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To Love and Obey

Page 4

by Vera Roberts

  She briefly glanced down at her cell phone and picked up her coat and purse. She needed to leave and be presentable for her Dom. She hoped He wouldn’t be disappointed with her appearance.


  “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Saint Nicholas,” The owner of the Dungeon, Lady Nikkia, gave him a hug and a kiss. She was a tall and curvaceous Black female who wore a bright pink bob cut wig that distracted Her potential submissives from the several intricate tattoos all over Her body. She had a dark chocolate complexion, rich in earth and gold undertones. She had been a Domme for as long as Nick could remember, and She was the one who had shown Nick the ropes—literally and figuratively. “I haven’t seen your face around here in a long time. What brings this visit tonight? Looking for a new submissive?”

  “I am looking, all right, but not for a new submissive,” Nick hugged Her back, “I’m watching to see if someone I know won’t be in trouble.”

  “Oh? She’s green to the lifestyle?” Lady Nikkia asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Nick explained, “but I just want to make sure she’s not in over her head.”

  “Ah,” Lady Nikkia nodded, “well, how can we assist you?”

  “If you have some accessories I can borrow for the time being, that would be great. Also, I need the security to be at a close distance to me tonight.”

  “You think it’s going to get that rough?” Lady Nikkia asked.

  Nick thought about this temper. It was usually under control, but he had a feeling it probably won’t be for long once he saw Zerrin and her date. “Just as a precaution.”


  Zerrin arrived at the front door of The Dungeon and breathed in the excitement. It was going to be her first official outing as a submissive, and she was very excited. What would her Dom ask her to do? What would He require of her? She didn’t know what to expect. All she knew it was going to be an unforgettable evening.

  She walked to the front door of the club and signed in with the security guard who checked her off. Once inside, Zerrin dropped off her coat and purse at coat check and made her way to the bar. She sipped on her Cosmopolitan and looked around, taking it all in.

  In the far corner, there was a Dom with two submissive females on each arm. Directly across from her, she noticed a Domme leading her male submissive by a leash and collar. Zerrin then spotted a gay couple wearing assless chaps walking in front of her. She briefly wondered what they all did for their occupations. One was probably a teacher. Another might be a minister. Some of the real young ones looked like they were barely out of high school. It seemed like The Dungeon brought out the kink in everyone.

  “You came…” A low voice greeted Zerrin’s ear. She turned to see who it was and was surprised it was Sir. He was a tall man with a dark complexion and sharp green eyes. He had a thin build that was covered behind a black tank top and jeans but his presence commanded her attention.

  Zerrin smiled upon realizing that she was finally meeting her Dom face to face. He was exactly how He described Himself online and through pictures. He was even more attractive than Zerrin had imagined. “I’m here, Sir.” She smiled.

  The man caressed Zerrin’s cheek and smiled. “My little teacup. How are you?”

  Zerrin didn’t like sudden invasion of personal space so soon. She had hoped they would have a conversation and ease into the touchy-feely. “I’m doing much better now that I know you’re here, Sir.”

  “Very well,” Sir took the drink away from Zerrin and finished it for her. Zerrin was not amused. That Cosmopolitan wasn’t cheap. “Come with me, we need to get acquainted with another.” He held out His hand and Zerrin grabbed it.

  She followed Him to a private room with dark velvet drapes and lighted candelabras on the walls. There was a queen-sized bed in center of the room flanked by end tables. The room had a dark, almost scary feel to it, and Zerrin didn’t feel entirely comfortable being there.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Her Dom seemingly read her mind, “nothing bad will happen to you here.”

  Zerrin nodded but still felt unsure. She quieted her mind and let out a small breath. “Okay, Sir.”

  Sir yanked Zerrin by her arm, pulling her close to His body. “No matter what I tell you tonight, you will do it, understand?”

  Sir had a painful grip on Zerrin’s arm, making her wince. Worry shot up her spine and she wondered if she cried for help, if anyone would actually rush to her side. “Y-y-yes, Sir.”

  Sir pushed Zerrin to the bed and took off his shirt. He walked over to a dresser and took out a whip. He cracked it a couple of times, testing it. He then looked over at Zerrin with a smirk on His face. “Bend over, slut.”

  Zerrin didn’t like where the new relationship with Sir was heading, and she immediately felt uncomfortable. “Sir, I don’t want to do this. I’m not ready.”

  Sir walked over to her and sharply grabbed Zerrin’s face. “You’re going to do whatever I tell you to do.”

  Zerrin read her Dom’s eyes. They were evil and menacing. “Sir, I…”

  Sir backhanded Zerrin and she collapsed on the bed. “You will do whatever I tell you to do, slut! Is that clear? Is that clear?”

  Zerrin touched her cheek as she curled up into the fetal position. Her cheek was fire-hot and stung with pain. “Yes, Sir,” she whimpered.

  “Good, good,” Sir nodded as He flexed the whip. Just as He was getting ready to give Zerrin a lashing, the bedroom door opened. A guy came in and walked over to the dresser, rummaging through the drawers. “May I help you? I’m in the middle of a scene here?”

  “Just one moment,” the man lifted a finger to silence the Dom as he kept rummaging through the drawers, “I’m almost done here.”

  “Yo,” Sir was irritated. “Yo? Get the hell out of here, man!” The man wouldn’t budge as he kept looking for something. Sir walked over to him. “Dude, are you deaf?”

  “A-ha! Found what I was looking for!” The man pulled out a rattan cane. “I can hear just fine but it seems when a woman tells you no,” the man flicked his wrist and swiped Sir at His thigh, causing him to fall down on his knees, “you don’t seem to hear too well.”

  Before Sir could make another move, the man hit him with the cane several times over, making Sir collapse on the floor. The man snapped his fingers a couple of times and two women walked inside the room. “Bind and gag him,” the man instructed and the women nodded.

  As the women were tying up the Dom, the man walked over to the bed and checked on Zerrin. “Are you okay?” He asked.

  Zerrin recognized the voice. It couldn’t be… She looked up and met eyes with Nick. Had he been there all along? How long had he been in the club? “Nick…” she whispered.

  “Shh…” He comforted her. “It’s okay now. One of the girls is gathering up your belongings, and I’m going to take you home.” He examined her face and saw the bright pink mark etched across her cheek. He felt anger boiling inside him once again. “Girls?”

  “Yes, Master?” both girls answered.

  “Give him CBT and then put an impaler cage on him,” Nick looked back at the Dom on the ground, hands and feet bound together and a ball gag in his mouth, “and make sure you throw away the key.”

  “Yes, Master,” the women agreed.

  Nick helped Zerrin stand up and led her outside to his awaiting Mercedes. Zerrin was already impressed by Nick’s choice of vehicle. It wasn’t a typical car of someone on a professor’s salary would drive. That wasn’t the only thing that piqued Zerrin’s interest. Nick was at The Dungeon and he had submissives as well. There was more to Nick than she realized…


  “So this is it,” Zerrin looked at her apartment complex from Nick’s car. “Thank you for dropping me off.”

  Nick turned off the engine and unbuckled his belt. “I’ll see you up.”

  “Nick, it’s not necessary. I’m a big girl. I can definitely walk a few feet to my apartment,” she argued.

  Nick was already out the door and
opened Zerrin’s passenger door for her. “Again, I’ll see you up.”

  Zerrin looked into Nick’s eyes and swore she saw a twinkle in them. Under the moonlight, he was incredibly gorgeous, and his blue eyes sparkled. She clearly saw what his female students had seen all along. She unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed his hand as she stepped out of the vehicle. They held hands as they walked to Zerrin’s apartment, stopping at her door. Zerrin let herself inside and Nick quickly did a scan throughout her home, making sure there were no surprises for Zerrin when he left her alone that night.

  Zerrin’s apartment was modern yet comfortable. A purple sofa was flanked by two end tables sat across from the flat-screen TV. Two bookshelves stood against the walls along with pictures of Zerrin and her friends and family. The dining room was simple with just a table and chairs and Nick could tell Zerrin used the table as a makeshift office instead of a place to eat. Her bedroom had a romantic feel, with ivory and cream colors on the queen-sized bed and angel figures on the shelves.

  Nick walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a frozen bag of peas from the freezer. He then placed it on Zerrin’s cheek. “Keep it there for thirty minutes to decrease the swelling. Take some Advil because that’s going to be very painful in the morning. Other than that, it seems like you’re fine,” his voice had softened.

  Zerrin stayed still as Nick watched over her. Just being in his presence made Zerrin feel comfortable and needed, as if what happened earlier was a chance of fate to bring her and Nick together. She pondered the possibility of him being her Dom and properly teaching her.

  “It seems like you’re good to go, so I’ll be heading out now,” Nick commented.

  The thought of a D/s relationship left Zerrin’s mind once Nick spoke again. “You know you could spend the night if you want,” Zerrin suggested, hoping Nick would find a reason to spend the night with her. “You could sleep on the sofa. It’s really comfy.”

  Nick smiled. “Zerrin, if I wanted to spend the night with you, trust me, I would not be sleeping on your sofa.”

  A sensual air passed between the two, each silently daring the other to make the next move. “So I’ll see you around, then?” Zerrin waved.

  Always the hero and never the boyfriend. Nick read Zerrin’s eyes and could’ve sworn she didn’t want him to leave, despite what she just said. The proverbial line was drawn and Nick wondered if Zerrin actually wanted him to cross it. “Sure,” Nick waved back, “see you later, Zerrin.” He then left.

  Zerrin locked the door behind Nick and placed her head against it. Her date night had turned horrific and would’ve been even more devastating had Nick not shown up to help her. She was going have to face Nick in a couple of days at school. She needed to avoid him.


  “You look distracted, Master,” a demure brunette, Whitney, commented.

  Nick adjusted his position in his steaming hot bath. “A little bit.”

  Being a Dom in his personal life was something Nick took as seriously as he took academia. While some foolish men loved the dominating part of BDSM, Nick looked at the whole picture—taking care of His submissives’ well-being, making sure they were healthy, and providing them with support and care. True Doms knew a D/s relationship began in the mind with service and submission, patiently training the potential submissive and themselves.

  Patience, Nick thought about the word. He would need a lot of it.

  His submissives, Whitney and Stacey, were waiting for him at home when he arrived. Stacey was a tall Latina female. She had long cascading brown hair, a curvaceous figure, and hypnotizing brown eyes. Next to her was Whitney, a Black female with natural curly hair. She had a boy-figure and often spoke in a whisper-like tone. Both women were in their mid-twenties. They undressed Nick and led him to the hot lavender bath they had prepared. Stacey fed Nick strawberries and wine while Whitney washed his body.

  “Did you want to talk about it, Master?” Stacey asked.

  “Remember the girl from the other night whom you both helped me with? She’s in the lifestyle,” Nick shrugged, “Anyway, she’s been avoiding me, probably out of embarrassment. I wonder if I should approach her or wait for her to say something.”

  “Do you think she wants to be your submissive, Master?” Whitney asked.

  “I’m not sure,” Nick wondered what was going on with Zerrin. She was wonderfully complicated; there was a lot more to the girl who favored chunky heels and leopard print frames. Nick was determined to know more.

  “What do you want, Master?” Stacey asked.

  Nick thought carefully. What did he want with Zerrin? It was clear the relationship between them had crossed over to a place that was beyond professional and even platonic, though they hadn’t gotten physical with each other. It was a big mass of grey area—not sexual, but they were no longer just friendly colleagues.

  “I want to see if she wants to be taught,” He spoke slowly.

  Stacey and Whitney nodded in silence. “Are you going to teach her, Master?” Whitney asked.

  “I want all of us to teach her,” Nick replied. “She needs a lot of help from all of us.”

  “How can we assist You, Master?” Stacey asked.

  “You need to show her what being a true submissive is about. It’s nothing she currently knows. She needs to be properly trained. I’ll guide her, but I need the two of you to spend a couple of days with her in going over the basics,” Nick stood up and Stacey dried His body off. She wrapped the towel around His waist and led Him to the mirror, where she brushed His hair and scented His body with various oils.

  “You think she’ll get everything in a few days, Master?” Whitney asked.

  “I think so,” Nick replied as Stacey grabbed His hand and led Him to the master bedroom. “She’s very smart and she seems to have a good head on her shoulders. I think she’ll pick everything up.”

  Whitney pulled back the bed sheets as Stacey removed the towel from Nick’s waist. Nick climbed in bed and His submissives flanked him. “Let us know what we can do to assist You, Master,” Whitney replied.

  “I’ll let you two know,” Nick nodded as He rubbed their arms, “are the meals prepared for the week, Whitney?”

  “Yes, Master,” she nodded.

  “Are my clothes pressed and ironed, Stacey?” He asked.

  “Yes, Master,” she nodded.

  “Good,” Nick was pleased, “you both have made Me very happy.” He rubbed their shoulders. “This is going to be a special night for us and this won’t ever happen again. We need to make it memorable.” He motioned for Stacey to grab a condom from the nightstand. “Now put Me to sleep.”

  Stacey and Whitney slid down Nick’s body, softly kissing as they went along. Stacey took Nick’s shaft and softly sucked on it while Whitney massaged His balls. They both took turns sucking their Master until He finally came. After they swallowed Him, they each took turns making love to him before they covered Nick up with the sheets and turned off the lights. They then left His home.


  “I haven’t seen your TA around here,” Bob stopped by Nick’s office. “Did you scare her off that badly already?”

  “I think she’s been sick,” Nick covered for Zerrin. He knew it was a lie, but there was no reason to tell Bob the truth. “She might be in today.”

  It had been a week since the fateful encounter at The Dungeon and Nick didn’t have to wonder too much about Zerrin’s sudden disappearance from school. He thought about calling her, but knew she was probably too embarrassed to talk to him. He could already hear the excuses formulating in her head.

  “I got sidetracked with something…”

  “I haven’t been feeling well so I decided to stay home…”

  “My aunt/uncle/cousin/godmother has been sick so I’ve been watching over them…”

  Nick waited for Zerrin to approach him—when it was right, and on her terms, not his—just as his students approached him. He knew there was more to just being her hero that night. If that wer
e the case, Zerrin would’ve been at school. No, Nick had felt something that night and he was pretty sure Zerrin had felt it, too. Now they both were playing the waiting game. They both were waiting for Zerrin to get up the courage to approach Nick. Nick briefly wondered how much longer it was going to take.

  “Well, I got something that’ll make her feel better!” Bob laughed heartily, once again sounding like he was about to go into a wheezing fit.

  “I bet you do, Bob,” Nick replied as Bob walked past his office.

  Nick went back to grading papers and wrapped up just in time for his next class to start. He wondered if Zerrin was going to show up. If she did, he would have a talk with her about school and expectations in grad school. If she didn’t, he would say goodbye to whatever wonderful future they would have had.


  “So your assignment for the mid-term will be to come up with a rap song using Romeo and Juliet as your backdrop,” Nick handed out the assignment sheets to his students. “It has to be original, but you can use any background music to rap to. I’ve had students use music from Britney Spears to Lil’ Wayne to even 3 Doors Down for this assignment. Consider this to be good preparation for your final when you will have to create a Shakespearian play and record it for me.

  “You will have a few weeks to prepare for this, and I think that will be more than enough time to come up with a rap and for you dancers out there, some choreography,” Nick walked back to the front of the class, “Are there any questions? If not, you’re excused. See you in a couple of weeks.”

  The students hustled out of the hall. Nick was packing up his messenger bag when he heard the door open. Zerrin quietly walked in and stood in front of the door. She almost didn’t want to look at his face, remembering what just happened a few nights before.

  For days, Zerrin had tussled with what happened at The Dungeon. She was embarrassed, just horrified that she hadn’t used her better judgment. She was lucky Nick was there to save her or things would’ve been much worse.


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