A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set

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A Torey Hope Novel Series: The Complete 4-Book Box Set Page 69

by A. D. Ellis

I felt Josie behind me and I stiffened, fearful of how this would look to her. Laying the picture on the table to my left, I turned to her and gathered her in my arms. “That was beautiful, Kyle. I think you just gave yourself and Izzy some real closure.” She held me in her arms, running her fingers up and down my back. We stood like that for a short time, just breathing in the moment. “So, earth-shattering, huh?” She spoke with a smile in her voice.

  “Yeah, Jo, earth-shattering. You have no idea. Now, before we move the earth again, I think we need some breakfast. I’m going to make you my famous blueberry pancakes and watch your earth shatter again.” I smiled and kissed her as she laughed.

  “Mmmmm, famous blueberry pancakes, huh? Sounds promising. Can I request you make them in just your underwear?” She blushed as she asked, but I knew there was nothing she asked that I wouldn’t try to give her.


  Two hours later, stomachs full of delicious blueberry pancakes, desires sated again, water saved by sharing a sensual shower, and dishes done, I kissed her goodbye and headed to the shop. I had a client coming in and needed to get things set up. Josie planned on working on her paintings today so I knew there would be a good three or four hours where she was immersed into her own little world.

  After filling in my client’s outline for over an hour, I stated it was time to take a break. I texted Josie, hoping to catch her on a break of her own. When I didn’t hear from her for ten minutes, I headed back to finish the last hour on my client. A niggling thought was eating at my brain, though. Josie was just caught up in her painting, right? There wasn’t any reason to worry about her; I was just feeling more connected and protective because of last night. Right?


  “It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self-love deficit.” ~Eartha Kitt

  Josie. Josie! Please listen to me. Damn it, Josie, turn the flippin’ music down and listen to me. Please, JOSIE!!

  Startled, I broke free from the trance of colors I was in. Between the music and the colors and the emotions of last night, I’d totally lost myself in the painting; I was anxious when I recognized the panic in Izzy’s voice.

  Turning the music off and wiping my hands, I paused to listen.

  Josie, get to the shop now. Don’t clean up, don’t change your clothes, just go now.

  “Izzy, you’ve never scared me before, but you’re scaring me now. What the hell is going on?” I spoke in a panicked voice and headed down the stairs, breathlessly anticipating what Izzy was trying to tell me.

  I think someone is here. I don’t know who it is, but I sense he’s not a good person. You need to get to Kyle now. I’ll follow the best I can.

  I saw a black car blocking our driveway when I peeked out the window. Turning on my heel, I snuck out the back door and ran through some backyards and empty lots until I reached the middle school. Fate was on my side because Nate and Jeremiah were there playing basketball; if they’d had their children with them, I never would have stopped to ask them for help, but since it was just the men, I ran over to them and breathlessly explained the situation the best I could.

  “Nate! Jeremiah! Hi, um, I’m sorry to interrupt your game but I think my ex-husband is in town and I think he’s following me. Izzy told me to get to the shop, but a black car was blocking our driveway so I started to run. Can you guys walk me the rest of the way to Kyle’s shop?” Once I was finished talking, I stopped to catch my breath and was hit with the reality that my ex-husband was most likely here. Here in my safe place. Here where I’d hidden myself in the safety of my family and friends. Wayne had found me and now my safe place was no longer secret or safe. Tears welled in my eyes.

  Nate and Jeremiah immediately dropped what they were doing. “No problem, Josie, we’ve got you. Jeremiah, call Audrey and tell her to call the police. If it’s the ex, he’s breaking the restraining order. Tell her to let them know we’ll be at the shop. Come on, Josie, let’s walk. We’ll take the short cut, that way there’s no hidden areas for him to trap us into.” Nate spoke quickly and efficiently as he and Jeremiah flanked and we started toward the shop. I wasn’t relaxed, but I felt as protected as I could be at that moment. I tried not to worry, I tried not to look around frantically, but I failed at both.

  Jeremiah hung up with Audrey, smirking even though the situation was tense. “Well, if it’s the ex, he better hope that the police get to him before Audrey gets to the shop. She’s a bit pissed off.” We all smiled ruefully in an attempt to lighten the atmosphere.

  I glanced behind me and recognized the figure following us; he was about two blocks behind us but there was no doubt who it was. Wayne Erickson, my ex-husband, had found me.

  We reached the shop and I ran toward the back to find Kyle while Nate and Jeremiah guarded the door to keep Wayne out.

  “Kyle!” I shrieked and realized too late that he may have a client here. The look of sheer terror on Kyle’s face when he rounded the corner almost brought me to my knees. Luckily it looked like the shop was empty; I rushed to his arms and began to sob hysterically.

  “Josie, baby, what’s wrong. Damn, I knew something was off. When I couldn’t get a response from you I should have come straight home. Josie, talk to me. Why are Nate and Jeremiah here?” He held me as I cried, but I could tell he was anxious and wanted some answers.

  Composing myself the best I could, I began to speak. “I was painting, totally in a zone, when Izzy started yelling at me. She told me to get out of the house and get here, to you, now. She didn’t know who it was, but she felt someone bad was at the house. A black car was blocking the driveway so I cut through backyards and empty lots until I got to the middle school and found Jeremiah and Nate. Jeremiah called Audrey to have her call the police and they walked me here. It’s Wayne, Kyle. He found me.”

  At that moment, a voice from my past boomed through the front of the shop. “Step back, I’m not here to cause trouble, I just need to speak to Josephine Erickson.” Kyle kept me behind him as we walked toward the front. I saw Nate and Jeremiah, arms crossed over their chests, standing in front of Wayne. He looked scrawny and pale compared to the tall, solid, strong men standing in front of him. “Josephine, come here. This has gone on long enough. It’s time for you to come home.” Wayne spoke with derision, and the look of disgust on his face was almost comical.

  I stepped out from behind Kyle but kept hold of his hand. “My name isn’t Josie Erickson anymore, Wayne. I’m Josie Decker and this IS my home.” I spoke with force and held my chin high with a confidence I didn’t realize until that exact moment that I had.

  “Josephine, I’ve known where you were the whole time. I’ve had a crew watching you the entire time you’ve been here. I’ve just been biding my time while you got this little trashy side out of your system. But now it’s time to return to who you really are.” He tried to take a step toward me and all three men moved to shield me at the same time.

  “Wayne, there’s a restraining order against you, and you’re breaking it. The police will be here soon. I am where I want to be; you and I are divorced; I’m not going back to that life. This is my life now.” Kyle stepped in front of me when he saw the anger form on Wayne’s face.

  “Wayne, you need to listen to her and leave. The police are on their way. Just let it go and save yourself some trouble. Josie’s made her decision, and she’s staying here.” Kyle spoke with authority; the “fuck’em” attitude coming out, he was not the least bit afraid of Wayne. I knew there was more he wanted to say, but he held himself in check in hopes of this ending quickly and easily.

  “Fuck off, you piece of trash. You may think that because you’ve had a piece of her she’s yours now, but one lousy lay doesn’t mean anything. I had every inch of her first, and I need her back on my team. Josephine, I’m running for state senator, and I need you to complete the ‘perfect family’ picture. My media people are going to spin a story about
your mental breakdown and my trying to find peace; they will portray our reunion as true love, and we’ll move up the social and political ladders together. You’ve not done anything yet that we can’t cover up or hide or spin. You need to do this for me and for your parents, for all that we did for you.” Wayne was speaking forcefully, his desperation and anger becoming more and more apparent.

  “I’m not going to say this again. I. AM. HOME. I’m not coming back to you. What you and my parents did to me is unforgivable; the only thing you deserve for all you ‘did for me’ is a swift kick to the nuts and a bad case of crabs.” I felt Kyle chuckle next to me as he tightened his arm around me. “Now, the police just pulled up; too bad you didn’t leave when you had the chance. I’m sure your connections will have you out before too long, but have fun wherever they take you. Don’t come back here.” I spoke with disgust and conviction and finality. Wayne was not going to ruin my new life.

  “Josephine, I can’t have my ex-wife causing me issues during this campaign. I will have people watching you; I swear, if you do anything that could be used against me or deemed unacceptable in the eyes of voters, there will be hell to pay for both you and your new family.” He sputtered his threat through gritted teeth and squinted eyes. My stomach revolted as I recalled the pain from his fists; would he hurt me again? Would he hurt my family and friends?

  “Wayne Erickson, you are under arrest for violating a protective order. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense. Do you understand these rights?” I watched in satisfaction as the officer placed the cuffs on Wayne’s wrists. As childish as it sounds, I found comfort in the fact that he grimaced when the cuffs were tightened; he deserved to feel some pain.

  “Yes, I understand my rights. My attorney is in the car, he’ll follow us to the station.” Wayne spoke dismissively to the officer, as if this arrest was less than a blip on the radar of his important life. He was probably right, his lawyers and PR people would have this erased within minutes. “Josephine, I meant what I said. Don’t do anything to tarnish my reputation. I’ll find out about it.”

  I smirked when the officer jerked on the cuffs a little harder than probably necessary as Wayne made his threat. “I suggest you keep your mouth shut, Mister Erickson.” The officer spoke in a condescending way and led Wayne to the patrol car.

  The officer who remained explained to me that since this was the first violation of the protective order, no physical harm was done, and no children were involved, then it would be classified as a class 2 misdemeanor. Unfortunately, with Wayne’s status and lawyers and PR, he’d be out and back home being Mr. Running-for-Public-Office by the end of the day.

  Kyle was pissed. “So, he can violate this ‘protective order’ but nothing happens because he didn’t get a chance to HURT her?! In order for him to be in more trouble she has to get HURT? Are you fucking kidding me?!” I tried to calm him as he ran his hands through his hair.

  “Kyle, I don’t think he’ll come back. He doesn’t want any bad publicity. He’s trying to get elected, he’s not going to take any chances with that.” For the most part, I believed what I was saying. I really didn’t think Wayne would want any negative publicity, and if he violated the restraining order, or protective order, again he’d be in more trouble. I didn’t think he’d risk it. But, a small part of me worried about his threats.

  “Yeah, Jo? What about his threat that he’ll have people watching you and that you better not step out of line or make him look bad? What about that?” Kyle turned to the officer. “Is there anything that can be done about that?” My heart hurt for Kyle because I knew he was scared and worried and just trying to protect me and our families.

  “We will put an extra patrol around your house to watch for suspicious activity, but unless the people he has watching you actually DO something, we can’t really do much.” The officer spoke in an almost defeated manner, as if he’d dealt with this type of scenario before.

  “Thank you, Officer. We’d appreciate any extra protection you could offer. Is there anything else that needs to be taken care of or are we done here?” After giving the officer my statement, we were allowed to leave. Kyle locked up the shop and we walked, hand-in-hand, towards home. A car pulled up beside us and Audrey waved.

  “Come over to our house at 6:00 pm! Everyone is coming over and we’re going to do a pizza feast! You can’t say no; you guys need your friends and family tonight. Be there!” She laughed and drove off. Kyle and I could do nothing but smile at her retreating car.

  “She’s right, we need to spend time with family and friends tonight. But do you know who I want to spend my time with this afternoon?” I teased at Kyle, bumping his shoulder as we walked. His expression was grim, but he took the distraction and played along.

  “Hmmm, I don’t know. Who would you like to spend time with this afternoon? Libby? Your uncle?” I laughed out loud and stopped walking so I could hug him. I didn’t care that we were on the sidewalk in the middle of town, I pulled his face towards mine and kissed his lips.

  “I want to spend my afternoon with you. Maybe a bath or shower and a nap before Pizza Feast? Or maybe something else to while away our time?” We smiled at each other, and the cool air around us seemed to disappear as our gazes heated.


  After a snack of Libby’s Little Butter Cookies, we spent the rest of our afternoon in the bedroom. It was safe to say that Kyle kept my mind off of Wayne, multiple times. A quick nap refreshed us. We woke in time to take a shower before heading to Audrey’s. Well, we had time to take a shower. We didn’t have time to play in the shower, but Kyle thought the day wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t get to learn about shower sex. We were fashionably late to the Pizza Feast.


  “You’re late! But since you’re both glowing and grinning like idiots, I’m going to assume you have a legitimate reason for your tardiness and let it go this one time.” Audrey grinned and hugged me to her chest. “You will give me details later understand?” Her feigned whisper was heard by everyone around us and chuckles abounded.

  Jeremiah clapped Kyle on the back, “You will NEVER give me details understand?” That broke the embarrassing tension and everyone laughed. Except Beckett; he just rolled his eyes and shook his head, walking away he mumbled, “I’ll never understand the red-cheeks and jokes you guys make.”

  “You still haven’t talked to him about making babies, have you?” Nicky piped up from his position behind Carly. He was rubbing her belly and kissing on her neck.

  “No, no I haven’t. I know I need to do it soon. But I get all flustered. Maybe I could have his uncles help me with it some day? Whatdya say, Nate? Nick? Want to help me explain it to him?” Jeremiah looked at the men hopefully

  Nate looked like a deer caught in headlights, but Nicky readily agreed. “Sure! We can tell him something simple about it, nothing too detailed. Then we’ll go get ice cream. Nate, you better get ready now so you can tell Sawyer and Decker about it one day.” Nicky always looked at things in such a simple manner.

  “Um, sure, we’ll make a day of it. Guess I better figure out the best way to do it before my own kids are old enough to need ‘the talk.’ Man, I’m trained to talk to kids about issues every day at school, but the thought of talking to my nephew or my own kids about ‘making babies’ is overwhelming.” Nate ran a hand over his face.

  “It will be fine. Nicky’s right, they don’t need a lot of details. Tell Beck the basics and then don’t elaborate unless he asks something requiring specifics.” Libby spoke soothingly to her husband and kissed him chastely on the cheek.

  Kyle must have sensed I was getting a little melancholy with all of this talk of ‘making babies’ because he clapped his hands together, “Okay, where’s this Pizza Feast taking p
lace? I’m starving.” The distraction was taken and everyone headed to the kitchen. I hung back just long enough to speak quietly to him.

  “Thanks, KJ. As much as I love the ‘making babies’ process with you, it hurts a little to know we’ll never be successful in that department.” I leaned in to kiss him. He surprised me by spinning me around and down a dark hallway.

  “Mmmmm, I will make it my mission to be ‘successful’ in that department every single day. My success is based on how many times I make you scream my name. So far, I’m batting a thousand. Pretty successful in my opinion.” He bit my smiling lip and then ran his tongue across it sucking it gently into his mouth. “I think I may be successful again tonight, and tomorrow, and the next day.” Now my gloomy attitude was changed to one of lustful desire, and I wanted nothing to do with pizza; I only wanted Kyle, in bed, with me. He reached up and tweaked a nipple while whispering in my ear. “Think of all the ways we can be successful while you’re enjoying your dinner, Jo. Just know that the entire time we are here, I’ll be thinking of the next time I get to bury myself in you. You just let me know when you’re ready to leave, babe.”

  I groaned into his mouth, “Now, let’s leave now.”

  Laughing he kissed me quickly, “That would be rude, now wouldn’t it. You’ll just have to be a little hot and bothered for a while.”

  We both jumped at the sound of Beckett hollering down the hallway. “Mom! Can you turn down the heat? Kyle said Josie is hot and it’s bothering her.” Stifling a laugh so as not to embarrass the child, we composed ourselves and headed into the kitchen only to be met with smirks and grins from the adults gathered around the table.

  The rest of the evening was perfect. Laughing with friends and family, enjoying our favorite pizza, and playing a rousing game of Euchre was just what I needed.

  Later that night, Kyle was exactly what I needed. Several ‘successes’ later, we fell into a sweet slumber. I refused to let Wayne ruin my happiness. I was a wild horse, recklessly abandoning the corral he was trying to lock me in again. I would live my life and love Kyle. Wayne wouldn’t ruin it.


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