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The Werewolf's Pregnant Bride

Page 14

by Jane B. Night

  Sophronia had to read the page again to make sure she understood. It did make perfect sense for a pretty young woman to be sent to court in an attempt to seduce the King Henry Tudor. What did not make sense was for them to send a woman who was believed barren. Henry's own wife had been divorced because she did not give him sons. How could the Wolstenholme's expect to use a barren daughter to curry favor from the king and prove their loyalties?

  More worrisome was the talk of wolves and a pack. Could it be that the girl who had written the diary was not barren but instead mad? Did her sister-in-law suffer from some dysfunction of the mind that she had yet to discover?

  She wanted to be horrified by the diary but part of her found the madness of the young woman fascinating.

  She continued to read about the girl's arrival at court, her disinterest in pursuing the king, and the eventual meeting of the man she would marry. In the girl's madness she believed he was a werewolf who had seven children who were also werewolves. His wife had died in childbirth and he needed a wife who would be happy to raise his children and who understood his unusual customs.

  As Sophronia closed the last page of the book she was not sure if the author of the diary was mad or if it was a girl who had written a farce. If it had been a farce did Mercy really believe any of it could be true or had she lied about the content of the book for some reason? Sophronia felt her head spin. She glanced out the window and saw that the sun was fading from the sky. She had been reading too long. Mercy might be back any moment. She piled the books back as closely to how they had been as she could remember and grabbed one from the top of the stack to take to her room. If Mercy asked how she had liked it she would tell her she had only read the first page and then been overcome by exhaustion and forced to nap.

  Once Sophronia placed the book on her bedside table she hurried down the hallway to the nursery where Keturah was gurgling up at Amelia.

  She felt warm love overtake her as she took Keturah into her arms and snuggled her. Her daughter might have seemed early but she was as robust as any child could have been expected to be who was born at the proper time.

  "You will keep her quite safe?" Sophronia asked Amelia.

  "Of course we will, Mistress," Amelia said.

  "You would keep her safe even if it was an aunt who would harm her?" Sophronia asked.

  "I beg your pardon, mistress, but why would either of her aunts wish her harm?" Amelia looked genuinely confused. If there was madness in Mercy Sophronia guessed that the nursemaid knew nothing of it.

  "I do not suppose they would. Forgive me; I am just a worried mother. She is my first child," Sophronia said handing the child back to Amelia when Keturah began to wiggle.

  "I suppose that is to be expected," Amelia said taking Keturah back into her arms and casting a worried look at Emily who was folding Keturah's nappies.

  Sophronia took one more long look at Keturah and then turned to leave.

  "Has my sister-in-law taken any unusual interest in the child?"

  "Mistress Claire has been coming in daily to see to her well being," Amelia said cautiously.

  "I am sorry. I meant Mercy."

  "Not unusually. I have not seen her come unaccompanied to see the baby like Mistress Claire does."

  "And she does not in any way act unusual?"

  "Not that I have noticed," Amelia said.

  Sophronia thought about telling Amelia that Mercy was not to be allowed in the nursery but she decided against it. She still was not sure if Mercy really was mad or if she had simply told a falsehood about the diary for her own reasons. It did not seem enough evidence to create a fissure between herself and her sister-in-law. She might ask Nathaniel when he returned if his sister was quite well. Surely, he would not allow his sister near Keturah if there was any chance of her harming the babe in her mad delusions.

  Chapter 21

  Nathaniel leaned out of the window of the carriage as the estate approached. He was glad to be home. He had not expected to miss either Sophronia or Keturah during the moon when he had the company of his family and pack. During the wolf hours he barely remembered that he was a husband and father but as soon as he donned his human coat his heart ached for the women he had left behind. He imagined bringing Keturah to the lodge once she had become a werewolf. He imagined her joining him as they hunted bears and other predatory animals. He thought of teaching her how to be a wolf and about the rules of the pack. Eldon, as the next pack alpha, might be able to command her but Nathaniel, her father, would teach her and lead her with love and wisdom.

  The carriage stopped and he jumped from the carriage and hurried towards the doors of the estate. He had not even gotten to them when they were opened by a footman to reveal Sophronia with Keturah in her arms standing beside Mercy. Amelia was off to the side and ready to step in should Keturah cry.

  He reached out and swept Keturah into his arms. She made a joyous noise as he rubbed his cheek against her face. Her scent was intoxicating to him and he wanted to keep inhaling her but then his father came up behind him and gently took the child from his arms. Nathaniel scowled at his father but with a nod of his father's head Nathaniel remembered Sophronia. He took a step forward and kissed her on her cheek.

  "I have missed you," she whispered into his ear.

  He reached out to her and pulled her into his arms. He did not care if the display of affection was proper. Eldon and Claire had shown improper affection before and now it was his turn. He released her a moment later. His cock had sprung to life from such closeness to her and he realized that he wanted to put another pup inside her. He wanted her to birth a litter of his pups. Keturah was a Wolstenholme and a member of his pack. He loved her as he imagined he would love his own child. Still, the idea of more babies and more members of the pack birthed by Sophronia teased his mind. He was not sure if it was the lingering effects of the moon and his wolf form but he wanted his wife. He wanted to bed her and fill her with his child. Not just once but over and over again.

  "Owen, will you see that supper is served in an hour?" his father said. Claire came through the door and held her arms out for Keturah who chortled as his father handed her over. Eldon gave Claire and Keturah nothing more than a passing glance as he walked past her and into the parlor. His brother needed to put a pup in Claire too. It was all too easy to see that she longed for a child. Her niece might be the apple of her eye but she was a poor substitute for her own child.

  Nathaniel took Sophronia's hand and followed his brother into the parlor. Mercy, Claire who was still carrying Keturah, and Amelia followed.

  "How was the hunting?" Mercy asked.

  "It went very well," Eldon said. He had filled a glass with brandy and was lifting it to his lips.

  "No accidents?" Mercy asked.

  "No. Everyone returned safely. It was almost boring," Eldon said. Nathaniel had not thought that it was boring. The alphas and pack members had been tense. Everyone had remained close to the lodge. More than one chase had ended before a kill could be made for fear of spreading thin and being culled.

  "Did you catch any game?" Sophronia asked.

  "Only a small boar," Eldon said.

  "The game is less important than everyone returning safely," Mercy said.

  "Though lack of game does make for a more boring hunt," Eldon said.

  "Hold your tongue." Nathaniel and the rest of the room turned. His father was standing in the doorway with an opened letter in hand.

  "Bad news?" Mercy asked.

  "The worst. Our hunt was uneventful but others were not. Amelia, take the child upstairs," he ordered. Keturah let out a small whimper of protest at being removed from her aunt's arms. Nathaniel wanted to call to Amelia and order her to stop. He wanted to hold Keturah. Her scent and the hope she brought for the future might dampen the news. Still, if the news was as grim as his father's face indicated then there was no need for Keturah to be upset by their reactions.

  Once Keturah was out of the room his father moved forward
and took Claire's hand in his.

  "Your father and step mother were killed," he said softly. Claire gasped and her hand flew to her lips to keep in her anguished cries.

  "Was it another accident or is there a murderer?" Sophronia asked.

  "The deaths were intentional. Sadly, there were more," his father said. He stepped across the room and took Mercy's hand.

  "Daniel?" his sister asked in a voice just above a whisper.

  "I am afraid so," his father said.

  "His family was hunting with my family," Claire said.

  "The only report I have gotten of any incidences involved their group. I cannot say whether other lodges were hit and word has not yet come or if indeed the monster focused only on one gathering. I have sent out letters to everyone who needs to know and there is to be a convening. Eldon will join me. Claire, you should go home and see to your sister. Perhaps it would be better to bring Vivian here," his father said. The last thing Nathaniel wanted was to be under the same roof as Vivian but his father was not wrong either. Vivian had no brothers and with her father dead Eldon should attempt to care for her.

  He hoped they could find a husband to marry Vivian off to soon. He did not like the idea of her under the Wolstenholme roof. After their moment under the willow tree he no longer trusted her. She would not succeed in seducing him but he did not want her even attempting it again.

  "Was Daniel's body brought back? Can I see him?" Mercy asked. Nathaniel turned to his sister who had gone ghostly white. Her body was trembling.

  "He was badly mangled. You would not know it was him," his father said.

  Sophronia went to reach for Mercy but she stood up abruptly and bolted out of the room.

  "Should someone go to her?" Sophronia asked.

  "No. Let her have her grief," his father said.

  "What should I do?" Nathaniel asked. His father was going to convene with the high priests and priestesses of the witches as well as the other alphas of the wolf packs and Eldon was going to join him. Claire was going to her sister. He needed to be told what to do.

  "You are to manage things while we are gone. Comfort your sister. Make sure our household and tenants are kept safe."

  "There cannot be any danger at the moment. The-" he almost said the moon is no longer full but he stopped himself just in time. He hated that Sophronia did not know their secret. At a time when wolf lives were in danger they should not be talking in riddles.

  "Let us not make any assumptions. I would like to believe we are quite safe but vigilance will do more to ensure that than vain rationale," his father said.

  Nathaniel nodded grimly.

  "Reggie and I will alert the tenants to be on the lookout for danger. We will make sure nothing is visibly amiss," Nathaniel said.

  "Take Jonah and a few of the dogs as well. You should all be armed," his father said. The dogs were trained to pull carriages but their nature also made them protective of their masters. If they were accosted by a mob then there would be little anyone could do but against a single opponent they should be safe.

  "Sophronia, I want you to stay in the nursery with Keturah until I return," Nathaniel said

  "Surely, you do not think any fiend would harm a child," Sophronia said.

  Nathaniel reached out and gently took Sophronia's hand.

  "I think that whatever fiend is out there is long gone. I am sure they are not on the Wolstenholme Estate and equally sure that they will not infiltrate the nursery. Still, Keturah is a Wolstenholme. We need to take every precaution to keep her safe. If I am taking a gun door to door for my tenants does it not make sense I want my wife and daughter together in the nursery to assure their safety?"

  "Alice will return to the nursery. She can stand guard. If matters were not so dire I would leave Owen but I believe your brother and I are more likely to encounter danger on the roads than you will on our own estate," his father said. Nathaniel nodded.

  Sophronia sat with a book open on her lap though she had barely read a word of it. Keturah was sleeping in her crib while Amelia and Emily tended to the cleaning of the nursery.

  Alice stood sentry at the door though Sophronia could not manage to take much comfort in the fact. Alice was not especially petite but she did not look in any way like a body guard. Sophronia thought it likely that if anyone really did break into the house and attempt to invade the nursery she would be easy enough to push to the side.

  Her heart pounded as she heard footsteps on the stairs.

  "Was all well?" Alice asked which led Sophronia to exhale sharply. The footsteps must belong to a friend.

  "Everyone is alerted of danger but we saw nothing out of the ordinary," Nathaniel said. "How are my wife and daughter?"

  "We are as good as can be expected under the circumstances," Sophronia said standing up and walking towards the sound of her husband's voice.

  "It was a mere precaution. I have guards at the doors. I am sure we will be safe enough through the night," Nathaniel said.

  "I do not understand how a murderer killing aristocrats at hunting lodges warrants such precautions," Sophronia said.

  "Let me escort you to your room," Nathaniel said reaching out a hand to her. She took it. He had not even acknowledged her questions and she vowed she would ask again later but at the moment she welcomed the idea of returning to her own bed. The nursery was a fine place for Keturah but it was less amusing for a grown woman.

  "Did you check on Mercy?" Sophronia asked as they reached the threshold of her room.

  "I think she is better left alone in her grief," Nathaniel said.

  "I just worried that-" Sophronia started to say but Nathaniel's lips came over hers. She felt her knees grow weak as his arms reached around her to pull her body as close to his as it could go. His tongue pressed against her lips and demanded to be allowed into her mouth. She surrendered to him and his tongue began to explore. It brought her thoughts back to the night when his tongue had licked her most private places and brought her pleasures she had not known were possible.

  She could feel the hardness of his cock against her belly and heat rushed between her legs. Unlike the last time he had come to her, she knew exactly what his body could do to hers. The pure anticipation of his touches made her feel weak.

  He scooped her up into his arms and kicked the door closed with his foot. Then, he walked across the room and threw her none too gently onto the bed. She could see the hot desire in his eyes as he tossed his waistcoat to the floor followed by his cravat. He stumbled for a moment with the buttons of his shirt and one button flew off the shirt and hit the wall before he was naked from the waist. Last time he had been bare before her the light had been poor but there was still the dim light of dusk flowing through her window and she could see the thick pelt of hair on his chest. Her breasts began to ache as she remembered the feel of his chest against hers.

  He climbed onto the bed where she lay panting as she looked at him. He pushed up her petticoat revealing her lacy white drawers. She felt his fingers explore the drawers until her found the open seam and slid his fingers through the seam to the where the warm wetness between her legs radiated.

  She gasped as his fingers touched her. She could feel the desire grow as his finger gently prodded her depths.

  She expected him to let her up and help her out of her clothes but instead he undid the buttons on his trousers letting his engorged cock free from his clothes. He pushed the open seam of her drawers to its limit and plunged his cock inside of her.

  He moved in her with deep strokes as if he wanted to see how fully he could fit himself inside of her. He buried his face in her neck as he moved within her and she could hear him panting and moaning.

  She could feel pleasure building within her where his cock caressed her. His rough and fast thrusts caused a building up of pleasure even though it was nothing like the last time when he had used his mouth to see that she was satisfied.

  She heard him groan and she felt herself being filled with warmth as the w
hole of his weigh collapsed on her making her whimper.

  Her whimper was enough to bring him back to his senses. He must have been nearly crushing her with his weight. He pushed his body off of her and to the side so he was lying beside her and looking at her. He looked at her drawers and his cock for any signs of blood or injury from his roughness with her but he saw none.

  "Did I hurt you?" he whispered. He felt sick in his stomach. How had he let himself be so overcome by lust?

  "No," she said.

  "I'm sorry. I lost my senses for a moment," he said sitting up beside her and burying his face in his hand. The deaths of three werewolves had affected him more than he wanted to admit. It had sparked a desire in him to be with his wife for the comfort she offered and to feel the pleasure of their bodies meeting.

  "It is a husband's right," she said.

  "No. Do not ever say that again. It makes me feel as if I have forced you," Nathaniel said.

  "Of course I did not mean that. I wanted you the same as you wanted me," Sophronia said.

  "But I did not make sure you had your pleasure," Nathaniel said.

  "There is a long married life ahead of us. One night-"

  "No. We have no idea the number of our days. It could all be over tomorrow," Nathaniel said. Sophronia looked into his eyes but he could tell she was unsure what to say to him.

  He leaned forward and brought his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her.

  He brought one hand up to tangle in her hair as he used the other to pull her fully against him. She still smelled of desire. He realized that with a bit of gentle attentions he might still be able to give her pleasure even though he had already had his and was not yet ready to enter her again.


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