Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 20

by Jessie Courts

  Joe was turning fifty.

  He looked down at his hands and twisted and turned them looking for any signs of aging and regretfully the skin did look a tad looser. He flexed his neck and stretched out his arms bunching his biceps at the same time. Joe still looked magnificent but there was no doubt he was getting older; he could tell by how tired he got these days and how much harder he had to work out in the gym to keep his physique. Rachel would argue that his body was that of a man twenty years younger and that his greying temples made him look sexy and distinguished, and to be fair he could still get it up more than once a night so he had to agree that perhaps he was fitter than the average fifty year old, but today he was feeling every one of his years and it bothered him. Joe sighed and rested his head in his hands; he still had so much to do in this life and the thought that he would eventually be limited by his physical capabilities was anathema to man like him.

  “S’up Bossman?”

  Joe looked up and watched Rachel enter his office closing the door behind her offering him a splendid view of her glorious backside. The years rolled off Joe immediately and as always, the sight of his wife turned him into a horny teenager. Today she looked especially delicious with her still luscious curves poured into a tight navy shift dress; simple yet so fucking sexy she gave Joe an instant hard on. The high court shoes she wore made her arse look perky and he already knew what she had on underneath having seen her get dressed this morning; a tiny navy lace thong with bra to match. As she walked towards him he mentally undressed her and his mouth watered.

  “C’mere baby and give me a hug.” Joe twisted his chair and patted his lap and Rachel perched her bum neatly over his thighs squashing his dick in exquisite agony.

  “Hmm – pleased to see me Joe?” Rachel brushed her mouth over her husband’s and inhaled his scent deeply. They were still crazy about each other and the sex had just got better and better with maturity. Joe’s appetite for lovemaking was insatiable and Rachel gladly made every effort to keep him fulfilled. They’d eventually figured out a way to fuck in the Veyron much to Joe’s satisfaction although they had to admit it was much better on the Harley. Nowadays they used the Range Rover more often and Joe had recently bought a new one kitted out with every conceivable gadget. Disregarding Rachel’s love for her little BMW Joe had declared it unsafe and part-exchanged it for an Evoke keeping with the Range Rover theme. Rachel indulged him considering she rarely drove these days and Joe had to be very drunk before he’d let anyone else drive him anyway. Rachel chuckled remembering when they first met and she’d taken him out for the day insisting she drive. The man was a nervous wreck the entire time he was in her car and it was a long time before she could persuade him to get in a car with her behind the wheel. Rachel kissed Joe again and they sat there making out like newlyweds until a discreet cough and rap on the door broke them apart.

  “Vincent – as always your timing sucks.” Joe scowled at Luc who raised his eyebrows in return.

  “Rather looks like you were the one doing the sucking mate.”

  Rachel giggled. Some things never changed. Luc hated that Joe always called him by his surname and Joe loathed being referred to as ‘mate’ yet they would never stop she knew it. They got off on winding each other up the whole time, but it was now done out of love rather than to antagonise. They’d come a long way in five years and Rachel thanked God every day for it. Luc ran a hand through his shaggy blond hair that still looked as sexy as ever. Even in his designer suit the boy looked every inch the super model he always had and Rachel had never gotten immune to it much to her lament. She suspected Joe knew this but of course he’d never mention it; that was all behind them now and he trusted them both implicitly with good reason.

  “So what brings you here boy?” Joe huffed impatiently, eager to get back to his wife.

  “Someone here is dying to see you…” From between Luc’s legs there was a flash of motion and a squeal as a tiny little girl launched herself at Rachel and Joe.

  “Hey baby.” Joe caught her easily with one arm and swung her high up on to Rachel’s lap.

  “Hello Ma.”

  Luc and Olivia’s nearly three-year-old daughter, Maisy cuddled Rachel and giggled as her grandmother covered her with kisses. It made no difference to any of them that Rachel and Maisy weren’t actual blood relatives, they both adored each other, but there was no one in Maisy’s little world apart from her Mummy and Daddy that she idolised more than Joe. Since the day she was born, blond angelic blue-eyed Maisy had captured Joe’s heart and held it in her chubby little hands never letting go and Joe was like putty when it came to his granddaughter. It had stunned them all when he willingly allowed himself to be a human climbing frame on a regular basis and spent hours keeping Maisy amused. When she’d been fretful as a baby, Luc or Livvy only had to pass her to her Grandpa and she’d calmed immediately and Rachel often found Joe snoring on the couch with little Maisy tucked into his chest snuffling in time with him.

  “Gwamps!” Maisy tugged on Joe’s beard and he blew her a raspberry making her giggle.

  “What are you doing here Maisy girl?” Joe purred at her. It never ceased to shock him how much she looked like Luc and he reckoned it was God’s idea of a joke to create someone with Mason blood in her veins that looked like a Vincent. Thankfully, even Joe could see that Luc’s superior genes coupled with Olivia’s pretty impressive ones had resulted in a child so beautiful it took his breath away and he was in no way biased of course.

  “Came to pick up Daddy ‘cos we going smimming.”


  “S’what I said.”

  Luc chuckled and lifted his daughter into his arms. “Come on Little Miss. You’ll see Ma and Gwamps in a few days. Have you forgotten it Gwamps’ special birthday?”

  Maisy’s face lit up. “We gonna have cake?”

  Joe laughed. “Of course. How will I blow my candles out?”

  Maisy’s brow creased. “Daddy says dat’s too many candles for one cake ‘cos you so old now Gwamps.” Luc sniggered and kissed his child’s head.

  “Out of the mouth of fucking babes.” Joe drawled and Rachel hit him and Luc clamped his hands over Maisy’s ears.

  “Please Joe – no swearing. She’ll end up with a mouth like a truck driver and get kicked out of kindergarten.” Luc shook his head looking exasperated with his father-in-law.

  “Sorry! She’s too young to understand…”

  Joe held his hands up looking as contrite as he could. Rachel sighed and waved goodbye as Luc carried his baby away. Before the door closed however, they both heard Maisy loudly enquire, “Daddy. What did Gwamps say? What does fucking mean?” Joe clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle a bark of laughter and Rachel hit him again just as a very heavily pregnant Olivia burst through the door.

  “Dad! I’m going to kill you before you even reach your fiftieth birthday. For God’s sake!” Livvy looked mad as hell and Rachel slipped off Joe’s lap to try and console her.

  “Calm down Livvy – it’s not good for you to get stressed.”

  “Well you try explaining to the other parents when they accuse your daughter of teaching them swear words that it was your own idiot father; an eminent and distinguished corporate millionaire lawyer’s fault. Argh!” Livvy flopped to the couch rubbing her tummy.

  “I’m glad you think so highly of me.” Joe joked but he looked concerned too. “I’m sorry ok. I apologise. Hey, are you ok?” He strode over to his own daughter who looked abnormally flustered.

  “No Dad, I’m not ok. My waters just broke over your expensive leather couch and it’s your fault for making me so cross.”

  Joe froze on the spot then hightailed it out the door yelling for Luc and Rachel laughed at the look of panic on his face. She sat beside Olivia and held her hand waiting for the inevitable. Luc barged back through the door with Joe at his heels holding Maisy in his arms.

  Angela calm as anything followed them. “I’ve called the ambulance. Joe give me Maisy �
� I’ll take care of her. You wait here with Livvy.”

  Luc sat on the other side of his wife and wrapped an arm around her shoulders whispering encouraging nonsense in her ear. Rachel was impressed with his outwardly relaxed demeanour and the way he handled the situation that was completely opposite to her own husband who was frantically pacing while they waited for the paramedics.

  “Oh God I don’t want to have my baby here!” Olivia cried wide-eyed at Luc.

  “Wait – what about contractions and shit. Should this be happening so soon?” Joe looked bewildered and Rachel couldn’t help chuckle.

  “Joe; Livvy’s not having her baby any time soon - go find Maisy – you don’t need to be here for this. Go on now.” Rachel shooed Joe out the door; kicked off her shoes and kneeled in front of Olivia. “Darling, can you try taking deep breaths?”

  Olivia nodded and Luc adjusted their position so he was sitting behind her cradling her against him; supporting her with his hard body and strong arms. He’d whipped off his jacket and shirt and Rachel drank in the sight of him just in a white vest and suit pants. The boy had developed into a man equally as delicious looking and beautiful to look at and Rachel blushed as a vivid memory of her time with Luc flashed through her mind. She could clearly remember him working out in her garage long before Joe had built a home gym. Luc was wearing the same style vest with a pair of tracksuit pants and a fine sheen of sweat as he lugged weights and performed stomach crunches and all manner of sexy exercises designed to work an observing Rachel into an equally hot sticky mess. The sex afterwards had been epic hence the twitching between her thighs whenever she thought back on it.

  “Rach you ok? You look a little flushed.” Luc’s raspy tone nearly made her moan but she was saved from any embarrassment by the hasty arrival of the ambulance crew. “Oh thank God!” Luc’s calm veneer crumpled as he sounded more than relieved at their presence.

  It turned out that Livvy’s labour lasted well into the night and beyond. Luc stayed with her the entire time and Joe and Rachel paced in the waiting room until finally in the early hours of the morning Michael Joseph Vincent came in to the world on a loud cry.


  A week later and Rachel and Joe were frantically trying to get ready so that Joe wasn’t late for his own party. They’d foolishly decided to shower together to save time and inevitably things had gotten steamy and naughty and downright fierce as their unwaning passion for each other manifested itself yet again in a full on multi-orgasmic watery; soapy fuck fest. Rachel was still feeling a bit wobbly, but Joe was annoyingly energised and insisted on helping Rachel with her clothes and jewellery, which just slowed them down, as he couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  “Are you trying to prove that at fifty you can be just as frisky as you were at thirty? Twenty even?” Rachel laughed as Joe zipped up her dress planting little kisses on her neck.

  “You never knew me at either of those ages babe which is a real shame, but I can tell you I was never this horny until I met the shamefully sexy Rachel Renton now Mason.” Joe released her and went hunting for his shoes and Rachel sighed with happiness as she watched the fabric of his trousers stretch tight over his spectacular arse as he bent down to do them up. “Are you looking at my ass?”

  “Arse. Seriously after all these years you still can’t speak English properly.” Rachel loved to correct his American terminology that she considered a bastardised version of the English language and could still be quite patronising about it. Joe snorted in response. “Charming as ever.”

  “If I thought for one moment you wanted charming, I’d turn it on for you sweetheart, but you can’t fool me anymore. Arrogant Joe caught you and Brash American Joe is gonna keep ya!” Rachel shrieked with laughter. Her man was hilarious especially when he mimicked her and spoke about himself in the third person.

  “Blah, blah, blah….whatever. Now come on or we’ll be late. You look devastatingly handsome as always Mr Mason. Even for an old man.”

  “Hey!” Joe swatted Rachel on the bum and they both cracked up. “And you scrub up quite nicely yourself Mrs M.”

  Rachel narrowed her eyes at him; still sensitive to his reworking of the nickname Luc had given her during their affair. Mrs M was far too reminiscent of Mrs R and her tummy fluttered in response but she hid it from Joe who was holding out his arm for her to take. He did look truly amazing having been groomed within an inch of his life in an uncharacteristic effort to make himself look as good as possible. Rachel thought that fifty was a milestone that even the Mighty Joe Mason couldn’t ignore and it made him just as human as the rest of them. Well metaphorically speaking because to look at him he was anything like anybody else.

  His impressive frame was show cased tonight in a light grey Armani suit that had been made to fit his massive body. It was cut to perfection and fit like a second skin in a flattering and modern style. A plain white double cuffed shirt and moderately patterned tie finished off the look and made him appear just drool worthy. His black hair, now peppered with grey was just as thick and long as he’d always worn it. It shone from the little bit of product he’d run through it and settled just on his collar. His beard was neatly trimmed but still of ample tugging length at Rachel’s request and his steely grey eyes sparkled behind thick black lashes. Fine wrinkles fanned at the sides of his eyes and across his forehead but he certainly didn’t look old. Joe had always retained a mature air due to his size and stature and absolutely radiated power and strength as he’d always done, but life had softened him slightly these past five years, and to those that knew him well, he had mellowed somewhat. Rachel was more in love with him now than she’d ever been and she knew for a fact that feeling was mutual.

  Joe’s heart thumped hard in his chest when Rachel took his arm. It never ceased to amaze him that this sexy, beautiful, intelligent woman was his wife. The past five years of marriage had been the best ever and he was more than happy to broach the second half of his life with Rachel at his side. She was his oxygen and inspiration and his whole world. She made everything he did worthwhile and he never grew tired of her company. He loved it when they laughed together; worked together, argued together then made up together. The sex was still off the wall crazy hot and Rachel still looked incredible for a woman her age. Joe had requested she wear the Herve Leger dress she’d worn for his Gyles Bishop welcome do where he’d nearly come in his trousers at the sight of her all those years ago. When he looked at her now, he thought she looked even more attractive and his seemingly spent cock fattened a little against his zip.

  “You look fucking hot Rach. I’m going to be hard all evening until I can get you out of that again. Please tell me you’re naked underneath – I don’t want to waste time later.”

  Rachel gasped. Joe still had the ability to floor her completely with his dirty words. And she loved hearing them. “You saw me put this on, Joe so you know I’m not wearing any underwear. It’s like a second skin for fuck’s sake – I can’t breathe. I wish you’d let me buy something new, I must have put on a stone since I last wore this.” Rachel sucked in her stomach. If she’d put on weight Joe hadn’t noticed or didn’t care; her curves drove him wild.

  “Nonsense. You look a million dollars.”


  “Jesus – take a fucking compliment woman.” Joe rolled his eyes just as his phone buzzed. “Ryan’s here to pick us up.”

  Joe led Rachel downstairs and out the front door where Ryan was waiting in a limo. The driver hurried to help Rachel in the car and went to take her arm but drew back quickly when Joe growled at him. From inside Joe heard Ryan’s deep booming laugh.

  “Hey! Rachel you look stunning darling. As do you Joe, my friend.” Ryan held out a hand and helped Rachel in which was permitted apparently, and the three of them settled in for the ride.

  “Where are the boys?” Rachel asked kissing Ryan on both cheeks.

  “Oh they went to meet Lucy and Jess and are going to meet us there. They really miss those girls
of yours.” Ryan looked slightly guilty but then smiled again. After working for Joe for just a few months, Ryan was offered a fantastic opportunity back in New York. By that time his relationship with George and Leo was pretty much a sealed deal and there was no question that they would accompany him back to the States. In fact their interior design business had just begun to make a name for itself in London and they’d already had enquiries from New York based customers, which resulted in a now hugely successful enterprise with many employees and a waiting list of affluent clients. The only down side was that Ryan and Joe didn’t see nearly as much of each other as they liked with work commitments preventing them from travelling as much as they wanted to. They spoke or messaged pretty much daily and had set aside a routine video call for Saturday mornings and were as close as ever, but it was always fantastic to see each other in the flesh.

  The three friends chatted on the journey towards Joe’s party. The venue was the Gyles Bishop office back where it had all started for Rachel and Joe. Rachel thought it was cute that Joe was so nostalgic about it but it certainly made things easier to arrange. The boardroom and surrounding mezzanine floor was now all glass walls and open plan which made it ideal for entertaining and of course party planners has been in all day Saturday to turn the place into more of a night club feel.

  All their friends and family had been invited along with work colleagues and clients and Rachel had really been looking forward to it for ages. Everyone would be there including Joe’s son Ethan who had been in London for a few months since finishing college in America and was interning at Gyles Bishop while enjoying travelling across Europe at the same time. He didn’t want to move away from New York permanently and was going to go and work in the Mason family firm, but he wanted to explore the world a bit first and have some fun. Joe was proud of him for following in the family tradition of becoming a lawyer and although he would have preferred him not to work for his brother and father, Joe would watch over him carefully and support him where necessary. He had a feeling that when William and Charles Mason discovered that their precious grandson and nephew respectively was bi-sexual, they may not be as accommodating. Joe could care less who Ethan fucked as long as his boy was happy and safe and if he suspected Ethan was being shunned or insulted in any way for it, then Joe’s might would be felt across the Atlantic in a heartbeat.


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