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Depravity (The Captive Series Book 2)

Page 7

by Penelope Marshall

I chuckled. “Maybe we should save this for later.”

  “Why? You can’t perform with an audience?” she said, sliding back into her seat.

  “Woman, you are asking for trouble,” I said as I rode the shoulder the few feet to the next exit.

  “If you haven’t noticed, I seem prone to trouble—so I’ve developed a taste for it,” she said with a smile.



  Mace took us to a club on the outskirts of town. It was so far out I had never been there before. He said it’s where all the college kids went to get high and do the things college kids wanted to do when adults weren’t around.

  Sounds dumb to be going to a club during all this craziness, but he said he had a plan, so I trusted him. I trusted him with my life.

  He left me in the middle of a crowded bar sipping on a two dollar Long Island while he set about formulating his plan.

  While waiting patiently for his return, I heard, “Hey, baby, your ass is lookin’ good in that little dress. How ’bout you let Ol’ Willis take you home and show you the eighth wonder of the world?” The stranger licked his lips as he slithered in between my stool and the one next to mine, rubbing his lap against my thighs.

  I’ve dealt with his nasty type before. I turned to my left and sipped on my drink through the two straws provided, pretending not to hear him.

  “Hey, bitch, I’m talkin’ to you!” he screamed over the music, spurring me to whip my head around to see who in the fuck was disrespecting me.

  I shifted a wisp of hair hiding him from my full view, and as I did, my blue eyes were forced upon the most revolting man I had ever seen in my life. As he spoke, his hot breath charred through my nose like the fumes of caustic gasoline I had to endure when I pumped gas.

  I glared at him, conveying my utter disgust at his mere presence; pissed this little muthafucker thought he could speak to me with such blatant disrespect.

  Why? Because I was wearing a tight dress?

  Sleepy-eyed and slack-jawed, he looked back at me, waiting for some acknowledgment. My lips separated, readying to release every three-syllabled word I had learned from listening to my father cuss out my mother as a little girl.

  But before I could unleash a tongue lashing, I felt a warm hand rest on the small of my back, accompanied by a masculine voice slightly obscured by the blaring music, “Do we have a problem here?”

  The slack-jawed stranger’s eyes widened, his gaze extending behind me to the owner of the voice.

  “No, no, I—uh—no problem here,” he said, backing away, raking past my thighs, and after a few seconds, he was lost in the crowd dancing behind us.

  I turned to view the hero that had scared the little troll away. “Mace.”

  I ran my fingers along his chiseled jaw and through his hair as I pored over his face, admiring his smooth, supple lips and eyes, which must have been the color of the ocean. The deep timbre of his voice reverberated through every nerve ending in my body, sending goosebumps to places I didn’t even know existed.

  Why is this the first time I’m noticing all this?

  He pulled out his crisp leather wallet, removed a plastic card, and threw it down onto the sticky wood grained countertop.

  “Let me buy you a drink,” he stated.

  Leaning over, he whispered softly. “I apologize for men like that. They’ll never know how to speak to a real woman.” His lips slightly brushed over the skin of my ear, allowing his sweet breath to flow down over my neck.

  My body shivered with excitement as he pressed his fingertip to my jaw, tilting it to one side, exposing the pulsating vein that ran through my neck.

  I willingly submitted to his dominance, compelled by some unforeseen power that paralyzed me in his presence. The noise from the club melted away as his bottom lip swept over the thin silky skin that covered my neck. My eyes fluttered shut as he tantalized me with his skill; I was prepared to be swept away by this alpha male.

  He breathed me in as I exhaled a sigh of expectancy.

  My lips parted. “Kiss me.”

  He trailed his hand down the length of my back and around the thickness of my hips. It settled onto my leg, just at the edge of my skirt, his thumb intruding between my inner thighs, its thickness pushed through the spaces between his fingers as he tightened his grip. His thumb slowly inched its way closer to the thin material that veiled my wet pussy.

  I was in heat, and he was tempting me. He kissed my neck as his hand slid underneath my skirt, maneuvering his fingers past the lacy trim of my panties.

  Why wasn’t I stopping him? Why was I allowing him to molest me on a dirty bar stool?

  Probably because I wanted it just as much as he did.

  “Kiss me,” I exhaled.

  He smiled as he trailed his lips up from my neck. “When I decide,” he whispered.

  The crowd of college kids surrounding us didn’t seem to notice the debauchery taking place amidst their drunken revelry. My mind raced, standing in like a concerned parent telling me to push his hand away. But my body rejected the logic, which melted once his fingers found their way between my soft folds, already moist from the first breath he exhaled onto my neck.

  “I wanna be in you,” he breathed.

  Without hesitation, I separated my legs slightly, giving him permission to enter; the throbbing between my legs begged him to come in. My body quivered in anticipation as he moved closer, pressing his leg between mine, separating them further as he continued to massage my pussy. I gasped at his skillfulness. It didn’t take long for his intent to become apparent as the bulge in his jeans grew.

  His ever-present five o’clock shadow bristled my skin as he pressed a kiss to my lips. Never had I felt so much passion and anticipation from such a simple connection.

  Drawn to the edge of the stool by a swift tug behind my knees; my dress receded up my hips as they sprawled to create room for him.

  “Pull it out,” he demanded in between kisses. “Now!”

  The lady in me refused, but the little whore my daddy turned me into begged to submit. I unzipped his jeans as he fondled away what little inhibition I had left in me. Wrapping my fingers around his stiff cock, I stroked his pulsating flesh, intermittently tapping it against my inner thigh.

  Raking my lower lip between his teeth, he seized my hips, pulling me off the stool, propelling his erection to rest on the thin silky barrier that opposed his advances. Angrily, his powerful fingers raked the material to one side, exposing my wet, hot pussy to the world.

  I gazed into his eyes like a lost little girl, noting a confidence that assured me he would show me the way. With a quick thrust of his hips, his cock slammed into me as I welcomed him with a warm embrace; wincing as I clamped down, imprisoning his hardness.

  Clasping my hands around the back of his neck for the ride he was about to take me on; I settled my hips into his cradling arms. The passes were slow at first, the tempo only quickening to match the rhythm of the rap music the DJ played.

  “Mace. Are people watching?” I whispered in between passes.

  “I hope so,” he said as he thrust harder. “I told you, you were asking for trouble.”

  “I like trouble.”

  I bit my lip to hold back the moans. I couldn’t believe we were in public; it was intense, and I secretly hoped people were watching us as well. My stool rocked back and forth as he continued to hammer in me; his breath quickening next to my ear.

  “Fuck, you’re wet,” he exhaled.

  I bore down, tightening my inner muscles, ready to receive the offering I knew was coming. His heat enveloped my body and the throbbing that emanated from between my legs coaxed a squeal from my lips. Completely enthralled by the passion billowing around us, I didn’t even care if anyone could hear my moans, each pass bringing me closer to climax.

  I exhaled deeply and shuddered as the blood rushed to every part of my body. My head tilted back, and I released a groan into the warm club air as he raked his teeth across my breast, which
spiraled me into complete and utter ecstasy. I went limp in his arms, but he wasn’t done.

  Easily lifting me into the air with his strong arms, he slid me onto his pulsating shaft, burying his face in my chest. The sweat from his hard work dripped off of his forehead and fell onto the shirt covering my supple breasts and hardened nipples.

  His thrusting slowed. “Fuck,” he whispered as he exploded inside of me. His body jerked as he bit at the flesh at the base of my neck.

  With his cock still throbbing, he paused only for a moment to kiss my lips ever so gently; then he set me back down on the stool.

  I imagined the depravity of it all; what we must have looked like fucking on a stool next to a crowded bar. The thought brought a smile to my face. I didn’t think sex would ever be the same for me again.

  He slowly pulled out, returning the beast to its cage, then slid my skirt back down from my hips while continuing to kiss my neck.


  My phone rang. Pulling it from my pocket, I said, “Hello.”

  “I’m giving you a warning out of respect for our friendship. We tracked your phone, and we’re on our way. I won’t hold back, Mace. I’m gonna kill you,” Blain warned.

  Did he think I was stupid?

  I knew he was going to track my phone; that’s why I put the SIM card and battery back in.

  I smiled. “I wouldn’t expect any less, my friend,” I said, sliding the phone from my ear and returning it to my pocket.

  I wasn’t going to be able to run away from Blain. Not with his resources. I knew he wouldn’t wait weeks, or even days, to come after me. Not with his ego. So I was going to have to confront him on my own terms, and in a place of my choosing, if I was going to make it out alive. I picked this club for a reason. I knew every square inch of this place from an off the books mission I ran years before.

  “We gotta go, Ty.”

  “How bad is it?” she asked, laying her hand on my chest.

  “Do you wanna see another sunrise?” I asked sarcastically.

  “As long as it’s with you.”

  “You’re gonna regret you said that,” I told her as I grabbed her hand.

  We cut through the crowd and made our way up the stairs to the abandoned steel mill. I found an old pot belly wood burning stove and decided it would double nicely as Ty’s hiding place.

  “You need to get in here and keep your mouth shut,” I said.

  “Hell no! Are you making it easy for them to set me on fire?” she asked.

  “I won’t let that happen. I need to know you’re safe. I can’t worry about you while I’m doing what I have to do,” I said, trying to convince her to get in.

  She looked at me for a moment then back down to the stove. Shaking her head, she exhaled, then shimmied herself into a fetal position to fit.

  “Don’t make a sound,” I warned. “I’ll be back for you when it’s over.”


  I was standing at the window watching Blain’s team—my team—my brothers. They swept into the building. Grabbing onto the main power switch, I flipped it down so I would have the element of surprise. I knew how these guys worked—unfortunately, they knew how I worked as well.

  I waited behind one of the many walls of shelving that held old boxes of scrap parts and steel. I crawled in between a set of boxes on the very bottom shelf and waited for someone to walk by. The sound of combat boots pressing against treated concrete made a very distinct creaking sound which I listened for as I slowed my breathing. It only took a few minutes for a set of boots to near my position, stopping only a few inches away from my face.

  I stabbed an old piece of sharpened steel, which I had found in one of the many boxes, through the top of the leather and his foot, breaking bone as I went. He howled in pain as I pulled the steel out and quickly sunk it in the back of his knee, sending him careening backward onto the floor. Instinctively, I pulled the steel out then stabbed it into his side, puncturing his lung.

  I could hear the gurgling as his lungs filled with blood. “Mace,” the dying man whispered as he stretched his arm out toward me in the darkness.

  It was Eli. I shook my head as I watched the life extinguish from his eyes.

  “Fuck,” I said through gritted teeth. “I’m sorry, brother,” I whispered as his eyes closed.

  I knew his scream would attract someone else like sharks to blood, so I waited on the bottom shelf until the next set of creaking boots came calling. I didn’t have to wait long.

  I waited silently to see what the owner of the boots would do. He bent down to check if Eli was dead, and as soon as he did, I sliced through his Achilles’ tendon. He whipped his gun around, but I grabbed the muzzle, pointing it away before he could shoot me in the head. I sliced the steel through his exposed wrist, which loosened his grip on the gun. The moment he let go, I spun it around and shot him in the head. He fell dead on top of Eli.

  I crawled out from the shelving and stood over the two men I had fought alongside with, taking stock of what I had just done. Shaking my head, I slipped the gun behind my back and made my way out of the aisle to hunt down Blain. The sound of gunfire snapped through the air, followed by a searing pain as a bullet grazed the flesh of my arm.

  I looked down to see the bloodied frayed material where the bullet had sliced through my shirt as another snap of a gun seared through the air. Instinctively, I stepped back in time for the bullet to narrowly miss my chest.

  I looked up to see a red laser eye coming from out of the shadows. Flipping the knife into the air, I bent my body to the left as another snap of the gun pierced the otherwise quiet warehouse. The bullet missed me, and as the knife began its descent toward the ground; I round kicked it, sending the blade directly into the breastbone of whoever was holding the gun. The laser eye didn’t move, seemingly suspended in the air for what seemed like whole minutes, and then suddenly it fell to the ground.


  I heard the distinct sound of squeaky boots against the lacquered floor. Two pairs of legs floated past the metal grating of the stove, then a second pair. I held my breath and covered my mouth with both my hands. But my heart still sounded like a high school drumline beating louder than the squeaking of the boots. I shut my eyes so tightly, a tear squeezed out from the corner. It rolled over my temple then dripped onto the charred ashes and soot that lined the bottom of the stove.

  It was one of those times in life when you just wanted to throw the ball on the ground, stop playing the game, and run into the safety of a mother’s arms; or in this case, Mace’s arms. He was the only man who’d ever kept his word to me, and I trusted him. Big words for a girl like me.

  A girl who had been betrayed by every man she had ever laid down with.

  More importantly, betrayed by the most important man in her life. The man who vowed the day she was born never to harm a hair on her head; her father. The man who sold her to the wolves.

  I opened my eyes to a blinding beam from a flashlight shining in through the grate.

  “Come out, come out, little girl,” the man’s voice sang as he ripped open the metal door and snatched me out by my hair.

  I clenched my fists and tried to oppose his advances, but the awkward position I was in made it hard to gain any momentum in my punches. I found myself on the floor with Joe standing above me, his gun aimed directly at my head.

  “Now, if you’re a good little girl I won’t hurt you—a lot,” he warned.

  With the precarious position I was in, sprawled out on the floor, there wasn’t much I could do—so I listened.

  Joe pulled a roll of tape from a small black pack attached to his bulletproof vest. Ripping a piece off with his teeth, he covered my mouth with it, then tied my wrists with some zip ties he also produced from the pack. As quick as lightning I was on my feet, being led through the warehouse by a strong hand attached to a fistful of my hair.


  A voice caught my attention, causing me to whip my head around in the opposite directio

  “Stay there, bitch,” I heard Joe’s voice from around the corner of the office door. It was followed by a thud on the floor.

  “Mmmm, mmmm!” I heard a muffled scream coming from the same room.

  I guess Joe found her.

  I tapped the muzzle of my gun on the wall just outside the door to lure Joe outside of the confined space. As his boots squeaked past the threshold of the door, I whipped around the corner and punched him square in the nose. Joe tried to hit back, but I dodged it and swung one more time, knocking him to his knees, then grabbed his head and snapped it to one side.


  In an instant, Joe’s neck was broken, and his body fell like a slab of meat onto the floor.

  I quickly walked into the office and untied the zip ties restraining Ty’s wrists.

  “It seems that I’m untying you a lot lately,” I said in between breaths.

  “Well, if you’re a good boy, I’ll let you tie me back up later,” she said as she peered out of the door, looking for more of Blain’s men.

  “I’m gonna need you to hide in here until I find Blain.”

  “But what if you don’t come back?”

  “Didn’t I promise I would take care of you?” I asked.

  She nodded as I pressed my lips hard against hers.

  “Don’t get killed,” she said as she pushed herself away and hurried into the office closet.

  I pulled my gun out and looked both ways out of the door. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. I shut the door to the office behind me and headed to the exit to work my way around the mill to ferret out Blain.

  He probably already had eyes on me.

  This fact was proven true when I heard a gun fire and felt the searing pain of a bullet burn through the thick muscle in my leg.

  “Son of a bitch,” I growled as I fell to my knee, looking around for him.

  “You should have cut her loose, Mace,” Blain’s voice echoed through the warehouse.


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