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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

Page 3

by Jessie Courts

  “Oh Joe. Something very special. But that’s for later husband of mine – we have guests waiting.”

  “Fuck the guests. Let me see.”

  “Charming as ever Joe. And no.”

  “Please Rachel, I’m already hard it won’t make any difference.”

  Rachel laughed. “Oh God you’re incorrigible. The wind only has to change direction and you’re hard. And it’s still a no.”

  “So bloody stubborn. As always.” Joe huffed but then grinned and kissed Rachel until she was panting and begging to show him her underwear. “Oh no, Mrs Mason. We have guests.” Joe laughed his head off and stood them up. His new wife looked decidedly pissed off.

  “Arrogant arse.”


  Rachel smacked him and pinched his said arse/ass and they both cracked up at the same time. Taking her hand in his, Joe told his wife he loved her and she reciprocated and then they went to join the party.

  “Daddy.” Olivia kissed Joe on the cheek. “I’m so happy for you.”

  Joe melted at the sight of his precious daughter. She had grown into a gorgeous young woman and his heart just burst with pride whenever he looked at her. “Thank you Princess. You take my breath away you look so pretty today.”

  “Oh, don’t be silly.” Olivia was not a vain person and she didn’t take compliments easily.

  “It’s not silly it’s absolutely the truth.”

  “Oh well you’re slightly bias, Daddy.”

  “Nope – ask any man here. No wait. On second thoughts don’t do that. In fact stick with Ry. Where is he?” Joe looked around for his friend and spotted him coming through the door looking a touch flustered. Olivia moved away to speak to Rachel and Joe went to meet Ryan. “S’up man. You look…bothered? Shit – you haven’t been fucking some poor British boy have you?”

  Ryan gasped. “Jesus, Joe, it’s your wedding for God’s sake. Rein it in would you. No, I had some business to take care of; don’t concern yourself. And you can relax by the way – that Luc boy has left.” Joe did visibly relax and this made Ryan even more curious as to the effect Luc had on his usually stoic friend. There was so much he wanted to ask Joe but today wasn’t the day and Luc’s warning was niggling away at him. Inhaling deeply, Ryan decided to leave it for now and Joe was speaking to him. “Sorry buddy – what did you say?”

  Joe narrowed his eyes at his friend; something was definitely distracting him. “What the hell is wrong with you Ry? No don’t tell me, I’m not sure I want to know if it’s man trouble. Anyway, please can you keep an eye on Olivia for me – I’ve already seen some of the looks she’s been getting from those horny fuckers out there and I don’t like it.” Ryan laughed. Joe was over protective of both his kids, but his Princess more so and Ryan felt sorry for any prospective suitor as far as that girl was concerned. Joe would eat them alive! For some reason a vision of Luc popped into Ryan’s head but he didn’t dare let his mind take him there; he instinctively knew nothing good could ever come of that scenario.

  The toastmaster announced it was time for dinner and the guests trickled into the dining room taking their set places at the numerous round tables. Olivia slid into the seat next to her brother Ethan, and was soon joined by George and Leo, Jess and Lucy and a couple of their friends Lizzie and Colin. George’s younger sister also sat with them leaving one empty seat. Olivia idly wondered who was supposed to be sitting there when her thoughts were answered by Jess.

  “Luc’s fucked off? What’s the matter with that boy?” She was deep in conversation with George and Leo but their voices had dropped and she struggled to hear what they were discussing. When she’d heard them say the name Luc though, her heart hammered in her chest thinking of her own recent experiences with a boy named Luc. She had been trying to forget all about her blond, blue eyed English man but it was proving difficult when he occupied much too much space in her head. God he’d been gorgeous and so talented in bed she fallen for him big time. But of course it was short lived and at the time she hadn’t known she would be coming to England so soon. Olivia was already a little bit in love with her Luc. She knew it was too soon and too quick but he was the sexiest, kindest and most entertaining man she’d ever met. He had the coolest accent, was absolutely hilarious, and had a body to die for. His face was model worthy and his hair turned her on for no reason she could discern other than it was affixed to his very sexy head with the bluest eyes she just got lost in. He treated her with respect even when they were fucking in the strangest of places and she really thought they had something worth pursuing. Olivia’s mind wandered back to the last time they were together.

  “I’ve really enjoyed our time together Livs.” Luc was lying naked in her bed drawing shapes with his index finger across her back.

  “Hmm. Me too.” She felt drowsy and sated from their most recent bout of lovemaking. She was only grateful they’d made it to the bed, as she was sure her building elevators had cameras in them.

  “Do you think if I lived here we’d make a go of it?”

  Olivia smiled at his tentative question. “For sure baby. You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had.” Luc swatted her on the arse. It was a joke between them that she only wanted him for the sex. “Hey! It’s true but you know it’s not the only reason I love being with you.” Her voice was teasing and Luc rolled his eyes.

  “Yeah I know. I’m man candy. I look good on your arm blah blah blah. You told me that before.” Olivia flipped to her back and narrowed her eyes at him. She had been joking when she’d mentioned that. They’d been at a party and suddenly Olivia had more friends than she knew of wanting to talk to her; male and female. Without fail every single one of them flirted with Luc but rather than be pissed off, Olivia realised she was feeling quite pleased at being the object of everyone’s envy. They had laughed about it later especially when Luc emptied his jeans pockets and at least three people had stuffed bits of paper with their contact details in them.

  “I may have commented on how good you make me look but I never called you man candy. So when?” she cocked her head at him.

  “When what?” Luc was distracted by the two very pert and lickable tits now in his field of vision and he swallowed hard.

  “Hey – eyes up here Vincent!” Livvy pointed to her face and huffed in exasperation. “When have you been called man candy before?”

  Luc cast his mind back and realised it had been during a hilarious conversation he’d had with Rachel. “Oh; just a woman I was seeing. She called me that as a joke.” Olivia raised an eyebrow at him. The tone of his voice made it evident he’d wouldn’t be expanding his explanation and it made her wonder what it was about that particular ex conquest that caused a flash of something sad in his expression. She reached out and ran her hand through his hair and he pushed his head into her touch and Livvy had an urgent need to make Luc forget about anyone other than her.

  “Come here baby.” Luc scrambled up her body until he was straddling her on all fours. “Why don’t you stay with me?” Olivia asked him hopefully. Luc smiled sadly and dipped his head to the crook of her neck where he nibbled on the sensitive skin there. Then he licked over the mark and all the way over her throat until his lips met hers. He pecked her lightly on the mouth and she raised her head towards him thrusting her whole body upwards. As her taut nipples brushed his chest Luc sighed and closed his eyes fleetingly. When he opened them again the pools of blue had darkened with renewed desire and Olivia’s stomach flipped in anticipation. Luc was the most skilled lover she’d ever had and the way he made her feel was unlike anything she’d experienced. “Stay Luc.” She whispered but he shook his head.

  “I can’t Livs. I need to go back to my job. It’s still so new and I have so much to learn. I want to though, believe me. Maybe you could come to London?” Luc’s voice held a hint of yearning that warmed her.

  “Yes. When I can, I promise.” Then there were no more words as Luc’s mouth came crashing down on hers and his tongue swept around her mouth probing and lic
king and devouring her. Olivia could feel his arousal prodding her flesh and she spread her legs capturing his hardness between her thighs. She was already wet and slippery for him and he gasped as her heat encapsulated him.

  “Fuck Livvy – you’re so wet for me.”

  “Always Britboy. Fuck me Luc.” Olivia fumbled on her bedside table until she found what she was looking for then she ripped open the little foil packet with her teeth and deftly reached between them and rolled the condom onto Luc’s cock. She was not without a certain amount of skill herself and when she was so needy like the way Luc made her feel, she wasn’t shy about hurrying things along. Happy to comply with her wishes, Luc thrust into her in one smooth move and she arched her back and cried out. She was fucking perfect and he mourned his loss even while he was buried deep inside her.

  “Livvy! For God’s sake.” Olivia’s eyes flew open to find her brother Ethan standing in front of her gesticulating madly.

  “What?” she blurted confused.

  “You were making funny noises. Just sit down and stop being weird.” Ethan plopped in to the seat next to her and pulled at her arm until she was also seated. Shaking her head to try and get rid of any lingering daydreams; Olivia toyed with the idea of seeing Luc again. Truth be told she was more than a little bit desperate for him and knowing where he worked she had decided to just go and see him. If he wasn’t interested she’d be hurt but at least she’d know.

  “That bloody Vincent – he pisses me off sometimes. One minute he’s fine the next he’s woozy. I bet he’s just fucked himself into exhaustion as usual. Brat.” Lucy was complaining loudly to her sister about their friend, Luc Vincent. It couldn’t be a coincidence – it wasn’t exactly a common name. Blood rushed to Olivia’s head and the world tilted and started to dim at the edges making her feel dizzy.

  “Hey sis, you ok.” Ethan looked worried. ‘You’re really pale Livs.”

  “No, no I’m fine.” She patted his arm to reassure him. “Just need to eat something I think.” Ethan chucked her a bread roll and she thanked him. After a few moments when the world had righted itself she leaned over to the empty place setting and grabbed the name card. With trepidation she turned it over in her shaky hands and read the words so elegantly scribed on it. “Mr Luc Vincent.”

  “Oh my fucking God.” Olivia whispered her disbelief and the sinking realisation that somehow the man of her dreams was supposed to be at her father’s wedding filled her with trepidation. Coincidences never bode well and Livvy was certain this one would have consequences – she could only hope they would go unnoticed tonight and leave her time to figure it all out.


  “Go home Luc. Don’t do it. Don’t you fucking do it. Shit!”

  Luc slammed his hands down on to his steering wheel; whipped the key out of the ignition and got out of his car. Without further hesitation he stormed off back to the hotel stopping just outside the entrance for a minute in order to compose himself. Luc rarely ever got worked up - he was the epitome of laid back at all times, but today had really taken its toll and the frustration of knowing his Livvy was just a few feet away was too much. He just couldn’t leave without seeing her. Inhaling deeply, Luc forced his features and body language to return to their normally relaxed demeanour and he strolled confidently back into the party seeking out his friends. At this stage, Olivia had no idea that Joe and Luc had history – why should she? He only hoped Joe was in too much of a blissed out state of mind on his wedding day to pay too much attention to Luc. Sauntering up to his table, Luc spotted the empty seat and was relieved to note it was in-between Jess and Lucy and not next to Olivia. He had to handle this coolly or things could spiral out of control too rapidly and that could have dangerous ramifications.

  Wary of unwanted scrutiny from Ryan’s direction, Luc winced when Lucy squealed loudly. “Luc, you’re here!” She launched herself at her friend and Jess wasn’t too far behind. George and Leo exchanged a puzzled look but then just shrugged their shoulders and grinned. Any time with Luc was a bonus as far as they were concerned. Colin and Lizzie said their helloes and that just left Ethan and Olivia. Ethan muttered a ‘Hi man” and went back to massacring his bread roll and Olivia sat ramrod straight with a tight expression on her face.

  “Pleased to meet you. Luc is it?” She held her hand out to him and he shook it politely not trusting himself to speak. But he did look her in the eye and he did throw her a sexy as fuck smirk. Olivia cast her eyes down and shifted in her seat. Her fists were bunched in her lap and metaphorical steam was coming out her ears. “Wine.” She thrust her glass at a startled Ethan who knew better than to argue with his sister when she used that tone of voice. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Luc raise his eyebrows at her blurted demand and that fucking little grin never left his face.

  The first course came; a delicious concoction of smoked salmon and vegetables doused in a sublimely tasty dressing. Everyone chatted happily and the wine flowed loosening their tongues. “So, what’s it like having the mighty Joe Mason for a Dad, Olivia?” Luc asked innocently before shoving a breadstick in his mouth.

  “Well, he’d kick your ass for calling him that for a start. And he was the perfect Daddy. Loving, kind, protective.” Olivia stressed the ‘protective’ bit of her answer and she rejoiced when a flicker of something crossed Luc’s face. “And how is it that you know my father?” Luc swallowed his mouthful and choked a little on the crumbs. He took a long swallow of water to try and dislodge the lump it had caused but someone had refilled his glass with sparkling not still and the bubbles shot up his nose and made him snort rather revoltingly.

  “Euww Luc!” Jess complained as she brushed crumbs off her chest. “Don’t be vile.” Leo giggled helplessly and George kissed him on the cheek for being so cute. Ethan went red at the sight but the others took no notice, more than used to the boys loving on each other. Lucy was busy thumping Luc on the back until he finally caught his breath again. By this time Olivia had crossed her arms over her chest and was regarding him with a look of sheer disbelief.

  “That was classy.”

  “Oh my God – you are so Joe’s daughter.” Jess was pointing at Olivia and laughing. “You’ve got the whole crossed arms; crossed brows thing going on and that uncensored statement. Definitely a Mason thing.”

  “Montgomery.” Luc corrected his friend and went back to his dinner oblivious of the shocked stares he was getting from his friends until he looked up again. “What?”

  Olivia sighed and closed her eyes. She even pinched the bridge of her nose then she got up and grabbed at Luc’s arm. “Come on Britboy. We need to talk.” Luc slowly rolled his food around his mouth swallowing carefully this time so as not to choke. He contemplated the funny looks he was getting especially from Lucy and Jess, and then it dawned on him. If he’d only just made Olivia’s acquaintance; how the hell did he know her surname wasn’t the same as Joe’s?

  “Ah.” He placed his cutlery down carefully across his plate; swiped the serviette over his mouth and grinned widely enough to let loose the dimples. It never failed to distract his audience and they all collectively swooned as he made his apologies and excused himself from the table steeling himself for whatever Olivia was about to dish out. Livvy’s paternal genes had definitely kicked in and Luc braced himself for some serious verbal abuse. However, watching her pretty arse sway seductively as she negotiated her way through the tables on death defying high heels had Luc pretty impressed and ready to be abused on any level. Whatever fabric her dress was made of was now Luc’s most favourite as it clung and hung on Livvy’s lean but beautifully defined frame. He could see the clear outline of her butt cheeks against the flimsy material that left him in no doubt she wasn’t wearing any underwear or at least something very minimal. He dearly hoped she had a penchant for thongs just like Rachel. Her dress was cut very low at her back and Luc swore he could see the shadow of the top of her crease and his stomach flipped crazily. Livvy’s skin was tanned golden and was so smooth
and soft he could barely contain himself from at least touching her but more than that he craved a taste. Whatever she had to say to him, Luc fervently hoped it would be quick so he could take her somewhere and ravish her all night long.

  “I know that look and it’s not going to happen.” Luc looked up at Olivia who was studying him with a look of exasperation. She was leaning up against a wall and Luc realised she had led him out of the function room and into the hotel lobby. It was quiet and they were half hidden in the shadows of a huge display of foliage.

  “Baby please don’t be cross with me. How could I know?” Luc inched nearer but Livvy held up her palm to him stopping him from coming closer. Luc pouted and made his eyes wide and shiny which usually worked well for him.

  “That’s not going to help either.”

  Luc frowned. “What do you want me to say?”

  “I want to know why you left when you realised who I was.”

  “I came back Livs.”

  Olivia sighed. “Luc; you saw me and left and then you came back.” Luc’s shoulders sagged and he ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair leaving it sticking up in places. Olivia tried not to stare – he looked insanely sexy with his mussed up bed hair; sparkling baby blues and hint of dimples threatening to floor her completely. His suit fit him to perfection and all she really wanted to do was run her hands over every inch of him and rub her body the length of his. Her fingers itched to touch his face and her mouth was salivating at the prospect of tasting him, but Livvy didn’t want to lose her heart to a flake so with monumental restraint she held her self back until he explained his actions.

  “Joe. Joe is the reason I left. He and I have history and when he finds out we’ve been seeing each other that history is going to come between us. I like you too much to cause you that sort of hurt Livs. I thought it best to walk away, but then the thought of not seeing you again; not having you; it was too painful, so I came back to see if you felt the same. If you do baby, then we’ll find a way to make it work.”


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