Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2)

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Mr V (Mrs R & Mr V Book 2) Page 21

by Jessie Courts

  “We’re here.” Rachel announced looking out the window as the limo drew to a halt. “Oh it looks fab!”

  A red carpet had been laid out and several scantily clad male and female hosts were welcoming the guests and guiding them to the entrance. A section had been cordoned off for the press who were snapping away contentedly; Joe Mason was big news and he tended to get papped quite a lot. Angela had decided that as they were going to be there anyway, she would control the paparazzi by having a secure area where they could keep out of the way of the guests and so far it seemed to be holding. Joe groaned but Rachel ignored him and double-checked she didn’t have lipstick on her teeth or had smudged her mascara.

  Ryan chuckled. “I wouldn’t worry about it. Look who’s just arrived stealing all your glory!” There on the red carpet stood Luc Vincent in all his gorgeousness charming the press. “Red carpet be damned - should have been a catwalk. God he just gets more fucking beautiful with age.” Ryan shifted in his seat and palmed his crotch.

  “What the fuck Ry – that’s my son-in-law.” Joe leaned over and smacked the man in the shoulder.

  “Still fucking horny man. Jesus he makes me hard. No one should be that good looking.” Ryan sighed and Joe made an ugly face. Rachel ignored them – it was nothing new to hear Ryan lamenting over the fact that Luc wasn’t even a little bit gay. He’d wanted in that boy’s pants for years not that he would ever cheat on George and Leo but the attraction was still there. And if Rachel was brutally honest, she could relate. Watching Luc grace the red carpet looking like a movie star stirred her in places she had no right being stirred by anyone than her husband, but her traitorous body remembered what it felt like to be skin to skin with the BoyManGod and left her flushed when her brain caught up with the memories. Ryan cocked his head at her and she grinned guiltily. Joe chose not to acknowledge the shared hungry look.

  “Mr Vincent – how’s the baby?”

  A journalist called out to Luc who had spotted the limo and was waiting for Rachel and Joe to emerge. It still shocked him how much of his private life was public but he had finally accepted that being part of Joe Mason’s world meant that he was additional fodder for the press. It was only really on occasions like this that it affected him and as soon as Joe touched down; he would be forgotten soon enough. Still, Luc felt good tonight. His son was doing really well as was Livvy and of course Maisy was so excited to have a new little brother. Olivia’s mother organised a nurse to help her darling daughter for a few days promising to visit as soon as possible – Luc doubted it would happen and prepared himself for another trip to the States where he would have to endure his wife’s tedious family for an excruciating few days. He totally understood why Joe had left them and settled down to life in England but he was now part of that family too and for Olivia’s sake had to grin and bear their narrow minded Waspiness.

  A cool hand slipped into his and Luc flashed his megawatt grin at his wife. He couldn’t believe Livvy was here looking so exquisitely beautiful only a week after giving birth to their son. She was wearing a navy satin dress fitted looser than normal complaining about baby fat and what not, but Luc thought she was stunning.

  He bent down and kissed her cheek giving her his full attention. “You look so sexy tonight Mrs Vincent.” Livvy brushed her hand against her husband’s cheek and smiled at him and a hundred cameras flashed capturing the moment.

  “You always know how to make me feel good Brit Boy. Now take me away from this rabble – I need a drink.” Luc grinned at her and his dimples popped making Livvy sigh and together they dismissed the paps and headed into the party.

  Joe emerged from the limo and Rachel waited for him to come around to her side and help her out. Her dress was a little restricting and Joe practically had to lift her from the car but she didn’t mind. Anything to feel her husband’s strong arms around her was a bonus. Steadying his wife on her mile high heels Joe let his hand rest in the small of her back as he guided them in to the building. He wasn’t one to indulge the press with small talk or posed shots but he did turn and nod in their direction pausing to let them snap away as he knew how Rachel secretly loved seeing their images in the glossy magazines she was so fond of. It gave her a thrill although she’d never admit to it.

  “Yay they’re here!”

  Lucy could be heard above the noise of the other guests and Rachel and Joe looked over in her direction to see their children and friends waving to them. They were all dolled up to the nines in Joe’s honour and they literally took Rachel’s breath away. Her daughters both looked stunning and wore tiny scraps of fabric masquerading as dresses with exceptionally high heels so that they were practically the same height as Ethan and Joe and Luc. Ethan stood between them with an arm around each waist and grinned at their mother’s proud expression and Rachel gasped at how much he resembled his father.

  “Wow Joe. Ethan looks amazing. Is he wearing one of your suits?”

  “Yeah he raided my wardrobe yesterday. Can’t believe they fit him so well.” Joe looked both impressed and put out at the same time and Rachel laughed at him. “Going to trade me in for a younger version Rach?”

  “Don’t be disgusting. I can’t believe you said that.”

  “Well with your track history darlin’…” Joe had finally gotten over the fact that his wife had enjoyed the attentions of a much younger man a long time ago.

  “Good lord you know how to say the wrong thing as ever. Don’t be such a dick.”

  Joe grunted. “Talking of which.” He pulled Rachel in front of him and held her close enough so she could feel how aroused he was. “All for you baby.” And just like that he redeemed himself and had her feeling like mush.

  “Auntie Rach!” George skipped over to embrace his Mum’s best friend and she chided him yet again for calling her ‘Auntie.’ It was their thing however, and would probably never change. “You look incredible. Happy birthday Joe.” George reached up and pecked Joe on the cheek just as Leo and Ryan joined him. Leo kissed Joe’s other cheek and Ryan roared with laughter.

  “Happy now?” Joe growled at the boys and they nodded gleefully. Having got nowhere with Luc, they had finally decided Joe would be much more fun to rile but their plan backfired as Joe had no particular issues with being kissed by men. Ryan had been subjecting him to it all their adult lives and it no longer held any weirdness for Joe. It wasn’t his thing but his sexual identity was solid enough to cope with a few affectionate kisses – the growl was more for effect.

  More people drifted over to wish him happy birthday and before long Joe had been whisked away by his colleague Benjamin Pierce to meet and greet some of their biggest clients. Rachel stayed behind to gossip with Karen and the twins and was joined by George and Leo. Ryan, Rory and Luc went to get drinks and Ethan was nabbed by Elizabeth and Colin who seemed unusually pleased to see him. Rachel couldn’t recall how they knew him other than having met him at hers and Joe’s wedding five years earlier but her attention was soon drawn back to George who was regaling them with hilarious stories about his famous New York clients.

  Joe worked the room like the professional he was accepting the birthday greetings graciously. Angela shadowed him the entire time ensuring no one hogged the birthday boy and soon enough he was back with his family and friends to start the dancing. Rachel wanted a proper DJ and dance floor and to be able to have the first dance with her husband then all bets were off as the party really got going with the music getting louder and the guests getting leerier. Joe didn’t really dance so much as stand there and let everyone else bounce off him but George and Leo and the twins really let loose and Rachel and Karen tried to keep up. No one noticed when Luc tugged at his wife’s hand and snuck them off to his office.

  “What are we doing in here Luc?” Livvy whispered knowing full well why her horny husband had whisked her away.

  “Two things baby doll. Firstly, I get you all to myself for the first time in like forever! And secondly to fulfil a fantasy of mine if you’d be so kind
.” Luc tugged at his tie and with Livvy in his arms walked them backwards until her bum hit the edge of his large wooden desk.

  “Umm, not sure I’m the stuff of fantasies at the moment. Shove your hands down my bra and you’re more than likely to get a fistful of damp breast pad than boob!” Livvy’s mouth turned down and she crossed her arms over her chest. “Not to mention my one week post baby pussy is off limits.”

  “Nice and direct – that’s what I’ve always liked about you Livs.” Luc chuckled then tipped her chin up with his index finger. “I don’t care about any of that nonsense. It’s all because you gave me the most precious gift; our son. And to me that makes you even sexier.” Olivia snorted. “You are beautiful and I love you so much. I just wanted a bit of time alone. We can just cuddle.”

  Olivia snorted even louder and Luc frowned. “Cuddle? Oh yeah Brit Boy – that libido of yours isn’t going to want just a hug now is it?”

  Luc grinned and cocked his head at her. “Just what are you suggesting Mrs Vincent?” Luc ducked his head and licked up the long elegant swerve of his wife’s neck.

  “Hmm – tell me your fantasy and let’s see shall we….” Livvy pulled at Luc’s hips and he settled in the v of her thighs chest to chest.

  “Oh baby. Just the thought of you in my office gets me hard but down on your knees under my desk while I’m slumped in my chair? That there is the stuff of many a wet daydream.” Luc sighed as his eyes fluttered closed.

  “Jesus Luc I’m not some two bit hooker hired to suck you off in between meetings.”

  Livvy felt Luc’s cock harden between them and she grinned to herself knowing that’s exactly what he’d been fantasising about. She knew Luc loved and respected her but Livvy was also aware he could be such a dirty boy and that turned her on just as much. Since the arrival of Maisy and Michael there hadn’t been much opportunity for them to get up to the high jinx they used to enjoy and as incapacitated as Livvy was at the moment she was still thrilled to be part of Luc’s filthy fantasy.

  “But I suppose I could just this once help you out with your little situation.” She brushed the length of his erection through his suit trousers and Luc jolted and hissed. “Go sit in the chair and unzip your pants.”

  Luc’s eyes flew open and his lips parted and he swallowed hard. Doing as he was told Livvy stood with her hands on her hips and watched the graceful lines of his body shift under his clothing and decided for maybe the millionth time in their relationship that she was more than likely the luckiest woman in the world. Six foot plus of prime male gorgeousness from the top of his messy blond head to the tip of his sexy feet, and everything panty melting in-between, Luc Vincent was still the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on.

  “Hands on the arms of your chair and don’t you dare move them.”

  Luc moved as he was told then watched as his wife reached behind her and undid the zip of her dress and shimmied out of it. His eyes narrowed and his breathing picked up. The navy satin pooled on the floor around her and underneath she was wearing an exquisite matching set of lingerie in navy silk with cream hold ups. Nude heels gave her a perky posture and Luc could see no evidence of the fact that this woman was until one week ago heavily pregnant. Naturally slim and athletic, Livvy kept herself fit and had thrown herself back into her regime right after giving birth desperate to look presentable for tonight. Luc chided her for being so unnecessary but looking at her now, Luc could only be grateful. Livvy was absolutely stunning. Her typically preppie American style was nowhere to be seen and she was currently all sex siren and vixen hot. A flush to her skin looked incredibly inviting and Luc swallowed hard.

  “You look amazing baby.” The rasp to Luc’s voice hit Olivia right between the legs and she mourned the fact that they couldn’t fuck right now. But she knew she’d have to get off because the sight of her man looking so wanton sprawled in his big leather chair was making her tummy flip and her clit throb. Darting quickly to lock the door, Livvy then dropped to all fours and began to crawl her way to Luc. He groaned loudly and shifted in the chair trying to adjust himself without removing his hands from the arms as instructed but it was no good – his cock was fighting to get free of his boxers and he really wished he was in his jeans commando as usual. Livvy disappeared from view then popped up between his legs placing her hands on his thighs. Rubbing up and down she winked at him and licked her lips and Luc’s head thudded back on the chair. “Jesus woman you’re killing me. Where did the sweet, innocent mother of my children vanish to?”

  Livvy barked out a laugh. In her case, looks were extremely deceptive. She had never been sweet and as far from innocent as you could get and she more than matched Luc in the inventive ways to have sex department. She loved getting down and dirty with her gorgeous husband and tonight was no exception.

  “Take your pants off Luc and undo your shirt.” She helped him wrestle out of his trousers but then sat back on her heels as he undid his shirt. Watching him yank his clothes off never got old and Livvy let her eyes drag over every piece of golden flesh as it became exposed. The man was just getting better with age and although he still had plenty of youthful playfulness, his physical appearance was maturing. And oh did it do wonderful things to Livvy’s insides to see him practically naked wantonly stroking himself as he awaited her. She felt hot and tingly and desperate to get her hands on him even though her healing body had no business getting itself all worked up. Her nipples were ultra sensitive and between her legs was certainly a no go area for a little while yet, but she couldn’t help the fact that her husband was a living breathing aphrodisiac. Luckily for Livvy, she derived almost as much pleasure from making Luc come as she did from her own satisfaction and there was nothing on this earth she loved having in her mouth more than his exquisite cock.

  Licking her lips, Olivia took hold of Luc’s ankles and rubbed her hands up his legs circling his knees, which were super sensitive for some bizarre reason. He jerked and his dick slapped against his abs leaving a sticky patch that made Livvy moan. Running her palms up his thick legs Livvy dragged her fingers back down the smooth skin of his inner thighs and he spread his legs reflexively while sexy little noises puffed out between his lips. Livvy kneeled and lowered her head down to his chest inhaling deeply then she swiped the stiff tip of her tongue over one peaked nipple then the other alternatively nipping, laving and sucking driving Luc wild so that he rutted into her desperately trying to get some friction where he needed it most. Releasing his nipples Olivia knee walked backwards and dipped her head to lick his balls and Luc hissed and arched nearly coming off the chair. Livvy lapped at the heavy sacs occasionally going lower to tongue the smooth skin of his taint but never touching his straining cock. She’d had to bat Luc’s hands away from it several times growling her displeasure and muttering ‘mine’ until he was driven to clutching desperately to the arms of the chair at his sides.

  “God Livvy. I can’t take much more.” Luc gasped as his wife practically swallowed one of his nuts then did the same to the other. He almost screamed when she finally wrapped her hand around his cock and pumped him a couple of times. “Oh God; yes just like that. Please Livs, I need…” Livvy breached the slit of his cock with her tongue and Luc’s arse left the seat again at the intensity of it. If she hadn’t had her thumb and forefinger squeezed around the base of his penis he would without a doubt have shot his load right there and then, but the throb and tingle subsided and Luc landed back on the leather with a whimper.

  Just as Luc loosened up and let himself relax a bit his beautiful all American looking waspy wife went down on him and in one practised move relaxed her throat and swallowed him whole. The fact that she looked like an innocent girl but gave head like a seasoned pro was one of the joys of Luc’s existence. The contradiction that was Olivia Montgomery Mason Vincent never failed to turn Luc on. He’d never so much as looked at another woman in five years and why would he when she was his living, breathing fantasy. And oh God, Livvy was doing that twisty tongue thing and her e
qually clever fingers were teasing his arse crack and then probing and patting and swallowing and bobbing and, “Oh God don’t; stop, don’t fucking ever stoppppp!” Luc reared up and grabbed Livvy’s head just as he unloaded and came down her throat. The pleasure was exquisite made all the more so by his recent denial and Luc rode the wave of his climax feeling breathless and weightless and free.

  Olivia smiled around Luc’s cock and enjoyed the little spasms that released the last few cum-drops. It tasted like nectar to her and she could never understand why some girls found the whole blowjob thing revolting. She had the man of her dreams at his most vulnerable and it made her feel powerful knowing she had the ability to bring him so much pleasure. Sometimes she felt it was a privilege to do so and other times she just liked to be down and dirty. Their love life had not waned at all over the years although the babies coming had interrupted some more of the extreme play they enjoyed. Livvy and Luc were both a bit sex mad but as it was something they had in common they thought it was rather fortuitous and took every advantage they could.

  “Oh Livvy – that was amazing doll. You’re amazing…I feel amazing. Life is amazing!” Luc laughed and Livvy joined in.


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