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New Additions

Page 8

by Becky Harmon

  From the first moment she had met Kathleen, she felt an attraction. But what was even more shocking was that everything she felt, she saw mirrored in Kathleen’s face. They seemed to be sharing a connection that pulled them together and set their bodies on fire. Every time they kissed, Cassie felt the passion overwhelm them. It made her heart race to even think about it. She couldn’t remember ever having this constant feeling of giddiness. If she did really like this woman, and she did, she needed to get her hormones under control. Taking advantage of her at the first opportunity would not convince Kathleen that she was looking for a serious relationship.

  Cassie took the stairs to her bedroom at a jog. A serious relationship? A week ago she would have said, “Hell no.” Yesterday she would have said, “Probably not.” Today? Well, today she was thinking about what it might be like to wake up every day next to Kathleen.

  Cassie pulled one of her softest T-shirts from a drawer along with blue cotton boxers. Her chest was heaving from the sprint, and she leaned against the wall, pulling the clothes against her body. She closed her eyes and thought about Kathleen wearing this T-shirt over her bare breasts and she imagined running her hands across the soft material. Pushing off the wall, she grabbed a long-sleeved T-shirt and a pair of thin sweatpants from her closet. She added her newest pair of running shoes and socks to the growing bundle and then crammed it all into a duffel bag.

  Kathleen was waiting on the porch swing outside the office. David sat beside her, and Pandy and Zoey lay at her feet.

  “David’s going to escort us to the cabin.” Kathleen stood, giving Cassie a wink over his head.

  Cassie smiled at him. “That’s very gentlemanly of you, David.”

  They strolled together followed by Zoey and Pandy.

  Kathleen looked at the bag in Cassie’s hand. “Did you pack me a bag?”

  “I want you to be comfortable. It’s just clothes and a pair of running shoes. You’ll find a spare toothbrush and stuff like that in the cabin. Look around until you find what you need. Or call me.”

  Kathleen pulled her cell phone from her pocket and began typing. “What’s your number?”

  Cassie gave her cell number. “You can also use the radio on the counter.”

  “And no one else can hear the conversation?”

  “Well,” Cassie hesitated. “Yes and no. I have each cabin set on a different channel so when they call me I know which cabin I’m talking to, but anyone could change the channel, I guess.”

  “That’s good to know then. I think I’ll stick to my cell phone if I need to call you.”

  Cassie stepped onto the porch of Cabin One and unlocked the door. Reaching inside, she turned on the entryway light and then handed the key along with the duffel bag to Kathleen.

  “Call me if you need anything, okay?” Cassie gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Don’t worry. I will.” She looped her arm through Cassie’s as she turned to David.

  Reaching out her empty hand, she gave his hand a shake. “It was very nice to meet you, David.”

  “You too, Ms. Kathleen.” He shyly dropped his head before walking away.

  “You can contact me anytime,” Kathleen called after him.

  He gave her a little wave and continued toward Cabin Four.

  “I gave him my business card in case he wants to talk. I doubt he’ll call though.”

  “He’s very shy.” Cassie gave her hand a squeeze. “Good night, Ms. Kathleen.”

  “Do you want to come in for a drink? Oh wait…do I have any drinks to offer?”

  “There are a few small bottles in the cabinet, but I think I should say no. I haven’t shown very much restraint where you’re concerned, and I should help Dillon and Shelley clean up.”

  “Oh, I should help too. I didn’t even think about that.” Kathleen started down the steps after her.

  “No. We got this. Go settle in for the night. Call me in the morning when you get up and I’ll come visit.”

  Kathleen pulled her close, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. Cassie held on to her a moment longer, wishing she could take the kiss deeper but knowing she couldn’t. When she released Kathleen, her body felt cold and empty.

  “Good night.”

  “Good night, Cassie.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The picnic tables were clean and almost empty, so she grabbed the last of the containers and carried it up the steps to her house.

  “Cassie-nova returns,” Dillon announced.

  “I told you we’re not torturing her tonight.” Shelley glared at Dillon as she placed the containers from Cassie’s arms in the refrigerator. “Let her bask in the glow until Monday and then you can dog her.” She shot Cassie an evil grin and pushed Dillon toward the door. “Leftovers are in the fridge. Enjoy your weekend.”

  “Monday!” Dillon yelled as the door shut behind them.

  Cassie leaned against the counter and sighed. Opening a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, she tossed the cap in the trash can before walking onto the rear deck. She settled into an Adirondack chair and let her head fall back. She needed some time to unwind before she would be able to sleep.

  * * *

  Kathleen paused in the doorway and watched Cassie stride into the darkness. Today she had developed a new love for a well-worn pair of Levi’s. The way they hung from Cassie’s hips, pulling tight below her butt with each step. Kathleen quickly closed the door to keep herself from calling after her. If Cassie came back now, Kathleen knew she wouldn’t be able to let her leave. She had known that when she invited Cassie inside for a drink but had ignored the warning bells. Thankfully, at least one of them had been thinking.

  She opened the cabinet and searched through the small bottles of alcohol, selecting a merlot. Pouring herself a glass, she crossed to the sliding glass doors and stared at her own reflection. The dim light from inside the cabin slowly revealed the deck outside and her eyes widened. She had forgotten about the hot tub. Setting her wineglass on the counter, she carried the bag Cassie had given her to the bed and pulled everything out. She stripped off her clothes and pulled on the thick terry cloth robe hanging on the bathroom door. Grabbing a towel and her glass of wine, she slid open the door and stepped out onto the deck. The night was quiet except for the chirps of a few frogs and crickets. Flipping on the heater and massage jets, she slipped out of the robe and quickly slid naked into the water.

  Though the water wasn’t heated yet, it was still warm and relaxing. She shifted around the jets to a more comfortable spot. Today had been an amazing day. Better than she could have imagined. The connection she had felt with Cassie was real, and she missed being with her. She considered calling to tell her good night again or maybe to invite her over. Her body seconded the motion, throbbing with anticipation. Okay, maybe that wasn’t such a good idea. She slid her shoulders down into the warm water and leaned her head back, closing her eyes.

  It had been at least twelve months since her last date and her body was quick to remind her it had been even longer since she had sex. Women were never what they appeared to be on the surface; many, it seemed, were ready to move in before their bodies had even dried from the first morning-after shower. She had always lived alone, and the thought of having another woman in her space made her palms sweat. She had even stopped inviting dates to her house. She couldn’t stand it when they took liberties with her personal space like borrowing her clothes.

  She thought about the bag Cassie had packed for her tonight. Did it feel invasive to Cassie for her to give up her clothes? She had offered willingly and Kathleen was surprised to find she was looking forward to pulling on the soft T-shirt, knowing it would have Cassie’s fresh, wild scent. She thought about Cassie’s naked body inside the shirt where hers would soon be and she flashed to earlier when her hands had grazed soft skin and hard nipples. She wasn’t sure she could make it through the weekend without feeling Cassie’s warm skin against hers. She wasn’t sure she wanted to even try.

* *

  Cassie couldn’t believe that she hadn’t asked for Kathleen’s phone number. Almost two hours had passed since they parted at the cabin; she must be asleep by now. She had tried to reach her on the cabin radio, but apparently it was turned off or Kathleen wasn’t within hearing distance.

  Cassie rummaged through her dresser for an acceptable T-shirt to sleep in and wondered why she had given Kathleen her favorite one. Would Kathleen know it was her favorite? Was she wearing it right now? Or maybe she slept naked. Cassie groaned. Thoughts like that would quickly undo the relaxing effects of the beer and the shower she had just taken. She glanced jealously at Pandy and Zoey stretched out on their dog beds sleeping peacefully. She had barely pulled the covers back on her bed when the music from her cell phone broke the silence and startled her. Smiling, she grabbed the phone and looked at the screen to identify the caller. Pensacola.


  “Whacha doin’?” Kathleen’s voice purred through the line.

  Cassie sat back up as she tried to read Kathleen’s tone. “Do you need something? I can come over.”

  “No, everything is fine. Perfect in fact.”

  “Well, I could still come over.” Cassie lay back down.

  Kathleen laughed.

  “Perfect, huh?”

  “I had a glass of wine and soaked in the hot tub. Both were wonderful.”

  “I could come over,” Cassie suggested again.

  “Well, that would certainly make things more perfect.”

  Cassie hesitated. Was that an invitation or only an observation? Before she could inquire, Kathleen took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

  “That would probably be a bad idea, wouldn’t it?”

  “I’m not sure I want to answer that.” Cassie gave a little laugh.

  “Yes, it would be a bad idea and we both know it.”

  “Am I supposed to agree with you?”

  “I wish you wouldn’t.”

  The silence grew between them as Cassie struggled to rein in her desire and resist the urge to run to Kathleen.

  “I do. Agree with you, I mean.” Cassie gave a little sigh. “But I don’t want to. I can’t seem to stop thinking about you.”

  “I’m having the same problem here.”

  “I certainly haven’t shown much control around you today. It doesn’t appear I can be trusted.”

  “And that would be a bad thing?”

  “Oh, hell no!” Cassie exclaimed and then laughed, enjoying the smooth sound of Kathleen’s laughter in her ear.

  “Maybe we should say good night before I change my mind.”

  “I just have one question.”

  “Okay,” Kathleen said slowly.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “And on that note…I’m hanging up.”

  “You can’t blame a girl for trying.”

  “Let’s leave it to your imagination?”

  “You are very dangerous.” Cassie’s voice strained with desire.

  “Good night.”


  Chapter Twelve

  Cassie opened her eyes and stared at the cold, wet nose inches from her face. Zoey stood beside the bed with her head resting on Cassie’s pillow and her tail wagging enthusiastically. Pandy watched from the comfort of her nearby dog bed. Cassie gave Zoey a scratch behind her ears as she glanced at the clock. It was still early, but she needed to get her work finished so she could spend time with Kathleen.

  She was glad she had returned home last night instead of doing something either of them might have regretted. Putting some distance between them had cooled the intense fire, though Cassie’s stomach still quivered at the memories of yesterday. She showered quickly and actually thought about what she was going to wear. She could hear Shelley’s voice in her head telling her to pick something nice, but she ignored it and chose her usual attire. Jeans and a T-shirt were appropriate for a farm, so why would she wear anything else?

  She was surprised to find two mini-quiches thawing in the refrigerator and sent a silent thank-you to Shelley for her thoughtfulness. Placing the quiches in the toaster oven on low, she mixed a pan of blueberry muffins and slid it into the oven before feeding the animals inside and out. She filled the horses’ water buckets while she waited for them to finish eating so she could release them back into the pasture. Her phone rang as she was finishing, and the readout brought a smile to her face. Kathleen. She had saved her number last night after Kathleen’s late-night call.

  “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

  “Don’t even tell me. You’ve been up for hours, right?” Kathleen yawned loudly.

  “Barely an hour. Can I come over?”


  “Be right there.”

  * * *

  Cassie returned to the house to take the muffins out of the oven, checking the quiches before sprinting to Kathleen’s door. She knocked softly and Kathleen whipped open the door, pulling her into a tight hug.

  “Good morning to you too,” Cassie said hoarsely as Kathleen’s touch ignited a new fire in her.

  “I just wanted to thank you for a wonderful getaway. I didn’t realize I’d been working so much lately.”

  Cassie nodded, slipping from her arms and moving into the room. Distance. She needed space and distance. She gathered the bedding Kathleen had already stripped off the bed along with the other items to be washed and dropped them all into the washer. Pulling clean sheets from the closet, they made the bed together, their movements fluid and comfortable as they worked.

  “I can’t even tell you were here,” Cassie teased as she tossed the disposable cleaning towels into the trash. “Are you hungry or do you need coffee first?”

  Kathleen came out of the bathroom where she had been cleaning. “Coffee would be great.”

  “I need to let the horses out, but you can go on over to the office and make a cup.”

  “That’d be great and then I’ll catch up with you.”

  “Okay, but it won’t take me long. There are blueberry muffins cooling in the house if you want to wait there.”

  They left the cabin together and parted at the stairs to the office. Within a few minutes, Kathleen joined her in the barn with a cup of coffee in one hand and a muffin in the other. She sat down on a bale of hay and watched as Cassie circled one of the horses.

  “What are you doing?” Kathleen asked, sipping her coffee.

  “Checking for injuries and such.” Cassie ran her hand down the horse’s leg and caught his hoof when he lifted it, removing dirt and debris from the bottom.

  “How many horses do you have?”

  “Eight horses and six goats.”

  “Are they a lot of work?” Kathleen took a bite of the muffin. “These are still warm.”

  Cassie released the horse into the pasture and turned to watch Kathleen as she licked the crumbs from the edge of her mouth.

  “Would you like a bite?” Kathleen asked, holding the muffin out to Cassie.

  Without a word or even a thought, Cassie crossed the distance between them in two strides and took a bite of the muffin Kathleen held. Her lips unintentionally brushed Kathleen’s fingers, sending a pulse of desire through her body. Kathleen’s eyes widened and Cassie froze as their eyes locked. Moving away quickly, Cassie let the next horse out of her stall. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched as a slow smile spread across Kathleen’s face.

  “So, are the animals a lot of work?” Kathleen asked again.

  Cassie liked the deep huskiness of Kathleen’s voice as she tried to return to their conversation. She couldn’t help but be pleased with the effect she was having on her. Especially since her own body was still reeling from the unexpected touch.

  “Not to me. Dillon and I share the workload during the week. Weekends are pretty quiet with guests checking in and out.”

  “I really enjoyed riding yesterday. I was a little nervous at first, but I’d like to do it again.”

  “You did great.
A real natural.” Cassie gave her a wink.

  “Would you like a drink?” Kathleen held up her coffee cup as Cassie closed the gate behind the last horse.

  “I should probably get my own cup,” Cassie suggested with a devious grin.

  Kathleen nodded and slid her hand into Cassie’s as they returned to the office. Cassie liked the easy comfort between them. Though the touch earlier had been unintentional and very arousing, Kathleen’s grasp of her hand now was neither of those things, and she basked in the warmth of the friction between their fingers.

  * * *

  While they waited for Cassie’s cup to brew, Kathleen moved around the office, taking in the things she had missed when she arrived yesterday. Several paintings hung on the wall and clearly had been selected by Cassie. Kathleen smiled as she studied a remake of the Norman Rockwell painting of a Massachusetts State Trooper and small boy sitting in a diner. Cassie’s painting showed a female officer with a young girl sitting in front of an old-fashioned ice cream soda fountain.

  She thought about the ease with which Cassie handled the animals and her responsibilities. Her confidence, and Dillon’s too, soothed others around them, allowing them to relax. It was easy to imagine Dani and even Kaitlyn having the self-assurance to interact with the horses. They would love the animals. Morgan and Shauna would use the freedom to find peace and quiet away from everyone else. She had been trying to get both of them to open up about their appearances. Morgan’s piercings and Shauna’s shaved head drew unwanted attention when she took them out in public, yet each had chosen to be noticeable.

  Interrupting Kathleen’s wandering thoughts, coffee cups in hand, Cassie led them back into the house. The smell of something yummy cooking greeted them. Kathleen peered over Cassie’s shoulder as she placed the dishes on the top of the stove to cool.

  “Is that a quiche?”

  “It is and they taste as good as they smell. I’d like to take credit for them, but Shelley is actually the cook.”


  Cassie grabbed two muffins, handing one to Kathleen as they headed out to the deck with Zoey and Pandy on their heels. They each took a seat in an Adirondack chair and stared out at the horses and goats in the pasture. The silence was comforting, and Kathleen didn’t want to break it. She felt Cassie’s glance several times before she finally spoke.


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