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A Merman of Her Own

Page 2

by A Merman of Her Own [Evernight, RotG] (mobi)

  “Cute. Really, that’s what you’re using?”

  “She is beautiful on the outside, and from what I’ve seen the inside is the same.”

  April nodded. “Yeah, that’s Alwen. She’s nice to everyone. You’ll notice she has a gravitational pull. You just want to be with her, and she makes you feel good.”

  He nodded unsure of what to say. He fidgeted in his seat and glanced around him only to stop as his gaze glued to the stairs and the shapely legs walking down them. Alwen wore red stilettos and a figure hugging black dress that emphasized her hourglass shape, and her hands clutched a red wallet. Her brown—did he say brown? More like chestnut, yeah—long wavy chestnut hair sat behind her shoulders. She looked amazing.

  Clay stood drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She wasn’t just beautiful, she was stunning. He took her hand on the last step. “You look gorgeous. I’m one lucky man.” He wanted to skip the restaurant and take her straight to his house. “Are you ready to leave? You don’t need a coat?”

  Alwen gave him a shy smile. “No, I don’t need a coat. It’s still too hot for one.”

  “All right, let’s go.”

  Chapter Two

  The car ride had been quiet. For once in his life Clay was unsure what to say to a woman. He opened his mouth several times only to shut it. He tried to remember what he talked about with other women but realized they did most of the talking. He didn’t want to say anything wrong and have Alwen running before he had a chance.

  The beachside restaurant he’d chosen was a favorite of his. It was the one where he only took his family, the people important to him. They were at a table for two overlooking the water. Clay sat gathering his thoughts as he looked across at his mate. After sitting in the car and having her jasmine scent surround him and her hand brushing against his as he changed gears sending shots of raw desire through him, he knew that she was, without a doubt, his mate. Clay wanted so badly to skip the dinner and take her back to his home, their home, and get dessert.

  “I don’t go on many dates. So I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” Alwen blurted out. Clay smiled as her eyes widened, and her cheeks reddened as she seemed to realize what she said. “Oh God, I can’t believe I said that.”

  He chuckled, and the tension he had built up over not knowing what to talk about eased. This was his mate. He would be able to tell her anything. “To tell you the truth, the women I usually date do all the talking. I like that you don’t prattle on just to fill the silence.”

  “Oh. Well, there are questions I want to ask, like why did you choose to become a doctor? Why aren’t you married? Have you always worked at the Beachside Hospital? You’re not planning on dating me the next couple of days and then once my father gets released dumping me? Have you ever thought of doing anything else? What type of hobbies do you have?”

  Clay couldn’t help the deep laugh that went through him at the way she asked questions. She asked a career question, then a personal. Alwen turned redder and stood gathering her purse. “I need to g—”

  He stood and gathered her to him not caring that they were being stared at. “I’m sorry for laughing. You’re just so cute.”

  She groaned and covered her face with her hands. “Cute. Argh. Cute is not what I was hoping you would think of me tonight.”

  Clay pulled her hands away and cupped her face. “No, this is a good thing. Do you know right now you have the prettiest shade of red on your cheeks I’ve ever seen?” He brushed his thumb over her cheek. “You scrunched your nose up, and your eyes narrowed more with each question you asked. You’re a breath of fresh air. Please sit down again. I’ll answer all your questions.”

  Alwen’s hazel eyes deepened to blue before she nodded and sat in her chair again and looked at her menu. “So my hobby is baking, and my dream is to one day own my own dance studio called ‘Alwen’s Dance Studio’. Then in smaller writing or on another sign ‘for all ages’.”

  Clay waved the waiter over, and they ordered. When the waiter left he decided he would tell Alwen as much of the truth as he could. “I don’t really have a hobby. I swim a lot, but that’s not what I’d call a hobby as I spend any time I have off in the water. You could say I’m a Merman.”

  Alwen giggled. “You don’t look like a Merman. What with the legs and all.” She pointed to his human body.

  He shrugged. “Looks can be deceiving.” Alwen looked him over, and her tongue slipped out to wet her lips. His body became hard, and he ached to get her home. Shaking his head he answered the rest of her questions. “Why did I become a doctor? Well, I’ve always had the healing touch, so I thought it only natural I go into medicine. I’ve never been married because I never found my soul mate, until recently. I’ve always worked at coastal hospitals, but this one is the closest to my family. Sure, I’ve thought of choosing another profession, one where I don’t grow attached to people and I can’t do anything to help them and they die. Am I going to dump you? No. I like you. I have from day one. I know I’m going to sound corny saying this, but from the first moment I met you I knew there was something special about you. I’ve wanted you from day one.”

  “Really? Then why have you taken so long to ask me out?”

  He sighed and closed his eyes, relaxing back on his chair listening to the waves crashing to shore outside and breathing in his mate’s smell. “You are different from me. Not only am I almost fifty, you’re way too nice, caring, and sweet. It didn’t help that at first I was unsure of what you were to me. The more time I spend with you the more I’m sure I know what you are.” He opened his eyes and fought to keep them human. “You bake treats for everyone, and always ask how we are all doing, and you genuinely want to know. You’re like a magical unicorn.”

  Alwen snorted. “Um yeah, that’s me. I poop rainbows, too.” She laughed, and the musical sound had him groaning and gripping the table to stop himself from throwing her over his shoulder and taking her home and claiming her. How the hell had he gone this long without her? “I think you have me all wrong. I hope you don’t have this high expectation of me ‘cos you’re going to be disappointed. Plus I would never have guessed you were close to fifty. I thought thirty, maybe at the most thirty-three. I’m not sure what you mean about all that cryptic what I am to you stuff you were talking about, but I’m looking forward to getting to know you. There is a connection between us.”

  Clay hadn’t been this close to Alwen before, and her smell was intoxicating. Without the hospital bleaches to cover her scent he was drowning in the one hundred percent knowledge he’d found his soul mate. He was happy because now the uncertainty he’d felt was gone. By the end of the night his whole world would change because he’d have a mate.


  Clay was acting different. Well, she supposed she only knew him as the doctor. It was just he wasn’t anything like she expected him to be. He answered all her questions even if his answers had been odd. They’d eaten dinner, and now he was supposed to be driving her home. They’d finished their meal, and he’d asked if she wanted dessert. When she’d declined he’d paid, and they had practically run out of the restaurant. When they’d sat in the car he said he was taking her home, but he was going the wrong way.

  “You’re going the wrong way to take me home.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Licking her suddenly dry lips she debated if she should say anything else. After the strange talk about how he thought she was perfect, the evening had seemed to go well. But the rushing out of the restaurant had her thinking he couldn’t wait to get rid of her. They’d answered each other’s questions, and he didn’t sound bored when he was talking and asking her about her dancing classes. Did it mean because he wasn’t taking her home that he was taking her to his house?

  Nervous butterflies flew in her stomach as Clay’s black sports car wound down a private road towards the beach. He pulled up out the front of the first house and came around and opened the door for her. “I didn’t park in the garage because I want you to
see it from the front.” He held her hand and guided her to the front door and opened it, stepping inside. “Come in. Welcome to my house, our house.”

  Alwen stood at the entrance, unsure if she should go in. Surely he hadn’t just called the house theirs. She looked up into Clay’s warm chocolate brown eyes and knew what would happen if she went in. Her body had been burning with need for the man standing in front of her all evening. Taking a deep breath, she walked in.

  Clay gathered her to him and lifted her so her mouth was level with his. “I’m going to claim you so good tonight that you’ll never leave no matter what.” His lips took possession of hers, and he grasped her arse as he walked down the hall and out the back to a closed off secret verandah that looked out to the beach. Clay set her on a wooden padded lay-out chair and hovered over her, kissing his way down her neck. His hands glided over her body and hiked up her dress and then eased the straps off her shoulders to expose her lace covered breasts. He looked at her, and the intensity of his stare had her shivering in anticipation. “Tell me you want this?”

  Oh, she wanted this so bad. “Yes. I want this,” she whispered. He gave her feather light kisses down her stomach, spread her legs, and he settled between them. Clay moved her flimsy j-string to the side and sank a finger into her wet pussy. “Ah Alwen, you’re soaking.”

  Of course she was. She’d been dreaming of doing just this for weeks. “I’ve been dreaming all night about what we could do,” said Alwen. “Who am I kidding? I’ve been dreaming since I met you of all the things I want to do to you.”

  Clay eased up so he hovered over her covered breasts. Pushing them up and out of their binding he circled one of her nipples with his warm tongue, sending jolts of pleasure through her. He swapped breasts and circled the tip before he gently sucked it in. He kept this up while his fingers explored her pussy and sank in and out of her core. Moving down he hooked his fingers in her underwear and yanked them down, so she lifted to help get them off. Then he moved her to the edge and spread her legs wide. Clay’s tongue drove in deep sending quivering pulses of bliss through her body. He nestled in closer and moved his lips back and forth over her clit. He licked out and sucked on her nub, sending more pleasure through her already eager body.

  Her breathing came out in gasps the more he explored. She’d never been touched like this. Her body had never reacted to another like it was now. She felt more sensitive than she could ever remember. Alwen spread her legs further apart and leaned back on the chair. Clay added a second digit, pumping them in and out. He sucked her clit in, and Alwen knew she wasn’t going to last. His fingers drove deeper and thrust faster. She moved with him now, searching for the high she knew he was so close to giving her. His teeth scraped over her nub, and he scissored his fingers. Alwen closed her eyes and let all the sensations bombard her. He sucked her clit in as he pushed deep, and that was all she needed to fall apart.

  “Clay, oh Clay!” She screamed and gripped the side of the chair.

  Clay licked his way back up her body. She didn’t even have time to bask in her euphoria before she felt the tip of his cock line up to her pussy and rub along her sensitive lips before pushing his way home. She opened her eyes to look into passion filled brown ones. Clay brushed his lips over hers.

  Buried to the hilt he rested his forehead on hers. “Fuck, you’re tight. Nothing has ever felt this good. I never want to leave.”

  His mouth took hers as he eased out. Alwen could taste herself on him, but it only turned her on more. Wrapping her hands around his back, she held on as Clay pumped into her over and over giving her everything she needed and more. She started to slide back with each thrust, so she let go and gripped the edge of the chair with one hand and held on for dear life with the other. The sounds of the chair squeaking and scraping only added to the waves of building pleasure. Lifting her legs she tried helping push up to meet him each time he drove into her. His pace changed, and he now propelled into her with an almost fevered pace. His mouth ravaged hers, and she needed air as she gave in to her orgasm. Tearing her mouth from his, she arched into him seeking her release.

  Clay grunted, and she moaned. The fire building was so strong she knew she would shatter soon. Gazing up she watched, amazed, as bright white light shone around as Clay gritted his teeth and pounded into her. She shook her head and told herself to concentrate on the explosion about to happen and not her mind playing tricks.

  Gripping his toned arse with her feet, she pushed up moving her hand from his back and between their bodies to rub her nub. Alwen felt her body combust, breaking into a thousand tiny pieces as she came hard around Clay’s cock.

  Clay bit down on her shoulder with sharp teeth. “Mine,” he yelled as he drove into her one more time and sank his teeth in while the white light shone brightly and her body burst with it and joined with Clay’s. She watched in fascination as the two lights melded. Clay’s dick slid out of her.

  Alwen screamed as Clay’s image warped and changed. His hair turned a light blue and grew to shoulder length, his brown eyes became dark, his skin shone almost sparkling, and as she looked down scrambling to get away she saw his feet were gone and in their place was a blue mermaid fin.

  “Oh My God. You’re a Mermaid.”

  “Merman,” he corrected in a voice so silky smooth it almost had her moving closer to him.

  “Holy crap, I just had amazing sex with a Merman.” She gazed at him unsure of what her next move should be. She wanted to run, but for some reason she was stuck in place staring in fascination. Clay was even more gorgeous if at all possible in this form. “Why did you change? What was that white light?”

  “Come closer, mate, and I will tell you all.”

  Alwen took a step taken in by his voice, only to stop and glare at him. “I’m totally freaking out right now, and I want to run, but I can’t. I can’t leave you. I don’t want to. What the hell have you done?” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at the mythical creature.

  “I cannot use my voice on you as you are my mate. No Merman or maid will be able to seduce you into anything with their siren voice. You cannot leave right now because it is part of the mate bond. It is an invisible thread, an insurance for us otherworldly creatures so our mate can’t run and leave us within the first couple of months. You are bound to give us a chance. The white light was our souls joining to become whole. You, Alwen Gleemen, are my mate. The other half of my soul. The woman I can spend the rest of my life with. The woman who can give me children and a family of my own.”

  “Woo, wow, that’s a lot to take in.” She ran her fingers through her hair and took deep calming breaths in, telling herself she wasn’t crazy. “Can you change back?” Alwen’s mind felt like it was about to explode. She tried to leave again, but her body wouldn’t do it.

  “No. Not until you come to me in this form, or accept us being together.”

  “What the hell do you mean? What kind of acceptance?”

  He sighed and cast a longing gaze toward the water. “I need water. But I can’t leave you here when there is so much you need to know. We lived in a cloaked place. Long ago wizards, witches, and all paranormal people joined together, and we made magical pockets in the world, safe places for us to live where you humans wouldn’t harm us. You will not be able to leave me. Oh you can leave, but not if you’re going to leave me. Like you could go visit your dad or go teach a dance class, but you can’t leave me and never return. You won’t be able to tell people about me.”

  “Ha, like anyone would believe me. Why won’t I be able to do any of that?”

  “It has always been like this with human mates. It helps so they don’t tell our secret and give us a chance to be together. It gives the humans a chance to get to know their other half. Can you honestly say that without this you would have stuck around and not run?”

  Alwen couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She knew without a doubt she would have run. She could feel like a magical pull towards Clay. She eased off the chair and
stood looking down at him. “So you need the water?”

  “Yes. Come down with me, and I’ll show you.”

  Alwen was curious. Clay was beautiful as a Mermaid. Crap, Merman. “Sure, but won’t people see you?”

  “No. As I said we live in a pocket. The only people who would see are other paranormal beings, if they were looking out at the ocean.”

  “Um … okay. What other paranormal beings are there?”

  “Any mythical being you can think of and probably a lot more.”

  Wow, there were a lot she could think of, like werewolves, vampires, demons, angels, unicorns, and that was just to name a few. “So you’re a Merman. What do Mermen do besides swim?”

  “Merpeople are so few now. We all have extra abilities, gifts. Mine is to heal. My brother can read minds. My sister can tell when you are lying or when something important is coming. My mother is a seer, and my father, well he is like me, but his healing gifts are greater. I have a cousin with super-strength and another with speed. So besides being myself and swimming in the ocean, I heal. I have to be careful whom I heal because if it can’t be explained people start to become suspicious. I healed your father. He shouldn’t have survived. As soon as I met you I would have done anything for you. That’s why I healed him. I didn’t care about any consequences. I just wanted you happy.”

  Alwen could feel her heart burst with love that he would risk himself like that for her. He’d healed her father for her, and she was so grateful, but she didn’t know if she could be his mate. It sounded like it would change her world even more. What did she tell her friends or her dad? She liked Clay, but she barely knew him, and what he was telling her was a major commitment.

  Clay crawled using his hands to the water. Once he hit the waves she gasped as he shone with happiness. “Come in with me.”


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