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A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set

Page 68

by A. D. Ellis

  The song ended and Josie roused herself from her content placement on my chest, looking up at me she smiled. “Thank you for the dance. We should do that more often, I like dancing with you.”

  I laughed and kissed her lips quickly, “I like dancing with you as well, Jo. Another song?” At her nod, I clicked play on my phone again and smiled into her hair as Mr. Big’s “To Be With You” came through the speakers. Again, fate was playing some pretty perfect songs tonight.

  As the song played, Josie’s hands began roaming up and down my back and then moved to my chest. When her fingernails trailed over my nipples, I let out a hiss and her eyes snapped to mine. In a split second she realized that her actions had caused that sound to escape from me and I saw a power-hungry glint in her eyes.

  When the song ended, her fingers danced over my chest again and a low rumble sounded from my chest. “Are you trying to get yourself in trouble, Jo? Because if you keep making those innocent little moves you may find yourself on the receiving end of some trouble.” I smiled as I said it to let her know that she was perfectly safe, and I had no intention of moving any faster than she wanted to move.

  Her tiny fingers began to slowly lift the hem of my shirt so that her hands could freely explore under the cloth. Trying to be patient, but failing, I reached behind my head and pulled the shirt over my head. The quick catch of her breath and the way her tongue wet her lips tried my patience even further. “I need to kiss you now, Jo.” Clasping the sides of her face, I crushed my lips against hers and swallowed her whimpers as I nipped at her full bottom lip. Taking cues from me, her teeth nipped at my lip and then she brought her sweet tongue to sooth the sting.

  “What’s next, Jose? Your call here, baby.” I knew what I wanted her to decide, but I had to let this be up to her. I smoothed my thumb over her bottom lip and groaned when she took it into her mouth and bit it.

  “Can we get naked and see where things go? I’m not saying we will or won’t have sex tonight, Kyle, but I want you to know that I’m not going to think less of you if we end up making that decision. I think I want you as much, if not more, than you want me. Now, before you strip me, last chance to guess what color I bought.” I loved that, in the middle of this heat and passion and the unknown, my girl could still joke around.

  “Um, ahhh, the pressure! Okay, okay, I’m going with… green!” I waited to see what her answer would be, but she just stepped closer to me and put my hands on the bottom of her sweater.

  “I guess you’ll just have to find out.” My hands made quick work of her sweater and I groaned when I saw her perfect breasts wrapped in shiny emerald green against her creamy white skin. My hands, having minds of their own, took their fill of her breasts. “Perfect choice, Jo. Perfect.” I reveled in the hard peaks under my fingertips; grasping her waist, I undid the button on her jeans and let my hands sneak under the material at her backside to find that she was wearing very little back there. “Damn, Jo, are you trying to kill me? A thong? It’s a good thing I didn’t know about this until now, or I would have been trying to get your pants off at dinner.” She giggled and shimmied her jeans off, stopping to take her shoes off.

  “Jo, baby, can you put the shoes back on? Please?” She furrowed her brows in confusion but slid them back on. I walked her to the full-length mirror on her closet door. “Look at yourself. Perfect. Beautiful. Mine.” I punctuated each word with a kiss to her neck.

  “Ky, look at us. We are gorgeous together. Our skin, our height, our hair color; we are so different but we fit together so beautifully.” Her voice became a mere whisper, “Take it all off and touch me, please.”

  Without another word, I removed her bra and her thong. I started to move her to the bed, but she stopped me and kept us at the mirror. “I want to watch your hands on me.”

  “No problem, baby. Reach up and clasp your hands behind my neck.” As she did this, her whole body was on display for me, nothing hidden. My hands roamed down her waist to her hips, letting my fingers feather over her core before traveling back up and settling in on her breasts. The moans and whimpers coming from her as she watched my hands on her made for a very uncomfortable party behind my zipper. “What do you want, Jo? Tell me what you want me to do.”

  Frustrated, she whimpered helplessly, “I don’t know. I want but I don’t know what I want. Just, just… God, Ky, just make it feel good.” Her legs began to tremble so I picked her up and laid her on the bed. “I’m leaving my pants on for now, Jo. I’m afraid if I take them off I’ll bust out of the starting gate before the signal is even given.” I picked up her foot and removed first one shoe then the other. Trailing kisses up her leg, I stopped where I most wanted to be and spoke softly. “You okay with this, Jo? Can I taste you?” The thrust of her hips against my mouth was answer enough for me; I placed my lips against her and tasted with my tongue. Holding her hips down, I continued an assault on her core. Within seconds, she was moaning my name and shattering; the sounds she was making were building my anticipation ten-fold.

  “Oh, my God, Kyle. What was that?!” She asked breathlessly as she rode the wave back down and returned to earth. I moved up her body, laid on my side, and pulled her to my chest.

  Kissing her, I laughed, “That, Jo, was what I’m guessing was your very first orgasm. A pretty damn great one if I do say so myself.” I smugly kissed her again, and she snuggled into me.

  “Wait! What about you? You didn’t get to do anything. I’m so sorry.” She started to panic as if I was mad that I hadn’t gotten off.

  “Jo, baby, I’m so close to coming in my pants it’s not even funny. Don’t ever think that watching you come means I didn’t get to do anything. I’ll never get tired of watching that and knowing that I’m the one bringing you that pleasure.” I kissed her again, “Plus, I’m not done with you yet. Rest up for a bit, then we’ve got more to explore.” Her raised eyebrows showed me that she didn’t think there could be more, and I happily accepted the challenge to prove her wrong.


  “It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else’s eyes.” ~Sally Field

  I never knew that a body could do that. I’d never found sex with Wayne enjoyable at all, but I never knew all that I’d been missing out on. I just thought good sex wouldn’t hurt, I had no clue it would feel so spectacular. And we hadn’t even had sex yet.

  Recalling his mouth and hands on me, I started to feel that tingly feeling again. Feeling greedy, I wanted more. “I think I’m ready for Round Two if you are.” I felt shy but curious as to what we could do next.

  Kyle rolled me under him and lit me on fire with his kiss; I knew that he was holding himself back for me and I appreciated it, but I was also anxious to see what he’d do if he let loose. I guessed I’d have to wait for that until the situation we were in wasn’t so new to me.

  His hot mouth and tongue and teeth on my breasts had me arching off the bed in an attempt to get closer to him. My body was on fire as he slowly trailed kisses down my stomach; he found the place he seemed to like the best and had me thrusting my hips against his tongue before I knew what had happened. “Touch me, Kyle.” Without another word he slowly slid one then two fingers inside and I strained against the feeling of fullness.

  “Relax, Jo. You’re so damn tight, I don’t know how I’ll hold myself back. Just let go and let me do all the work for now.” His fingers continued the in and out motion, bringing me back to that trembling, shaking state I had been in before. A single flick of his tongue and a curl of his fingers had me screaming his name and exploding.

  His mouth was quickly back on mine. “I will never get tired of hearing you scream my name, Jo. That was beautiful.” The hard length of him pressed into my hip and I was suddenly curious.

  “Can I touch you now?” I asked as my hand began to travel down toward my intended destination. I watched as he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth when I reached him. “God, Jo. I don’t know how long I can let you do that.” He hissed as I tightened
my hand around him. Removing his pants and reaching under the waistband of his underwear, I looked into his eyes.

  “Can I taste you too? I don’t know what to do, Wayne said…” The growl that came from him stopped me short.

  “Never talk about that asshole when we’re together like this. You can touch and taste anything you want, and you’ll be perfect at it.” Before he was completely done with this speech, I had dipped my finger into the bowl of icing, rubbed a bit on him, and flicked my tongue out to taste the tip before I took him completely in my mouth. “Fuck, Josie!” His hips bucked under my mouth, and I felt an extreme sense of power that I had such an effect on him. Adding my hand to the motion had him swelling and groaning more; I was surprised to find myself being pushed away. “Jo, you’ve got to stop, I can’t take anymore, and I’m not letting loose in your mouth this first time. Just use your hand if you want to see where this was heading.”

  I kissed his mouth and continued the motion with my hand and watched in fascination as pleasure ripped through his body and he shouted my name. Grabbing his shirt to clean himself up, he wrapped me in his arms, and we settled into a comfortable position.

  “Jo, I’m a greedy bastard, and I want more of you. I thought that taking it slow would be good, but now all I can think about is being inside of you. Let’s sleep a little and see what happens when we wake up. Before that, though, we should talk about protection. Are you on the pill? Do you want me to wear a condom?” He was so sweet and sincere in his question, I smiled into the dark and felt his arms tighten around me. I made note of the caring way he didn’t mention “birth control” knowing that birth control wasn’t something I needed to concern myself with.

  “I had the doctor run STD tests at my last annual exam and they were all clear. I’m just guessing here but I’d assume you’ve not been sleeping around, right?” At the slight nod of his head and the kiss of his lips on the back of my neck I continued. “Since I can’t get pregnant and we’re both free of diseases, I don’t think anything will be necessary as long as that’s okay with you as well.” He turned my head towards his mouth and kissed me long and slow; I felt him harden behind me.

  “That’s more than okay with me, Jo. Sleep now, babe, we’ve got some fun stuff to take care of in a little bit.” I cuddled into him and fell asleep wondering just what we’d find to occupy ourselves with once we woke.


  I blinked and looked at the clock. We’d been asleep about 2 hours. Well, I’d been asleep, I could feel the evidence of Kyle NOT sleeping poking into my backside.

  “Sorry, baby, I couldn’t keep my mind off of you.” His arms tightened around me, and I’d never felt so content and wanted and, yes, loved. The words hadn’t been spoken, but the feelings between Kyle and me were right there, floating on the surface.

  Rolling myself to face him, I smiled. “Hmmm, you’ve been thinking of me, huh? What exactly have you been thinking, Ky?” I lightly ran my hand along the length of him and grinned as he groaned.

  “You little minx.” He laughed almost painfully and kissed me. Whispering softly in my ear he spoke, “I’ll tell you what I’ve been thinking. I’ve been thinking about the sounds you made when I touched you and tasted you. I’ve been thinking of the look of pure pleasure on your face when you shattered from my touch. I’ve been thinking about what it’s going to be like when I finally have you under me; how beautiful it’s going to be when I show you just how perfectly we fit together.” The words he spoke brought goosebumps and had me shivering.

  “I want to feel that, Kyle; I want to see how perfectly we fit. Show me, please.” I leaned in to kiss him and found myself quickly rolled onto my back. The sensations between our bodies were overwhelming. The heat rising from where our skin touched, the contradiction of his hard body against my soft curves, the contrast between his olive colored and tattooed skin against my pale alabaster hued skin; it was a feast for the senses.

  “Josie, before we go any further, I want to you to know that I love you.” At the look of surprise on my face, he kissed me to punctuate each word. “I,” a kiss to the head. “Love,” a kiss to the nose. “You,” a kiss to my lips that lingered. Pulling back slightly, he spoke in a raw, emotional voice. “Jo, you’re my light, my hope, my future. Before you, I looked toward the future and saw only blackness; now I look at the future, and I see promise. A promise of you, of us. I had accepted that my life was to consist of just existing, but finding you brought me out of just existing to start living again. Thank you for that. Thank you for being you, for needing me, for saving me.” He laid his forehead against mine when he finished speaking. Closing my eyes, I let the tears run down my face. Kyle noticed my sniffle and pulled back, “I didn’t mean to make you cry, Jo.” He spoke with a smile and kissed away my tears.

  “I’m not crying because I’m sad, Ky. I’m crying because what you said was beautiful. I never thought I’d love anyone, let alone find someone who would love me. My goal was to start loving myself, I would have been happy with just that. But then I found myself here in Torey Hope surrounded by family and friends. You saved me from my past, you helped me learn to let go and just be me, you showed me how to love myself, you loved me.” Reaching up and cupping my hands around his face, I whispered, “Kyle Martin, I love you. I hate the hand you were dealt, but I am grateful that our paths crossed; I want that hope and that promise you see when you look toward the future. When I look at the future the details are a blur, but you and I together is a sure thing.” We held each other for a moment, savoring the words spoken between us.

  “No more talking, Jo.” His mouth trailed down my neck, and I gasped as he took a nipple in his mouth. His kisses were hot along my stomach and then all-too-quickly he was gone. I shivered at the loss of his heat and watched as he stood to remove his underwear. I smirked at his red briefs, hiding nothing of his desire for me; I knew that Kyle was a commando or briefs guy. At this moment I was a fan of the briefs outlining his glorious body, but seeing him commando was something I needed soon. My body tingled in anticipation as he crawled back onto the bed and fit himself perfectly between my legs.

  “I love you, Josie.” His lips settled against mine as he filled me, and I reveled in the completeness of it all. Holding himself still for a moment, he gave me time to adjust to his size. Then, with small thrusts, he began to move, and I started to lose myself in it all. “Don’t close your eyes, Jo, stay here with me; look at us, watch us together.” My heart sped, and I watched as he slid in and out, over and over. I couldn’t help it, I gave into the feeling and closed my eyes, sinking into the sensations he was giving me.

  Within moments I felt that now familiar tightening in my belly indicating that I was about to lose control. “Kyle…” I panted as his thrusts increased.

  “Jo, baby, I’m so close. Come with me, let me feel you, come now, baby.” He gritted his teeth as he spoke and drove into me harder and faster. The deep groan I heard matched perfectly with the swelling sensation I felt as he let go; with a final thrust he buried his face in my neck, breathing heavily. “Fuck, Jo. That was amazing. You were amazing.” Kissing me, he shuddered as our bodies lost the connection, but he gathered me in his arms and sighed deeply. “We’ll clean up in a minute, baby. I just want to hold you for a while. I love you, Josie.”


  I woke to a cold bed and a dark room. My body ached in a delicious way that reminded me what Kyle and I had shared. Padding to the bathroom, I took care of business and cleaned myself up a bit. It was very, very early, and I wondered where Kyle was. Cocking my ear, I listened to the silence of the house. The strains of music coming from his studio reached me, and I climbed the stairs. Rounding the doorway, I found him sitting on a stool haphazardly placed in the middle of the room. His naked back made my breath catch and I eyed the colorful tattoos with awe and appreciation. I watched as his body trembled and I heard him sniff his nose. Kyle was crying. His tall, lean, taut body was slumped over and shaking. I walked slightly f
arther into the room and my heart stopped when I saw what he was holding. A photo.

  A photo of Izzy.


  “It’s true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we’ve lost it, but it’s also true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.” ~Author Unknown

  My body shook as the tears left me. “God, Izzy, I’m so, so sorry. I loved you in the only way I knew how, and it was perfect for us at the time.” I paused, trying to gather my thoughts and words. “I know you can’t come back, and I’ve accepted that. I know that you never doubted my love. I no longer feel guilty moving on. But, after what I just shared with Josie, I feel guilty that you and I never had that. I feel bad that I never gave you that earth-shattering experience. Making love to you was beautiful, but it never made the earth move for either of us and for that I am sorry. Thank you for being my friend and loving me and for encouraging me to love Josie. I know I’ll see you some day; until then, please be happy. I love you, Izzy. Bye.” I took a deep breath as I let go of Izzy for the final time.


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