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Shattered Love : Heart - Rending Love Story (Betrayal Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Ivy Rose

  I can’t help but laugh at his serious face, making him mutter something about women not having a clue.

  “We need to get you vitamins.” He frowns as he reads from the phone again. “You should already be taking folic acid. It helps the baby’s mind grow. Our baby is going to be bright, but if it’s not we’ll still tell them we’re proud of them, that we love them.” He lifts his eyes to me.

  I nod. “Yep, come on. Let’s get these vitamins so we can grow a baby genius.”

  He stands, looking down at me. “Are you laughing at me?” His lip twitches and I burst out laughing. “Come on, wench.”

  As we place the stuff from the pharmacy on the counter, the woman looks between us like we are going crazy. “Umm, I’m sure you don’t need all this.”

  He lifts his eyebrow. “My wife’s pregnant.”

  The shop assistant nods and opens her mouth, but quickly slams it shut. She totals everything up and Dominic grabs the bag, making me roll my eyes.

  “It’s not heavy. I can carry it.”

  Shaking his head, placing his hand on my flat stomach. “You worry about carrying our baby. I’ve got the rest.”

  I swear the shop assistant melts just as much as I do.

  The weekend passes quickly, and we don’t do much, apart from taking Cooper for a walk.

  Dominic is a protector by nature. I have always felt safe in his arms, like nothing could hurt me, but now his protector gene is working on overdrive. I’m not even sure how far gone I am—my stomach is still flat—but if he carries on this way, he’ll be dead of a heart attack by the time I am due to give birth!

  I hope the doctor’s appointment will put him more at ease.

  Dominic is waiting outside the doctor’s office when I pull up. Opening my car door, he leans in and kisses me.

  I grab his hair, deepening the kiss.

  “Hey, my beautiful girl.”

  I smile. “Hey, you.”

  He grabs my hand and my bag with his free hand.

  We walk into the doctor’s office, smiling like fools. Well, I am. Dominic’s lips lift at my excitement, but I can see in his eyes he’s just as excited.

  “I’ve got an appointment with Doctor Walker at four.”

  The receptionist looks past me to Dom, smiling like the cat that’s got the cream. “Officer Stone.”

  He nods. “Cassie.”

  The girl giggles like a love-sick fool. “I haven’t seen you at The Peacock for a while.”

  Everyone in town knows that The Peacock is the strip club just outside of town. I turn my head to Dominic and raise my eyebrows.

  “It’s okay, sweets. Officer Stone helps all the girls. Does it sting when you pee? I had chlamydia once.”

  Dominic snorts.

  I turn to him, glaring, before I look back at Cassie. “I’m not here for an STD. I’m pregnant!” I whisper yell.

  Cassie’s eyes widen. “Aw, sweetie, you should know to always wrap it. Phil hates his girls knocked up.”

  My eyes widen. Dominic’s chest moves up and down, finding this whole thing hilarious. Bastard!

  “I’m not a damn stripper! I’m Avery Stone, Officer Stone’s wife!” I hiss like a cat.

  Cassie blushes. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know Officer Stone was married. He doesn’t seem the type.”

  This stops Dominic’s laughter and his eyebrows pull in. “She’s mine.” He pulls me tight to his side, then holds up his wedding ring which he always wears. “I’m hers.”

  We take a seat and Dominic smirks, looking at me.

  “It’s not funny.” I try to hold back my grin.

  His smile widens. “Told you. You’ve got a rocking body.”

  I roll my eyes as I pick up a pregnancy magazine, flicking through it.

  He takes it from me.


  He holds the magazine up. “They got magazines on this stuff?”

  I nod. “Yeah, and books.”

  I see Dominic nod, as if storing the information for later.

  “Avery Stone.”

  I go back to room three.

  Doctor Walker stands, shaking my hand. His eyes widen when he sees Dominic behind me. “What can I help you with today, Avery?”

  I smile as Dominic laces his fingers through mine.

  “My wife is pregnant. We’re having a baby.”

  The doctor’s eyes widen slightly, but he nods politely.

  “I took a test. It was positive.” I explain.

  The doctor nods. “Okay, we’d like to do another just to be sure.”

  I look at Dominic before the doctor. “You mean, I might not be? The test could be wrong?”

  The doctor shakes his head. “I very much doubt it, but yes, sometimes a false positive can happen.”

  Dominic frowns at the Doctor, his lips tight.

  “All we need is a urine sample.”

  I grab the cup and walk to the toilets, feeling like a fool!

  What if I’m not pregnant and the test was wrong? Dominic will be so disappointed. We both love this little miracle, but there might be nothing even there to love.

  I should have waited until I saw the doctor for confirmation before running full steam ahead, but I was just so excited to share with Dominic the news that our family was getting bigger.

  I don’t look at Dominic as we walk into the room. I can feel him staring at me, but I know I will break down and cry if I look him in the eyes. I want this baby.

  The doctor does the sample.

  He smiles. “Yes, you're definitely pregnant, Avery.”

  I let out a long breath and Dominic turns my chin toward him, his eyes bright. “We are having a baby.”

  I can’t stop the smile that turns into a laugh. The doctor must think I’m crazy, but I don’t care.

  I’m pregnant!

  After we go over everything with the doctor, he seems to think the pill stopped working when I was sick.

  When he asks me about vitamins, Dominic tells the doctor he has me covered. The doctor can’t hide his amusement as he relays the information on all the vitamins he bought and what he read about pregnancy food.

  The doctor tells us all the risks and I feel Dominic grow tense beside me. The doctor tells us what is normal and when to seek medical assistance.

  He takes all our history and tells us we will receive an appointment soon for a dating scan, as we aren’t sure how far along I am. The doctor guesses ten weeks, but he always sends a midwife, who will be in touch shortly, to check for sure. He tells us to come straight back if we have any concerns, then he congratulates us. He stands, shaking our hands.

  “Can we have sex?”

  The doctor smiles. “Yes, intercourse is perfectly fine, as long as Avery is okay with it. Most women actually find libido heightened during pregnancy. We also recommend it for easing the birth.”

  Dominic’s eyebrows pull in. “So, I won’t hit its head or anything? You sure, Doc? Because I don’t want it to be traumatized.”

  How the doctor keeps a straight face, I don’t know, I turn my head away and bite my lip to keep from laughing. He smiles reassuringly at Dominic. “I can promise you, you won’t be traumatic or hit the baby in head. The baby is perfectly safe.”

  We meet Molly and Carter at a little steakhouse afterward.

  As soon as I get out of the car, Molly runs up and squeezes me. “I can’t believe you’re pregnant! I’m so happy for you.”

  My smile falls as Carter pulls Molly back, grinning over at my shoulder at Dominic, who’s frowning at Molly.

  “Be careful. She could have squashed the baby.”

  I roll my eyes and hold my fingers apart the tiniest bit. “The baby is only this small.”

  His eyes soften, as if he can see the baby. He kisses my fingertips.

  I hear Molly cough. “Don’t look at me like that! No babies for this girl, for a very long time.”


  You stole my heart from the moment you stole my gaze. Your gentle smile, your s
trength, and your heart called to me. I wanted to be near you, I wanted you to see... me.

  Whispers said I was obsessed, but I knew it was real true love. We didn’t need fancy cars, or a beautiful mansion. We weren’t searching for the world’s riches. Everything we needed we held within our hearts. We found love within each other, right from the very start.

  I hold on to the memory of each embrace, of each kiss, of each silent moment we share. And when the darkness rolls in and everything shatters around us, I close my eyes and carry myself into those precious moments where our lives are perfect once again, where you are my sunshine after every drop of rain.

  Today I found out I’m going to be a father; your smile filled my world with hope, hope for our future, our family, and our happy ever after.

  Now, and forever, I love you.

  Yours always, Dominic.

  By Julie Anne Addicott ©


  Walking into the station, I nod at the few of the officers that greet me.

  My sergeant sees me. “Stone.”

  I walk into his office, he chucks me a file that I quickly read. Another fucking kid dead, a girl this time. Seventeen. I slam my hand down on the desk. “What the fuck.”

  There is a knock and Carter walks in. The smile that usually plastered on his face falls and it’s as if he can read my every thought.

  “Another one?”

  I nod.

  “Shit, Stone.”

  We stand in silence. Me, Carter, and the serg. We’ve been working on this case for a couple of months. Some sick fucker is selling homemade drugs to teens. I’ve seen some nasty stuff. Sewage waste being bottled to kids to consume, crushed glass mixed with cocaine. I don’t know what this substance is and the lab tests aren’t producing results fast enough.

  The photos are graphic. I can’t bare to keep the file open. Carter grabs it from me and covers his mouth when he sees the images. “Emily McKenzie. Does her family know?”

  Our sergeant nods.

  We decide to head out and see if we can find any new leads.

  Carter turns to me as we get inside my car. “How’s Avery. She still sick?”

  My fingers tighten on the wheel and I clench my teeth so hard that I am surprised I didn’t break one.

  She hasn’t been sick though for the last couple of days and am praying to God it stays that way. “No not last two days.”

  Carter grins. “I can’t wait to be dad, Dominic.”

  Being a father scares the fucking shit out of me. But Avery calms my storm. If she believes I’ll be a good dad, then I have faith.

  Carter’s smile drops as his eyebrows pulled in, it looks weird to see with him without that grin on his face. He doesn’t say anything, he just gazes at me like I have something on my mouth before he blows out a breath. “I think she might be cheating.”

  I laugh out loud. Is he insane? I swerve as I look at him and then back to road. “Want to explain that shit? Where is this coming from?”

  “She’s going away more. She is staying away longer isn’t that how it always starts?”

  I drag my teeth over my lips, fuck I wish Avery was here. She would know what to say. I’m temped to call her. I am not good with this shit.“Look man, that woman loves you. God bless her soul because I can’t understand what the fuck she sees in you. That’s love right there.”

  He smirks and tries to punch me in the chest, but I’m too fast for him. Carter leans back in his seat. “Thanks, man.”

  Carter gets a call. “Hello? Yeah…what? Umm. Okay. I’ll tell Stone.”

  I glance at him. “A new lead?”

  “Yeah sarge says something about an animal. You know anything about that?”

  This is fucking useless.

  “He wants us to head back to the station.”

  Driving back, I am pissed about that waste of fucking time. “What animal do you think he was on about?”

  “Unicorns that shit rainbows.” Carter laughs.

  Dumb shit. He always knows how to lighten the mood.

  The rest of the day was spent chasing unclosed loops. When I have a child, Jesus…when I have this baby with Avery I will do whatever I can to make sure they’re protected. Always.

  “See you tomorrow man.”

  I look to Carter. I hadn’t realized it was time to head home. The drive home is long. I just want to see Avery and hold her. Walking inside, Cooper welcomes me and I spot a mane of dark hair over the arms of the sofa. My girl.

  She’s snoring and it’s the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

  I lift my phone to take a photo. When I get lost in my head and doubt the world around me is good, it’s moments like this that bring me back to life.

  I know everyone talks about love being the ultimate feeling. I call bullshit because I don’t just love Avery. It’s so much more than those four letters. She’s my everything.

  My phone rings. I glance at my beautiful wife before placing a soft kiss to her temple. “I am doing this for you.” I stand and swipe at the number. “Hello?”


  I’ve been falling asleep so easily lately. I spot Dominic outside pacing like a caged animal. Even Cooper is watching him rather than running around.

  He looks up, smiling, but it’s forced. It’s the Dominic I knew in school, not the man I know as my husband.

  He hangs up the phone, opening the back door. His eyes search mine.

  “Hey.” I smile to reassure him. “Everything okay?”

  Nodding his head sharply before reaching me in a few strides. He takes a second to look in my eyes before slamming his lips down on mine. Every thought leaves as he picks me up. My legs squeeze his waist. My arms go around his neck. I can’t grab him hard enough, fast enough. He doesn’t remove his lips as he carries me through the house to our room.

  He places me on the bed. “Strip.” His eyes are dilated and his voice commanding—my favorite Dominic.

  I strip quickly, watching as his eyes take me in greedily. The tip of his tongue slightly comes out, licking his lips, making me mimic him.

  “All fours.”

  Sex with Dominic is amazing. Sometimes gentle, sometimes quick, but this type where His alpha side comes out in full force is my favorite.

  I feel as he moves my legs wider. His sharp intake sends goosebumps over my skin. A quick hard slap comes, causing me to moan.

  His hand slips between my legs, a moan escaping me as I push back. Another slap comes harder this time.

  “Stay still.” His voice is gritty as he pushes two fingers in me, stretching me.

  I bite my lip to stop myself from pushing back as he taunts me, pushing me to the edge and teasing me, only to pull back.

  “Dominic, I need you.”

  Leaning over me, still teasing me. “I know, beautiful, you’re dripping.”

  I can’t help the wanton moan that escapes me as he pushes in deep, twisting his fingers and making a come-hither motion. My orgasm hits me hard. Just as I’m coming down, he slams into me, taking my breath away and sending me straight over the edge again, screaming his name.

  Fingers tighten on my hips as his relentless thrusts pounds into me. I feel the wetness of his tongue lick up my spine. My body aches to pull him in deeper.

  “This tight pussy is mine,” his dark voice whispers next to my ear before he bites down on my shoulder, ripping another orgasm from me.

  “That’s it, beautiful, squeeze my fucking cock.”

  I feel soft kisses placed on the corner of my mouth and my eyes flutter open to see Dominic looking down on me, a small frown on his face.

  “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”

  I smile, shaking my head. “You were perfect.”

  A smile appears as he kisses my forehead, pulling me close and wrapping his arm around me. The other lies on my flat stomach and I place my hands over his.

  “I love you.”


  I wake up, my body deliciously sore. I hear Cooper baking in the backyar
d and Dominic’s laugh follows.

  My guys.

  I take a quick shower. After getting dressed I make my way down the stairs to see Dominic heading toward me. Our eyes meet.

  The doorbell rings.

  Claiming the steps that separate us, he curses before looking me in the eyes. “Don’t get mad, beautiful. Remember, it stresses out the baby.”

  Why would he say that?

  He grabs my hand tight as if I’m going run away.

  The door opens. Two familiar people stand in front of me. I groan.

  Like a lioness protecting her mate, I stand in front of Dominic. “What are you doing here?”

  They can’t mistake the coldness in my voice. I watch as both their eyes go to my stomach before moving to look over my shoulder.

  I spin. “You invited them?” I growl my eyes instantly narrow my hands going to my hips.

  “They are your parents, beautiful. A girl needs her mom at a time like this.”

  Jerk. My sweet, thoughtful jerk.

  I kiss his lips quickly before turning back to my parents. “One disrespectful remark and you will be asked to leave.”

  My mother nods and, after a second, so does my father. I get my stubbornness from him.

  Dominic leaves us in the living room.

  I watch as my mother looks at the photographs of Dominic and I and the lives we have built together. Our wedding photo is the biggest.

  “You look beautiful.”

  I can’t help but smile. “It was the best day of my life.”

  My father twitches in his seat. “Who walked you down the aisle?”

  I had been a daddy’s girl growing up. As I got older, we started to drift apart like teenagers do with their parents.

  It hurt more than I could ever admit that they hadn’t turned up for my wedding. I remember looking for them as I walked toward the beach. The moment I realized they weren’t there was the moment I pushed them away.

  Carter was waiting for me. We may not be family by blood, but he is my family. That day proved it.


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