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Shattered Love : Heart - Rending Love Story (Betrayal Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Ivy Rose

  “Baby, you’re crying. I can hear you, baby. Open the door.”

  I suck in a shuddering breath. “You walked away from me, Dominic. You walked out on us.”

  A low growl comes from the other side of the door. “I needed time. I needed to sort myself out. I will always protect you, even if that mean protecting you from myself.”

  I try to slow my breathing down, wiping angrily at the tears that are falling. “You hurt me, Dominic.”

  He slams his hand on the door. “You don't think it killed me? I haven't slept. I can't sleep without you wrapped around me.”

  My lip trembles. My hand lies on the door. I want to open it and chuck myself at him, but I can't. Something is stopping me. “You chose to walk away, to stay away. Not even a message to let me know you were okay. I was so scared that night. Then, when Molly told me you were okay…I’m pissed, Dominic. So pissed. I need time. I need time now.”

  His voice trembles, not demanding like normal, it's more of a plea. “I love you, beautiful. Please open the door. I need to see if you’re okay.”

  I don't answer because I’m not okay. He hurt me.

  That's when I realize my biggest fear is losing Dominic.

  After the bath, I’m so tired that I fall into bed exhausted.

  “Stubborn wife. A few pillows won’t stop me.”

  I hear Dominic grumble as he throws the pillows I built between our spaces. Childish, I know.

  The bed dips and two thick arms slide around me bringing me closer to his warm body. Burring his head in my hair, inhaling like he's been drowning and I’m his first breath of air. His whole body relaxes as a shuddering breath leaves him.

  “Baby, help me fix this. Tell me what I’ve got to do.”

  My heart hurts at his vulnerability. “You hurt me.”

  He pulls me on top of him against his chest as I sob.

  “I can't lose you. Please, I don't know what I’d do without you.”

  He cups my chin, using his thumbs to wipe away my tears. “You will never lose me, baby. I was here, I was here the whole time.”

  I frown as he pushes my hair out of my eyes, kissing my forehead. “Every night, I was here. I sat in the chair and watched you sleep. When you started to get restless, I held you until you went back to sleep. I followed you to and from work. I was never far away, beautiful.”

  He holds my face tightly, placing his forehead against mine. “How could you ever think I could walk away from you? You’re my everything. I live for you. You save me, Avery. You're the one who guides me out of the darkness.”

  I kiss him. All the pain, hurt and love I feel, I kiss him with it all.

  Dominic answers back just as fiercely. He holds my face tightly and I have nowhere to go but to accept the kiss, the feel of him, until he consumes everything I am, everything I will ever be.

  People have a purpose in life. Some will become a great doctor, the next football star, a mom, the one who discovers the cure for cancer. Each of us are born with a purpose to fulfill, a reason we are born, even if we never figure out what that reason is. As Dominic kisses me with words of love and sorrow, I know that he’s my reason.

  To some people, that might sound ridiculous. They might think that loving someone can’t be the reason, or that I should want more from life than to love and be loved. They might think that women burned their bras for us, that great women have fought hard to make sure we have equal rights. I admire these women, but that was their reason, their path.

  I will save him. I will always save him from his demons, his dark past. I’ll guide him home through every storm. When he gets lost, I will always be his beacon, his love.

  Things didn’t go straight back to normal between Dominic and I. Life isn’t a fairytale, where a magic wand is waved and everything is okay again. The truth is, reality is hard, but it’s worth it. Dominic still hasn’t recovered from his parents’ harsh words. There is a swirl of doubt in his eyes. He hasn’t spoken about that day and I don’t know how to approach it. Does he know the man who raped his mother? I know he believes the words his mother told him, that he is evil. That wasn’t the first time he had heard them.

  He also hasn’t touched me since that night. It’s like he is scared his mother’s words will turn out to be true. If he touches me, he will destroy me.

  I see the war in his eyes. He wanted to protect me and our baby from himself, but he couldn’t leave. I honestly think he hates himself a little for that.

  I walked into work and see Cecelia staring into space.

  “Hey, you okay?”

  She jumps at my voice, her smile tight. “Yeah, how’s Dominic?”

  I shrug, blowing out a sigh. “He's guarded again. That mask he puts on for the world is staying up longer. He believes what they said. I can see it. I don't know how to take the pain away.”

  She grabs my hand. “Keep doing what you’re doing, Avery. You don't realize the hold you have over Dominic.” She holds her hand up. “I don't mean that in a bad way. I know he has the same effect on you. You’ll find him, Avery. You always will. You bring him back just by loving him. That darkness has not claimed him yet.” She sniffles, looking down at the table.

  She speaks like she knows what she’s talking about.

  “Is everything okay?”

  She looks up at me, tears filling her eyes. “I told you once that I was wild.”

  She huffs, shaking her head. “I was full of myself. I was the girl everyone wanted to be and hated. Long blond hair, big blue eyes, bee stung lips, rocking body. I was the bitch that knew it. I played up to my looks and got whatever I wanted from flirting.”

  Cecelia was beautiful but I couldn't imagine her as a bitch.

  “We went out to this little dive bar. Drinks were cheap and they never ID’d us.” She bites her lip as her eyes glass. “He was at the back of the group with his friends. There were a bunch of them, but God, he stood out like a dark angel. I had never seen a man look like him. From the moment I looked at him.” Closing her eyes. “I was so fucking foolish.”

  Her hands shake and she clenches them tight.

  “He had these amber eyes. I swear, you could see flames dancing in them. I should have been scared of the way he looked at me, but I wasn't. I danced in the flames, laughed as they licked my skin, but before I knew it, I was engulfed in them. I stood there burning and he watched until I was nothing but ashes.”

  I suck in a breath. I don’t know what happened, but I know it is what’s behind my friend’s broken look. I study her.

  “Then you rose like the phoenix.”

  Her eyes snap to me, widening.

  “Look at yourself. You’re beautiful and incredibly smart. Brax loves you, even if you deny he’s your boyfriend, he’s someone you care about. You're already an amazing teacher and a great friend. He may have broken the young girl you were, but don't let him break the woman you're becoming. Don't let him win. You’re stronger than that, Cecelia much stronger.”

  A tear falls.

  “I’m fucked up, Avery, because I still miss his touch. I wake up, still reaching for him. He might have broken me, but he's also the only one with the power to put me back together.”

  Sucking in a sharp breath. “You still love him?”

  A sob breaks loose as she nods her head slowly.

  I pull her into a hug. She leans back, looking into empty space before turning back to me.

  “Yes, but he's not like Dominic. That darkness swallowed him until he was full of it. My love couldn't save him. I love him so damn much, Avery.” Biting my lip I look at her “Did he love you?” She studies her nails, shrugging. “I don't know. Sometimes, I think he loved me.”

  I grab her hand. “You’re impossible not to love, Cecelia. Could you find—”

  She cuts me off. “No, never. He’s never going to find me or Brax’s.”

  I lean back. “Does Brax know about him?”

  Her eyes widen in complete horror. “No, he will never find out. I would die to
keep it away from him.”

  Cecelia wasn’t one for being dramatic, I nod. “Okay, but is there a chance he could find out?”

  She shakes her head. “None. We come from two completely different worlds.”

  I nod, hugging my best friend as she breaks down. Everyone knows that nothing is a secret forever. I just know I will be there to hold her hand if she ever needs me.

  Cecelia seems different after she finishes telling me part of her past. She smiles brighter the rest of the day. I don't think that hurt look will ever leave her eyes completely, though. It's the part of her she still holds onto for him, her forbidden love.

  I walk into the house.

  “Honey, I’m home.” I smile at the joke we’ve had between us ever since Dominic walked in the first day we moved in and called it out. We have both done it ever since.

  Cooper runs to me, skidding on the floor and stopping directly in front of me, his tongue hanging out and his tail wagging. He's grown so much since we got him.

  I rub his head. “Hey, boy.”

  He barks, excited as he dances around me.

  Dominic comes down the stairs, his eyes taking me in. They soften at my baby bump before meeting my eyes again. They are bright jade green. He has a boyish smile on his face.

  “Hey, handsome.”

  He doesn't say anything as his tugs my waist toward him, getting me as close as he can with my ever growing belly in the way. His hand cups my chin. Leaning in, he kisses the side of my mouth before taking my lips. The kiss is slow and sensual. I moan as he loosens his lips. He smiles one of his rare, beautiful smiles.

  “Hey beautiful.” He smiles down at me, taking in every inch of my face as if he’s never see me before.

  “Close your eyes,” he whispers against my lips before placing a kiss that is meant to be quick. Instead he kisses me as if he's never kissed me before. He kisses like it is the only kiss we’ll ever have, a kiss that lasts a lifetime. It’s a kiss that makes every other kiss disappear.

  “Keep your eyes closed.” His voice makes me shiver. I know he feels it when his body presses against mine.

  “Open your eyes, beautiful.” My eyes flutter and I gasp, walking further into the room. The walls are the lightest of grays, and the furniture is all matching, a white wash making it look almost antique. My fingertips trail over the smooth wood. There’s a bookcase with around a hundred books on it and a warm white sofa with a light grey thick throw.

  The tears run from my eyes as I turn. In the middle of the wall is a large white crib that matches perfectly and the pattern in the wood is so beautiful it looks like it belongs in some fairy castle. Above the crib, in white calligraphy writing, are the words:

  Our beautiful baby girl,


  He grabs my hand. “Do you like it? We can change anything you want.”

  I turn around, blown away. “It’s perfect.”

  His smile widens and he squeezes my hand. He points to the bookshelf. “All the stories we are going to read her.” He points to the sofa. “For when she needs us both. We can stay her if she’s sick or if she cries. It turns into a bed.”

  I smile, nodding. He's really thought of everything.

  “That's where we can change her. I added the extra piece of wood so she doesn't roll off.” His eyebrows pull in.

  I bite back a smirk because Juliet is going to drive her daddy crazy.

  Then he points to the ceiling. It’s completely black with what looks like a thousand little lights. He turns the switch on and they twinkle like little stars.

  “You did all this?”

  Dominic nods. “Carter and Mac helped me bring everything in, but I wanted to do it. She's my baby girl.”

  My heart jumps at his words.

  He grabs my face between his hands. “Thank you, beautiful. Thank you for making the dreams I never dared to dream come true.”

  At that moment, with Dominic staring right into my eyes, I fall in love with him all over again. I know the moment he sees it too because my beautiful broken husband sees the truth in my eyes.

  His star...his sun...his love.

  We are putting the baby clothes away. Dominic’s eyes nearly fall out of his head when he sees the little vest and looks at it like it could bite.

  “She’s going to be this small?” He pales as he lays the vest against his big hands. “It’s not any bigger than my hands.” His fingers trace over the soft fabric. “I already love her so much.” A soft smile plays on his lips. “I’m going to be a daddy,” he says, almost in awe of himself, as if the young Dominic is watching the new Dominic.

  I can't wait to see him become a dad, to see every dream in his eyes come true.

  The doorbell rings. Dominic leans down, kissing my lips quickly before going to answer it, Cooper on his tail.

  I hear Molly’s voice as it floats up the stairs, she seems annoyed at Carter her moods have been all over the place lately I wish she cool down her workload she only just gotten back from a three day conference and is leaving again soon.

  I put the remainder of the stuff away before making my way downstairs. My eyes widen when I realize it's not just Molly and Carter, but Cecelia and Mac, too. The whole gang is here.

  The next moment, my mom pushes through the door. “Did I miss anything?”

  My dad smirks behind her. “We saw them walk in as we pulled up. What the hell do you think you could have missed, woman?”

  My mother wags her finger at my dad. “It's my grandbaby—my first grandbaby. I’m not missing a single second.”

  I raise my eyebrow. “Um, okay. Does anyone want to explain?”

  Then my two friends and mother all shout surprise and I’m even more confused.

  “It's your baby shower.”

  Dominic comes and stands behind me, his arms reaching around me and resting on my stomach protectively. “I’ll tell them to leave if you want.”

  Squeezing his hands. “I’m good. Plus, I think my mother would completely lose it.”

  His body silently shakes behind me.

  I take the women up to Juliet’s bedroom.

  The first gasp comes from my mother. “Dominic did all this himself?”

  I nod and a fresh wave of tears fall down my face. “He said she’s his little girl.”

  Cecelia tears fall freely now.

  “How can someone so broken be so extraordinary?”

  My mother smiles. Looking towards me. “Because he fell in love with a girl that made all his dreams come true. She gave him hope in a world that was hopeless and she gave him a future to fight for. Her love saves him every day.”


  I can’t believe today is my last day at work. I walk into my class after lunch. The children are suspiciously quiet, all trying to hide smiles.

  “Afternoon, class,” I say, looking at all their tiny faces.

  “Afternoon, Mrs. Stone,” they all sing back, giggling.

  The door opens and Cecelia walks in.

  “Hello, Miss Kyle.”

  Cecelia smiles. “Mrs. Stone, can you come to the main hall, please? There has been a problem.”

  I wonder why I needed to be called. Cecelia had proven to be an amazing teacher who is extremely capable. “Of course.”

  There are more giggles behind me and I smile at the class. “Okay, this class seems to be very happy this afternoon. There must have been something in their dinners.”

  I leave class, waddling into the main hall. It takes me much longer than normally. As I push through the door, a loud cheer erupts, taking me by surprise. All the children, including my class, are holding banners that read: We’ll miss you, Mrs. Stone.

  The tears fall but I have a massive smile on my face.

  Cecelia smiles at me. “If you could sit here, Mrs. Stone.”

  I walk over to the chair in the middle of the room and take a seat.

  The students start coming up one by one, handing me cards they’ve made. They’re all brightly colored, some
with pictures of a baby and some with me as a stick figure and a smaller stick figure beside me. None of them are a masterpiece but each one of them is perfect. I can see how hard they’ve worked on them.

  A little girl called Suzie walks up to me. Trying to hide the flowers behind her back, she shouts. “Surprise!”

  I smile as I take the flowers, giving them a sniff. “Oh Suzie, they are beautiful.”

  She smiles shyly before running back and taking her seat with the other children.

  “Mrs. Stone, if you’d like to look behind you?” Cecelia asks.

  I turn around, seeing a TV we use for class videos. The screen comes alive to all my children saying. “We’re going to miss you, Mrs. Stone.”

  Then it goes to various children talking. Lois, a little girl who is extremely bright, says. “Thank you, Mrs. Stone for helping me with math.”

  Then there is Rhett, who is a complete character. “Mrs. Stone, we’re going to miss you. We won’t let the new teacher dis you.”

  Cecelia and I are both laughing as Rhett stands up and takes a bow, causing the other students to laugh.

  The video continues with photos of me and the class projects we’ve done. It shows me cheering them on as they race and high fiving the soccer team.

  Then Reese appears on the screen. He had a stutter and it caused him become incredible shy. We worked together after class and at break times and we built his confidence a lot. I hold my breath, unable to take my eyes off the screen.

  “Miss, Miss. Stone, Miss Stone. Helped, helped, Miss Stone helped. Me, me, helped me. Talk, helped me talk, not be, be, not be scared.”

  The tears are coming thick and fast. I hold my thumb up as Reese sits proudly, but what surprises me is the whole hall fills with cheers as the students clap, all looking at Reese.

  His eyes widen and his cheeks redden, but he wears the biggest smile I have ever seen on his little face. This moment, I know, I’ll never forget. It’s why I became a teacher. I wanted to watch the students grow and to influence their lives. To help them be ready for the life ahead.

  Reese is so different now and to think I had a little part in it is a feeling so magical, it has made all the extra hours of my free time worth it. Reese was worth it.


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