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A Perfect Moment

Page 5

by Becca Lee

  I finished applying my mascara and rubbed lip gloss over my lips. I wasn’t dressed up, and deliberately so. I was wearing my cute ‘Book Nerd’ tee and a pair of denim short-shorts, teamed with my Havaianas. I looked at the time on my watch; it was time to leave.

  I arrived at The Royal just a little before 8pm. I immediately spotted Preston sporting a pair of dark-blue jeans and a muscle-hugging tee. At the same time that I checked him out and entered the bar, he immediately looked in my direction. His eyes met mine and a look of relief flickered across his face. I gulped. He was going to be so mad at me. I knew this. I’d resolved myself to the fact, but once he met Zoe and got over his crush, he’d be thanking me. I knew I was full of shit. Yet still, I had to try.

  He stood up as I stepped closer to his table. He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek before getting me settled. He then turned and headed to the bar going to order me a bottle of Corona. Of course, he didn’t need to ask. He knew me far too well for that. Sitting down, I glanced around the room on the lookout for Zoe. It was still before 8pm, so I wasn’t expecting her quite yet. I looked up at Preston, who was ordering my drink. His jeans fit his backside beautifully. I mentally shook myself. I was checking out his backside. I’d never done that. Ever! Obviously, I’d always known he was hot. I wasn’t blind, but I’d never considered his appeal to me. Shit. I needed Zoe here, stat.

  He waited for the bartender to fetch my Corona, at which point a young blonde in her early twenties sidled up to him. Her eyes raked over him. I sat back, a little in disbelief and fascinated. It was like watching a lioness on the prowl. The young woman then ridiculously fake-stumbled and banged into him, spilling a dribble of her drink on the bar. She was immediately apologetic. I watched on as she touched his arm and moved even closer to him.

  “Stupid, idiot,” I mumbled. I wondered whether he’d fall for it. She certainly looked like the type of woman he usually had fawning all over him. When she then flicked her long golden locks over her shoulder, I scrunched the beer mat I hadn’t realised I was holding in my hand. She really needed to back the shit off. My eyes narrowed, burning a hole into her skinny ass. I was hoping for spontaneous combustion.

  Preston turned and gestured in my direction. I didn’t school my daggers quickly enough. This was obvious by his intelligent eyes taking me in, and then his puffed-out chest and huge grin. He was virtually preening his feathers like a damn peacock. Arsehole. I heard him say the words “girlfriend,” and “not interested”. My heart constricted. Take that, bitch! I meant, no, not girlfriend, just friend. Once again, I was full of shit, and the voice in my head was getting smaller by the minute.

  Preston settled my drink in front of me and kissed me on the top of my head. “Here you go, babe. You look like you need it.”

  I huffed, muttered thanks, and took a large pull on my drink. Its cold, fresh tang flowed down my throat beautifully. I hadn’t realised how much I had needed to take the edge off. Setting the bottle down, I noticed Preston staring at me. Like, really staring. “What?”

  I saw his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed back a gulp. He cleared his throat with a small cough and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. My eyes widened in disbelief. I was almost tempted to duck under the table to see if my suspicions were correct. He had a hard-on. His movements and the look on his strained face left no room for doubt. Was that from simply watching me drink from a bottle? My eyes mirrored his and I squeezed my legs together tightly. No sexy thoughts. No sexy thoughts, I chanted in my head.

  He finally found his voice. “El, fuck, you’re so damn hot, especially when you pulled deeply from that bottle.”

  I had been in the process of taking another mouthful of Corona when he spoke. I gulped in beer when I should have swallowed air. I coughed and spat the beer out. I made a choking, spluttering sound with one hand at my throat, the other across my mouth. My mouthful of beer was now sprayed all over the table, and all over Preston. Regaining my breath, I watched as a trickle of amber liquid slid down his forehead, down his nose until it finally dripped on to his lap.

  “Holy crap,” I gasped, trying to control my air intake. “I’m so sorry, Preston.” I grabbed hold of my bag and pulled out a small handbag-sized pack of tissues. “Here. Take one.” I was mortified, yet I couldn’t help the burst of hysteria that bubbled in my chest. I couldn’t contain it or hold it back a second longer. A high-pitched laugh rocked my whole body. Tears streamed down my face. The tension and stress of the last few days had finally tipped me over the edge. The laughter was just what I needed. What we both needed, as Preston joined in and soon had a tear falling from his eye.

  We laughed hysterically, unable to speak. Every time one of us tried, we’d simply double over again. I was really squeezing my legs together now. I seriously thought I was going to pee myself. I was mildly aware of people’s amused expressions as they watched on, entertained by our hysterics. Preston reached out to me and kissed me tenderly on my lips. Our laughter stilled. He pulled back, still close enough that I could feel his warm breath, and gave me a panty dropping smile. His eyes were bright with amusement and something so much deeper that a tingle shot through my entire system. I finally understood what people had been talking about all these years. That feeling that you feel travel from your head to your toes. That tingling sensation that makes you want to give a big smile and do anything within your power to make the other person match your smile in return. Not even with Fuckwit had I felt that.

  He remained still, just a few short inches from my face. His eyes searched mine, and then looked at my mouth before making eye contact once again. I released a shaky breath, only just realising that I’d been holding it. I then reacted. It was almost as though my body was on autopilot. There was no grand thought-processing, or gesture, or even an amazing epiphany. My head moved forward of its own volition, as if there was a hot, sizzling magnetic pull between us. My mouth touched his tentatively, so unlike our previous kisses. His lips were smooth against mine. My lips took control and continued to gently press and nibble against his. My tongue slipped out and lightly licked his lower lip, before it slowly entered his mouth and touched his. As soon as our tongues met, our mouths pressed down harder, and our kisses became more frantic. After what I assumed was just a few more seconds, our mouths parted, with just a few more light kisses between us. With our heads close, Preston gave me a small smile, one that warmed my heart. He was so bloody hot.

  “So ... erm ... El?” Zoe’s voice was like a bucket of cold water over me.

  Shit, Zoe. I forgot about Zoe. This was definitely not good.

  Forcing a smile on my face, I looked away from Preston, who now had a small frown set between his eyebrows. “Hi Zoe, fancy seeing you here,” I rushed out, silently talking to her with my wide eyes, hoping to God that she understood my silent, freaked-out version of facial expression.

  She raised her eyebrow quizzically and remained standing next to our table. “Er, okay. Yes, fancy. I was just meeting someone here, but apparently I’ve been stood-up.”

  I smile-grimaced at her. My heart pounded in my chest. I had no freakin’ idea what to do. Here was Zoe, looking her usual self, potentially an ideal match for Preston, yet I’d just kissed him. Me. I’d initiated it this time. I had no idea what I wanted.

  I took a sneaky look at Preston from the corner of my eye, half-expecting him to be drooling over Zoe. Hell, I was almost drooling. She was smoking hot, but instead, his eyes were fixed firmly on my face, trying to work out what exactly I was up to. I gave him a quick smile and looked back at Zoe.

  Could I bear to see them together? Preston with anyone? Everything was so crazy confusing. Just four days ago, Preston was my friend and my bestie’s little bro, but now ... shit. Now, I officially fancied the ass off him and desperately wanted to explore us. Geez, I just thought ‘us’. Cue freak out, in three, two, one ... But it never happened. There was no panic. No screaming at the top of lungs and running away in horror at the thought of another man potentially
breaking my heart. He was my friend, so of course I trusted him, but hell, trusting him with my heart should be making me break out the brown paper bag. Instead, a little flicker of something else sparked in my heart, something akin to hope. It felt warm and tingly, and right.

  Deciding a course of action was required to get me out of the potential mess before me. I didn’t think Preston would be too impressed knowing I’d tried to set him up, so I used my stealth-like silent facial code and forcefully and repeatedly moved my eyes to the right, in between pointed looks. Zoe’s eyes tightened for a moment; she was clearly wondering if she needed to call for medical help. Finally, the light bulb flickered on and her mouth formed a large O. “Okay—”

  “Hi, I’m Preston. And you are?” Preston stood and held out his hand to Zoe, effectively cutting her off.

  She looked at me briefly before taking Preston’s hand. “I’m Zoe. I work with El.”

  I looked up at Preston. A smile formed on his face, a sexy one—I’d started to differentiate between them, and this one was a sexy panty-melter of a smile. “Please, pull up a chair and sit. Maybe your friend,” he looked pointedly at me at that point, “will show up soon.” He sat back down and indicated the empty chair at the next table.

  “No, no. I don’t want to interrupt. It’s clear you were ... busy doing what you were doing.”

  I felt Preston’s eyes on me, so I turned and looked at him, not quite able to hide the sheepish look on my face. I was totally busted. “It’s fine, isn’t it, El? We weren’t doing anything important.” His raised his eyebrows at me, daring me to challenge him. I clamped my mouth shut. Stubborn was my middle name.

  I tightened my eyes and returned his stare. “Sure is, Zoe. Feel free.”

  The air around us crackled with energy and tension. I was convinced that I may just combust. I knew what he was playing at. He was proving a goddamn point. But hell if his reaction and challenge wasn’t turning me on.

  “Erm, no, it’s okay. I think I may just leave.” Poor Zoe. I looked at her and gave her an apologetic smile. She was such a wonderful colleague. I had no idea why we didn’t spend much time together outside of work. In school, she was my sanity, and I was pretty convinced she would be an equally good friend outside of work too. Note to self: Get your head out of your ass and start noticing people.

  Giving a genuine smile, Zoe winked and said goodbye.

  I remained watching Zoe as she left the bar, knowing that Preston’s eyes were firmly planted on me. Turning around slowly to face him, I gave him a nervous smile. “So, that was Zoe. Zoe’s awesome.”

  “Apparently so.” His eyes never wavered. “Was that your plan?”

  I went to speak, but his face, which looked all sorts of pissed-the-hell-off, stopped me.

  “Did you honestly think that I was going to be tempted by a pretty face?” His voice lowered as he continued, “For over ten fucking years all I’ve ever thought of or dreamed about was you.”

  Again, I opened my mouth to speak, about to say something about the countless women I’d seen draped over his arm. I didn’t have chance as he stood, pulled me out of my chair and stormed to the exit, dragging me behind him.

  Once outside, the summer evening heat caressed my skin, a contrast to the air-conditioned bar. He didn’t say anything as he continued to pull me down the street, my hand firmly in his. I spotted his car just a few vehicles ahead. When we stopped next to it, he pushed me against it, his groin pushed firmly against to mine. Holy shit, I’m going to explode. He lowered his mouth to mine in a possessive kiss. A kiss that took my breath away—another first for me—and left me clinging to his shoulders.

  Just as abruptly as the kiss had started, it stopped. He pulled me away from the passenger’s door, opened it and told me to get in. His face was filled with passion, a look that I knew not to argue with. To hell with my car! I quickly sat in the passenger’s seat, Preston closing the door behind me.

  His house was just a short five-minute drive away. Knowing the route well, I knew that was where we were heading. He didn’t say a word and I was too chicken shit to speak. I gulped when I saw his hands grip the steering wheel, his forearm muscles rippling with the tension. I wanted to lick them. I internally groaned at the stray thoughts that kept encroaching my mind. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be one hell of an evening. Somewhere deep inside me I knew I should be terrified, yet I forced the reality of my feelings to the surface, something I hadn’t done in a long time. I was excited as hell, and if the tingles in my stomach and the dampness between my thighs was anything to go by, I was ready.

  Chapter Six


  Un-fucking-believable! She had tried to set me up on a date. When I overheard Zoe’s conversation with El, and noticed El’s less-than-discreet gestures, the knowledge had hit me hard. On one level I was furious that she could think that a pretty face and a brush-off would be enough for me to forget my feelings I’d held strong over the past ten years. On another, I took the fact that she’d set up the meet and then quickly tried to get Zoe to leave as a good sign. A sign that she was finally realising that I was serious, and that we were worth the risk.

  As I dragged her ass out of the bar, into the car and on the journey to my house, all I could think about was my need to take her. I needed her naked flesh against mine. The heat of her wrapped around my limbs. It took all my willpower not to drag her into the toilets and take her in the cubicle, and even more not to pull over on the side of road. My stiffy was raging. I knew, however, that I couldn’t do it. Don’t get me wrong; I could do confined spaces and dirty sex, but our first time needed to be in my bed.

  Pulling into my driveway, I switched off the engine, unbuckled both our seatbelts and turned to face her. She faced me. Her eyes were filled with an intense and raw heat, while she bit lightly on her bottom lip, indicating her anxiety. I knew when a woman was hot for me, and her eyes, as they kept flitting between my eyes and lips, told me all that I needed to know. I reached forward and planted my lips on hers. What started off gently, soon became hard as she pressed her lips firmly against mine. My hands slipped down to her breasts. I gently caressed one, allowing my thumb to brush over her nipple, eliciting a guttural groan from her. I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed to be inside her; we needed to get to my bed.

  I pulled away and swiftly exited the car and virtually sprinted around to the passenger’s side—the time for playing games and playing it cool was long gone. I opened the door and pulled her out. My hands clasped onto her backside and pulled her tightly against my groin as I leaned down, kissed her neck and whispered, “I need you, baby. I need us in the house, now.”

  She sighed lightly, a sound that made me pulsate. She nodded, giving her approval. I kissed her briefly on the lips and walked quickly up my porch steps, unlocked my front door and made my way directly to my bedroom. Once inside, I spun around and pulled her into my arms once again, no longer holding back. While kissing, probing and caressing, I somehow managed to remove her sexy-as-hell jeans, and the rest of our clothes. El was now standing naked in front of me, something I had been fantasizing about and jacking off to for the last ten years.

  The swell of her breasts was perfect. Her beautiful, slightly rounded stomach had me salivating. I needed to kiss and taste every damn inch of her. After roaming her body thoroughly, my eyes finally rested on her face. Shit, she was beautiful and ... quiet. Seriously, freaky-ass quiet. She’d yet to say a damn word since leaving the bar. This, the woman, who liked the sound of her own voice more than she liked chocolate.

  “Babe, you okay?” Using the pad of my thumb, I brushed over her cheekbone.

  A small, nervous smile appeared on her face. “Yeah. I’m just, you know, shittin’ it a bit. I mean, this is you. Preston, Jo’s baby—”

  My mouth slammed down on hers as I heard the word “baby” pass her lips. I pulled her away after a few seconds.

  Panting, she said, “What—”

  “Didn’t I warn you about
saying anything related to my age?” I raised my right eyebrow at her in jest.

  She formed a sweet O with her lips before recovering. “Erm ... so yes, it’s you. You’re my friend, Preston, and our families ... shit! This could end up so freakin’ bad. What if—”

  “No,” I interrupted, loving the sight of her pissed-off face as I cut her off again. “We’re not doing this. I will not allow you to back out of what could be amazing.” I kissed her briefly. “Now, get your sweet arse on the bed.” I smirked in challenge.

  She looked from me to the bed and smiled. She defiantly crossed her arms and said, “Is that right?”

  I picked her up and threw her on my bed. A scream left her lips and she landed, laughing. She looked toward me and the mirth died from her lips. That’s right. No more playing, baby. She gulped as she raked her eyes over my body. I stalked toward her, climbed on the bed and reached out to touch her legs. I stroked, kissed, nibbled and caressed my way up her thighs and over her stomach until I landed at her nipples. I took an erect bud in my mouth and proceeded to make love to them with the heat of my mouth. She responded immediately. I had no idea how long I could last, but I knew that if her moans and gentle begging continued, I’d end up embarrassing myself before I got inside her.

  My hand reached down to her mound. I stroked gently and reached her heat. She was on fire, and so slick that I groaned around her breast. I entered her swiftly with two fingers and felt her clamp around me. She pushed against my hand in barely restrained movements.

  It was time. I needed to cement our joining once and for all. I knew once we had sex, there’d be no going back. I would never want to be inside anyone else ever again. “I’ve wanted you for so long, El. So fucking long,” I said as I trailed my way up to her mouth. Removing my fingers from her heat caused a soft whimper from her mouth.


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