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Navy Seals

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by Couch, Dick

  Meet the Press (TV show): and Vessey comments about Grenada invasion, 146

  Mekong Delta (Vietnam): SEALs raid on POW camp in, 85

  Mess, Walter L., 32–33

  Middle East

  terrorism in, 150

  See also specific incident or nation

  Midway, Battle of, 19

  Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV), 90–91

  military, U.S.

  influence of Grenada invasion on, 138

  See also specific branch

  Mina Saud beach assault (First Gulf War), 160–64

  Missouri, USS (battleship), 43

  Mobile Support Teams (MSTs): in Vietnam War, 98

  Mogadishu, Battle of, 165–68

  Monsoor, Mike, 242–43, 244, 245

  Montgomery, Tom, 165

  Moore, Howard, 21

  Morris, Stephen, 142

  MSSC (Medium SEALs Support Craft), 81, 84, 86, 88

  Mugniyah, Imad, 170–71

  Mukarayin hydroelectric dam (Iraq), 219

  multi-unit, multi-service operations, 203

  Murphy, Daniel, 259–60

  Murphy, Michael P., 127, 259–60

  MV Maersk Alabama (merchant ship): Phillips rescue from, 248–49

  “naked warrior”

  UDT operator as, 18–19, 93

  and Vietnam SEALs, 93

  Natter, Bob, 88–89, 101, 102

  Naval Academy, U.S., 20, 78, 89, 116, 162, 176, 189

  Naval Combat Demolition Unit (NCDU)

  as ancestors of Navy SEALs, 15, 20n, 29, 45, 256

  awards and honors for, 14

  characteristics of, 28–29

  culture of, 29–30

  equipment for members of, 3, 6, 14–15

  mission of, 21

  on Omaha Beach (June 6, 1944), 1–15

  training of, 3, 21, 23, 28–29

  Naval Combat Demolition Unit (NCDU)-30, 3

  Naval Compat Demolition Unit (NCDU)-42, 4

  Naval Demolition Project: as ancestor of Navy SEALs, 20n

  “Naval Guerrilla/Counter-guerrilla Warfare” plan, 66

  The Naval Institute: Proceedings, 116

  Naval Operations Support Group, Pacific, 8

  Naval Special Warfare Command

  in Afghanistan, 248

  Bonelli as Force Commander for, 263, 265

  budget for, 139

  CQD training and, 174

  evolution of, 50

  and First Gulf War, 164

  Fort Rosecrans Cemetery ceremony and, 255

  and Gentner “Naval Guerrilla/Counter-guerrilla Warfare” plan, 66

  Group One, 8, 189, 204

  Group Three, 161

  hallmarks of, 258

  and Hollywood films about UDTs/SEALs, 139–40

  in Iraq, 207

  Lyons lectures about history of, 58

  mission of, 256

  Panama operation and, 158–59

  and “plank-owners,” 67

  reserve component of, 265

  SEALs deployment with, 185

  See also specific unit

  Naval Special Warfare Development Group, 248

  Naval Special Warfare Task Group, Central, 163

  Navy, British Royal, 20, 50

  Navy Cross, 8, 9n, 26, 27, 44, 156–57, 187, 188, 205

  Navy SEAL Foundation, 268

  Navy SEALs Museum (Fort Pierce, Florida), 14, 15, 119

  Navy SEALs, U.S.

  ancestor-legacy of, 8, 15, 20n, 29, 44–45, 256

  appearance of, 79–80, 93

  attrition rate for, 68

  “best practices” of, 165

  bounties for killing, 120

  characteristics of, 164–65, 185–86, 191, 250, 258, 259–60, 261, 266–67

  CIA and, 31, 90

  culture of, 30, 90, 91–92, 118–19

  decrease in number of, 116–17

  equipment for, 15, 70, 80, 93, 126, 129, 133, 139, 140, 141

  flexibility of, 164–65, 185–86, 191, 250, 258

  force size of, 117

  founding of, 61, 63–65, 69, 71, 256

  fundamentals and core competencies of, 258

  funding for, 116–17, 139

  funerals of, 260–61

  future of, 261

  and Gentner “Naval Guerrilla/Counter-guerrilla Warfare” plan, 66

  image of, 139–40, 164–65, 248, 266

  impact of missions on individual, 257–58

  importance of, 261

  influence of Grenada invasion on, 138

  influence of Vietnam War on, 117–20

  as jungle fighters, 116

  lessons learned by, 148, 154, 164, 265

  mission of, 67

  mixing units of, 140–41

  motivation of, 258–59

  Omaha Beach as milestone in prehistory of, 2–3

  OSS Maritime Unit influence on, 31–32

  physical characteristics of, 68

  as “plank-owners,” 67

  popularity of, 252

  professionalism of, 159, 164–65, 248, 266

  Navy SEALs, U.S. (cont.)

  publicity about, 246–48, 249, 257

  relationship with regular Navy of, 91–92

  reputation of, 120, 140, 260

  secrecy about, 44–45, 91–92, 246

  selection of men for, 67

  self-image of, 148

  successes and failures of, 257

  “swim buddies” as core unit of, 24–25

  toolkits of, 31–32, 247

  transition from UDTs to, 64–66

  Trident of, 260–61, 266–67

  as unconventional, 92, 116, 120

  wives and families of, 267–68

  Navy, South Vietnamese, 111

  Navy, U.S.

  as advisor to Vietnamese, 110–11

  in Afghanistan, 187, 189, 195

  “best practices” of, 165

  as Brown Water Navy, 110, 118

  and Grenada invasion, 140

  Kennedy’s orders to, 256

  and oil embargo on Saddam Hussein, 171–74

  SEALs relationship with, 91–92

  and SEALs under SOCOM, 257

  secrecy about units in, 246

  and small-scale warfare, 65–66

  in Vietnam, 94

  and views about SEALs, 92

  worst losses in World War II for, 42–43

  See also specific person, unit, or topic

  Navy, Vietnamese, 111

  neoprene cement, 29

  New York Times, 168

  Newman, Richard J., 168

  Newsweek magazine, 161

  Nha Trang Bay operations (Vietnam War), 105–6

  96th Division, U.S. Army, 38

  Nixon, Richard, 106, 107, 113

  Norgrove, Linda, 248

  Noriega, Manuel, 150–51, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160

  Norris, Thomas, 106–13

  North Africa: and Operation TORCH, 9n

  Northern Alliance fighters: in Afghanistan, 187–88, 189

  NSW Family Foundation, 268

  nuclear weapons, 65

  Nung tribesmen (Vietnam War), 99

  Nurse Corps, U.S. Navy, 212–13

  Obama, Barack, 247, 249, 252, 254

  Oceanside, California: UDT training at, 43

  O’Donnell, Patrick K., 32

  Office of Strategic Services (OSS): Maritime Unit/Operational Swimmers of, 20n, 31–33, 45, 56, 256

  officers, SEAL: relationship between enlisted men and, 22–23, 29

  oil-for-food program, UN, 210

  oil, Iraqi, 171–81, 207–19

  Okinawa: UDT operations on, 38–43, 44, 47

  Olson, Eric T., 67

  Olson, Norman, 259

  Omaha Beach (June 6, 1944)

  casualties on, 13

  friendly fire on, 12–13

  as milestone in prehistory of U.S. Navy SEALs, 2–3

  mission of NCDU on, 1, 2, 4

  NCDU on, 1–15, 38
r />   Sherman tanks on, 8–9

  U.S. forces at, 4

  146th Engineer Combat Battalion, U.S. Army, 4

  160th Special Operations Aviation Squadron, U.S. Army “Nightstalkers,” 83, 250

  175th Naval Combat Demolition Unit (NCDU), 1

  Operation Anaconda (Afghanistan), 204–6

  Operation Assured Response (Liberia, 1996), 137

  Operation Chromite (Korean War), 52

  Operation FISHNET (SEANET) (Korean War), 55

  Operation Flintlock (World War II), 24

  Operation Just Cause (Panama), 153

  Operation Mongoose (Cuban operation), 61–62, 63

  Operation Neptune Spear (bin Laden operation), 249–52

  Operation Red Wings (Afghanistan), 127, 238, 259

  Operation Thunderhead (Vietnam War), 114–16, 141

  Operation TORCH (World War II), 9n

  Operation Urgent Fury (Grenada), 140, 147

  Operations Plan 34 (OP-34A) (Vietnam War), 90

  Osman, Chris, 183–84

  OSS Maritime Units, 20n, 31–33, 45, 56, 256

  OV-10 (Navy Black Ponies) aircraft, in Vietnam War, 101

  Pacific Command, U.S.

  and creation of SOCOM, 256

  NCDUS in, 21

  OSS Maritime Unit in, 32–33

  SEALs under command of, 186

  in World War II, 16–45

  See also specific location

  Pacific Fleet, U.S., 114

  packing slip, mine (Korean War), 57

  Paitilla Airfield operation (Panama), 155–58, 159


  killing of bin Laden in, 249–52

  nuclear warheads in, 247

  and Shawar Kili cave complex, 190, 191, 201

  Palacios, Alfred, 11–12


  casualties in, 155, 157, 160

  civilians in, 160

  and Curtis incident, 150, 151–54

  lessons learned from, 265

  Paitilla Airfield operation in, 155–58, 159

  role of SEALs in, 165, 186

  U.S. invasion of, 154–60

  Panetta, Leon, 250

  Paz, Robert, 151

  pearl divers, Korean, 53

  Pentagon: 9/11 attack on, 183

  Persian Gulf

  and Alpha 117 mission, 184

  SEALs in, 160–61

  personnel recovery missions, 30–31, 94, 187–88, 205–6, 245–46, 247, 261, 265. See also specific mission

  Peterson, Gordon, 116


  UDTs in, 35

  See also specific island

  Phillips, Richard, 248–49, 257

  Phoenix Program (Vietnam War), 99–100

  Pope, Lt., 54

  Popsong-ni (Korean War): UDT operations near, 54

  Powell, Colin, 146

  Presidente Porras (Noriega ship), 159

  Presidio Modelo prison (Cuba), 61

  prisoners of war

  in Grenada, 137

  in Vietnam, 77, 78–90, 107, 113–16, 117, 119

  Pritzker Military Museum, 70

  prosthetic leg SEAL, 207

  PRUs (Provincial Reconnaissance Units): in Vietnam War, 95, 99–100

  Pullar, Walter S. III, 161

  Qala-i-Jangi fortress (Afghanistan): prisoner revolt at, 188

  quick-action missions, 94, 237–38

  radar/sonar technology, 56

  Radio Havana, 74

  Ramadi, Battle of, 219–39, 243

  RAND Company, 118

  Raymond, Doc, 90

  Reagan, Ronald, 124, 149

  Republican Guard, Iraqi, 215, 216–17, 218

  reserves, Naval, 44, 265

  Rex (CIA spy ship), 60, 72, 74–75

  Reynolds, Ken

  awards and honors for, 14, 15

  death of, 15

  Ka-bar knife of, 14–15

  military career of, 4, 5, 15

  on Omaha Beach, 1–2, 3, 4, 5–7, 9, 10, 12–15, 38

  personal background of, 5, 15

  retirement of, 14–15

  training for, 3, 5

  Roberts, Neil, 204–6

  Roberts Ridge (Afghanistan), 206

  Rodriguez, Isaac G., 155

  Roeder, Howard L., 33

  Rogue Warrior (Marcinko), 246

  Routh, Al, 91

  Rowell, Jack, 86

  “rules of engagement” (ROE), 215, 233–34

  Rung Sat Special Zone (Vietnam): SEALs direct-action role at, 92–93

  Russia/Soviet Union

  and Afghanistan, 190–91

  and Cold War, 165

  collapse of, 165

  and Cuban operations, 59, 60, 75

  and founding of Navy SEALs, 64

  and Grenada, 124

  Korean War and, 57

  Marcinko comments about, 246

  and Panama operations, 153

  U.S. relations with, 57, 165

  Vietnam War and, 107

  sabotage operations, 62–63

  Saddam Maru (ship): and oil embargo on Saddam Hussein, 172–73, 176–81


  description of, 17

  importance of, 17

  planning for landing on, 23–24

  UDTs on, 16–19, 23–24, 25–27, 44

  U.S. force on, 17

  Salzer, Robert, 92

  Satterfield, Paul Vernon, 54

  Schambeger, Robert, 142

  Schoomaker, Peter, 169

  Schoultz, Bob, 157–58, 183

  Schultz, Richard H. Jr., 169

  Schwaleberger, Wally, 96

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 161

  Scoon, Paul, 124, 141, 142–46, 147, 257

  Scouts and Raiders, Army-Navy

  as ancestors of Navy SEALs, 8, 20n, 45, 256

  hallmarks of, 258

  Lyon with, 48, 58

  simulated raid in Florida by, 21–22

  training for, 8, 21

  SCUBA, 56–57

  Sea Commandos, South Vietnamese, 108, 109–10

  Sea Hunt (TV show), 140

  Sea Lion, USS: and Cuban operations, 70, 71

  Seabees, Navy, 225

  SEAL Teams

  and commando-style raids, 70

  and direct-action operations, 94

  and quick-action missions, 94

  secrecy about, 76

  size of, 66

  and small-unit tactics, 94

  traditions among, 260–61

  SEAL Team One

  Couch with, 77, 78–90

  and Cuban operations, 63, 71

  and direct-action operations, 93

  establishment of, 66–67

  platoons in, 95

  Seniff as commander of, 204

  size of, 66, 93

  training for, 77, 78, 80, 89

  in Vietnam, 78–90, 93, 100, 105–6, 111, 113–16, 208

  SEAL Team Two

  CIA and, 71

  and Cuban operations, 63, 71, 72

  and direct-action operations, 93

  establishment of, 66–67

  platoons in, 95

  size of, 66, 93

  in Vietnam, 76, 91, 93, 95, 106–10, 208

  SEAL Team Three, 158, 204, 228, 242

  SEAL Team Four, 69, 142, 155, 156, 157

  SEAL Team Five, 160–64, 204, 239, 263, 265

  SEAL Team Seven, 204

  SEALs, Vietnamese, 111–13

  search-and-rescue missions, 106–10, 165. See also specific mission

  Seawolves (heliocopter gunships): in Vietnam, 82–83, 86, 88, 89

  Second Marine Division, U.S., 17

  Selleck, Tom, 139

  Seniff, Todd, 190–204

  September 11, 2001

  and beginning of war on terrorism, 169–70

  as new era for SEALs, 181

  SEAL reactions to, 182–85

  Serbia, 168–69

  7th Division, U.S. Army, 38

  7th Fleet, U.S., 35

  7th Naval District Headqua
rters, U.S., 21

  75th Ranger Regiment, U.S. Army, 141, 154

  77th Division, U.S. Army, 38

  Seville, John, 240–42, 243, 244

  Shah-i-Kot Valley (Afghanistan): SEAL mission in, 204–6

  “Shark Base” (Iraq), 220, 238, 241

  Shinseki, Eric, 168

  Shoomaker, Peter, 169

  Sicily: SEAL operations in, 148–50

  Silver Star awards, 44, 137, 167, 243

  Sino-American Cooperative Organization (SACO): as ancestors of Navy SEALs, 20n

  6th Marine Division, U.S., 39

  Slattery, Michael, 116

  “Sleeping Beauty” (submersible canoe), 32

  small-unit operations, 65–66, 94, 119, 140, 162, 186, 258

  Smith, Ray, 163, 164

  Smith, Sean, 240, 241, 243–44

  “snatch and grab” operations, 99


  al-Qaeda bounty on, 233

  in Iraq, 226, 229–34, 236, 237

  Iraqi insurgents as, 233, 237

  and Phillips rescue, 249

  training for, 226, 229, 230–31

  weapons used by, 231–32, 233

  SOF Care Coalition, 268

  Solid Anchor (Vietnam)

  SEALs base at, 79, 81, 100, 102

  UDT at, 103


  attack on U.S. soldiers in, 165

  Buchanan rescue in, 252–54

  casualties in, 166, 167, 168

  kidnapping in, 245–46

  pirates from, 248–49

  SEAL operations in, 165–68, 245–46, 252–54

  Son Tay (Vietnam): SEALs raid on POW camp in, 85

  South Vietnamese

  LDNN program for, 98, 101, 102, 111

  Navy, 111

  as Sea Commandos, 108, 109–10

  as SEALs, 111–13

  training of, 90, 91

  See also Kit Carson Scouts, South Vietnamese

  Southern Command, U.S., 186

  Soviet Union. See Russia/Soviet Union

  Spann, Johnny, 188

  Special Boat Teams, U.S. Navy, 32, 88, 98, 208

  Special Forces, U.S. Army, 95–96, 99, 105, 188

  Special Mission Naval Demolition Unit: as ancestors of Navy SEALs, 20n

  special mission units

  dynamic landscape for, 256

  future of, 261

  increase in number of, 186–87

  influence of Grenada invasion on, 138, 147

  need for, 261

  professionalism of, 159

  See also specific operation or unit

  Special Missions Group (SMG), CIA, 53, 54

  Special Operations Command, U.S. (SOCOM)

  and Afghanistan operations, 200

  creation of, 147, 154, 164, 256–57

  Panama operations and, 158–59

  purpose of, 154, 186–87

  as SEAL-centric, 257

  SEALs as commanders of, 67

  special reconnaissance missions, 16, 165, 258, 261. See also specific mission

  Special Services Unit One (SSU-1): as ancestors of Navy SEALs, 20n

  Special Warfare Combatant Craft, 214

  “spin-up and spin-down” missions, 170–71

  Spruance, Raymond, 23

  Starkweather, Mark, 9n


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