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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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by Jessie Courts

  Mr V


  Jessie Courts

  Mr V

  Copyright @2015 Jessie Courts

  All rights reserved.

  This book may not be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without the permission of the author. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights.

  All characters and storylines are the property of the author and your support and respect is appreciated.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Thanks to all our amazing readers and bloggers and fellow indie authors for spreading the word about Mrs R – we hope you enjoy Mr V just as much.

  Special thanks as always to Karen and Sam – our no.1 fans…

  All our Facebook friends have been fantastic and we look forward to hearing from you all soon.


  Look out for Jessie Courts at the author events around the UK this year and next year – we can’t wait to meet you.


  Rachel & Joe invite you to celebrate with them on the occasion of their wedding….” Luc ran his fingers over Rachel’s name on the gold embossed invitation and sighed. Sitting in his car he took a deep breath and tried to calm the quiver of nerves fluttering low in his belly. It had been a while since he’d seen Rachel and much had happened since, but he couldn’t help wonder how he would feel losing her forever to Joe Mason. Not that Luc really wanted Rachel back. He was still riding the euphoric coat tails of the love affair he’d had in New York recently. Having been sent there on a short work placement, Luc had hooked up with the quintessential All-American girl. His Livvy had the longest legs and blondest hair and cutest nose. And great tits. Spectacular in fact and he had made it his business to become exceedingly well acquainted with them on a regular basis. God she’d been magnificent in the sack but she was great fun too and Luc was surprised to find how much he missed her. Sitting in the car park in his brand new Audi A4; a little gift to himself now that he was earning a good salary, Luc grinned as he remembered the time he’d surprised Livvy at work.

  “Do you think we should be doing this?” Livvy’d laughed against Luc’s ear as he shoved her into the nearest supplies closet at her office. He’d popped in to say hi and see if she was free for lunch and she’d looked so sexy in her prim office attire that he’d had to have her there and then. Livvy was happily willing to indulge him and so they found themselves fucking up against the wall with brooms and office stationary for company. “We might get caught.” Olivia panted as Luc thrust into her. His head was in the crook of her neck and he sucked at the sensitive skin there hoping to leave his mark on her. Shifting his hands beneath her arse he hoisted her up to a better angle.

  “We might darling if you carry on making those fucking horny sex noises.” Luc licked along the seam of her perfect pouty mouth and tugged her lower lip between his teeth. Her eyes were heavy and she whimpered into his mouth causing his balls to tighten and his cock to throb. “Jesus – if you keep that up this is going to be over in 60 seconds sweetheart.”

  Olivia smirked at Luc and clenched her pussy walls tight around his cock. She loved to watch his eyes roll when she did that and the way the big blue pools darkened with his desire for her. It was a heady feeling to have this stunningly attractive man at her mercy. “Luc, Luc oh God, fuck me harder Luc. I’m so wet for you baby. I need you Luc. Oh God, oh God, oh God….” Olivia’s whole body froze momentarily then she threw her head back and arched away from him shuddering through an almighty orgasm. Luc could feel the ripples up and down the length of his cock and when she finally looked up at him and began to swivel her hips he lost it and came hard into the latex deep within her. His entire body shook with the force of his climax. Every time they fucked it was so intense it took his breath away and it didn’t seem to make any difference if they were in his bed or her supplies closet – their chemistry was a thing of beauty.

  “Jesus – that was incredible. You are incredible.” Luc peppered Livvy’s face with soft kisses and gently eased her down to the ground. He realised his legs were still trembling but it was the hammering of his heart that truly shocked Luc. He hadn’t felt like this since his last time with Rachel, and even then he was certain it hadn’t been this exquisite.

  “Luc, baby, I…I..” Olivia had been about to say something when the handle of the closet door jiggled. Someone was trying to get in and both Luc and Olivia looked at each other in horror before dissolving into giggles. Luc covered Livvy’s mouth with his hand but she just snorted around it and tickled his palm, which just made him horny for her all over again, so instead he shoved his tongue in her mouth and leaned his full weight into the door and eventually their intruder gave up grumbling about the cupboard being locked. When they assumed the coast was clear they hurriedly escaped in a foray of sloppy kisses, dishevelled clothing and hasty goodbyes.

  That’s the type of girl Livvy was – always up for sex and ready to have a laugh with it. Luc didn’t think he could get any luckier, but then it had all ended too soon when he’d been called back home and he found that the girls in London held little interest for him compared to his All- American dream fuck. Sighing with regret, Luc looked over to the hotel entrance watching as the guests piled in. He had heard from his best friends; Rachel’s twin daughters, that the mighty Joe Mason had wanted something a lot fancier in Mayfair but Rachel had insisted on keeping their wedding low key and opted for Oakwell Manor, a popular venue in nearby Hertfordshire. The grounds were beautiful and the entire place had an air of sophisticated elegance much like the bride herself. Well not always, Luc smirked to himself having seen his Mrs R in a variety of less than graceful positions.

  Just over a year ago, Luc and Rachel had embarked on an illicit affair at a time in her life when she needed to lose herself in mindless sex with no strings. She’d been battling a severe depression following the early demise of her beloved husband Nate and Luc had literally fucked her back to life. Sadly, Luc had developed feelings for her and she had ended their time together before things got too serious. Then Joe Mason came along and oh man, did he roll in like thunder and steal Rachel away forever. With hindsight, Luc admitted their affair was never going to go anywhere and meeting Livvy was the best thing that had ever happened to him for sure. She was what he truly wanted, and Luc decided there and then to go back to New York at the earliest convenience to see if things could work between them long distance for the time being. Maybe he could be placed out in the States more permanently; his big City firm had offices all over the world and New York was one of them. His mind made up Luc decided he’d enquire at work when the time was right.

  A tap on the window made him jump and all thoughts of Livvy were shattered at the sight of Leo and George bouncing up and down by the side of his car. “Luc! Oh my God Luc – is that you?” Leo was pulling at the door handle but Luc had kept it locked. Groaning he knew he would have to get out and greet them but he couldn’t resist fucking with them a little bit and so he waited until Leo pulled really hard and then he released the locks causing the poor boy to fall flat on his arse as the door swung open.

  “Goodness; sorry mate.” Luc apologised half heartedly as he unfolded his long body from the low car. He stood half a head taller than Leo and a whole head taller than George who was currently helping his boyfriend off the floor. Both of the young men had worn matching navy suits and looked very cute together. For all their theatrics they didn’t camp it up in the way they dressed and were both very fashion
conscious. The suits were narrow and fitted and show cased their lithe forms to perfection. Brushing themselves down, the boys turned to Luc with big grins on their faces.

  “Oh no worries Luc. It’s so good to see you.” Leo threw his arms around Luc pulling him in for a hug and soon enough George was behind him cocooning him between them. It was no secret they both fancied the pants off Luc and had spent a great deal of time stalking him and generally idolising him all through uni. However, they were most definitely a couple and really rather cute together even if they drove Luc mad. He would never admit how fond of them he was knowing it would send them into a permanent tailspin and he’d never hear the end of it, so he continued to pretend to be pissed off with them and they seemed to thrive on that just as much. He would never understand it but they always kept coming back for more and deep down he was rather flattered. Right now he was just grateful to the little buggers that he wouldn’t have to go in to the wedding venue alone.

  “For fuck’s sake get off me - you’re creasing my suit.” Luc shrugged them off and they both sighed wistfully; George unashamedly adjusted himself and Luc raised his eyebrows at him.

  “What?” snapped George, “it’s not my fault you’re so bloody sexy. I can’t help it.” Leo smacked his boyfriend on the back of the head. “Ow! Leo fuck off! And don’t tell me you don’t think the same. It’s not right – six feet plus of long lean hot man. That blond hair and blue eyes and chiselled jaw. Oh my God. I feel faint.” Luc tutted turned on his heel and strode off to the hotel with George and Leo in tow jogging to keep up with his long strides.

  “Bloody drama queen.” Luc muttered under his breath.

  “Oh my God – this room is just gorgeous!” Leo grabbed George’s arm as they entered the function room where the ceremony was to take place. It had been tastefully decorated in white and cream with fairy lights and flowers perfectly placed to create a fairy tale backdrop for the bride and groom. Luc could see Rachel’s influence everywhere and he smiled to himself indulgently until his baby blues landed on a pair of dark brown brooding ones staring daggers at him. Joe. Joe Mason. Big bad Joe Mason. Rachel’s Joe. Joe who merely tolerated Luc knowing he’d had sex with Rachel. Ah, Rachel. The bride. Joe’s wife to be. Just a touch awkward. Luc sucked in a deep breath; he wasn’t scared of the huge arrogant American but he had felt the man’s might twice now and wasn’t particularly keen to upset him especially on his wedding day. Plastering a dazzling smile on his face, Luc carried on walking all the way up the aisle until he got to Joe.



  “It’s Luc, Joe remember?” Luc chided Joe who merely raised an eyebrow causing the boy before him to blush momentarily losing his bravado. “Umm, anyway, I just wanted to wish you congratulations and much happiness.” Luc held out his hand and waited. And waited.

  The man standing next to Joe had been staring at Luc the entire time and now he turned to Joe and nudged him. “Don’t be rude man.” Joe scowled and shoved his hand in Luc’s shaking it a little too hard and too firmly and remained resolutely silent. Luc couldn’t help himself; some twisted part of him got off on riling Joe and he pulled the big man in for a hug kissing him on both cheeks reminiscent of his French heritage. Then grinning he winked at Joe and hurried to the back of the room to join George and Leo.

  “That fucking boy!” Joe hissed under his breath straightening his grey suit jacket and pulling at his double-cuffed shirt cuffs.

  “Well, hellooo. Who was that?” Ryan, Joe’s best friend and currently Best Man licked his lips as he eyed Luc’s spectacular behind all the way back down the aisle. Joe growled out his response through gritted teeth.

  “Luc Vincent. And don’t bother yourself – the boy isn’t gay.”

  Ryan pouted. “Not even a little bit?”

  “No man – and don’t fucking pout.” Ryan laughed and adjusted Joe’s tie. They had been best friends forever and loved each other like brothers. Surprisingly for such an arrogant, masculine man, Joe wasn’t in the least bit homophobic and the fact that his best friend preferred men to women didn’t make any difference to him. In fact Joe didn’t really think about it at all, but there was no fucking way he would be having Ryan drooling over Luc bloody Vincent all day long.

  “Hmm, something about that deliciously fuckable specimen of gorgeousness has your back up. What is it Joe?” Ryan held his friend’s stare but Joe couldn’t look him in the eyes. He just shook his head.

  “It’s all in the past Ry. I don’t want to talk about it today ok? Just keep him out of my way.” Joe looked distant for a moment but then another guest came to congratulate him and Corporate Joe was back in the room, all smiles and politeness. Ryan however, was determined to get to the bottom of the story. Joe never kept any secrets from him and the fact he hadn’t mentioned this Luc Vincent before was surprising. Casting his eyes over the crowd of guests he spotted Luc towards the back squashed in-between two adorable twinks, looking extremely uncomfortable.

  “Yup.” Huffed Ryan resignedly. “Definitely not gay.” But damn that boy was hot.


  Luc shifted in his chair trying to make some room between George and Leo. He was sure they’d done something to the seats as they were practically sitting on top of him, but before he had a chance to object the ceremony began. Soft music was playing in the background and a hush descended. A middle aged, trim looking woman with a gravity defying grey bun introduced herself as the Justice of the Peace who would be performing the wedding. Ryan gave Joe a one armed hug and they took their positions standing tall with their hands bunched in front of them. Joe was wearing a dove grey suit, which must have been made to measure as the man’s shoulders, and arms were far from standard sized. His black hair had been trimmed but was still long and thick curling where it met his collar. His beard was full but looked neat and his overall demeanour reeked of power, success and strength. He was an extremely handsome man with an extraordinary physique and Luc could easily see why Rachel had fallen for him. The man standing next to him wasn’t bad looking either and clearly very close to Joe. Ryan was an inch or two shorter but still easily six feet and had the build of an athlete. Luc idly wondered whether he was a professional sportsman but thought perhaps he was a little old for that now. He gave a smug chuckle – Joe was in his forties and Luc was in his twenties. One thing Joe couldn’t compete with was the youth factor, nevertheless, the groom and his best man made a formidable looking pair.

  “Rachel is one lucky woman eh Luc?” Leo patted Luc on the knee for emphasis then to Luc’s utter disbelief he left it there.

  “I rather think Joe is the lucky one.” Luc muttered removing the offending appendage from his body with a frown.

  “Ooh don’t do that Luc – you’ll get wrinkles on that perfect forehead of yours.” Now it was George’s turn to touch by tapping him on his temples.

  “Enough you two. Leave me the hell alone or I’ll move.” Luc snapped irritably at them unable to take any more of their fussing but it did have the required effect of making George and Leo shift in their seats to give him a bit more space. Luc’s head snapped up as he heard the boys gasp. The room fell silent save for the music and the swish of fabric that heralded the arrival of the bride.

  And then there was Rachel.

  Luc closed his eyes and inhaled deeply steadying himself. His Mrs R looked breathtakingly beautiful and it made his insides ache with longing for just a moment. He fleetingly imagined himself in Joe’s place but it was just a fantasy he had long since put to bed. He sniggered at the irony of that expression but sobered quickly as Rachel glided past him up the aisle exuding love and happiness and looking serenely radiant and oh so fucking sexy. Rachel had poured herself into a sheath of white material that hugged all her curves in just the right places and showcased her best assets. Luc was sure there wasn’t a straight man in the place whose dick hadn’t suddenly sprung to life at the sight of her creamy cleavage and plump arse. His was certainly paying attentio
n with the added benefit of knowing exactly what all that delectable flesh felt like and he had to squeeze his eyes tightly shut as his traitorous mind conjured up a particularly vivid memory of their time together.

  “Luc are you awake?” Rachel tapped on his bedroom door lightly and stuck her head in his room. Well; it was her room really seeing as he was a guest in her house but at that present moment he couldn’t have given a flying fuck where he was. Rachel was all mussed from sleep – her normally sleekly groomed hairdo was the epitome of bedhead and it looked downright sinful on her.

  “Yeah – come in babe.” Luc lifted himself up on his elbows to watch her approach his bed.

  “I’m not your babe. Please do not ever call me that again.” Rachel snuck under the covers and snuggled up close completely uninvited and with no hint of hesitation or worry that Luc would reject her.

  “Right then. No babe. No Mrs R. Just boring old Rachel.” Luc huffed wrapping his arm around her.

  “Boring? You think I’m boring?” Rachel tried to sound annoyed but he could hear the amusement in her voice.

  “You know I don’t.” Luc delivered those four words in his lowest, most seductive voice and he was pleased to feel the woman clamped up against him shudder at his response.

  “I checked – the twins are asleep.” Her grown up daughters were completely unaware of the affair carrying on right under their noses and that’s just how Rachel and Luc wanted it to remain. Neither had any regrets or embarrassments over wanting to screw the pants off each other, but they agreed that Jess and Lucy probably wouldn’t hold the same view. And so to spare any more heartache they kept their dalliances secret.

  “It’s still risky though Rachel. You’re not the quietest now are you love?” Luc enjoyed teasing her about her sex noises. Once Rachel had gotten over her guilt at ‘cheating’ on her dead husband Nate, she was an absolute riot when it came to sex. Luc had anticipated a timid, repressed older woman who had perhaps lost her confidence in a long-term marriage but he was stunned to find himself with just the opposite and he couldn’t believe his fucking luck. It seemed his Mrs R loved having sex. A lot. “Argh!” Rachel had grabbed his junk and yanked a touch too hard causing him to jerk abruptly.


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