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The Jordans Collection

Page 54

by Jess Michaels

  Griffin opened his mouth as if to protest, but then took one more glance at the boy who was now vomiting on the other side of the tree. He looked at Noah with a grim nod.

  “Be careful. Hawthorne is a desperate man. I’ll send the cavalry as soon as I can get word to Audrey.”

  Noah lifted his hand to wave as he galloped off down the road. His heart throbbed and his mind raced. Marion was in terrible danger. If he couldn’t find her soon, he had no idea what her so-called father would do. Or where he would take her. With a shiver at the thought, Noah dug his heels hard into Phantom and doubled his time toward the woman he loved.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Marion glared at her father, but her angry stare only served to amuse him. It had been almost two hours since he had abducted the three women and Walter had the upper hand in every way. Noah would have a difficult time tracking them, if he came at all. Despite her bluff, Marion knew he might read her letter, be relieved she’d set him free, and never come.

  She choked back a sob at the thought and looked out the window. She was trying desperately to identify the scenery around them just in case she could manage an escape. Of course her father, no, the man she’d always thought was her father, had never taken her out much. She couldn’t have said where they were even if she had a map and compass to aid her.

  Even if she could figure it out, he never took his eyes off her and her mother. The women hadn’t had the opportunity to speak at all, let alone plot an escape. She’d have to depend on herself to save them all.

  “I need to relieve myself,” she said loudly, crossing her arms and glaring at her father as if daring him to refuse her.

  “You’ll have to wait. We aren’t stopping for at least a few more hours. We need to get distance between London and us in case that driver of Ingrid’s wakes up.”

  Walter sneered at her mother and she mother shivered and looked away.

  Marion tried to block an image of the strapping young man who’d been their driver unconscious at the side of the road. “Fine. I’ll just have to do it right here then. It will punish you as much as it does me.”

  Walter glared at her for a moment. She could see he was weighing whether or not he wanted to take the chance she was lying. Finally, he reached back and thumped on the wall three times. The carriage began a slow stop. A surge of triumph made Marion smile to herself. Once she was out of the vehicle, she was halfway to freedom.

  “If you’re lying to me.” Walter leaned closer and put his face in hers. “If you try anything, your mother will suffer for it.”

  Marion glanced from her father to her mother for a moment. She was inclined to believe him. Although he’d beaten her weeks ago, Marion didn’t believe he’d kill her. After all, he had raised her even though she wasn’t his own flesh and blood. But he hated her mother, had hated her for years. If he had the opportunity to harm Ingrid, Marion had no doubt he’d take it.

  Still, she and her mother were in just as much danger if they didn’t fight. It was a risk they’d have to take.

  The carriage door opened and the three women filed out. For the first time, Marion caught a glimpse of her father’s accomplice. He was a burly man, but he didn’t look too bright to her. Her mother and Sally might be able to take care of him if they worked together.

  She saddled up to her mother while her father spoke to the man for a moment. “When I go to the bushes, have Sally distract the other man, then you hit him over the head with…” She looked around her. “With that big stick over there. Hit him as hard as you can. If he falls but tries to get back up, hit him again.”

  Her mother’s eyes grew wide and for a moment Marion feared she’d refuse. But then a steel came into the gentle brown and she nodded. “I’ll pretend he’s your father.”

  Marion laughed despite herself and moved back away.

  “Are you going to go then?” Her father asked, motioning for her to lead. “I’ll follow at a respectable distance to be certain you don’t try anything tricky.”

  Marion winked at her mother, then strode by her father with her head held high and headed toward some brush far in the distance. She wanted to be sure her father had to run a long way if he decided to go back to help his cohort.

  She bustled about behind the bushes so he’d think she was taking care of her needs, all the while listening in the distance for some indication that Sally and her mother had done their part. She peeked around the hedges just in time to see the driver hit the ground. Unfortunately, her father saw the same thing at the same moment.

  He started to stride back toward the carriage. “Hey!”

  Marion ran out from behind the bushes and threw herself across her father’s back while she wrapped her arms around his thick neck.

  “Let go of me!” he bellowed as he began to twist and try to get hold of her. She kicked him in the back of his knee and he howled in pain, but responded by hitting her across the side of her head. She winced. Thank goodness he hadn’t had a clear shot.

  “You let us go and I’ll let you go,” she yelled back at him as she continued to hit and kick at him. She sighed with relief as Sally and her mother ran up to aid her. The relief was short-lived, though, as her father flipped her over his shoulder and to the ground. The air left her lungs and she gasped for air.

  “You’re going to be sorry you did that, girlie.” He grabbed her hair and yanked her to her feet.

  Marion grasped at her roots as the sting rushed through her scalp, but was surprised that suddenly he released her. When she turned, it was to see her mother sitting on her former husband’s chest, pummeling him with her small fists.

  “You may have gotten away with that with me, but not with my daughter,” her mother screamed as she continued to beat at Walter Hawthorne.

  He was too stunned to fight back for a moment, but when one of her mother’s fists came in contact with his bulbous nose, it snapped him from his shock and he cried out.

  Marion flung herself across his body so he couldn’t swing at her or her mother and barked up at Sally, “Get some rope and help me tie him up.”

  Sally stared at the two women in shock, but then nodded mutely and ran over to the carriage.

  “This is it, Walter.” Beneath her, the man she’d known as her father struggled and let loose with a long string of curses that burned her ears. “You don’t own me and you don’t own her.” Marion met her mother’s eyes and the two women smiled. “And you never will.”

  * * *

  Noah pushed his horse faster than the poor beast had ever run. But Phantom seemed to sense his master’s urgency and continue on without so much as a whimper. It had been at least an hour he’d been riding and trying to track the carriage in the muddy roadway. An impossible task considering the road was moderately traveled. His frustration had grown until it reached a fever pitch.

  He looked up from his quick glance at tracks and maneuvered Phantom around a bend. There, not one hundred yards ahead of him, was the carriage he’d been so desperately looking for.

  “Marion!” he called out as he forced his horse even harder.

  A woman ran to the side of the road at his call and to his relief he saw it was his fiancée. She appeared uninjured from the rapidly shrinking distance.

  “Noah!” she cried out in relief.

  He pulled the horse up short and swung off to catch her in his arms. Damning propriety, he brought his mouth down on hers and kissed her as hard and as deeply as he could. He felt her body relax against him almost instantly as she returned his kiss with the sweet fervor of a person who’d been through hell and now found themselves home.

  Finally, he reluctantly pulled away and gave her the gentlest of shakes. “What did you think you were doing sneaking away like that?”

  Marion paled as she regained her composure. She pulled from his embrace and nodded her head in the direction of the carriage. Near the wheel, two squirming men were tied. One was Walter Hawthorne.

  “You son of a bitch!” Noah crossed the
distance between them in a heartbeat. “I ought to kill you right here for kidnapping her. Your own daughter, man!”

  Marion grabbed his arm to keep him from swinging against the defenseless man. “I need to tell you the truth. He didn’t kidnap me. Well he did, but not until after I’d left you.” She paused and turned her head away. “And he isn’t my father.”

  Noah flinched. The pain in Marion’s eyes and the guilt in Ingrid’s told him what she said was all too true. It made him ache to see her in such agony.


  She sighed. “It’s a long story. It seems everyone in my life has lied to me, including Sally.”

  Noah wheeled back. “I don’t understand.”

  “Georgina Ross killed herself,” she said with a sigh. “Sally knew all along, but used my fears to endear herself to me in the hopes I would help her escape Lucas’s employ.”

  Noah stared at Marion with a shocked expression. She couldn’t help a wry smile. “You told me making friends with the servants could help us. It’s just too bad we didn’t resolve this sooner so we could have avoided this mess. Your plans wouldn’t have been ruined if she had.”

  She let him digest her last comment. It was a low blow, but seeing him again, feeling him kiss her when she knew she was nothing but an inconvenience to him, hurt her. And in her hurt, she lashed out.

  “What do you mean, my plans?” he asked with a shake of his head. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you don’t understand.” She turned on her heel and walked toward her father. “No one understands and everyone is sorry. Well…”

  She was about to go on a tirade, but to her surprise, her father caught her wrist with his suddenly untied hand. He dragged her across his chest as he slowly rose to his feet. The cold bite of steel touched her throat. She realized in horror that he was armed. She was a fool! She hadn’t even thought to check him for a knife or pistol.

  “Hawthorne,” Noah yelled. She saw the wary fury in his eyes as he analyzed the situation they now found themselves in.

  “You’re going to let me go or I’ll kill her and I promise it will hurt.” Her father backed toward the carriage horse. “Ingrid, come untie this stallion.”

  Marion’s mother looked to Noah with wide, questioning eyes. They grew even wider when he nodded. She scurried forward and began to clumsily unhitch the animal.

  Noah looked at Marion with an unwavering, soothing stare. “You can go, Hawthorne. Leave the girl.”

  Her father laughed. “I don’t trust you, Noah Jordan. I’ll take her down the road with me a few miles and leave her for you to find. But don’t you try anything or what you discover won’t be worth having. I can see you’ve gone daft for the girl, so I trust you wouldn’t want her injured.”

  A muscle in Noah’s jaw twitched, but it was the only outward indication he gave of his fury. Marion was amazed at his self-control. Her heart was beating like butterflies wings and she trembled in her father’s tight grip. She looked to the man she loved with pleading eyes.

  “Put that knife down.”

  A new voice came from the road and Marion looked to see Griffin with his gun trained on her father. Her heart leapt. As much as she despised the man right now, she didn’t want him shot. Or for her to be in the crossfire.

  “Put that away,” Hawthorne warned as he dragged Marion closer to him. He shook the knife and she felt it dig into her flesh. “Put it away.”

  She looked again at Noah and saw something in his eyes. Walter was distracted and he was moving ever closer to the older man.

  Swallowing back her fear, Marion moved her arm forward and brought her elbow back into her captor’s chest with all the force in her body. Noah let out a guttural cry as Walter briefly loosened his hold on Marion and put an elbow into his temple. The man dropped immediately.

  “Tie him up again.” Noah panted as Griffin lowered his pistol. He turned to Marion. “The first thing I teach you when we get married is how to tie better knots.”

  Marion almost laughed at his quip but couldn’t. Not when he’d mentioned the wedding that would never happen. “I’m not marrying you.”

  Noah’s eyes widened. “You think not? I just chased you from London!”

  “Don’t make jokes.” She turned and was dismayed to see both her mother and Sally watching the pair with interest. “Are you both unhurt?”

  Noah watched as Marion crossed over to embrace her mother and say a few words to Sally. She’d been through an ordeal. A terrible one considering she’d apparently found out that Walter Hawthorne wasn’t truly her father and that Sally had lied to her. But if she thought she could avoid his questions and his love, she was dead wrong.

  “Come on.” He strode forward and grabbed her arm. She pulled back, but he hauled her away nonetheless. “Griffin, get the ladies into the carriage and take them home. Marion and I will follow in a short while.”

  Griffin’s eyebrows knitted together. “Noah, are you certain…”


  He swung up onto the horse, taking Marion with him and settling her in front of him in the saddle before he thundered off down the road and away from prying eyes.

  * * *

  “Where are we going?” Marion asked as she tried not to let her body touch Noah’s. Each time it did, heat seeped through her gown and made her very aware that she wanted him. Despite the fact that she was about to tell him she would never marry him even if he dragged her off like a barbarian.

  “Somewhere to talk,” was his grim reply, then he snaked his hand around to rest on her belly.

  Marion sucked in her breath through her teeth. Closing her eyes, she said a silent prayer that she wouldn’t melt with his touch. “We aren’t going back to London?”

  “No.” He pulled her toward him a fraction so her back pressed against his broad chest. “We aren’t. We’re going,” he paused and pointed toward a secluded spot along the river. “There.”

  He pulled the horse up and helped her down. She didn’t fight him when he took her arm and led her down to the river’s edge. Soft heather was the perfect seat, and she sat down in it and stared up at him.

  “I already told you I won’t marry you.” She refused to break their gaze, even as he sunk to his knees beside her and touched her face.

  “Then tell me why.” The anger and teasing were gone from his voice, replaced by genuine confusion.

  She shook her head. “You don’t want this.”

  “We had that discussion weeks ago.” He clenched his jaw. “You didn’t want this, I didn’t want this. And then we grew closer. What changed to make you run away so suddenly?”

  He brushed his knuckles over the curve of her cheek and the line of her jaw. Awareness crackled through her like an electric shock.

  “Nothing.” She swallowed hard. “Nothing. I just realized it was folly.”

  “Don’t lie.” He smiled as he leaned up and brushed his lips against her hair. “It doesn’t suit you.”

  Her lower lip trembled and she turned her face so he wouldn’t see how much it hurt her to have him touch her. “I heard you talking to Griffin last night. I heard you say that a country chit wasn’t in your plans. I know you don’t want to marry me, and I don’t want you if you’ll only grow to resent me after you’re bored with my body.”

  Noah froze in his caresses, and Marion waited for the inevitable denials of what she’d heard. For a long moment he held her gaze, then he leaned forward and kissed her. The touch removed her careful guard and she responded. His tongue probed her mouth, tasting her, testing all the hollows and curves. She couldn’t hold back the moan of pleasure at even the simplest of touches.

  “I will never tire of your body,” he reassured her against her ear. “But as much as I also respect your mind, you, my dear are a lousy spy.”

  She might have bristled at his words if he hadn’t slid one hand up to cup her breast. Even through the muslin, her nipple hardened in anticipation of his mouth on her body, of him joining with her.
r />   “I don’t know what you mean.” She tried to draw back, but he refused to let her.

  “You didn’t stay to hear the entire conversation.”

  “I heard enough.”

  He was lowering her back against the grass, and she somehow couldn’t do anything to fight him. In fact, she arched against his chest like a hopeless wanton.

  “Did you hear that I love you?” Noah’s voice was suddenly breathless, but it wasn’t only from desire. She could hear the anticipation in his words, the need for her to say the same.

  But was he telling the truth?

  Her breath hitched. “No, I didn’t.”

  He smiled. “Then you didn’t hear enough. I love you, Marion Hawthorne. I love you and I cannot wait until you are my wife. In fact, after I ravish you here beside the river.” To accentuate his words, he slipped one hand beneath her skirt and began a slow slide up her leg. “I plan to take you to Gretna Green and make you my wife. Before you can convince yourself of any more nonsense and try to run away from me again.”

  Her eyes blurred with a combination of tears at his confession and desire when his fingertips found her very center. “You love me?”

  “With all my heart.” He kissed her gently as he slipped one finger inside her.

  “But…” She caught her breath as the wall of pleasure began to build in her. It took all her energy to focus on her rebuttals.

  “No buts.” With his free hand he cupped her chin and forced her to look at him. “Just tell me you love me.”

  “But…” Her self-control slipped away inch by inch, thrust by thrust.

  “Tell me.”

  “I love you.” No sooner had the words been said than she fell over the brink in a wave of pleasure that had her grasping at Noah’s shoulders and arching against him. She found herself repeating her declaration over and over again.

  Her hands trailed down to Noah’s breaches buttons and one by one she wrenched them open. His erection popped out into her hand, hot and hard and ready to fill her. He hiked her skirt up even further and with little fanfare, thrust into her.


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