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Hell Is Coming (The Watcher's Series Book 1)

Page 17

by N. P. Martin

  I didn’t stop to see the damage. I kept driving and checking the rear-view mirror for signs of it but saw none.

  I think it got the message.

  I doubted the demon was dead or anything, but I hoped it hurt like hell when I ran over it.

  When I reached the city I couldn’t help constantly checking in the rear-view mirror as I drove, half expecting a set of burning red eyes to be staring back at me when I did. Nothing appeared.

  The demon was gone.

  After a while I found myself driving through the Perv District. Unlike that afternoon when I was there with Frank, the place was lit up with neon signs and the streets where crawling with people. As most of the city was winding down, this place was just coming alive. Pretty soon I decided I had enough of driving. I felt like sitting in a darkened corner of some bar and getting drunk on vodka. I would do it for Kasey, I decided. Send her off properly.

  Whether through coincidence or by subconscious design, I pulled the car up outside the Demon Ecstasy club where Frank and I had been that afternoon. Maybe the place was just familiar to me. I had never been to any of the bars or clubs in the Sex District before, so the one that Lucas, the demon, owned was the only one I knew. After parking the car, I went inside the club.

  Considering the time of night, I was expecting a lot more people to be inside, but it was barely half full which suited me fine. I felt the eyes of the men in the club on me as I stood by the doors looking around. Loud eighties rock music pumped through the PA and lithe bodied girls danced on all three stages. Ignoring the looks I was getting, I glanced over towards the bar and saw Lucas standing there. He was talking to one of the dancers, a red-haired girl with a set of angel wings tattooed on her back. Lucas smiled as he ran his hand over the girl’s naked ass. He stopped when he saw me. Our eyes met across the club and he smiled at me with glowing yellow demon eyes.

  Well, better the devil you know…

  Chapter 17

  “Miss Swanson. What an unexpected surprise.”

  He was dressed as immaculately as he had been that afternoon, wearing a dark grey suit with a black shirt and black tie, looking every inch the trendy club owner. I watched, bemused, as he patted the red-haired dancer he was standing with on the ass and told her to be on her way. I remained impassive as the large breasted girl looked me up and down before strutting off in her high heels.

  “I hope I’m not interrupting anything,” I said.

  “Not at all,” Lucas said. “I was just consorting with one of my girls. I like to make sure they’re happy. I’m a good boss that way.”

  I took a seat at the bar. “Be a good boss and get me a drink then.”

  “I see you’ve inherited your uncle’s good manners.” He indicated to the barman to come over. “What’s your poison, Miss Swanson?”

  “Vodka. Neat.”

  Lucas seemed surprised. “I had you pegged as a Manhattan kind of girl.”

  I frowned. “I don’t even know what that is.”

  He gave me an “are-you-serious?” look then smiled and shook his head. “Simple tastes. I like it.” He turned to the barman. “Two double vodkas.” The barman went to get the drinks and Lucas turned his attention back to me. “I have to say, I’m surprised to see you here. I hope this is a social call and not another visit to try and get information out of me. I told you all I knew this morning.”

  “I know, I’m not here for that.”

  “So why are you here?”

  Just then the barman arrived back with the vodkas and placed them on the bar top in front of us. I picked up one of the glasses and knocked the drink back, downing it in one gulp, closing my eyes for a second as the vodka left a burning sensation in my chest and stomach, then I slammed the empty glass back down on the bar top. “Keep ‘em coming,” I instructed the barman, and for the first time I noticed his demon face flickering into view and he gave me a dark look. I just stared back at him.

  “Don’t mind her,” Lucas said to the demon bartender. “She’s a Watcher.”

  The barman looked freaked for a second until Lucas told him to relax and go get more drinks. “Actually bring the bottle,” he said sitting in the chair beside me.

  “Now you’re talking,” I said.

  “Well, you look like you want to drink,” he said. “Who am I to deprive you of that pleasure? I own this place after all.”

  I sat in silence as Lucas sat watching me. I could tell he was curious about me, about who I was and why exactly I had come to his place alone. When the barman brought the bottle of vodka, Lucas filled the two glasses again. He raised his glass. “To new friends.”

  I raised my glass. “To getting wasted.”

  “That too.” We clinked glasses and knocked back the shots. Lucas refilled the glasses again. The vodka was expensive and tasted good, certainly better than the cheap stuff Kasey used to steal for us from the stores she pilfered from.

  “I am trying to work out why you’re here,” Lucas said. “Help me out. You didn’t just happen to be passing by, that much I know.”

  I said nothing as I looked around the club, purposely avoiding his question. By that time, I knew exactly why I was there, but I wasn’t about to tell him.

  “Something obviously happened,” he said. “Did you have a falling out with your uncle Frank? He can be difficult at times.”

  “No.” I shook my head and took a mouthful of vodka. “Frank and I are fine.”

  Sort of.

  Lucas kept probing. “Someone else then. Who?”

  “I don’t even know if I can trust you.”

  “Trust? What does trust have to with anything? We’re just two strangers in a bar talking.”

  “Not quite.”

  “You think I’m going to screw you over somehow? Did Frank tell you not to trust me?”

  “He did.” I emptied my glass, picked up the bottle from the bar and poured myself another. Lucas’s glass was still full.

  “Frank doesn’t trust anyone,” Lucas said laughing. “I’ve known your uncle for a long time. He’s a good guy, but he doesn’t do himself any favors.”

  “You mean he doesn’t take any shit from demons like you?”

  He laughed again, a deep throaty laugh. He seemed laid back for a demon. “Don’t be so harsh; you don’t know me. I’m actually one of the good guys.” He paused for effect. “Most of the time.”

  I nodded. “Most of the time?”

  “Hey, I’m still a demon. I can’t help that, no more than you can help being Nephilim.”

  “I only found that out recently, that I’m Nephilim.”

  “Really?” Lucas’s eyebrows arched. “Does that explain why you’re here then? Is it all getting a bit overwhelming? Do you just need a friendly demon ear to listen?”

  A smile spread across my face despite myself. “Whatever you think.”

  “Tell you what,” he said. “Why don’t we take this bottle and go to my suite upstairs. You can tell me all about it. I promise I won’t try anything.”

  “I’m supposed to trust you? You’re a demon. Why should I trust a demon?”

  “Good point.” He leaned in closer to me, lowered his voice to a deep whisper. “If it weren’t for the fact that we both know why you are here.”

  My heart skipped a beat when he said that and for a moment I felt almost embarrassed until I looked into his eyes. “Why can’t I see your real face?”

  “Because I’m not letting you,” he said. “Do you want to see my real face?”

  I thought for a second. “Yes.”

  I was never one for relationships. Too messy, too much trouble. Sex on the other hand, I didn’t have a problem with. Since I first had sex at fourteen it was something I turned to sometimes, mostly when things got really bad in my life and I needed an escape that my art or drink and drugs couldn’t provide, at least not on their own. And with the right partner, I enjoyed it. It usually gave me the release I was looking for.

  So when I walked into Lucas’s suite in the up
stairs of the club, I knew I was going to get that release. It was weird though. Lucas was a demon, for a start. I’d never slept with a demon before, so that in itself was making me nervous.

  And how old was he?

  Hundreds, probably thousands of years older than me. That practically made him a paedophile if you wanted to think like that.

  As he took me through the door that led into his office, I didn’t care about any of that. Neither did I pay much attention to my surroundings as he took me by the hand and led me through the office, through another door that took us into a large room with a huge bed on the far side of it.

  I raised my eyebrows at him when I saw the bed, but I didn’t question him on it. At that point, we both knew the score.

  Letting go of his hand I walked silently to the bed, then without a word I proceeded to take off my clothes as he stood at a distance watching me. I didn’t know if it was the vodka or the fact that I was so suddenly worked up, but I felt no embarrassment as I undressed for him.

  What am I getting into?

  Dancing with the devil was never a good idea. At the moment, though, I didn’t care. The excitement of the situation had gripped me.

  There was no going back.

  After a moment I backed up onto the huge bed and lay down on the black silk sheets. “Well,” I said in a low husky voice. “Why are you standing there like you’ve never seen a girl naked before?” Most times I preferred the guy I was with to take the lead, but I got a perverse kind of thrill from being cheeky with a high-level demon who could rip me apart in seconds if he so desired. The inherent danger of the situation only increased my enjoyment of it.

  Lucas walked to the foot of the bed and undressed out of his suit, his eyes never leaving mine, a hungry look in them , like he wanted to consume my very soul. He took off his shirt to reveal his immaculate dark brown skin and his rippling muscles and I wondered briefly if his meat suit was in that condition when he got it or did he work to get it that way. He took his pants off and I slid my hand down between my legs, massaging, rubbing, feeling the wetness on my fingers. My eyes never left his, even though I wanted to close them. The depth of his experience shone in his dark eyes and it scared me a little to think of some of the things he might have done in his lifetime as a demon. Depraved, unspeakable acts. I felt vulnerable, but not so much that I wanted to stop.

  He was down to just his underwear and I could see the shape of his stiff cock through his black boxer shorts. I rubbed harder at myself as he took off his underwear to reveal himself. He stood for a moment so I could admire his near perfect form. He had definitely chosen his human host well.

  Spreading my legs wider, I moaned with the sensations already running through me. He gasped slightly when I did this and he crawled on the bed towards me, his head going between my legs as he began to kiss around my swollen pussy. Gripping his shaven head, I forced him to put his tongue in me and when I felt it go in I sucked in a breath and gripped his head tighter. “Oh God,” I said and then laughed, causing him to look up at me. “Sorry, I just don’t think God would approve of this situation.” I laughed again.

  Lucas gave me a voracious smile, his eyes burning, glowing the way they had when I’d seen him earlier.

  The demon in him was coming out.

  I cried out when I felt his tongue slide right inside me. It was impossibly long and moving in a way that felt weird but amazingly good at the same time. I kept his head there as I groaned and moved my hips up and down, grinding into him, feeling the warmth spreading from in between my legs to the rest of my body. I didn’t know if it was technique or the fact that he was a demon, but no one had ever made me feel like that before. Most of the guys I had been with up till that point didn’t have much of a clue what they were doing. They were too young and inexperienced. Lucas was far from inexperienced. He had probably already practiced on thousands of women. I had never felt anything like what he was doing to me and I soon felt myself cum. I cried out, clutching both my breasts as I felt hot fluid flow from me and into his mouth.

  He came up licking his lips, his eyes glowing molten yellow. He kissed his way up my body, his mouth enveloping each of my swollen nipples before continuing to kiss his way up to my neck. His glowing eyes locked onto mine and I stared right into them, like I was staring into the depths of Hell itself. His intense gaze pulled me in and I saw flashes of images, rapid depictions of demons and scenes that looked like Hell, of tortured souls and perverse acts of pleasure. I gasped in fear, but the pleasure countered the fear and Lucas smiled down at me like he knew what I was seeing.

  Was he doing that on purpose? Did he want me to see where he came from?

  His bulk looming over me, making me feel small and slightly vulnerable, I pulled his head down so he could kiss me and his tongue probed forcefully inside my mouth before pulling back, the tip gliding over my lips.

  Power flowed through me as my Light Energy came to the forefront, sensing I was in danger.

  Maybe I was, but I didn’t care. I had already abandoned myself to the strange fear-tinged pleasure of the situation.

  I took him by surprise when I flipped him on to his back in one swift move, pinning him to the bed. He smiled in surprise and I flashed a devilish grin back at him. “Weren’t expecting that, were you?” I said.

  He mirrored my grin. “You’d make a great demon,” he said, his eyes eating into me, so much so that I wondered if he could see my soul somehow, that he could look beyond my physical form to the ethereal part of me beneath. My pulse quickened even more and my body vibrated with intense pleasure.

  “Are you in my head?”



  He seemed to enjoy me looking at him, like he needed the intimacy of eye contact. As a demon, I thought he would have been all about the physical act, the sheer animalistic pleasure. But I was wrong. Lucas enjoyed the connection. He had mentally attached himself to me so much that it felt like we were in our own universe with nothing in it but us. I liked that feeling because I could think of nothing else. I was as in the moment as I’d ever been having found the delicious escape I’d been looking for.

  He gasped and I felt him squirm beneath me as I sucked hard him, massaging him at the same time, my eyes still on him. “Oh fuck,” he said.

  I ached for him. I couldn’t wait any longer. I wanted him inside me. But something made me stop. “What about protection? I don’t want no demon babies.” I couldn’t help giggling at the thought.

  “Relax,” he said stroking my thighs with his large hands. “My demon seed won’t take in you. As a Nephilim, your body will reject it.”

  I gave it no further thought.

  Sitting astride him I guided him into me.

  Oh my God!

  We both gasped as I moved on top of him, sliding up and down on him, grinding my hips against him. I closed my eyes, taking great pleasure in how he felt inside of me. I took my time at first, enjoying the look of intensity on his face as I moved up and down on him.

  Lucas’s whole body convulsed as I rode on top of him. I had never felt so wet and any reservations I had about having sex with a demon vanished, pushed out by the ecstasy that was sweeping us both away. I was about to cum again and a second later I cried out, my wetness gushing over him. My back arched, the pleasure so intense it took my breath away. Breathing hard, I fell forward onto him, unable to believe the force of my orgasm, like nothing I’d ever felt before. He gnawed on my neck and I grinded my hips into him again, felt the elation build once more. His large hands gripped my ass as he pushed me down harder onto him and then just as suddenly as I had flipped him, he turned me over so I was on my back.

  Lucas the demon grabbed both my legs before fucking me hard, forcing me to cum again. My eyes closed as I orgasmed and when I opened them again I almost screamed once more because the Lucas I knew up to that point had gone and there instead was the demon, swirling yellow eyes glowing, a huge mouth filled with long sharp teeth and what looked like c
urling rams horns on either side of his head. Apart from the bone spurs that jutted out on both of his shoulders and elbows and his coal black skin the rest of his body still looked human, but possessing a power that no human could ever hope to have.

  That was the real Lucas.

  The demon Lucas.

  The Light Energy in me practically seared me from the inside, burning me as it tried to get to the surface in an effort to protect me from the demon.

  The combined sensations were almost unbearable as I looked upon Lucas’ true form while he carried on moving on top of me. Not only was the pleasure still there but a sense of fear had returned now that there was a beast on top of me. I couldn’t take my eyes of him as he continued to thrust, impossibly big inside of me, his fierce burning eyes so intense it felt like they were burning holes in me. His mouth was open, revealing his pointed teeth—teeth that could tear me to shreds if he chose to use them. A thousand images flashed through my mind, some of which I had no idea where they even came from; scenes I had never witnessed but which still seemed real in my mind, scenes that were too unspeakable to describe, and underneath it all was the pleasure, the sheer, powerful, unadulterated bliss.

  When he came he pushed right into me and I screamed like I had never screamed before, the orgasm like a bomb going off inside me, the sensations so incredibly intense I thought I was going to die.

  The demon on top of me howled, the reverberations of its deep and inhuman voice only adding to the orgasmic sensations that left my body shuddering uncontrollably.

  I got lost in the ecstasy of the moment. I floated around in some other dimension, a place where nothing existed but me and my bliss, kind of like being back in the womb, but much dirtier.

  When I finally opened my eyes to come back to reality the demon was gone.

  Only Lucas remained.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel as I lay there in Lucas’s bed, with him lying naked beside me. “I’m guessing that was your first time with a demon?” he said, clearly amused by my disconcertedness. I wondered how many human women he had said that to since his time on earth.


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