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The Dark Pearl Chronicles 1.1: Battle of the Half-Brothers

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by Donaldson, Levi

  In 2165 B.C., a group of pirating pioneers found a collection of jewels. These jewels were some of the most precious ever known to mankind. Not only were these the most beautiful jewels that anyone had ever seen, but these jewels each were their own distinct color, which was astonishing in itself seeing that there were over two hundred. But the most astonishing part of these jewels was that each one possessed its very own power. Each jewel had a different power, but they all gave their possessor one unique power-an almost immortality. Unfortunately, the possessor isn't completely immortal, and can still die if by an unnatural cause. When the possessor of the jewel dies, he passes it and its powers down to his own offspring or someone in the direct line. A person cannot possess two jewels at once, and if he/she has no one to pass the jewel down to it "dies" off and its powers are transferred to the ever-powerful black jewel. Most of these jewels have died off, but the black jewel is still around and is more powerful than ever. Now that the jewels are very rare, they are kept hidden by their teenage possessors, and only one man knows who these possessors are. This man is Pete Walsh.

  Present Day

  Washington High School, Miami, Florida. Sophomore videos for Time Capsule. Do not watch until 2075.

  Josh Jones:

  High school isn't that bad to me. I get by; I hang out with the guys, especially my best friend Jaguar, who is the daredevil of the school. I've had a few girlfriends here and there, but I don't really get into those serious relationships. Just a couple more years and I know I will be out of here. Independent. Free. The only thing that could make this better is to get rid of the one person who makes my life miserable-my brother Austin. Austin and I have different mothers, but the same dad. We are in the same grade, somehow end up in the same classes every year, but his birthday is just a little over two months before mine. He is the one person I wish I'd never met, because he is such a player to every girl he meets and a jerk to every guy except his best friend Zack, who happens to be the quarterback on the football team. Anyways, I got a necklace from my mom with this jewel embedded when I was eight, but didn't receive its powers until she died six months ago. I keep it hidden since I really don't ever plan on using its powers, being that I don't see myself ever using long rope-like arms to my advantage. Austin and I have been adopted by our older brother (my full brother; Austin's half) Derek, who is the most irresponsible person I know, besides Austin. I feel like I'm raising myself, but I think I do a good job of it.

  Bret (Jaguar) Lane:

  I don't really do personal stuff, but I have no choice. Basically I'm the school's crazy kid. I'm the one who has eaten the pencil shavings, didn't learn my lesson and threw up in class. It's just the way I am and I wouldn't change it. I do it because people enjoy watching. What can I say? I'm an entertainer. But the one thing I don't entertain people with his my special necklace that my dad gave me when I was a toddler. He used to go over to Asia and perform missions for the CIA, because the jewel gave him super speed. One day, though about three years ago, he was shot by the Korean military and killed. Since then, I still haven't aged. I look like a pre-teen in high school. My grandma, who I now live with, tells me I'll age, but either way I don't mind.

  Zack Parker:

  I don't know how much to say; I've got to get ready for football practice. So anyways I'm the quarterback on the team. I'm living the dream: I have the head cheerleader Ali as my girlfriend; I have scouts from colleges all over wanting me to play, and more than likely I have a future with the NFL. My best friend Austin Jones sticks with me every step of the way, because he knows what it's like to accomplish so much fame. He also shows me how NOT to act about it though, as he is very full of himself. The reason for his fame is purely his rap skills, as he has been called the next white rapper of America. I have a twin brother named Cole, but I never even claim him as my brother because we are complete opposites: he's the school nerd. We never find anything in common, mainly because our Aunt Susan doesn't really care what he and I think of each other. Last year, I got the power of fire from a jewel my dad gave me at the age of seven because he died last year in a gang shooting. The only person I ever told was Austin, and he just found the jewel "odd" and said he never heard of such a thing.

  Austin Jones:

  I'm the bad boy around here. I wish I wasn't recording this stupid thing for that time capsule, but I have to. Okay, so where I start-well last year I had a rap band called Teen Swag. I was the lead rapper, because I was the best of course, and the other two guys were named Shawn, short for Shontello or something like that, and Lenardo. (Zack interruption: "Leandre") Oh yeah, his name was Leandre. Anyways, they got jealous of my spotlight and the band broke up. Leandre moved off to California, but Shawn still comes to our school. We still hate each other, but I know if it ever boiled down to it I wouldn't have to worry about him, since I have this black jewel my father gave me when I was eight. It has so many powers in it I can't even count them. The only people who know about it are my dork brother Josh and my cool older brother Derek, who raises Josh and me. Hey watch it nerd! You're in my shot!

  (Austin dumps a kid into a trash can and walks away.)

  Cole Parker:

  (Climbing out of trash can) Ugh. I hate that guy. He's such a bully. Well, I guess it's my turn to record but I better make it quick before he comes back. So I guess I won't be quoting Shakespeare as I originally thought. Okay, so you've probably been told I'm the school nerd, and if you have been told that I am ashamed to say it's the truth. What's worse is my brother is the quarterback for the football team, since he got all the brauns while I got all the brains. But the most interesting thing about me is that I have this jewel passed down by my mom that gives me a power also opposite of my brother's-ice. I never would reveal it, seeing how everyone already sees me as a freak. Oh man, here he comes! (Austin walks up "Hey what are you doing out of that trash can!?" Austin dumps Cole in again.) Aw, man! Now there's spaghetti all over my new khakis!

  Kara Smith:

  Okay. Let me start by saying my name is just as much of a guy name as it is a girl name. And just because I have this name doesn't make me any less of a guy. I'm proud of this name actually. It makes me unique. I'm already unique as it is, seeing how I have this jewel necklace my dad gave me when I was a baby. Last year, he, my mom (who also had a jewel), and my identical twin brother Tyler (who she passed hers to) were all killed when a group of people raided our home. Tyler allowed me to escape from a hatch in our basement, and just when he was about to escape with me he heard the people coming and tried to fight them off to keep from blowing my cover. All three of them died, leaving me the only one left of the family. The jewel my dad gave me has a special kind of martial arts power, and so did my brother Tyler's. Tyler was my best friend, but now that the school's famous rap group Teen Swag has broken up, one of the guys named Shawn form the group has become my new best friend. So now we are the skaters around the school. It's a little weird seeing a white rapper and a black skater here at this school, but hey, I've seen worse.

  SCENE: Washington High School, Hallway. Josh and Jaguar are standing at their lockers with them open. Josh pulls a binder from his locker and slams it.

  JOSH: Wow. That Labor Day break wasn't long enough. We're already a month into school but it seems like this year started yesterday. This year is flying by, isn't it?

  JAGUAR: This is true, my friend. And I have to retake Physical Fitness next semester since I failed it freshman year. I remember like it was last year.

  JOSH: That's because it was.

  JAGUAR: Yes it was. Wow time flies. (Chuckles) Hey do you remember why I fail
ed the class last year?

  JOSH (laughing): Yes I do. You broke your leg on the first day of school because you thought you could climb the flag pole.

  JAGUAR: Yes. Freshman year. Those were the good ole days. And I barely passed.

  JOSH: The teachers only passed you because they didn't want to have you in their classes again.

  JAGUAR: I bet this is true.

  (The two hear screaming from a crowd of girls down the hall. The screaming sounds as if it is from a crowd at a concert.)

  JOSH: Oh no. Here comes the jerk.

  (The door to the school swings open, and Zack Parker walks through in his maroon football jersey with the white number 7 imprinted on it.)

  JAGUAR: You mean Zack?

  JOSH: Wait for it...

  (Behind Zack comes the shaggy haired, sun-glassed, dressed in a gray hoodie with baggy dark blue jeans Austin Jones. The girls are screaming his name, and he is soaking it all in. He flips his hair, points at one girl, and she begins to fan her face while her friends look at her in admiration for being noticed by Austin.)

  JOSH: Ugh. I hate that guy.

  JAGUAR: But he's your brother.

  JOSH: Half-brother. Please. If he was my full brother I would have strangled him while we were in my mother's womb. But he's not my mother's child. His mother is some prostitute who he hasn't seen since birth because my dad decided my mom wasn't enough. As far as I'm concerned Austin and I aren't even related.

  JAGUAR: That's a pretty harsh thing to say.

  (Austin and Zack walk by. Austin pushes Jaguar into the locker with a quick "Get out of my way" and continues walking.)

  JAGUAR (to Josh): I understand your pain.

  (Zack and Austin continue walking down the hall. Austin catches a few "call me" signals from a handful of girls before spotting Cole standing behind them.)

  AUSTIN: Yo, nerd!

  COLE: Yes, Austin?

  AUSTIN: I'm thirsty.

  COLE: And?

  AUSTIN: Let me have a dollar. I want to buy a drink.

  COLE: I don't have one.

  (Austin stares Cole down. He begins to read Cole's thoughts.)

  Oh no, I forgot to study for that Biology test! What if I make another B!

  Oh forget it, Cole. You've got more important things to worry about.

  Why is Austin looking at me like that? It is as if he knows I'm lying about the dollar, but I really need to buy myself some gum. I forgot to brush my teeth.

  (Austin shutters at hearing the last thought, but then looks at Cole in anger.)

  AUSTIN: You're going to lie to me like that?

  COLE: What are you talking about, Austin? I'm telling the truth.

  AUSTIN: Quit fooling yourself, Cole. I can see the lies all over you. You are a horrible liar.

  ZACK: I don't know, Austin. His face looks pretty convincing.

  AUSTIN: If you ask me, his face looks pretty pathetic. Covered in lies.

  COLE: Okay, you caught me; just don't hurt me. (Hands Austin the dollar)

  AUSTIN: Don't worry. I'll go easy on you today. (Walks away)

  COLE (to Zack): You could find better friends.

  ZACK: Like you? Sorry, I'll take my chances with Austin.

  COLE: Of course you will. We'll see where he is when you're in need.

  ZACK: Oh we'll see. (Walks away behind Austin.)

  (Austin and Zack continue to walk down the hallway. Kara and Shawn come skating in the door on their skateboards. Kara bumps Austin and Austin shoves him to the ground in front of Shawn. Shawn tries to stop and falls over Kara.)

  AUSTIN: Watch where you're going, fool.

  SHAWN: Who are you calling a fool?

  AUSTIN: Your little friend here, if it's any of your business.

  SHAWN: Yes, it is my business, thank you.

  KARA: Okay, let's settle down; I did bump into him.

  SHAWN: Quiet, you! (Turns back to Austin) Stay out of our way.

  (Austin grabs Shawn by the shirt collar and slams his back against the locker. He holds Shawn there and gets in his face.

  AUSTIN: I think you forgot something, Shawn. Even when we were Teen Swag, I've been the bad boy around here. I still am. That's never going to change.

  SHAWN: Ha. We'll see about that.

  (Austin lets go of Shawn's collar. Shawn walks off, turned around looking at Austin over his shoulder and brushing his own collar)

  ZACK (to Austin): Still mad about the band breaking up, huh?

  AUSTIN: I'll never forgive that traitor.

  (The two walk off to go to class.)

  SCENE: A large house around a mile away. A man dressed in a white lab coat is standing in a room full of weird machinery. He wears a name tag on the coat that bears the name "Pete Walsh". The machine he is standing near, the Mesopotamian Jewel Tracker 5000, is showing a U.S. map on a giant screen. He presses a green button and a status bar pops up on the screen. It quickly goes to 100% and six colored dots pop up at the location Miami, Florida.

  PETE: Yes! I've done it! I've done it! I never thought I'd live to see the day. Now how do I lure the young powers here? Hmmm...

  (Pete looks over and sees a pair of binoculars)

  SCENE: Washington High School. The bell rings as the school day comes to a close. Zack and Austin come out of the school building talking.

  ZACK: Hey man, you coming to the game Friday night?

  AUSTIN: Come on, you know I don't miss a game.

  ZACK: I know. Are you actually going to watch, though? I mean half the time I look up and you're not in the bleachers. And it's always when I make a big play.

  AUSTIN (mumbling under his breath): Oh you have no idea.

  (Austin encounters a flashback. He has turned himself invisible and sauntered onto the field before the last play of the game. The play call is a quarterback run, meaning the entire game sits on Zack's shoulders. Invisible Austin stands behind a receiver and the ball gets snapped. Zack takes off to his right to run down the sideline. The play gets off to a good start, but one last defender remains to get to Zack. No one knows that Austin is running alongside of Zack, and as the defender closes in to tackle Zack, invisible Austin hits the defender in the chest, sending him flying backwards and landing on his back, feet still up. The entire crowd goes into confusion at seeing the defender run into an invisible wall and Zack scores the touchdown. Zack looks up in the bleachers to see that Austin was not there to see his game-winning play.)

  AUSTIN: Yeah, I'll try to watch. No promises though, bud.

  ZACK (laughing): I know how it is, man. You have to flirt with the girls, I know. I'm just glad you come to the games.

  AUSTIN: Ha, yeah. Well it's the least I can do since you always come to my rap concerts.

  (In the bushes, Pete sits with a pair of binoculars, watching Austin and Zack.)

  PETE: A football player, huh? And the other is a rapper. I think I know the perfect bait. (He takes notes on his pad)

  (Pete leaves the bushes and begins walking down the sidewalk, following Josh and Jaguar from a safe distance.)

  JOSH: So, Jaguar, what are you doing this weekend?

  JAGUAR: Well, I'm planning on going to that video game convention. They're giving out free Modern Warfare 4 games to the first one thousand people. I have to get there early.

  JOSH: Really? Wow that game just came out! You think I can catch a ride with you? I want to get that game.

  JAGUAR: Definitely, man. I'll tell my grandma and we can pick you up at eight Saturday morning.

  JOSH: Thanks, man.

  (Pete stops walking and takes notes to himself again.)

  PETE (mumbling): Video gamers. Got it.

  (Pete walks off again, this time he goes in the building to the door outside of the chess club room. He is stopped by a teacher.)

  TEACHER: And who are you?

  PETE: My condolences, madam, I was looking for a Ms.... (Looks down at the teacher's nametag and sees "Monica Curran") Curran. Yes, that was the name. Could you tell me if she is still her

  TEACHER: I am she.

  PETE: Ah. What proper English you use. I love that.

  MS. CURRAN: Why, thank you. I'm flattered. But tell me, sir, why were you looking for me?

  PETE: Well, I'm concerned about a student of yours.

  MS. CURRAN: Oh. Who would this student be?

  PETE: Well, I don't really feel comfortable talking about it out here in this hallway. Could we step into this room here?


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