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The Inner Kingdom: Quest One (Dragon Quest Book 1)

Page 8

by Gibbs, S. R.

  “I say we just follow the path, and just see where it goes. We already know that Nolin is our destination,” Ashley strategized out loud.

  Checking around the area, I could only see flowers everywhere I looked. It reminded me of the field we traveled by when coming to the castle. The path ran through the gardens and disappeared around the outside of the castle, which was so high I couldn’t see the top. “It’s better than standing here wasting more time.”

  Ashley gave me a strange look. “Coming from the person who spent most of the morning arguing with Leo.”

  “He started it with that, 'I man, you woman, obey me attitude.'” I explained, getting annoyed at the way Ashley stared down at me.

  Standing a little over five-foot-five, mostly anyone would have to tilt their head downward to look at me, but Ashley’s stance exaggerated my short stature and gnawed at my patience.

  April continued as if she did not see or hear anything. “While we’re walking, let’s try to activate the path ourselves. I’m not sure how these rocks are supposed to lead us to Nolin, but I am guessing it would be much faster than wandering around.”

  Ashley shrugged her shoulders. “It wouldn’t hurt to try.”

  “Whatever,” I sighed, walking beside April

  “I believe this will work better if we hold hands,” April said, grabbing my hand. “Remember what Mina said? Let’s try pulling on our energy and focusing it toward the path.”

  As soon as our hands touched, I could feel the tingling sensation coming back to my hands as I tried to focus my energy into my hands exactly like the time when we were trying to travel back in time. In the darkness behind my eyelids, I could see a light, and I tried to make it flow into my hands. As my hands began to get warmer, I pulled them away from April and opened my eyes to find a red orb similar to the one Leo had made earlier.

  “Wow, this is weird and cool all at the same time,” Ashley murmured, holding a blue- tinted orb that was twice the size of Leo’s. “That was easier than I thought.

  “I know,” April agreed holding a green orb. “What do we do now?”

  “Why are you asking us? This was your idea,” I reminded her.

  “More like a hypothesis of mine.”

  “You mean, you really don’t know what we are supposed to do next?” Ashley asked, playing with the orb in her hands.

  “Was I the only one listening to Mina yesterday?”

  “I believe so. After she showed us the hidden bathroom, my mind was on a hot bath and sleep.”

  “Same here,” I said, agreeing with Ashley for the first time today.

  “Okay, she said something about commanding the energy to do what you want, and then transfer it to the celta, but in our case the path since we can’t find the celta."

  “Alright, let’s command our energy to take us to Nolin,” I suggested.

  On the count of three, we decided to concentrate on our energy to lead us to Nolin and then transfer it to the path.

  When we released the orbs of energy into the rocks, we were surprised to feel them move underneath our feet along the path.

  “We did it!” April cheered as we began to pick up speed.

  “Am I the only one that feels like we are going to fast?” Ashley inquired as the rocks began to rush us through the field of flowers and onto a network of paths.

  There were a lot of people using the path as a method of transportation, and it appeared as if we found the heart of the Inner Kingdom as we passed houses and stables.

  I know there are many people regretting taking the paths today, I thought, as I almost collided into a little girl with pigtails. “Sorry!”

  “How do we make it stop?” Ashley screamed as we began to pick up even more speed. The scenery around me was blurred as we continued down the path, like we were qualifying for the Daytona 500.

  Abruptly, the rocks stopped moving, causing us to be thrown forward. Expecting to be seriously injured, I braced myself for impact; when I didn’t feel any pain I opened my eyes that had involuntarily closed to find myself and my sisters floating a foot above the ground.

  “Nice of you to join us,” I heard Nolin say as he came into view. “I see you attempted to navigate the path without using a celta.”

  “You know, there needs to be a sign pointing to the locations of these celtas,” I remarked straining to keep Nolin in my line of sight.

  In trying to move my body, I found myself unable to do so. “Why can’t I move?”

  “You have spent too much energy already,” said the one voice that instantly made my situation worse.

  Leo stooped down in front of us, shaking his head with a very smug look on his face. “We have no more time to throw away with your silly games.” Waving his hands over us seemed to break the hold we were in, causing us to fall the rest of the way to the ground.

  “Welcome dragon warriors. You are indeed late, but at least you are here in one piece. Follow me,” Nolin instructed walking away down a slope.

  Using one another as a crutch, we finally were able to stand on wobbly legs. “Next time, let’s just find the celta,” I suggested trying to find my balance.

  Trying to completely concentrate on standing without shaking, April and Ashley just nodded their heads.

  Following the narrow path behind Nolin, the further down we travelled, the higher the walls became. At the end of the path, there was a beautiful field of grass everywhere I looked, and in the middle was a huge round table made of gold. There was one connecting circular seat that went around the entire table.

  Prince Leev and Pearl were waiting, already seated at the table when we approached it.

  Prince Leev did not look up from his glass as we stood beside the table. “Word has already travelled, about your chaotic trip through my kingdom.”

  “If someone would have showed us how to work the path, it wouldn’t have happened,” I countered, in what I must admit wasn’t my nicest voice.

  “Enough squabble. We have many things to discuss,” Nolin announced activating a celta that slid back a small portion of the round seat, making a way for us all to enter and sit.

  There were already three bowls of what appeared to be oatmeal placed beside one another on the table, along with a glass of water and spoon in front of each bowl.

  “Eat up; I am sure you used much energy in coming here,” Pearl encouraged sitting beside Nolin.

  After we were seated, Nolin gestured for us to eat.

  “It’s cold,” Ashley muttered after tasting the food.

  “I’m afraid, princess, that you will have to eat it that way,” Prince Leev taunted looking up from his glass. “If you were here on time, your food would be warm.”

  Grabbing April’s hand, I nudged her to do the same with Ashley. As I focused on the flow of energy I directed it toward the bowls reheating what I could now see was a thick stew.

  “Or I can just do that,” I retorted feeling a little self-satisfied by the look on Leo’s and Prince Leev’s faces.

  “While you are eating, I am going to educate you on the present situation you find yourselves in,” Nolin announced before taking a long sip from his glass. “The best place to start is always the beginning.”

  “Please try to remember that everything that we’ve done has always been with you girls in mind,” Pearl commented before Nolin could continue.

  I wanted to question her more about the statement, but the look from everyone around me, suggested that I should wait.

  “It all started with the Princess of the Diamond Kingdom, better known as the kingdom of the wind. She started this war over a hundred years ago. I was the king's advisor back then in my home town, located in Emerald Kingdom.”

  “How old are you?” I unconsciously asked out loud, meaning to keep that in my head. “Sorry, continue.”

  Nolin began to chuckle, which seemed to lighten up his mood. “It’s perfectly acceptable, I am rather old. I was personally in charge of locating Emerald’s previous dragon warrior.”
  Pearl continued talking for her husband, who appeared to be lost in thought. “Princess Jewel is what she was known as before she overthrew her brother and took the crown for herself. Everywhere she went, death and despair soon followed. At that time, the last dragon warriors were not much older than you girls when they were called.”

  “What happened to the last dragon warriors?” April curiously interrupted this time, forgetting all about the food in front of her.

  “Their lives were tragically shortened when they used too much energy to trap Jewel.”

  “The previous dragon warriors knew that they were no match for her. They did not have time to refine their skills, but my dear friend Bain, who was the dragon warrior of the Earth, had a vision of the future, and knew that the next set of dragon warriors will be able to prevail where they had failed,” Nolin continued. “They gave their lives to imprison Jewel, until the day that the future dragon warriors will destroy her for good.”

  “Something is not right. Mina told us that there were four outer kingdoms, and the painting in our room shows four men riding dragons,” April reasoned. “We are missing a person.”

  “You are quite right; it is not uncommon for one of the dragon warriors to not make it during the birthing process. What happens, then, is that the power of four divides itself by the remaining ones,” Pearl explained. “We did what was best, and your parents agreed to send you to the Earth world for training with two people we thought we could trust.

  “Yes, Nanina and Machen betrayed us all. They knew you were to return to this world. Instead of training you, they filled your heads with delusions.”

  “Let’s just say I believe you. Why would our parents send us far away when we were babies? Why didn’t they come with us?” Ashley’s voice trembled with emotions.

  “It’s not that simple, dearies. The earthly world is polluted with toxins, a normal person like myself, and your parents, would have never survived for long,” Pearl answered, grabbing Nolin’s hand.

  “So, are you saying that our parents, or rather, our guardians are not normal?”

  “Your guardians are from the fox clan. They stood on the front line during the battle against Jewel,” Leo responded, talking for the first time since we sat at the table. “I believe on Earth many will call them 'kitsunes' or 'nine-tail foxes.'”

  “Like in Japanese mythology? That stuff is not real,” April said in disbelief.

  “So, you are telling me that we were raised by foxes?” I exclaimed, chuckling a little to the craziness of the words that just came out of my mouth.

  “Okay, this is what I have so far. We are the foretold dragon warriors, and as babies, we were sent to Earth to be raised by foxes, which, if I remember correctly, looked normal to me on Earth,” Ashley recounted.

  “That is because they have one human form they can transform into at will,” Leo interrupted.

  “Oh, that was the piece of information I was missing. Now everything makes so much sense,” I sarcastically proclaimed. “On top of all of that, what I really don’t understand is, if Jewel is somehow trapped, why are we needed?”

  “She is awakening, and if Bain’s vision is correct, you three are needed to defeat her for good this time,” Prince Leev stated, sounding irritated. “The reason you were sent to Earth was because Jewel began to awaken the day before you were born. She must have felt the gathering of strong energy. Your parents loved you enough to send you far away to keep you safe.”

  “That is right. Nolin and other powerful celta users came together to lengthen the time of her imprisonment inside of her castle in the Diamond Kingdom; we were unsure if it was going to work, and by the time we were able to stop her awakening, your parents had already sent you away,” Pearl added, making me waiver in what I have believed all of my life.

  Feeling a little overwhelmed, I stood up to leave only to sit back down when something came to my mind. “I have been wondering about one thing. How are we supposed to defeat this queen, when the previous warriors did not?”

  “I think that is the most sensible thing to come out of your mouth all day,” Leo teased. Nolin ignored Leo’s response. “Once the dragon warriors before you died, their dragons’ essence went back to the proper kingdoms.”

  “To defeat Jewel, you will need to travel to the Outer Kingdoms to obtain your dragons in order to have enough power,” Nolin clarified as he began to stand.

  “Wait, can I ask one more thing?” Not waiting for Nolin to respond, I continued to ask. “How do we return home?”

  “Are you still wanting to return to that polluted planet, after knowing that is not your home?” Leo exclaimed furiously.

  “Calm yourself, Captain. You must see things from their point of view," Pearl instructed Leo, turning to face her husband. “I believe you should tell them what they need to know.”

  “Once you entered, the door to your world closed.”

  “So, how do we open it?”

  “The door will not resurface for another hundred years,” he replied, making my heart sink. “The good news is that with the combined powers of the dragons, a doorway can be created to return you to Earth.”

  That was the best news I have received since we arrived, except for the fact we would still be expected to track down the dragons in the other kingdoms.

  “I believe we have sat around for long enough. Now, we must focus on strengthening your talents,” Nolin interrupted my thoughts to say.

  The Retaliation

  Location: Training Grounds

  ◑ Angie ◐

  After we left the table in the clearing. I was not surprised when Prince Leev activated a celta, which made the entire table and seat vanish underneath the ground.

  “I must be going now; Mina really drained herself yesterday with all the preparations we had to make.”

  “She’ll be okay, right?” April questioned with guilt written all over her face.

  “Do not worry. She is a very tough woman and very stubborn, like her father,” Pearl joked, before she kissed her husband on the cheek and began to head back toward the castle.

  Turning to look at Prince Leev and Leo, I saw them huddled together and surrounded by members of the royal guard. “What’s going on over there?”

  Nolin followed my gaze and smiled. “The royal guards are undergoing their own form of training. Now, let’s begin ours. Today, you will learn how to draw your energy.”

  “We already know how to do that,” I interrupted, reaching for my sisters’ hands.

  “No, what you know how to do is to draw off one another. Each of you, step away from one another,” He instructed walking in front of us, pushing us farther apart, appearing more like a drill sergeant than a sweet old man. “Try to draw upon your own energy.”

  Closing my eyes, I tried to focus, but every time I caught a glimmer in the darkness behind my lids I couldn’t pull and expand it; The sensation in my hands never came, no matter how hard I tried to draw on my energy.

  I was trying so hard, I began to shiver from the wind blowing against the moisture collecting on my arm and face. “I give up.”

  “Me, too. There is something wrong. I don’t feel anything,” Ashley agreed, throwing her hands up in the air.

  “Not as simple, as you once thought, is it?” Nolin chuckled.

  “I don’t understand. We weren’t close by when Ashley almost attacked Prince Leev,” April reasoned.

  “Arrogance, fear, jealousy, and anger,” Nolin named out one by one, looking at each of us as he spoke. “These things can give one immeasurable strength, and if you are not careful, these emotions can take over your energy and taint your heart.”

  As he was talking, I began to remember the times when I felt the most powerful were when I was angry or…

  “I am curious about something, besides the time when I was mad, since arriving here, every time I am around fire I feel stronger.”

  “That is because each dragon warrior has an element that they become one with, a
nd in return it gives them strength. You, my dear Angie, are from the Ruby Kingdom, which is also known as the kingdom of fire.”

  “Let me guess, and Sapphire Kingdom is better known as the kingdom of water?” Ashley guessed.

  “That is correct. Not only water, but healing. Many of our healers come from Sapphire Kingdom.”

  “Are you sure? April healed almost immediately after being shot with the arrow,” I reminded him, looking in the direction of the person who was responsible for the entire incident.

  “That was because Ashley was near.”

  “If I had to guess, I would say Emerald Kingdom, is also known as the kingdom of Nature,” April figured. “That would be the only thing that makes since my energy orb was green.

  “You prove the saying true that the wisest people come from Emerald.”

  “Since we are from the same kingdom, do you know my parents?”

  The smile that had been on his face just moments ago vanished, replaced by an unemotional mask. “My apologies. Due to the agreement and treaty, I am not allowed to disclose that information.”

  “You don’t have to tell me their names, but can you at least nod if they are alive?” April pleaded.

  Nolin slowly nodded his head and I could hear April release the air she was holding in. I also wanted to know about my real parents, but asking would be the same thing as admitting that I believed everything they had told us so far, and I wanted to hold on to my sanity a little bit longer. Catching Ashley’s eyes, I could tell the same thing was going through her mind.

  “We have gone off schedule. The task at hand is to bring out your energy without relying on one another,” Nolin coached back to his drill sergeant personality. “Let’s try it again from the top. Visualize the energy within.”

  Not really sure what he was talking about, I closed my eyes and tried to focus.

  “If you are trying, you are doing it wrong.” I opened my eyes to find Nolin standing directly in front of me; it was as if he read my mind. “Just relax, let down your guard, and it will come.”

  Closing my eyes once again, I tried to relax while picturing myself in my dojo back home, warming up before any other students arrived with my bare feet against the cool interlocking foam mat.


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