Tattooed & Alone for Christmas: Part One (A Possessed Series Novella)
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By this time, I think I’ve melted into a pile of warm butter at his feet. The way he’s crowding into the back of me, his harsh breaths, and the feel of his heart battering through his chest has me wishing he’d throw me on the closest surface and have his wicked way with me.
“Are you kidding me?” Margo’s screech breaks the moment.
My libido takes a nosedive.
Sighing, I turn to face her. “Tell me why Margo or leave and don’t come back.”
“You don’t mean that.” I know she hears the truth in my words so I wait. “Dad’s got someone he wants you to meet,” she finally concedes in a small whisper.
“What do you mean meet? Who? Why?”
I can feel the tension in Greer as he stands beside me, and I see it in the way Eli is positioned rigidly near the door.
“Dad’s going to make partner. Henry Malcolm’s son wants to meet you before he does anything with Dad.” I can’t tell if my sister’s pissed or shocked about what our father wants me to do.
“So he wants to what… Marry me off?” I laugh jokingly.
“I don’t fucking think so,” Eli growls from his stance.
I can see how restless he is getting. The lines in his handsome face are stressed, his brows are drawn down in anger, and he had this tick at his temple that I want to kiss. I attempt to secretly look at Greer, but the man has incredible radar because he catches my gaze like a Venus flytrap—there is no leaving once ensnared.
Anger rolls turbulently through his expression, and it takes me a moment to realize it is the thought of me being with someone else that has done that. Wow.
How is that possible? We barely know one another? Lust can be a powerful thing, and I get that. But what they are potentially signing up for is more than any man would normally be willing to go for. I’m not worth the trouble this will undoubtedly cause.
“Two men, Jet? Really. Even for you, that’s outrageous.”
Is it bad I want to pop her in the mouth for her condescension? ‘Cause I am tempted.
“You can’t keep being the screw-up and shame of the family. You need to accept that this is your life.” I’m still speechless. It’s not like we’re in the fourteenth century where marrying your offspring to the first well-off man was the thing to do.
Not to sound like a petulant child but… “He can’t make me.”
Eli’s snort confirms that it’s exactly how I sound. Just fucking great.
“Look, Margo, I’m done with this. If he wants something from me, then tell him I said shove it till he can come to me himself. I’m not some fucking puppet out to do his bidding. I’m a goddamn person.”
I bet I could toss a basketball in the little surprised “O” her mouth has opened up into. I will never understand why she’s shocked with the way I speak; it’s not like this is new. I’ve been foul-mouthed and opinionated since the day I was born.
“You’re so frustrating, Jet!” I hear her mumble something else as she slams through my shop door, but I don’t quite catch it.
The girl sure knows how to keep a person on their toes…and speechless. I think I’ve spent more time trying to find my words around her than not. Most men would have run for the hills; I’m just dying to know more. To find out why her family is so fucked up they think they can dictate what she does or doesn’t do with her life. I am not surprised that Greer’s suspicions about the article we found this morning are true. Jet is a catch, and this Malcolm guy’s son obviously knows it.
As for the bullshit about her shop being a joke? The jokes on them. She is one of the most professional people I’ve ever encountered in this field. She works fast, accurate, and is a sight better than the last guy who did work for me.
“Is this normal?” I ask her, wanting to know just how fucking nuts her family is.
“What?” She walks away from us with a dismissive tone to her voice. “The trying to marry me off so they don’t have to deal with me, or the talking down to me like I’m shit on their shoes?”
I spare a quick glance at Greer to see what he was thinking, but his face appears as closed off as her voice. “All of it.”
She remains quiet for so long, I’m unsure if she will answer me. Do I even want to know the answer? I mean who the fuck does that to their child?
“Tell me something, Eli,” she whispers not waiting for a response. “Do your parents let you know how proud they are of you? Express their love for you?”
“Yes.” I have an idea of where she is going with this, and I’m probably not ready to hear it.
“That’s something to treasure, to enjoy, and to bask in.” The wistfulness is evident in her voice. “When I was about five, I knew I wasn’t the obedient child my parents were going to want me to be. I had a hard time sitting still. I used to run my peas through my mashed potatoes and make tracks on my dinner plate. They hated that when we had company over.” She finally turns to face us. “I was the embarrassment, the reason they stopped inviting friends over. They had no control over me, and when I got older, I would hear them whispering to each other. Jet is such a shame; Jet had so much potential; Jet must be a one-off.”
“Baby…” Greer’s hard exterior finally cracks.
“It’s ok. I’ve never fit in with my family. Never been able to conform to what they want. Getting older, I could see the way they looked at my brother and sisters compared to me, and I wanted that. I wanted it so bad I could taste it. So I started behaving as my sisters had. I fought my urge to stand out, to be my own person. For years, I lived as Margo and Sally did. I lost myself, lost my most precious thing trying to fit in the way they did. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life.”
“Lost what?” I ask. The way she says she lost her most precious thing lets me know it was more than just trying to be someone she wasn’t for approval.
“What?” Confusion clouds her distraught gaze.
“You said you lost your most precious thing,” Greer repeats to her.
She looks startled before answering. “There was a boy in Margo and Sally’s circle. He was nice, had this dark intensity about him. I should have known better.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Greer explodes. I understand where her story is going, and he obviously does, too. Gripping his forearm in a tight hold, I try to keep him calm.
She can’t fucking be saying what I think she is. It’s not possible. She wouldn’t have… Her sisters wouldn’t have… Would they?
The look she spears me with is all the answer I need.
I walk out without saying a fucking thing. Falling snow greets me, cooling my body off but not my temper. I can’t deal with this. It’s fucking selfish as hell of me to do, but I just can’t. She didn’t deserve that.
“I wasn’t raped, Greer.” Her soft words stop my angry strides on the sidewalk. “I did it because I wanted to. I did it because I thought he saw the girl beneath the pomp. I thought he could accept me for me. Foul-mouthed and all. I was wrong. I’m always wrong.”
The tears in her voice are my undoing. I turn, storming back towards her. Rougher than I should have, I grip her ass cheeks and haul her lithe body against mine, slamming my lips onto hers. I own her mouth, her moans of pleasure. I worship her in one of the most fundamental ways I know how—with my need for her. It is all encompassing. Overpowering in its essence. My body craves hers like an addict looking for their next fix.
She is taking over my soul. My train of thought is consumed by her. Her moans of pleasure as I plunder her mouth with mine are intoxicating. Her taste is like sweet peaches ripe for the picking.
Pulling away from her eager lips for a breath was torture. Looking into her eyes, seeing the lust, want, need makes everything else in my life appear inconsequential. All I need is her happiness.
Dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, yet it sums my feelings up. Her…us…we are perfectly imperfect. The chemistry we all share was immediate, uncontrollable. Like a summer storm in July. It sw
ept in and took complete control of us all.
“That was…” She panted, out of breath. “I’ve never been kissed before.” Her quiet confession rocks me to my core.
“But I thought…” I trail off not wanting to say the words out loud. Just thinking of her with any other man besides Eli and I has me wanting to smash something.
“I did. I have. But kissing was too intimate. It felt like I’d have been giving more than just my virginity. I know it’s stupid.”
“It’s not stupid,” Eli is quick to reassure.
She slowly slides down my body. Looking between the two of us, she takes a deep breath, making her breasts heave up and down in a spectacular show of cleavage.
“Take me home…” she murmurs softly. Finally opening her eyes, she captures us both in a stare so intense I nearly lose my breath. “With you.”
Chapter Three
Shit. I’m really doing this.
I sit between Eli and Greer, vibrating with this raw hunger for them I’ve never felt before, while Greer drives. I can’t believe the chance I’m taking. Margo’s confession has left me vulnerable, sure, but with these two men, I feel alive for the first time since I turned sixteen and realized I had to be true to myself.
The last year or so, I’ve just been wandering through life, feeling like something is missing but not knowing what. The moment they walked through JR’s doors, I experienced a buzzing in the air like there was more to them than met the eye. I have been so discombobulated from Eli’s initial smirk and Greer’s first growled words that it feels like if they don’t possess me in every way possible, I might not breathe again.
My leg keeps bouncing in eagerness as Greer slows the truck down at the gate to a nice little two-story brick home. Potted flowers line the front porch. The grass is immaculately manicured. A beautiful beveled glass exterior light blazes brightly in welcome.
An overwhelming sense of hearth and home embrace me with open arms, and I finally relax enough to offer them a slight smile as the truck is shut off.
We sit in silence for a bit, so I try to take it all in. Feelings run through my body, my pulse pounds in my ears like a staccato. In a moment of reality, a quiver of fear runs up my spine as they each open their doors.
What are you doing, Jet?
Fear, lust, need… All emotions that are hammering at me at once; their impact nearly overwhelming. When I look through the front windshield, they stand together like two sentries ready to whisk me away. Wanting me to give them my entire being and needing to give me theirs in return.
Am I ready for that? To give myself over to two men so completely that I know they would demand everything I am. I guess I’m about to find out. For all I know, they just want to fuck me and be done. Except I don’t get that vibe from them. The way they make me feel is too real, too heavy.
While I sit there contemplating and spacing out over whether I am going to try this with them, they go unlock the front door, grab cold beers, and lean against the porch waiting for my indecisive ass to choose if I am going to grab life by the balls or be a chicken shit and run.
Do or die time, Jet. Get your shit together, girl.
Crawling from the truck, I take a brief moment to gather my resolve and draw in a few deep breaths before striding towards their taught figures. In the dark, I see their features, but their tension is palpable as they wait for me to make a decision. So much so, it nearly suffocates me with insecurity.
“Hi,” I whisper, feeling shyer than when my parents made me attend a debutante ball at fifteen. I remember dressing in the beautiful white lace and wearing the goopy makeup on my face, having my wild black hair cut, pulled, and pinned in places it had no business being pinned. I’d lasted barely an hour before faking a migraine and Sally took me home.
This, however? Giving myself to two men that I’m so attracted to…it is nearly all I can think about. So much more nerve-racking and better in every single way.
Greer has an intense expression holding his features hostage. I can’t tell if it’s anticipation or disappointment. I sure hope it is the latter.
Eli quietly sidles up behind me, wrapping one arm around my waist while his other brings his beer to my lips for a small sip. The bubbly, cold Kokanee slides down my parched throat with ease. Nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck, I purr in satisfaction as he begins peppering light kisses along my collar.
I watch Greer as Eli lavishes me with attention. His eyes are feral with need. It is easy to see why they enjoy sharing a woman. Not only would their double assault enhance my pleasure but watching them get off on their voyeuristic tendencies has my panties dampening at a rapid pace.
“Do you know…” I hear Greer’s whispered words but am barely able to concentrate on them while Eli continues to work me up into a frenzy. “…as soon as I walked in your shop yesterday, I realized you were going to be a game changer.” His husky voice holds me captive. “As soon as you sassed me, I accepted that I was done for.” There is an undeniable promise in his voice, and it’s nearly my undoing as he walks closer just as Eli pulls away from me so that Greer has my full attention. “After tonight, Jet…after you give yourself to us, there’s no turning back. You’re ours.” I watch in eager fascination as he brings his bottle to his lips, taking a swig. My eyes follow the line of his throat as he swallows, wishing somehow it was me. “And Jet…” I look into his intense gaze as he informs me, “That means we’re yours, too.”
My smile probably blinds him with its happiness. To know they want me, that they want to give themselves to me in the same way is a heady sensation I don’t think I’ll ever lose. Nodding my head vigorously, he swoops down, claiming my lips in a soft kiss, a slow caress of two people
Discovering their craving for something more.
A shiver runs up my spine as Eli’s light touch travels under my shirt, lightly running his fingertips across my taught nipples. I am sure he feels the stiff peaks through my bra begging for his attention.
A continuous rush of hunger runs through my body as they devour me the best way they know how. It isn’t long before kissing and touching aren’t enough. I need to experience more. To enjoy their heated skin on mine. I crave the connection created by the joining of bare skin for the first time.
“Inside,” Eli growls into my ear.
No need to ask me twice.
I dutifully follow his lead through their darkened home. Up a set of carpeted stairs, three doors down, and into an enormous master bedroom. A California King sized bed is prominent in the room with a small bench sitting at the foot of it.
“Wow.” I’m rendered speechless by its sheer beauty. The walls are painted deep blue with a splash of black centering the bed. The linens on the bed itself are a stunning royal blue, and the pillows are piled nearly as high as me.
The wonder on Jet’s face is intoxicating. When we bought the house, we knew this was the room we’d share as a couple with our woman. No woman has ever been in here before. Everything remains brand new and pristine.
I’m glad we finally settled on the blue décor. Having Jet’s dark hair and light skin lying nude across it is going to be a sight to behold.
Standing side by side, we watch as she takes the room in. Now that she is actually faced with the both of us, I am slightly afraid that she might run, that it might be too real for her to handle. I’m not sure either of us would recover from that rejection.
So I wait, partially holding my breath in fear as well as with eagerness. When our beauty finally turns back to us, a longing so bright and profound shines from the very depths of her soul. Her yearning for what only we can give her is an aphrodisiac on its own.
We share a quick look of approval before removing our shirts and tossing them to the floor. Jet’s head whips back and forth taking us both in at the same time, making us laugh out loud.
“Eyes here, baby,” Greer coaxes her as I finish stripping my clothes off.
Rounding behind he
r, I grip one of her hands and squeeze lightly as Greer grabs the hem of her shirt and I take hold of the waist of her pants. Together, we remove her clothes before she gets shy on us.
She is all fire in her own comfort zone, but now she’s in our world, and I have a feeling her lack of experience—which is hot as hell by the way—will make her extremely shy in front of us.
“Damn, girl,” I whisper in reverence. I have seen my share of naked women, but she takes the cake. A light tan covers her skin, and tattoos in various places stand out like beacons to a lighthouse.
The inked guns on her back, in an array of colors, shows more than just her love for art, it highlights her passion for body art. They are replicas of her—dark colors with specks of light through the chambers. I’ll bet she doesn’t realize that right here on her back is her soul bared to whoever she chooses to show.
The more skin we reveal, the more colorful the art becomes. Flowers dot her arm on a vine from her shoulder to her elbow. With every slow breath, the petals ripple as if a gentle breeze were brushing against her.
“Beautiful,” I whisper against the small of her back. Placing a light kiss there, I move lower down her body. My hands smoothing over her dimpled ass, down her supple thighs to finally push her chucks and jeans over her feet, leaving her magnificence completely bare for us to devour as we please.
“Eli,” she moans so quietly I almost miss it. A huge smile lights my face as I stand and turn her to face me. Her eyes close as if she is just waiting for whatever we decide to do to her. With my front plastered to hers, Greer slides in from behind, slipping his hands around her waist. I register them as they move up her torso, as they cup her breasts.
“Greer,” she coos as he begins to pull on her little nipples.