzling the crease of my thigh. “Fuck, London.”

  “What…What’s wrong?” My chest is heaving. Having an explosive orgasm is tough work.

  “Change of plans.” He stands up, the tenting in his pants even more impressive than before. His belt buckle clanks as he undoes it, and then his pants whoomp to the ground. His deft fingers make quick work of his button-up, and then the fabric falls away, revealing his abs the color of steamed milk, and that delectable tiny forest of chest hair.

  I reach for him, because I fucking need him on top of me, filling me, consuming me. He knows what I need because he scoops my ass cheeks into his hands and brings our groins crashing together. His cock slides hot against my primed and dripping pussy. He groans, his hips rocking in a slow circle.

  “I wanted to eat you out until you came three times and then fuck you mindless,” he says, voice gritty. “But I’m impatient. I need you wrapped around me, London.” He thrusts, his swollen cockhead nudging my clit. “Right fucking now.”

  “You are such an overachiever,” I tease, but my voice comes out weak. He’s drained me of most of my energy, and he’s about to drain what little remains. “And I’m not complaining.”

  He grunts in response, working his jaw back and forth. “I don’t have any condoms.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. Oh, right. That little detail. “I don’t have any either.”

  He keeps my pussy pinned against the nuclear heat of his cock. I can’t keep myself from bucking against him.

  “I’m on birth control though,” I offer.

  His tongue traces the outline of his lower lip. “You don’t mind?”

  “I’m not gonna lie, going bareback on the first date isn’t exactly my style,” I say, my voice sounding flimsy and distant. “But I’m so down if you are.”

  He sets his jaw, surging forward to capture my lips in a kiss. That’s the final confirmation. The password to allow the next span of time to unfold. While I’m lip-locked and lost in the heady scent of man and cedar and sweat, Dom hoists my hips. With the backs of my knees hooked over his wrists, he is part stirrups, part Kama Sutra. He is the sexy union of clinical doctor and sex god.

  Then he’s easing himself into me, throbbing hot and iron hard. My mouth parts and everything inside my body goes bright and loud. The unsheathed feel of him is raw and naughty and too fucking right. Too fucking real. My fingernails sink into the ropy muscle of his sides, searching for a place to anchor while he buries himself.

  Once he’s claimed every inch inside me, Dom scoops me up into his arms and kisses me. Not distractedly, or hurriedly, or as an after-thought. He kisses me, thorough and deep and passionate. That alone combined with the throbbing steel inside me brings me perilously close to the edge. Because despite the fact that we’re breaking the rules tonight, I have a too-soft spot in my heart for this man.

  Because Dom, for all his assholishness and lack of sentimentality and fractured family dynamics, is the man I want. There’s something so tender and wild that pulses between us, and the truth of it is unavoidable now that he’s buried balls deep in me.

  And what do you know? The overachiever is right.

  Just from easing himself inside of me and kissing me like no one else pushes me over the edge into another orgasm.

  Dom simply holds me and smiles through the kiss.

  Chapter 15


  I’ve never been this turned on in my entire life. Every muscle in my body is demanding release into the silk wonderland that is London’s pussy.

  But I want this to last. I’d draw it out for a year if my dick would let me. If we wouldn’t be driven mad by peripheral needs like eating and showering.

  London comes for a second time, her pussy quaking and quivering around my cock as she does. It takes all my strength not to join her. Because I’m in my mid-thirties, dammit. I’m not a high schooler who comes within the first three minutes.

  But it’s been awhile, and I wasn’t expecting to get this far tonight. My dirtiest fantasies have come true. But they’re even better than I imagined.

  I scoop my arms underneath her and bring her body crashing against mine. She’s a l
imp noodle. Wrung out with satisfaction. Her arms flop around my neck as I hoist her, my cock still buried in her.

  “Where are we going?” she murmurs.

  “To your bed.” I measure my steps, trying not to stumble while her weight is pooled on top of my cock. A grunt escapes me as I head toward a partition in the studio apartment. Just behind the elaborate woven wall, a perfectly made king bed awaits, topped with a white down comforter and about thirty teal and pink throw pillows.

  She laughs as I ease down onto the bed, my forearms shaking as I lower her weight without breaking the seal of our bodies.

  “This is why you work out, huh?” she teases.

  The air slides out of me as I fill the space between her legs, this time on a much comfier surface. “The one and only reason.”

  She tosses her head back and laughs, and I seize the opportunity to bury my face in the hollow of her neck. The floral and amber scent shoots through me like a drug. I press my lips to her collarbone and she writhes beneath me, languid and loving it. I dip down and take a pebbled nipple between my lips, which causes a gasp to slice through the air. She arches her back.

  “Jesus, Dom,” she cries out. “Do you ever stop making me feel amazing things?”

  That’s the feedback I like to get. “Stopping wasn’t part of the seduction plan.” I swipe my tongue across her nipple, then switch to the other side. Her thighs squeeze around my waist, the most delicious pressure. I want to be buried between her legs for as long as humanly possible.

  “So we’ll be fucking until daybreak?”

  “I’ll fuck you until my dick falls off,” I tease, pressing kisses to her jawline. Her body rocks with laughter.

  “‘Dick falling off’ isn’t usually a selling point,” she says, “except in this instance.”

  My laughter turns into a groan as I pump in and out of her. Her breathy panting dials me up to level ten horniness. Hell, it’s practically hypnotization. I could be in the middle of a catheterization and if London showed up, sounding like this, I’d drop trou immediately. It’s dangerous, really.


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