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A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set

Page 41

by A. D. Ellis

  Nicky’s ears perked at the mention of working at the center. “What about the grocery store? A good employee is hard to find, how will they replace me?” Hiding smiles at Nicky’s straightforward question we assured him that he would put in the required two week notice and that he could even offer to train the new employee.

  “What would I do at the center? I need a job to do so I can be a good employee.” Nicky was getting excited about the prospect of working at the place he had loved for many years.

  “Well, I’ve spoken to the director and he feels you are best suited for quite a few responsibilities. He plans on you being one of the first point-of-contact staff members for new students and their families. You would introduce them to others and show them around. He also plans on you being responsible for making the duty schedule for the students; he knows you like to make sure everyone gets at least one duty they like and you’ve always been good about keeping the students on track with their responsibilities. I believe those are the two main things he wants you to start with, but he also thinks that you could help plan some of the programs with me, teach the students about how to stand up to bullies, and help me out with the crafts. I especially need help on the really crowded days, like the toddlers and the 3-5 year olds.” I could tell that Beth was just as excited about Nicky’s new opportunity as he was. Even Nate, ever protective, couldn’t help but smile when he saw just how much this idea appealed to Nicky. I could tell the prospect of change was making Nate a little nervous, but since his brother would be with Beth all day as well as his own mother being there, he couldn’t really find anything to protest about.

  The next day, Nicky gave his two week notice at the store and completed all the necessary paperwork the center required for employees. He worked overtime, without pay, at the store to train the high school kid who would be taking his place; Nicky was meticulous in his training and the new kid was well prepared by the time Nicky was done with him.

  Within two weeks of starting his new job at the center we all watched as Nicky bloomed with the new challenges and opportunities he had been entrusted with. New families and old were constantly complimenting him to the director, the little kids always wanted to come to story and craft time during Nicky’s time there, and some of the more reluctant students were opening up and being more a part of the team under Nicky’s guidance. The best part about all of this was that Nicky didn’t see this as anything more than a great job at which to do his best. He didn’t get prideful under the constant compliments or the accolades the other employees paid to him; he just took it all in stride and continued to do his best every day. Beth said that he was truly helpful and had assisted her in creating some new materials and programs for multiple ages. She laughed one evening as she shared with Nate and me, “Today, Scott said, ‘Hey, Nick, you’re doing a great job here. I’m really glad you’re one of us now’ and Nicky replied, completely seriously, ‘I’m a really good employee; I have a great work ethic.’ It was all I could do not to just giggle out loud. He’s so awesome!” Nate smiled at the story about his brother as he put his arm around her and kissed her head.


  I also love watching Beckett totally take to having a mom figure in the picture. He has faced so much in his short life; he just pretty much takes everything in stride. He was a bit confused in the beginning when he’d find my bras hanging to dry; he still sits on the toilet seat mesmerized as I fix my hair or put on my makeup. We usually have some of our very best chats during these times.

  “Audrey?” He cocked his head in the most adorable way and I could tell he’s got a big question on his mind.

  “What’s up, Mr. Beckett?” He giggled as usual at my nickname for him.

  “I know you’re not my real mom, but can I call you Mom? I mean if it’s ok with you.” His gorgeous eyes, so much like Jeremiah’s, looked at me anxiously and hopeful.

  “Beckett, I would like nothing more than for you to call me Mom. If you’re comfortable with it, I would be honored to be called your mom.” Hugging him close to me, I quickly wiped tears away so as not confuse him. Never thinking you’d be worthwhile enough to someone and now having a precious boy call you Mom? Yeah, pretty priceless.

  “Audrey?” I smiled because I can tell his questions aren’t done.

  “Yes, Beck?” I kissed his head as I acknowledged him.

  “Will you and my Daddy have a baby? I really want a baby brother or sister. I want to teach them how to do things and be their friend.” He snuggled into my side; by this time we’ve plopped ourselves onto the bathroom floor and my hair and makeup have been forgotten.

  Thinking carefully about my answer, I rubbed his back to buy some time. “I think your daddy and I would like very much to have a baby. So, if God sees fit to give us one, we will be very happy. I guess we will just have to wait and see.” I held my breath, wondering if my answer has whetted his curiosity.

  “Does kissing make babies? If it does, you and Daddy will have babies all over the place.” I had to stifle my laugh; Beckett had never seen JJ kiss anyone so he’s been quite intrigued by the lip locks he often finds us in. I mean we aren’t making out in front of him, but we do show plenty of affection.

  “Well, kissing is part of it, so maybe we’ll get a baby soon.” Luckily this answer satisfied him and he scurried up to head to his room to play with his dinosaurs.


  Later that night I overheard Beckett talking to his dad while he’s taking a bath. I’m not sure how J can see him in there with all of the bubbles and toys, but they seemed to be enjoying their boy time. J was sitting on the toilet, watching his little boy wipe a bubble beard onto his face so that it could be sprayed off with the squirter his dad was holding. The little boy giggles and big boy chuckles drew me to the doorway so I could watch my two favorite boys.

  “Daddy, I talked to Audrey today. Remember how I asked you if you thought it would be ok for me to call her Mom? Well, I know you said it would be but I thought I should ask her too. So, I asked her and she said it would make her very happy. So, now I’ll call her Mom. Maybe sometimes I’ll call her Mommy.” I hid my laughter behind my hand as I watched JJ spray Beck right in the face with the water squirter. After sputtering and giggling, he continued. “Oh, and I told her I want a baby brother or sister because I could teach them things and be a friend to them. She said that she wants that too and maybe God will give us a baby. I told her to keep kissing because that might make it happen faster. Daddy? I’m really glad we decided to give Mom a second chance and I’m glad that she’s not letting her mistakes control her. She seems happy; I think she’s learning from her mistakes and moving on.” I had to leave the bathroom doorway because of the tears in my eyes.

  After he was dried and in pjs and a story had been read, we turned off his light and headed to watch TV in our room. “So, I hear you and Beck had quite the talk today.” He said this with a smile as he leaned in to kiss me.

  “Yeah, we did. There are times I forget he’s four. I swear he’s a 38 year old man in a little bitty body. He’s hoping all of the kissing will bring a baby for his MOM and dad.” I emphasized mom as I leaned in to kiss him.

  With a gentle kiss through a smile, JJ quickly spun me around and growled as the kiss became deeper. “Mmmmm, well, Mommy, I think we need to add a few more tricks to our kissing repertoire and see if that helps bring a baby a little quicker.” My shirt was gone and my pants soon followed. “I’m thinking a little kissing here.” His mouth touched mine and I felt my body start to warm. “And a lot of kissing here.” His head lowered to my breasts and leisurely took one and then the other in his mouth. My breathing quickened and a breathy moan escaped me. “Oh yeah, and quite a bit of kissing here.” His lips traveled down my torso, a tongue dipping into my navel, and then quickly finding my center and licking until I was crying out. “Yes, this kissing is good, but I’m thinking a little more needs to be added. What about the two of us put our, um, heads together and figure this problem
out?” He couldn’t say this without a goofy grin and I started to laugh but I was so turned on and so ready for him that I got distracted when he was hovering over me and seeking entrance. My body was craving his; I needed his heat and his hardness to complete me. Inch-by-inch he filled me and I sighed in relief at the exquisite feeling of having him inside me once again. It bordered on pain for the first few seconds and then my body adjusted and we moved in a rhythm that was all our own. We stayed curled up, still joined, for as long as possible; both of us thinking about the baby we might have made and just how much fun we were going to have as we continued trying if we didn’t make one yet.

  Chapter 34


  I told him that if I didn’t get contact with my son or money to stay away he would be sorry. Supposedly there was a restraining order. Those are useless. I had been in this stupid Mayberry wannabe town for two days and I had learned just about all I needed to know. It was amazing how friendly people were to a newcomer; you just had to smile, listen to their pathetic lives, and they would loosen right up and start spilling the secrets of all the locals. Seems that my ex-husband has snuggled up with quite the loser; no one in town wanted to keep quiet about his new wife.

  From what I could tell, and this came from many different sources, the new woman is a piece of work. Horrible to her sister, drugged her and the boyfriend, consorting with and fucking drug dealers, yeah, that is JUST what I want my son to be around. I came up with the perfect plan. Karma is a bitch and so am I. She won’t see it coming because she’s all in love and thinks she’s left it all behind. Well, her past is coming back to bite her in the ass if I have anything to say about it. I’ll have some time with my son; hopefully I won’t have to have him around for long. If Jeremiah wants him back he’ll have to give me the money I need. And, if he balks at that idea, I plan on playing another card. My ace-in-the-hole, is his new wife safe to be around our son? What would the local authorities say? Either way, I need the money and I need to get out of this stupid little town. I just need to figure out the right time. The first day didn’t work out because a man brought Beckett to the center he attends. I watched the next day, maybe that was when my opportunity would arise.

  Honestly, I didn’t really want to have contact with my son. I still feel guilty as hell every time I think of all of his problems and how I most likely had a hand in most of them. That’s why I drink and that’s why I do drugs. The drugs started fairly tame but they’ve blossomed out of control lately. The bigger drugs call for bigger money. Money I don’t have. But, it’s money I WILL get. I will get it or Jeremiah will be out of a son until I do.

  Chapter 35


  I promised Beckett I would take him to story time at the center and then lunch at the park. That boy is so in love with Beth and Nicky; he talks about nothing but the stories they read and the crafts they do. At first Jeremiah and I were afraid he only had two adults as friends, but we increased our observations and spoke with Beth and Nicky and we realized that Beckett is friends with almost every student at the center. He’s friendly to those his age and the ones older than him. It’s the cutest thing to watch him walk into the rec area where kids ages 10-15 are playing pool or air hockey and hear all the older kids yell out, “Hey! It’s Beckett!” “Come on, B-man, come play with us!” “Nah, man, come play over here, Little Man!” They love him and he loves them. We worried for a while that he wasn’t interacting at all with students his own age, but we’ve watched that more closely too. He’s like a little parent, helping all the kids his own age, keeping them from squabbling, assisting them with crafts when his is done, and just sitting on the floor playing with them sometimes. In talking to Nicky we’ve learned that Beckett is well-rounded and so very well liked at the center; he’s a lot like Nicky in that he gets along well with everyone and can make friends wherever he goes. He stands up for himself and for others, gives people a chance but doesn’t let them walk all over him, and is pretty amazing. Beth reiterated what Nicky told us; Beck just has a natural ability to soften up the hardest of hearts and gets right into the middle of it all. He’s helped numerous times to solve a problem between older students, he got one of the roughest boys there to sit and talk about things that even his therapist hadn’t gotten out of him. Luckily, this boy was dealing with bullying and not something too much for our little boy to hear about. But, honestly, I almost think Beck would take it all in stride. He’s faced challenges since he was born, but he has an uncanny ability to understand and help people. I mean, look at me, I’m a perfect example. Because of him I was able to finally start to forgive myself and move on. I’m in love with the perfect man, married, a mom, a sister, a friend, and it’s all because of Beckett.

  Today’s story time was an enthralling tale of an imaginary dragon named Puff and his little boy, Jackie Paper. I remember reading Puff the Magic Dragon in school and singing the song, but it had been so many years that I found myself transfixed to the story as much as the 3 and 4-year-olds. Beth is a fantastic story teller. The children loved learning to sing the song as well. I knew I’d be humming it for days to come; in fact, I decided that Beck and I would teach it to JJ so we could all sing it.

  The craft was so much fun. Water, ship, mist/fog, king, queen, pirate, boy, and dragon all suspended from a pair of crossed sticks and then hung with string from the ceiling; the perfect mobile. Puff and the boy were the biggest and in the middle and were surrounded by the other objects. Nicky and Beth had printed most of the pieces partially colored and then let the children color the blank parts in. I got into the act and helped; between the three adults we had the pieces strung from the cross-sticks fairly quickly and just in time for parents to start moseying over to pick up their child.

  Nicky and Beckett played for a while with the dragon toys Beth had purchased for this story. It was the most touching thing in the world to hear a grown up man voice and little boy voice singing Puff the Magic Dragon. Beth and I just smiled and spoke quietly as they played. Eventually, Beckett came over to say he was hungry and wanted to head to the park. He really wanted Nicky to go with us but our ever faithful worker had other responsibilities for the day and there was no talking him into putting them off until tomorrow. So with hugs all around, we headed to the park.

  I had brought some of Beck’s favorites. We had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the softest, squishiest bread I could find and I had cut off all the crusts. I sliced up apples and squirted them with lemon juice because it kept them from browning and because Beckett liked to pretend they were the sourest things he’d ever tasted and make the funniest faces when eating them. Pudding cup for him and cottage cheese cup for me, a snack-size Skittles for both of us, and a jug of homemade lemonade completed our picnic.

  I had called Jeremiah to see if he could meet us for lunch but something had crashed at work so he was busy trying to get things back up and running. He said if he got it all fixed he’d call me and maybe walk to the park if he could afford a long break.

  I set our entire picnic up on a table under a tree, luckily the shade would allow things to stay cool enough that Beck could eat and play all he wanted. He liked to graze; he’d eat a bit, go play, come back for a few more bites, then go play again. He had already eaten half his sandwich and drank half a glass of lemonade. Now we were at the swings. A lady I’d never seen before was sitting on a bench reading a book; she spoke to me after a while.

  “He’s the cutest little thing. Is he yours?” She didn’t seem creepy, just someone enjoying a book in the nice weather.

  “She’s my mom!” Beckett answered for me.

  The lady smiled and stood up, coming over closer to us. “Well, she looks like the perfect mom. I bet she takes you to the toy store doesn’t she? If I had a little boy like you I’d take you to the toy store and buy you anything you’d like.” Ok, now she was getting a little creepy, but maybe she just wanted children and couldn’t have them or had lost one. I’d let Beck swing a little longer then we’d e
xcuse ourselves to finish our lunch.

  “My daddy says that people who buy their children anything they want aren’t doing their kid any favors and are just raising spoiled kids.” Beck spoke matter-of-factly and didn’t have any rudeness in his voice. The woman bristled a bit but seemed to realize that he wasn’t trying to be rude, he was just stating what his dad says.

  “Well, you are the type of kid I’d want to buy a toy for, no matter if it spoiled you or not. Listen, you have fun with your mom. I need to head home. It’s getting warm out here; I didn’t bring a drink and I’m thirsty.” She smiled sweetly as she started to back away.

  “We have lots of cool lemonade, help yourself. There’s an extra cup over on our table.” The old Audrey would have never been kind to a stranger or someone who couldn’t do something for me, but the new Audrey has been taking lessons from all the kind people in my life.

  The woman started to turn the lemonade down but then hesitated and said thank you. I watched her walk toward our table and then I turned around to push Beck a few more times. I was startled when she spoke from close behind me.

  “Here, I brought him his lemonade; I thought he might be thirsty too.” She handed me Beckett’s sippy cup. He greedily took it and gulped it down quickly. I turned to thank her but she was too far away by now. Hmmmm, this whole scenario wasn’t exactly strange but it also wasn’t my normal picnic in the park.

  Five minutes later, Beck was hungry for apples so we headed back to the table. We were munching on apples and drinking our lemonade, Beck was talking about how he’d sometimes like to go to the toy store and buy anything he wanted. I smiled at him as the first wave of nausea washed over me. I felt clammy and dizzy, my world shifted on its axis momentarily.


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