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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

Page 16

by Jessie Courts

  “Same here Daddy. And thank you.” She kissed him and he held her tight. Luc stood before them and held out his hand for Joe to shake, which he did. They held the gesture for a moment and the action did indeed speak louder than any of Joe’s words. “Night night.” Olivia waved and pulled Luc out of the room.

  Rachel, who’d been remarkably quiet, which must have taken an enormous effort on her part, hopped off her couch and straddled Joe in the armchair leaning into his body and resting her head in the crook of his neck. “Love you Joe but God, you’re insane.”

  Joe chuckled and pulled his wife in for a kiss. “Insane about you sweetheart. Now how about we forget all this shit and consummate our first night back from honeymoon eh?” Joe stood up with Rachel in his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist and kissed him deeply, which was all the answer he needed.


  Life settled down and everyone took up their new roles working devilishly hard to try and prove to Joe that they were all worthy of his incredible generosity.

  Olivia and Luc moved into their newly decorated house and Joe was unduly impressed by George and Leo’s skill at interior design. They had made the house stylish but comfy; modern yet homely and Joe had no qualms in banding their names around in all the right circles both in London and New York. It turned out that was a good thing because Ryan and his boys had headed State side for an unbelievable opportunity that had presented itself to Ryan, which with much regret he couldn’t pass up. Joe was hugely disappointed his friend wouldn’t be staying in London but immensely excited for his friend’s next venture, which of course he invested in immediately.

  Olivia was an instant hit with Dana Williams and the two women had become fast friends as well as work colleagues. And Luc; well against all odds it seemed that Joe and the Vincent boy were becoming friends. It turned out Luc was an exceptionally gifted finance man and extremely creative too. Joe let him lead on some diverse business ventures for Gyles Bishop’s commercial side and Luc was bringing in some very impressive new deals. The pair of them had to work closely to ensure success and it had cemented their relationship at long last and meant for an easier time socially.

  Rachel’s Genesis project kept her busy and was fast becoming a much-admired cause. Joe continued to take the London legal scene by storm and the pair of them were the ‘power couple’ of the year according to the press. Neither Rachel nor Joe sought any form of fame or glory preferring to shun the lime light for the comforts of home time; being together or with family was always top of their list.

  “What do you want to do this Christmas Joe? It’s our first as a married couple; should we just do something on our own or involve the whole crew?” Rachel was submerged in the tub under a frothy layer of sweet smelling bubbles watching her husband shave. She teased him mercilessly about shaving as he had a full beard and moustache and Rachel really couldn’t imagine what took him so long, yet far be it for her to complain as she took in his broad shoulders and narrow waist. He was delightfully nude and the taut cheeks of his bum twitched as he moved his arms. She sighed and slid her palms over her breasts under the warm water.

  “Whatever you want sweetheart.” Joe squinted at her glazed expression and snorted. “Hot for me babe?” Rachel rolled her eyes at him and placed her hands deliberately on the sides of the roll top bath. Joe smirked and resumed his careful grooming.

  “You missed a bit.” Rachel chirped wagging her finger at him. Joe raised an eyebrow at her. “Come here and I’ll show you.” Joe turned around to face her leaning his backside against the vanity unit and stood with his legs crossed at the ankles. Reaching for a hand towel he slowly wiped the shaving gel from his face as he watched his wife who’d picked up a bar of soap and began to lather up her body.

  “Don’t you know that the soap will dissolve the bubbles?” he drawled at her and Rachel chuckled. “Oh” came Joe’s stunned reply; quite evidently his wife knew exactly what she was doing and as her spectacular body began to reveal itself to him piece by piece his cock decided to join in the party and fattened up nicely at the show. Joe cleared his throat and Rachel glanced up at him with a smirk of her own. She looked sexy and adorable with her hair piled up messily on her head and her face make-up free and natural just as he loved it. Rachel had the smoothest olive skin he’d ever come across – pun intended, and now it glistened and shimmered under the low lighting of the bathroom.

  Joe swept his eyes around the room – the hideous black and gold extravaganza Rachel refused to change. It was her hedonistic retreat from the quiet elegance of the rest of her home and she revelled in the sheer brazenness of it. Joe thought it was crass but not tacky as she’d furnished it with exceedingly top quality products and so he indulged her and pretended to tolerate it when all he really wanted to do was rip it out and replace it with white and chrome. Still, Joe could refuse Rachel nothing and if it made her happy then he’d grin and bear it like a man.

  “Join me?” Rachel beckoned seductively and Joe really wanted to but no bubble bubble baths weren’t really his thing and the last time they’d attempted sex in the bath it was so slippery he’d practically concussed himself, which was not at all sexy. But Rachel looked so horny all wet and squeaky clean – what to do?

  “Don’t suppose you’d care to just suck me off while I stand by the side?” Joe cocked his head and tried to look cute.

  “Seriously? In this life? Fuck off…” Rachel crossed her brows and flipped him the bird then proceeded to get out of the bath and stomp off to her bedroom as stroppily as possible. Joe sighed and threw her a towel that she hastily wrapped around herself very tightly.

  “I take that as a ‘no’ then?” He followed her into their room where she had planted herself on her dressing table chair and was attempting to drag a brush through her unruly mop of hair. Joe snagged the brush and took over gently untangling the knots and smoothing out her waves until Rachel’s scowl turned soft.

  “I was trying to be romantic and you ruined it.”

  Joe stopped brushing and looked at Rachel’s pouting reflection in the dressing table mirror. “I don’t need romance in order to fuck my wife, and you know I’m not keen on that tub – it’s too small and too slippery.”

  “So what – you thought you’d offer a quick fix solution and still get off? Nice one Bossman.”

  Rachel tightened the towel and Joe tutted loudly and whipped it off her. Then he picked her up and threw her on the bed ignoring her squeals of protest, and laid himself all the way on top of her covering her quivering body with his own hard, hot one.

  “Can’t breathe!” Rachel thumped him and he lifted up slightly but still kept her trapped. “Oh God you’re hopeless. How can you be so eloquent in the courtroom yet so Neanderthal at home?” Joe grunted; twice, then rubbed their noses together. Rachel giggled. “You once told me I wouldn’t like to see Neanderthal Joe but I’m beginning to think he’s not so bad.” Rachel jerked her hips up to mash his erection and Joe gasped. “So what’re you going to do with that club eh?” Rachel wiggled against him again and Joe grinned at her.

  “I’m gonna use it on you wife. You wanna see me go all cave man on your ass – you asked for it.”


  “Don’t start that shit.”

  Joe growled and bucked his hips giving Rachel no warning as he slid into her body in one easy movement. They meshed at the hips and Rachel moaned at the overwhelming effect Joe had on her. No matter the dirty language he spoke, or the arrogant manner in which he behaved, she was always hot for him. As he loomed over her dragging his cock agonisingly slowly in and out of her body Rachel could do nothing but admire the handsome lines of his face and the defined musculature of his upper body and shoulders. He turned her on in every way and the sheer beauty of the man left her breathless. The fact that he was all hers and utterly obsessed with her made Rachel soar with pleasure; but to have him worship her like this blew her mind. In complete contradiction to his words, Jo
e took his time to pleasure his wife. He was a generous and skilled lover and in no way Neanderthal as he tormented Rachel bringing her to the brink time and again until he himself could no longer hold off.

  “Gonna come Rach – you ready?” Joe liked to try and make them orgasm simultaneously and drew enormous pleasure from the combined pulsing and heaving and panting and moaning making them feel like one whole person rather than two parts of a couple. And if that wasn’t romantic – nothing was.

  “Ready Joe – so ready baby. Fuck me hard….oh yessss!” Rachel rocked her hips in time with his pounding and when Joe reached his big hand between them and slid his fingers through the slick folds of her pussy and rubbed her swollen clit just the way she liked, Rachel exploded around him. As the tight walls of her cunt gripped and spasmed along the length of his cock, Joe roared and came shooting hard into his wife, filling her with his semen and his love.

  “Yes. Jesus. Fuck. Yessss. Rachel. God.” Joe collapsed on top of her then flopped to Rachel’s side panting hard and complaining. “Urgh! I’m so unfit.”

  Rachel barked out a laugh jabbing him in his solid and impressively ridged abs.

  “Oh yeah – Gym Bunny Joe – totally feeble.” Joe snorted and grabbed her hand sucking on her fingers. “Euww that’s nasty.” Rachel wiped her hand over his belly and snuggled into his side. “So – about Christmas? And don’t say whatever. I want to make it a good one for us.”

  Joe took a while to respond and then a loud snore erupted as her answer and Rachel groaned. Bloody typical bloke – but she was too knackered to get angry; she’d ask him again in the morning.

  Over breakfast and the journey to work, Joe was pre-occupied with business calls and Rachel never got the opportunity to question him again about their holiday plans; then the day overwhelmed them and by the time they were on their way home again Rachel had forgotten all about it for the time being. Joe congratulated himself on successfully avoiding the conversation and mentally planned a list of future distractions, for in reality he had already arranged everything. As soon as they arrived home he bounded up the stairs and shut himself in his office while Rachel made dinner.

  “You’ve got spaghetti in your beard.” Rachel reached over and picked out the offending noodle squashing it into her napkin while Joe continued vacuuming up his bolognaise undeterred. “So; don’t think I don’t know you’ve been avoiding the Christmas question. What’s the issue here?”

  Joe cleaned his bowl, wiped his mouth and set his spoon and fork down. He was about to speak when the home phone rang. “I’ll get it.” Rachel watched him stroll over to where the handset was cradled in its base and click the button to answer it. “Mama Mason’s residence – home to the best bolognaise in town. “ Joe grinned at her then scowled at the piece of black plastic in his hand before roaring at the mouthpiece that he hadn’t had a fucking car accident in the last year and to stop harassing him. He slammed the handset down on the counter and returned to his seat.

  “Feel better?” Rachel enquired slightly exasperated at her husband’s usual lack of restraint on his temper. As she proceeded to clear the plates Joe’s hand came down over hers halting her progress.

  “Leave it – I’ll do them. Go find your Kindle and get comfy on the couch – I’ll bring you some tea when I’ve done the dishes.”

  “Oh hello Domesticated Joe – I think I like you.” Rachel laughed as she left the table darting back to tug on his beard and kiss his cheek. “Don’t be long.” As irked as she was that Joe had avoided the Christmas discussion yet again, Rachel was particularly eager for some quality time with her Kindle. The book she was reading was so hot it served quite neatly as foreplay and by the time they were ready for bed, Rachel knew she’d be suitably worked up for a session with her sexy man.

  “Here sweetheart. Be careful it’s hot….Rach! Rachel!” Rachel dragged her eyes away from her hand held screen and hummed. “For God’s sake woman, put the smut down and take your tea.” Joe held out a steaming mug and Rachel dropped the Kindle to her lap and took the drink from him.

  “Sorry – I was a bit distracted.”

  “Clearly.” Joe wedged himself in by her side and plopped his feet up on the pouffe. He grabbed the remote and was about to turn on the TV when Rachel snatched it off him.

  “I can’t bear it. You are completely shit at hiding anything from me Joe Mason – so what are we doing for Christmas? Just tell me or no sex for a week.” Rachel wagged the remote at him and he grinned.

  “No way will you last a week. That’s not a genuine threat Rach.”

  “Well – maybe we’ll have sex but I won’t let you come. How about that eh?” Rachel crossed her arms and tried to look serious. Joe thought she looked adorable.

  “Ok. And just how are you going to stop me?” Joe crossed his own arms mirroring her posture and Rachel rolled her eyes and huffed.

  “For fuck’s sake – I don’t know. This kind of strategy works fine in the books.” She indicated her Kindle and frowned.

  “That’s sweet but shit baby, Firstly, that 50 Shades crap is just that – no one can come on demand or not come on demand and who the hell wants that much control anyway?”

  “I can’t believe you – you’re always trying to get us to come in unison.” Rachel gaped in disbelief as Joe completely contradicted his own actions.

  “That’s different – it has nothing to do with withholding pleasure – just the opposite. It’s sex not business. So let’s just forget all this nonsense about abstaining and preventing etcetera etcetera. Can’t you just go with the flow and let me surprise you?”

  Joe plucked Rachel out of her seat and on to his lap where he wrapped his big arms around her and cuddled her tight. She melted into him and made herself comfortable and let him switch on the telly. “Great, Homeland is on.” Rachel reached back for her Kindle and carried on reading while Joe gave a running commentary on all the impossibilities of the storyline. By the time he was ready to take her to bed she was a ball of pent up desire thanks to the erotic antics of her current book boyfriend and Joe was the President of America all ready to set the world to right. Needless to say the combination of lust and power made for some pretty explosive lovemaking.

  “You look exhausted honey. Please tell me this extended honeymoon period is nearly over!” Rachel was slumped over her desk when Angela came in with a freshly made cup of coffee. “Strong and black – just like me!”

  “Yes dear.” Rachel accepted the coffee gratefully desperate for the caffeine rush. “It’s Joe – he’s on a mission to fuck me to death.” Angela cleared her throat and made a disapproving sound. “Sorry TMI?”

  “Well – he is my boss, so maybe just a little too much info as you say. But hey – if I was into older, hairy white men, I can see the attraction. Let me state for the record that I am not.”

  “Yeah, yeah – hash tag Team Vincent – I know you.” Rachel slurped her coffee as Angela sighed and sank gracefully on to a chair in front of Rachel’s desk.

  “Oh God – that boy is just too much. How is anyone not black that beautiful? Olivia Montgomery is one lucky bitch.” Angela tapped her long red nails on the desktop quite obviously lost in some fantasy involving Luc that Rachel would rather not know about. As for her suspected fling with Ethan a few months ago – no one even dared ponder on that mind-blowing scenario – best not to go there.

  “Tell me Ange; what am I doing for Christmas?” Rachel smiled sweetly at Joe’s PA as she took another long swallow of coffee.

  “Oh no way Mrs Mason – I like my body parts exactly as they are. I spill the beans and Joe will happily rearrange them for me.” Angela shook her head and wagged her long index finger in Rachel’s face.

  “Oh please I’m dying to know. He won’t tell me anything. What if I hate it?”

  “You won’t hate it. I promise you that lady. Now get on with your work – you’re due in court at 3 this afternoon.” Angela exited Rachel’s office on a smooth whoosh of fabric against skin and a waf
t of Angel. Rachel stuck her tongue out at her retreating form. “Classy Rachel – really classy.”

  “How the fuck does she do that?” Rachel grumbled under her breath reaching for her files.

  “It’s Thanks Giving tomorrow.” Rachel stated as she lowered herself into Joe’s Bugatti Veyron at the end of their working day.”

  “Uh huh.”

  “Don’t you want to celebrate it?” She fixed the seatbelt.

  “Well – I give thanks every day for my good fortune – I don’t need a specific holiday to make me realise how lucky I am.” Joe brought the engine to life and actually sighed at the sound.

  “That’s so sweet darling. But I thought Americans had this big tradition on Thanks Giving.” Rachel studied her husband’s profile while she waited for his response.

  “Which is why we’re going to Ryan’s.” Joe checked the traffic and pulled out of the office car park on to the road. As if to verify his response, he directed the car in the opposite way to home and towards the motorway. Rachel squealed.

  “Now? Oh you schemer – you know I’ve been dying to go to New York for ages and its Black Friday sales too!” Rachel punched Joe on the arm. “How long are we going for? Where we staying – oh my God I haven’t got any of my things?”

  “Calm down! Lucy packed a bag for you it’s in the trunk and we can buy anything else you need.”

  “Boot.” Rachel muttered under her breath and Joe growled at her as he sped off towards Heathrow.

  “I wanted to get the plane sent over but Dad needed it so it’s British Airways First Class if that’s ok.” Rachel sighed. She had long ago stopped objecting to Joe spoiling her; he would anyway and she rather enjoyed the luxury of his money. To counter balance any feelings of guilt over it and as a compromise to allowing Joe to spend his money on her, they had set up several monthly direct debits to charities of Rachel’s choosing. Joe was happy with the tax benefits and Rachel’s guilt was alleviated. Joe cleared his throat. “So the plan is to stay in Manhattan over Thanks Giving – I’ve booked the Presidential Suite at The St Regis – I think you’ll like it. And then we’ll go to Ryan’s and the boys for the day. We’ll have to pop in to my parents in the morning for a drink but then the rest of the time is ours. We’ll go to the sales on Friday although why that’s necessary I have no idea – what is it with women and the thought of a bargain?” Joe didn’t stop long enough for Rachel to explain. “Then over the weekend we’ll all go to my place in the Hamptons and relax and party and fuck a lot before coming home on Monday.”


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