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The Werewolf's Pregnant Bride

Page 4

by Jane B. Night

  "It will," his father agreed.

  "And I will have to stay here during breeding season so that I can be easily reached if a bitch starts whelping."

  "I am sure Eldon will have no objection to that."

  "It is not natural for one of our kind to be so far from his kin."

  "I am sending you across our land. Not across an ocean."

  "Uncle Jeremiah lived in this house all his life."

  "He chose never to marry."

  "Would you have thrown your own brother out of his home if he had taken a wife?" Nathaniel asked. His uncle had always been kind to him but he had been injured during the war and had never fully recovered.

  "I am not throwing you out. You and your bride may visit anytime you like."

  "Do not call her my bride. She is merely my wife. I will care for her and the pup inside her, assuming there even is one. That does not make her my bride. Bride would indicate some affection for her and I have none."

  "Affection will grow in time."

  "I do not care if it grows at all. She is no use to me. You certainly do not need my sons for inheritance. I do not even have a use for sons as inheritors of my dog breeding endeavors. I have heard suggestions that steam cars will be the wave of the future." Nathaniel leaned back and crossed his arms.

  "That is crazy talk."

  "Is it? Trevithick is just one of many werewolves that wish to see an alternative to horses. How much easier would our lives be if machines could get us from place to place? It would certainly keep that daft Society for Prevention of Cruelty Towards Animals off our backs. It also would allow us to travel places our dogs cannot pull carriages to. No one has yet to breed a dog sturdy enough to be ridden and it is more likely that machines rather than beasts will be the future of transportation. What I am doing will be obsolete by the time I am old and gray. Maybe sooner." He had heard such speculations at parties and also at races. The oldest generations of dog breeders and horses were convinced that steam carriages and the like would fade out but Nathaniel and many of his peers were not so sure.

  "Factory owners are seeing how undependable machines can be. Give me a good draft dog any day."

  "The point I am making is that I have no use for a wife and the sons that one brings."

  "We need more werewolves. We have already discussed this issue-"

  "We need more werewolves and yet you have given me a human wife. She may birth a pup or two but she might just as easily birth regular babes who will grow up with no profession to inherit, no title, and no lands. If you had given me a were-wife I would have been happy to produce more wolves for our pack but it seems I will be useless even for that," Nathaniel said.

  "Son, there are more things a man needs a wife for than children."

  "I have gotten along fine without that and should those needs ever arise there are women who make their living providing that," Nathaniel said. He had heard all the talk of mating but it was not something he had ever done. How could he when his heart belonged to Vivian? How could he give another woman what he wanted to save for the woman of his heart?

  "Do not act like I raised you to be a fool. You know damnably well I did not mean that." His father slammed a fist down onto the desk toppling a paper pile on the corner.

  "I cannot imagine what else you could mean," Nathaniel said.

  "A man needs someone to care for. He needs affection and love. He needs someone to appreciate him and admire him. He needs the comfort and companionship of a woman."

  "My dogs give me all the companionship I need."

  "Dogs are poor conversationalists."

  "I enjoy my silence." He felt his blood boiling. He had married the girl out of duty but their marriage would only be for that. He had not married the chit for companionship or conversation. He had married her because she was a whore and his brother a fool.

  "The relationship I had with your mother was incomparable to any I had with anyone else. No dog or occupation or even were-brother could equal it."

  Nathaniel tried to stir up a single memory of his parents together but no matter how hard he tried there was nothing.

  "If marriage is such a valuable estate than why did you not remarry?"

  "This is not about my marriage. It is about yours," his father said.

  "A marriage I was forced into."

  "I am tired of trying to make you see reason. After the house retires for the night you will go into your bride's chamber and consummate the marriage you have just entered into."

  "No, I will not," Nathaniel said. Sophronia was not Vivian. She was not the woman he had laid awake nights aching for. Beyond that, her belly was full with a baby that may or may not belong to his brother. He had more than enough reason to keep away from her bed.

  "As your father, I command you," he said.

  "I will not," Nathaniel growled. Even if he went into the bedchamber he doubted that he could lay with her. Surely his body understood his heart. He would be limp as a noodle if he tried to go to her. At least, he hoped.

  "You are leaving me no choice."

  "If you do it I swear I will never forgive you." Nathaniel could see the determination in his father's eyes. He gripped the arms of the chair but he could not rise. Not while his father's wolf looked into his.

  "You will someday see that it was for your own good."

  "Do not-"

  "As your Alpha I command you," he said.

  Nathaniel clenched his jaw but his wolf had understood the command and a command by an alpha could not be disobeyed. His father had only ever given him one other alpha command and that command had saved his life. This one would ruin it.

  "I will hate you for this," Nathaniel said. He pushed his chair back and stood to go.


  "Tonight," Nathaniel repeated.

  Chapter 6

  Sophronia's body was relaxed. She was not quite asleep but she was not quite awake either. She was at that pleasant place between the two states when she heard the creaking of the door. She wondered if she was dreaming it until the light from a candle seeped through her eyelids and the bed dipped with the weight of another.

  She opened her eyes to see Nathaniel sitting beside her. She could see his face only vaguely in the candlelight but he looked grim and determined.

  "I have been ordered to bed you," Nathaniel said. The words stung. Why did her husband need a father's command to make their marriage legal and binding? Surely, he could not find her so ugly that the prospect of mating her appalled him.

  Sophronia sat up to look into his eyes. They were stony and cold. She gulped and tried to push the feeling of fear down her throat.

  "Should I undress?" Sophronia asked. She remembered nothing of her first time. Had she and Eldon been naked or had their body parts joined around and under the clothing they wore.

  "That seems fitting," Nathaniel said.

  Feelings of shame and self consciousness made her fingers tremble but she dutifully pulled the night gown over her head and then discarded her shift, drawers, stockings, and garters onto the floor. She was glad that the candle was all the light there was in the room. It made her feel less self conscious. Surely, he could not see her well in the darkness. The light shimmered around him but it was difficult for her eyes to see the finer details of his body. She thought that was probably for the best. The idea of seeing a man fully naked filled her with nerves.

  "Bloody hell," Nathaniel whispered and turned his face to the wall. She wanted to cover up her body with the blankets from the bed and block his sight of her. She turned from him and took a deep breath. It was one night. She had to get through this one night. If she did, he likely would leave her alone if his look of disgust was any indication.

  Nathaniel's body was being traitorous. As soon as she had thrown her gown to the floor and his wolf eyes had caught sight of her bare flesh his cock had turned to a rock and his balls had tightened. He could feel the tension in his belly as his desire overrode his good sense.

  He shou
ld mount her, fill her with seed, and be done with it. He knew that. He also knew he had absolutely no intention of such a bedding. He knew his brother. Likely his brother had bedded her as a stumbling drunk barely able to keep his cock stiff. Nathaniel intended to show her what a real mating was. He was going to put her memories of Eldon to shame and then he would not touch her again. She might long for him and even beg for him but he would ignore her pleas for pleasure.

  He took a step towards her and grabbed her firmly around the waist and pulled her against his chest. He could smell the fear and anticipation oozing from her skin. It gave her a stink that made his wolf hungry.

  He brought his lips to her neck in a movement that startled her enough to jerk in his arms. He held her firmly as he deepened the kiss on her neck until he was sure she would be bruised from it in the morning. As he had hoped, the chit was a fool for such a move and she began to moan softly and push her body against his. When he tasted blood from the depths of his kiss he finally pulled his mouth away and came around to her front. He sat down on the side of the bed and pulled her between his legs. He started a trail of gentle kisses from the bottom of her earlobe and moved his mouth slowly lower until he was on her nipple. He sucked it into his mouth making her gasp.

  Her breasts were large and firm. Likely due to the babe she was carrying. He tried to ignore her round belly as he suckled her nipple. He alternated sucking and running his tongue in a circle around the hard nub as she arched her back against his arms which held her in place. He could sense the musty smell of desire from between her legs getting stronger as he continued his attentions.

  He moved from the left breast to the right and noticed a sweetness when his lips encircled the right. He wondered vaguely if the attention from his lips had caused her breasts to leak milk. It was the only thing he could think of to account for the change of taste and though he knew it should turn off his body he found instead that of its own accord his cock started bucking in a frenzy.

  The sweetness of the milk along with the smell from her sex was driving his wolf mad. He wanted to bury himself in her wetness but he held himself back. She might be whimpering and panting under his ministrations but she had not met a pleasure peak and he was going to be sure that she did before he entered her. He wanted her weak with desire when he filled her and left. He wanted to show her how a real man pleasured a woman. A man who was sober and strong. A man who was not weakened by drink and his own demons. She would have one chance to be with a man. No, a wolf. Then, she could spend the rest of her days wishing she had never been bedded by him.

  He pushed her back onto the bed. He felt her body tense and he wondered if she thought he was going to unbutton his pants and push his hardness into her. Other men might have done that but not him.

  If this was the only time he would ever bed a woman he was going to do it right.

  He did take a step away from her so he could throw off his own clothes. He liked the smell that her fear added to her desire. Once she saw his full length and width she would smell even more desirable.

  Sophronia watched as the candlelight danced off his naked chest. He had a thick pelt of hair there. She had not expected him to be hairy and she could not remember if Eldon had been. She wondered if all men looked like that or if it was only Nathaniel.

  He had certainly known where and how to kiss her. She had never felt such sensations in her life and she suddenly felt confident she understood why some women fell. If being loved by a man was all the things that was happening to her now it was a wonder more women did not end up in her circumstances. Indeed, it was a wonder that all of Europe was not filled with fallen women.

  He climbed onto the bed above her and she felt his weight on the mattress. She looked up into his cold eyes wondering if now he was going to prick her with his cock.

  She glanced between their bodies and caught a look at it. His member was long and thick. She could not imagine how it would ever fit inside her. Surely, her body could not stretch to accommodate something so large.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to still her fears. Eldon must have been large too. She wished she could remember. Had there really been something that size inside her body before? Could she really take him into her without being torn apart?

  She yelped when suddenly he leaned back and grabbed her ass, raising it into the air. She closed her eyes and clenched the blankets at her side. She waited for the pain that surely must come from something so big being forced into her body but it was not pain she felt. Instead, it was the hot wetness of his mouth exploring her.

  He made sure that his cock didn't touch the blankets. He was afraid if it rubbed against anything at the moment he would spill his seed and have to repeat this whole process again. The smells coming from her had the wolf in him on the verge of madness. He wanted to mount her and rub his cock against the walls of her until he came. Of course, he could not. Not yet. Not until she had reached a pleasure peak first and he had shown her all she had been missing by being with someone like Eldon.

  He used his fingers to spread the lips of her pussy and he brought his tongue between the folds and into her core. All the smells that had teased his nose flowed into his mouth and he could taste the desire in the juices that wetted her passage. He plunged his tongue deep into her and pressed his tongue against the top wall of her pussy as he withdrew it making sure to contact her pleasure nub before plunging back inside of her. After half a dozen strokes he felt her muscles tightening. He increased his pressure and speed as he felt her buck against him. Her taste told him she was close to her climax. His balls urged him to hurry. His own body would not be kept waiting much longer. Her arousal was driving his body to madness.

  He added a finger inside her to help his tongue and he heard her gasp and cry out as her body trembled. His tongue and fingers felt the pulsing of her pussy as spasms of pleasure shook her body. The juices that lined her passage sprayed out onto his chin. He licked his lips and the taste of her desire pushed him over the edge. As soon as her pussy stopped pulsing he moved his body over her and plunged into her depths.

  His cock filled her. It was tight and she had to stretch to accommodate it. If her muscles were not so relaxed from the pleasure he had just given her it might have been uncomfortable but at the moment she was just starting to come back from the edge of the oblivion to which he had sent her.

  She had never imagined anything like what he had done to her body. Surely, even drunk, she would have remembered if Eldon had driven her to such high places.

  She felt the tightness of accommodating his cock in a faraway place. Closer was the feeling of the pelt of hair on his chest scratching against her breasts which felt tender and tight.

  He could feel the walls of her pussy taut against his cock. He plunged into her depths fiercely. It was his turn for pleasure now and the wolf in him wanted to be satisfied. Beneath him, Sophronia was looking up at him with drowsy eyes. He felt energy flowing through him with each plunge that buried his cock deep in her. The growing need in him had all his muscles tight and straining. His balls felt like they were going to burst. They were almost painful with tension but he kept holding back.

  He held back until there was no way to hold back any longer. The walls of her pussy rubbing against the head of his cock finally created the explosion. He let out a growl as his swollen balls started to pulse and he felt the waves of pleasure as he filled her with his seed.

  He felt light headed and dizzy as the last spasms burst through his cock. Then, exhausted, he felt it start to soften within her and he pulled himself from her. He stood up, though his body felt shaky, and donned his clothes. Sophronia reached out for him. He did not know what she wanted. It might have been to pull him back in the bed or simply to enjoy more contact with his skin but he would not have any of it. He stepped away pulling himself out of her reach.

  Once his clothes were on and righted he grabbed the candle he had brought into the room and made his way into the hallway.

bsp; She heard the door slam and the light from his candle disappeared. Suddenly, Sophronia was shrouded in darkness. She lay on her bed for a moment. Her body was damp from sweat and the room felt chilled. Her thighs were sticky. The smell that wafted from her body was repugnant against her nose now that she was not in the middle of pleasure. She let her eyes adjust for a moment before stumbling to a drawer for a handkerchief. She used the cloth to clean her thighs before slowly putting her clothes back on. Once dressed she sat down on the edge of her bed. It took a moment but once the emotions hit her the tears would not stop.

  Nathaniel had come into her room and mated her dutifully. He had done just what a husband should and then left her there alone. She had not felt any connection to Eldon after their tryst. There had been no pounding of her heart at the sight of him nor tingling in her core wanting him there again. She knew that she would have that now with Nathaniel. She would want him whenever she saw him and she was pretty sure the blighter would not be returning to her bed. Not if the look of contempt he had cast her and the swiftness he had left her bed were any indication. She wished he had never come to her bed. She wished she had never gotten drunk and slept with Eldon. She wished she had never told her father the truth and been forced into a marriage with Nathaniel. The man was contemptible.

  She had never felt so lonely in her life.

  She did not think she would ever fall asleep but even as her heart was breaking the exhaustion from her body overtook her.

  Chapter 7

  Nathaniel contemplated calling for his breakfast to be served in his room. He didn't want to see Sophronia or his father after the night he had. After leaving Sophronia's room he had tried to sleep but the sleep had evaded him. He was too full of emotions which ranged from guilt to arousal. He had spent his first night with a woman and it had felt as good as he imagined it would. He almost understood now why men struggled to control their lusts. It would not be easy to go back to a celibate life after having been inside of a woman.


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