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To Love and Obey

Page 17

by Vera Roberts

  She wondered why he played his classical music so loud, it being the only thing anyone could hear. It didn’t take long for her to realize the music was an obvious distraction to what was going on behind closed doors. She wasn’t sure if it was always sexual activity going on in his office; Nick did confess to be a fan of Bach, Mozart, and Tchaikovsky. But she definitely knew that fateful night listening to him and Zerrin go at it that she was going to insist he play some music for her.

  Over the past several days, she fantasized about Nick and wondered how big his cock was. Was he hung to mid-thigh? Was he a grower? Was he a show-er? What about his tongue? Did he eat pussy? Did he like to give rim jobs? What was his favorite sexual position? Was he kinky? Was he hard and fast? Or was he slow and methodical?

  A soft knocking interrupted Rosemary’s thoughts and she did a quick glance over at herself in the mirror. She sprayed her mouth with some breath mint and opened her door. Standing behind it, and looking like the sexiest thing she had ever seen on the planet was her conquest. “I’m glad you came,” she winked at him.

  Whatever perfume Rosemary was wearing was nauseating and smelled something like piss and vinegar. Nick remembered to breathe through his mouth so he wouldn’t have to risk inhaling through his nose. “I’m here,” he offered.

  “I was thinking we could meet in your office instead,” Rosemary winked, “it would be better for us.”

  “Your office is bigger,” Nick suggested. He would need the room.

  “But yours is much more cozy,” she offered another sexy smile, “and I like the music you play.”

  “Fine,” Nick gritted his teeth, “let’s go in there.” He walked over to his office and Rosemary followed him inside. “Did you want anything to drink? I have water, soda…”

  Before Nick could finish his sentence, Rosemary came up from behind him and pressed her body against his, moving her hands down to his crotch and grabbing a tight squeeze. “Ooh, I’ve waited for his moment for a long time.” Her hands wandered all over his chest. She hadn’t realized how muscular Nick was and what he was really hiding underneath all that preppy attire. “I can’t wait to get you out of these clothes.”

  “Just to be clear,” Nick turned around and faced his boss, “the only way I can keep my position is by sleeping with you?”

  “And get that promotion,” Rosemary nibbled on Nick’s ear. “After that, you have to keep fucking me to keep it. That wouldn’t be a problem, wouldn’t it, Nicky?”

  “No, not at all,” Nick walked over to his desk and pulled out a blindfold and rope. “Take off your clothes and leave your bra and panties on.”

  Rosemary’s eyes widened upon seeing the new toys Nick had in store for her. She noticed the change in his tone—he was more authoritative and serious. Ooh, she was going to love spending extra time with Nick from here on in. She quickly undressed down to her underwear. Nick walked to her and tied her wrists together behind her back. He then put the blindfold on her. “Perfect.”

  “Nicky, you’re so kinky!” Rosemary bit her lip. “What are we going to do now, lover?”

  “We’re not going to do a damn thing,” Nick opened his door and let the campus police and school newspaper crew inside. The newspaper crew immediately began taking pictures while the police removed the blindfold from Rosemary’s eyes, which screamed of humiliation.

  “What the hell is going on here? What is this?” Rosemary screamed. “He forced me! Look what he did to me! Look at me!”

  “Rosemary Rodriguez, you are being arrested for sexual harassment,” the officer informed her of her rights, “you have the right to remain silent, anything you say will and can be used against you. Let’s get her out of here.” They led her through the department for everyone to see.

  Arturo entered Nick’s office a short time later. “I told you it would work.”

  Nick walked over to his desk and grabbed the inconspicuous tape recorder that was taped to his desk. After Rosemary threatened him, Nick had paid a visit to Arturo to talk with him about his options. In order to prove Rosemary’s guilt, Nick had to undergo some creative planning. He felt like he was in the middle of a sting operation. “I wasn’t sure if it was going to, honestly.”

  “I did,” Arturo grinned. “When a criminal is desperate enough, they tend to overlook the small details.”

  “You know I was unsure about you dating my mother because it’s been a while since she’s had a steady partner, and we’re all very protective of her,” Nick held his hand out, “but for you to do this for me, you get nothing but respect from me.”

  Arturo looked down at Nick’s hand and slapped it aside. He pulled him in for a hug instead. “I grew up without a father as well, so I know how it feels. And I know the influence you have on your brothers. I won’t hurt your mother, and I promise to make her happy no matter what.”

  “That’s all I want, man,” Nick hugged back, “that’s all I want.” Just then the university president entered Nick’s office.

  “I heard you had an entertaining day today, Professor,” the president rocked on his heels.

  “A day I would rather forget,” Nick smarted back.

  “Well, you did good work. We’ve had problems with Rosemary for a while, and it was only a matter of time before she was out.” The president replied.

  “She’s gunning for me. She’s going to pull up everything about my past and what I’ve done,” Nick folded his arms against his chest. “It’s going to be ugly and drawn-out.”

  “She might,” The president shrugged, “but she probably won’t. She would have to fight the university and let’s face it, her pockets aren’t that big,” he offered a smile, “I did want to take the opportunity here to offer you the position of English Chair since it’s now vacant.”

  “No, I want to earn it. I don’t want that position to be tainted.” Nick added. “I do want the promotion I was going to get.”

  “Done,” the president guaranteed, “anything else?”

  “Actually, yes,” Nick thought about his girlfriend, “Zerrin Campbell. I think it’s time she was admitted to the Ph.D. program.”


  Dear Diary,

  It’s been several days since I’ve heard from Master. I don’t know what’s going on. He was disturbed about something when he was over here a week ago and I haven’t heard from him since. I know he hasn’t been that busy, though; I just caught wind of the scandal involving him and the department chair, Rosemary. The paper said she was accused of sexually harassing Nick and there were color photos of her being bound and blindfolded. The same blindfold Master had used on me, it was on her face! Gross!

  The hardest part about being a submissive is the obedience. I have to wait and be patient with Him and with myself. Maybe I just need to stay back and keep to myself. Maybe I need to find another hobby.

  Maybe I need to find another Dom.


  Zerrin closed the diary and let out a heavy sigh. For the past week, she’d had a permanent frown on her face and her mood had not improved. She was lucky she had the hip-hop Shakespearian videos and performances to distract her, or her week would’ve been hellish.

  A true submissive would just do, not ask. She remembered Nick’s words. She had to keep her patience, despite how much of it was running out.

  She heard a knocking at her door and she wondered who it could be at that hour. She put on a robe and headed to the door. She looked through the peephole and saw it was her boyfriend. She hesitated on opening the door. She wanted an explanation but she also wasn’t sure if she was able to bury her anger long enough to hear it. She decided to take the chance and opened the door.

  “Hi,” Nick grinned, “may I come in?”

  Zerrin hadn’t seen Nick in a week and it felt like she hadn’t seen him forever. She forgot how his blue eyes would twinkle. She forgot his preppy style with sweater vests, ties, and jeans. She forgot how he smelled, something like citrus and sandalwood mixed with musk. Fuck, he smell
ed like sex.

  Zerrin cleared her throat and blinked to clear her thoughts. “You may,” she stepped aside to let him inside.

  “I won’t take too much of your time, Zerrin. I just wanted to apologize for what I did. I know it wasn’t right for me to shut you out like that, but it was best you weren’t involved. Rosemary was gunning after you, and I couldn’t allow that,” He apologized. “I would rather take the fall than for you to suffer.”

  A Dom is your lover, best friend, coach, teacher, parent, sounding board, leader, provider, protector…Nick meant everything he told Zerrin the first night she spent at his home. “I could’ve handled it and handled her, Nick.”

  “You could have.” He nodded. “But I didn’t want you to. Some battles I need to fight on my own, for my own.”

  Zerrin read into what Nick said. He fought for her, no matter what. “What about you and your position? Are you still getting the promotion?”

  “I got it. I also put in a good word for you as well,” Nick revealed. “The admission to the Ph.D. program is yours if you want it.”

  “I appreciate what you did for me, but I would rather earn it on my merits,” she replied. “So where do we go from here?”

  Nick walked over to Zerrin and pulled out the contract. “Something I should’ve done from the get-go.” He then tore up the contract. “I want to be with you without boundaries or limits.”

  “I never had that many boundaries to begin with,” she pulled his body closer to hers, “Let’s go back to your place. I still have to show you that dance Whitney taught me.”

  “Ooh,” Nick quickly wet his lips, “do tell more.”

  “Now do you want me to tell you or show you…” Zerrin softly kissed her boyfriend’s neck. “…Master?”

  Nick felt his cock stir in his jeans. “Show me. And then I’ll show you my appreciation.”

  “Your appreciation, huh?” Zerrin kissed his lips, reveling how much she missed them. “And how will you show me?”

  “Give me a number. Any number from one to ten.” He smiled.

  “Hmm…” Zerrin thought for a moment. “Seven.”

  “Seven?” Nick was impressed. “Really?”

  “Really,” Zerrin massaged his bulge and felt how hard it was. “Unless that’s a problem for you, Master.”

  “No, it’s not a problem for me,” Nick smiled, “but I don’t know if you’ll be able to handle it.”

  “Either show it or shut it, Master,” Zerrin taunted.

  Nick picked up Zerrin and carried her to the bedroom. “I’m about to show you right now.”


  Three years later…

  “Okay, so before you leave on spring break, don’t forget about your modern-day Shakespearian play assignment! I need those back a week after you return to class so that’s three weeks from now. Go have fun and please don’t end up on the news.” Nick instructed his class. He quickly glanced at his watch. He was cutting it close but he would still have enough time to make it over to his mother’s. He walked over to the Psychology department and knocked on his wife’s door. “You ready to go?”

  Zerrin D’Amato was busy typing her e-mail listing what was good about her day and what she appreciated. “Give me just one moment,” she typed a few more things on the computer. “A-ha! Done!” She pressed send and closed her laptop. “Let’s go!”

  After Rosemary’s unceremonious departure from NYU, Nick had been promoted to associate professor, teaching the lower-level to higher-level courses. Zerrin took a year off from teaching to become a mother. It turned out the Lucky Seven night was particularly lucky for her and Nick. She gave birth to a son, Pietro, and she and Nick had married a few months later. Once she returned to NYU, Zerrin eventually became assistant professor, specializing in Sexual Health. She changed her concentration to avoid another scandal in the English department.

  “We’ll be able to beat traffic now,” Nick navigated down the New York streets, “I’m just glad Mom was able to watch Pietro for the week.”

  “I think any time your mom wants to watch the grandkids, we need to take advantage of it!” Zerrin laughed.

  “She loves it. It lets her and Art play happy grandparents,” Nick smiled.

  They arrived at Nicola’s home a short time later. She was already preparing dinner for the night when they walked in. “And there’s your smart Mommy and Daddy!” Art handed Pietro to his son-in-law. “How was class today?”

  “Absent.” Nick played with his two-year-old son. “Everyone already left for Spring Break. I don’t know why I even bothered to hold class.”

  “Well, some still showed up?” Art asked.

  “Few and far in between.” Nick chuckled.

  Zerrin joined her mother-in-law in the kitchen. “Do you need help in here, Nicola?”

  “I got it.” She smiled. “Just rest up. I know you’re going to have a busy time being on vacation with your brother and sister-in-law.”

  “A long overdue vacation for all of us!” Zerrin smiled. Though it took some time and creative planning between the two couples, Zerrin and Nick were able to go on a child-free vacation with Jake and Alexis. Jake and Alexis left their one-year-old daughter with her parents so the two couples could go on a week-long vacation to Anguilla.

  “Good, good. You both need it.” Nicola looked over Zerrin’s shoulder to see if they had privacy. “Come with me, dear.” She led her upstairs and closed the bedroom door behind her.

  Zerrin wondered what was going on with her mother-in-law. “Is everything okay, Nicola?”

  “Um…I might need some tips,” she whispered.

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Like…” Nicola paused, hoping no one was listening outside. “…how to give a BJ.”

  “Oh!” Zerrin gasped.

  “Like I know there’s more to it than just sucking and you know?” Nicola asked. “But how do I…um…like how do I…”

  “Deep throat?” Zerrin asked.

  “Yeah,” Nicola whispered.

  “You have to relax your gag reflex,” Zerrin instructed. The moment felt surreal; she was actually giving her mother-in-law tips on how to perform oral sex on her husband. “And just calm down. Take a little in, inch by inch. Just keep practicing.”

  “Great!” Nicola smiled. “Thank you!”

  “Not a problem.” Zerrin wondered if the conversation she just had with her mother-in-law was something worth sharing with her husband. She decided to keep that information private.


  Hours later, Zerrin joined her husband in bed. Pietro was sleeping in the nursery and the grandparents were asleep in their bedroom. Their flight was early in the morning and they both needed their rest. “I thought he would never quiet down and go to sleep.” Zerrin yawned. “My goodness, he’s like a hyperball full of energy.”

  “He takes after me,” Nick took off his frames. “Apparently I was like that too when I was younger.”

  “You’re like that now.” Zerrin smiled. She snuggled closer to her husband. “You know…the baby is asleep…”

  Nick raised an eyebrow. “You know what to do.”

  Zerrin got out of bed and began the ritual of taking off her clothing. She pulled the nightgown over her head and neatly placed it on the end table. She then bent over and pulled her bikini panties down. She turned around and knelt on the floor, hands behind her. “At Your will, Master.”

  Nick got up and reached into his suitcase. He pulled out a ball gag. “What’s the safe word?” He whispered in her ear.


  “Of course it is,” Nick placed the ball gag around her mouth, “you’re still a nerd like me.”

  The End.

  Other titles by Vera Roberts:

  Dear Diary

  Discipline (Scott & Mariana)

  Gettin' It

  Hot Like Fire (Sweet and Clean Romance)

  S&M III, Vol. II (Scott & Mariana)

  S&M III, Vol. I (Scott & Mariana)

II (Scott & Mariana)

  S&M (Scott & Mariana)

  The Train Ride (Free on

  The Erotic Intoxication, Vol. I: Bad Girls

  The Nanny (The D’Amato Brothers Series #1)

  The Painter

  Til Tomorrow

  Facebook Page:


  Sneak Peek of upcoming third title in the D’Amato Brothers series, Where I Wanna Be (unedited):

  Eliodoro “Eli” D’Amato calmly sipped his cappuccino as watched the impending drama outside the doors of Madre’s. There were five women, two older and three younger. He already guessed the young and petite blonde was the bride-to-be. He assumed the older woman who looked like her was her mother and the lady next to her was an aunt. The other two girls were either sisters or friends of the bride and Eli could already tell they were just as tired of the bride’s shit as the mother was.

  There was no father in sight and Eli assumed the man was enjoying college football or hiding somewhere in a dive on the outskirts of town, leaving the mother to handle her daughter. Eli couldn’t blame him. He imagined the father was spending a small fortune for his daughter’s wedding and probably grumbled at all of the things he could’ve bought instead. Despite the fluctuating economy, expensive taste never went out of style.

  “And I’m telling you for the last fucking time, this is my wedding and if I want orchids in my wedding during the summer, I’m going to have fucking orchids in my wedding during the summer!” The bride hissed to everyone.

  “Oh boy,” Eli sipped his coffee.

  Joseph “Joey” D’Amato stood beside his younger brother and watched the drama unfold. Nicola was the face of Madre’s and Eli was the creative force behind the flower designs. Joey managed the shops along with his mother and brother, making all of the business decisions. He was very glad he put his MBA to use so he didn’t have to deal with the onslaught of fussy brides, bratty girls celebrating their quinceañeras, and over-zealous wedding planners trying to get thousand-dollar flower arrangements for a few hundred bucks. He loved to leave that mess in the hands of his brother and mother. “Watch out now. We got a bad-ass in our mix.”


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