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Sarah's Christmas Miracle

Page 12

by Mary Ellis

  “What?” she croaked, her face flushing hotly.

  Giggles emanated from the lump of blankets behind them.

  “Cranberry sauce—which do you prefer? My mamm was curious.”

  “Um…whole berry.”

  “Ah, that’s my favorite too.” He shook the reins, sending the bells jingling.

  Two or three interminable seconds spun out before he spoke again. “Since we have that in common, I was wondering if you would marry me? Seeing that I love you more than just about anything in this world.”

  For a moment the night grew still, even the sleigh bells. Then Sarah burst out laughing. “Jah, I’ll marry you, Adam Troyer. If you didn’t ask me during this sleigh ride, I was planning to ask you and take my chances. I couldn’t stand the suspense any longer.”

  Adam pulled hard on the reins, bringing the sleigh to a stop. He leaned over and kissed her then, squarely on the mouth. A good long kiss…until Katie’s giggles drew them apart.

  Sarah inhaled a frigid breath. “Seeing that you love me and I love you, let’s get home and tell my folks before you come to your senses. My mother will be pleased…as I am beyond words,” she added softy.

  “Your coming home has been my best Christmas gift ever.” Adam brushed a second kiss across her cheek and then focused on the road. After releasing the brake, he glanced over his shoulder before signaling to the Percheron. “Good grief, some poor fool is walking on a night like this. Let’s wait a minute and offer him a lift.”

  Sarah pivoted on the bench and stared into darkness. Snow was falling so hard she couldn’t see a thing. Then slowly the form of a tall thin man, hunched over from the cold, came into view. Nothing about him was familiar, yet in her heart Sarah knew. “Oh, Adam,” she said as snow melted on her nose and cheeks. “I believe it’s my bruder.” Throwing off the blanket she jumped down, stumbled, caught her footing, and started running down the road. “Caleb?” she called into the silent white world.

  And in response she heard her name, wafting on the wind like a prayer: Sarah.

  Slipping and sliding on pavement turned icy, her brother soon reached her side. He dropped his duffle bag to the ground, and they hugged in a cumbersome embrace.

  Sarah’s face was wet from tears as well as melting snowflakes. “Welcome home,” she said, muffled against his damp wool coat.

  “Merry Christmas, bleed madchen.” Caleb’s voice sounded raw. “I didn’t think I’d get home in time. I caught the afternoon bus to Canton, and then I transferred to one headed to Apple Creek, but few folks are out tonight to hitch a ride.”

  She stepped back to peer at him in the near darkness. His face looked cold and haggard, but it was Caleb. “Your bashful girl is very happy to see you.” She glanced down at his bag. “Is that all your stuff?”

  “Everything worth bringing home,” he answered with a laugh. “I left all the rest of my worldly possessions behind for the next tenants, providing they don’t mind a three-legged table or a lumpy couch.”

  “You might have picked July to make this trip,” said Adam, stepping from the sleigh. “But at least you’re in time for Christmas Eve. Welcome home, Caleb.” He extended his hand to shake.

  “You must be the lucky man my sister plans to marry,” said Caleb, shaking heartily.

  “Adam is my intended,” said Sarah. “And only time will tell how fortunate he is. In the meantime, let’s get home before you freeze to death.”

  Elizabeth waited by the kitchen window for Sarah, Katie, and Adam to return from the school program. Rubbing a clear patch on the glass, she hoped they hadn’t dawdled at the Troyers. The snow was growing heavier by the hour. Everything was ready for dinner, keeping warm in the oven. My beef roast and baked potatoes will be dry as corn stalks if we don’t eat soon. The solar-powered light on the barn revealed nothing but swirling, driving snow. Adam would bunk at their house and go home safely in the light of day on Christmas morning.

  Tonight was Christmas Eve—the night two thousand years ago that God sent His Son to earth that all who believe might be saved. She bowed her head to whisper words of gratitude for the gift of eternal life.

  She’d been praying a lot lately. Sarah had returned from Cleveland after the briefest of visits—the city holding little appeal for her practical daughter. Elizabeth couldn’t have borne losing another child to the English world. God had heard and answered her prayer.

  How great is the Lord’s mercy, especially on someone as undeserving as myself. Even the rough patch between Sarah and Adam appears to be smoothed over. What a good match they will make!

  “Thank You, Lord,” she whispered again. Then, with full faith and confidence, Elizabeth began removing the casserole pans from the oven. “Rebekah,” she called, “pour the drinks and set cold food on the table. Your sisters and Adam will be here soon.” She carried the Dutch oven to the counter. “Eli, can you spare a minute to slice the beef while I the heat the gravy?”

  “How did you know, mamm?” Rebekah asked, entering the kitchen. “I just saw them turn up the driveway from the front window. Adam brought Sarah home in his sleigh—isn’t that romantic?” She headed toward the back hall, but Elizabeth grabbed her arm.

  “No, daughter, you set the table. I’ll greet them myself.” With a strange feeling growing in the pit of her stomach, Elizabeth shrugged on her cloak and bonnet with trembling hands. A blast of cold wind hit her face as she opened the door and walked out onto the porch. A sleek black sleigh, complete with two strings of harness bells, was parked near the barn. Adam was unhitching the horse while the two girls fought their way toward the house, bent low against the blowing snow. As Elizabeth studied the approaching figures, she realized there weren’t two but three people struggling up the slippery path.

  Suddenly, she felt weak in the knees as a cry escaped her lips. “Caleb,” she called as he stepped into the pool of light streaming from the kitchen window.

  “Mamm,” he said. “It’s…it’s good to see you.”

  “My son.” Elizabeth wrapped her arms around her firstborn and hugged tightly. Her knees didn’t give way after all. She could have borne his weight along with her own and an additional fifty pounds as she was lifted up with a mother’s strength and power.

  “Are you here for a visit?” she asked when they released their embrace. Sarah and Katie crowded around with ear to ear smiles.

  “No,” he said simply. “If you’ll take me back, I’ve come home.” He waited, gazing into her eyes with naked, raw pain.

  The sight of his sorrow nearly broke her heart. Elizabeth stared at the thin, pale man who’d left Fredericksburg so filled with hope and expectation, and who had come back seeking forgiveness and mercy and most of all…love.

  And on this most blessed of nights, she had plenty of those gifts to spare. “Merry Christmas, my son. Welcome home.”


  ½ cup butter

  1 cup sugar

  1 egg

  1 teaspoon vanilla

  2¼ cups flour, sifted

  ½ teaspoon salt

  ½ teaspoon baking soda

  ¾ teaspoon baking powder

  Thoroughly cream together the butter and sugar. Add the egg and vanilla and beat again well. Sift together the flour, salt, baking soda, and baking powder. Add to the butter-and-sugar mixture and chill 2 to 3 hours.

  On a lightly floured surface, roll out dough ⅛ inch thick and then cut into desired shapes. Bake at 325 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes. (If your oven is too hot, even just a little, the cookies will brown too quickly around the edges.)

  Cool completely and then frost as desired.


  1 cup sugar

  ½ cup flour

  1 teaspoon cinnamon

  1 cup brown sugar

  1 cup water

  2 teaspoon butter

  4 or more cooking apples, depending on size

  Combine all ingredients except for apples and boil, stirring often, until thickened.

>   Peel apples, core, and cut in half. Place cut side up in a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. Pour thickened sugar mixture over apples and bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 45 minutes or until apples are soft.

  * * *

  (From The Homestyle Amish Kitchen Cookbook, Georgia Varozza, general editor)


  1 pound butter

  1 pound light brown sugar

  6 eggs

  4 cups flour, sifted

  1 teaspoon baking powder

  2 tablespoons nutmeg

  ½ cup orange juice

  3 cups chopped pecans

  1 pound pale yellow seedless raisins

  Cream together the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, 2 at a time, and beat until very light and mixture doesn’t look grainy (takes about 20 to 25 minutes total). Sift together the flour, baking powder, and nutmeg. Add gradually to the creamed mixture and beat until well blended. Stir in orange juice or blend in using lowest speed on mixer. Fold in the pecans and raisins.

  Pour the cake batter into a 10-inch tube pan that has been greased and floured. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour and 45 minutes.

  Remove the cake from the oven and cool for 10 minutes. Then turn the pan over and let the cake slip out gently. Cool completely. Wrap tightly and store for at least a week because it tends to be crumbly when fresh.

  * * *

  (From The Homestyle Amish Kitchen Cookbook, Georgia Varozza, general editor)


  Mary Ellis grew up close to the eastern Ohio Amish Community, Geauga County, where her parents often took her to farmers’ markets and woodworking fairs. She and her husband now live in Medina County, close to the largest population of Amish families, and enjoy the simple way of life.

  Sarah’s Christmas Miracle is Mary’s first Christmas novella. She is also the author of the bestselling Miller Family series, which consists of A Widow’s Hope, Never Far from Home, and The Way to a Man’s Heart.


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  But perhaps he has nothing to worry about. The two seem to be at cross-purposes as often as not. Hannah is willful, and Seth has an independent streak a mile wide. But much is at stake, including the heart of Seth’s silent young daughter, Phoebe. Can Seth and Hannah move past their own pain to find a lasting love?

  An inspirational story of trust in the God who sees our needs before we do.


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  Emma Miller is on the cusp of leaving childhood behind and entering the adult world. She has finished school, started her own wool business, and longs for someone to court. When the object of her affection is a handsome English sheep farmer with a fast truck and modern methods, her deacon father, Simon, knows he has more than the farm alliance to worry about.

  Emma isn’t the only one with longings in Holmes County. Her mother yearns for relief from a debilitating disease, Aunt Hannah wishes for a baby, and Uncle Seth hopes he’ll reap financial rewards when he undertakes a risk with his harvest. But are these the plans God has for this close-knit Amish family?

  An engaging story about waiting on God for His perfect timing and discovering that dreams planted close to home can grow a lasting harvest of hope and love.


  Can a Loving Amish Woman

  Be a Refuge for a Wounded Soul?

  Leah Miller, a talented young woman in the kitchen, is living her dream come true as she invests in a newly restored diner that caters mostly to locals. Jonah Byler is a dairy farmer with a secret. Having just moved to the area, can he persuade this quiet young woman to leave her adoring fans and cook only for him? Once she discovers what he has been hiding from others, can Leah trust Jonah with her heart?

  Working at the diner introduces Leah to both Amish and English patrons. Though maturing into womanhood, Rumschpringe holds little appeal to the gentle, shy girl who has never been the center of attention before. When three Amish men vie for her attention, competing with Jonah, Leah must find a way to understand the confusing new emotions swirling around her.

  A captivating story that lovingly looks at how faith in God and connection with family can fill every open, waiting heart to overflowing.

  Table of Contents

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