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Nawx (Project IzeBorn Book 1)

Page 41

by Andrew Jones

  Kryptonite sighed as he watched outside, "Some New World this ended up being... I wonder what happened, it was supposed to be more prosperous than this..."

  "You think it has to do with Drakkar having control of the Dragoonas?" Nova asked as she looked up at Kryptonite.

  He nodded his head as he looked back at them, "Most likely. His influence might have taken a strong effect on their destruction of the other world. Either way, this world is in ruins as well, probably worse than our world."

  "We have to think of something before we are killed. It won't be long until they find a way to break in here..." Blaze muttered as she looked up at Kryptonite as well.

  "They won't come in here," Xanadu spoke as he walked down the stairs into everyone's field of vision.

  Blaze, Nova and Kryptonite looked at him with shock and spoke at the same time, "Xan!?"

  Journal Entry X

  The Purity of Life

  Tranquility. Calmness. Serenity. Stillness. Repose. Placidity. Silence. Peacefulness. Composure. Equanimity.

  The need for a perfect life was wanted by everyone. But only the ones who had a strong will could go out and try to grasp that perfect life they wanted so badly. They would make a promise, a promise of ever change to their lives. Within the quiet bliss, tranquility arises in the aura. They're hearts fill with everlasting light that would give them the courage they need for that perfect life.

  To cast away the darkness that tried to consume them. They would feel discouraged at times. They shall relieve themselves from the chains that barricade themselves within the wallows of the deep depths of darkness. The darkness sees through them and senses their innermost fears. Within the quiet bliss, calmness arises in the aura. The darkness is vanquished and all that is felt is the calm spirit that has awakened within their beating hearts.

  Troublesome memories occur in the individual. The corruption has taken a toll on them and to the point of which they could only dream of their nightmares. The nightmares wake them up at night, and sometimes they would inflict physical and mental harm against the individual. The individual bought a gun and decided to take his fate into his own hands. Within the quiet bliss, serenity arises in the aura. The nightmare cannot harm someone who cannot dream because the individual cannot dream of a nightmare any longer and has found bliss in death.

  The pain of hearing the words one does not wish to hear. It inflicts pain that reaches into unimaginable heights. It does incredible harm to one's mind, soul and heart and leaves them more damaged than an attack from a godly figure. The person allowed these words to drive him insane and to the point where he did not want to hear those words again, he was ever so desperate. He stabbed two knives into ears and twisted them inside, doing more damage until he could hear no longer. Within the quiet bliss, stillness arises in the aura. The words of harm could do no more damage if they are not heard.

  A face in repose. This individual has given up on Humanity and has grown an overwhelming hate for all Humans. The individual dreaded the likes of interacting with people, their influence had never reached him in the ways they were intended. The individual grew more frustrated each day that passed. So the individual found these pills that would help him fall into a forgetful sleep. Taking too much of the pills helped him fall into an infinite sleep, a sleep that no one could interrupt. Within the quiet bliss, repose arises in the aura.

  This individual enjoyed company, quite the opposite of the infinite dreamer. The individual enjoyed being showered by people who came to them for offerings, favors and just simply to give their company. They were serene and seemed to please the others more than themselves. They soon grew unhealthy as they took other's conditioning as more of a priority than themselves. The people showered them with their cherishing until it became too much and they ended up losing their life after becoming forgetful of themselves. Within the quiet bliss, placidity arises in the aura. Within the individual's memories, they cannot recall any memory of themselves, they could only remember the satisfied smiles of the people around them.

  This individual was quiet, quieter than anyone who had been living in the area. They were private and carried along the weight of many secrets they wished not to tell. It was like the individual could not speak at all, but they understood the language of the land just well. In an incident, they tried to scream, but no voice escaped their parted lips. They tapped the ground and did all they could to create noise, but they had remained as silent as ever. Within the quiet bliss, a silence arises in the aura. The individual made no sound as they died, and because of that, they were never found by anyone and they were left to rot alone.

  As this land creates war after war, this individual continues to refuse to fight. As an opponent's fist rises, the individual keeps his hands down and takes the pain without any intention of fighting back or blocking the hits. They took the hits and was eventually left on the ground as they bled to death. They screamed, but it was not because of the pain. They seemed to enjoy the feeling of pain. It was a pleasure unlike anything else, and the individual was happy to die with the utmost pain. Within the quiet bliss, peacefulness arises in the aura. The individual could only wish that during death, he could rewind time and feel the pain he once felt in the past.

  This person was always able to control themselves. As other's around them became influenced by society, this person would refuse to be manipulated by such acts. They stayed calm, especially when others would try to persuade them otherwise. But one day they struggled to control themselves, and they lost control completely. The strength they had was no more and they went out to kill many people. The hatred the individual had inside broke through her control and she was executed days later. Within the quiet bliss, composure arises in the aura. The individual was able to keep calm during their execution, as they would die with honor shortly after.

  This individual was able to control their emotion with precise skill. As a difficult decision came up that would bring upon stress, the individual dealt with it like it was no problem. But when they learned of their family's death, the individual lost the ability to control their emotions. They cried nonstop for days, they destroyed all of their possessions, their once mental calmness was altered like their personality. Within the quiet bliss, equanimity arises in the aura. The individual spent their remaining days locked in a windowless room, with their arms tied behind their back, and no influence on the outside world, only to go madder as they are to be stuck with their enraged and broken mind.

  Tranquility. Calmness. Serenity. Stillness. Repose. Placidity. Silence. Peacefulness. Composure. Equanimity.

  The Purity of Life.

  Verse XVII

  A Paradox Not Worthy of Destiny

  "It... It wasn't supposed to happen this way..." Xanadu whispered as he walked down the stairs and approached the three who were sitting on the floor.

  Blaze's eyes widened as she saw him, she had forgotten all about him- how she saved him and how he saved her. How they were like the perfect team back in this world called Between Time. This whole time she convinced herself that that incident was a hoax like it didn't happen. Her body was not charged, and her soul or mind had gone on a journey. A journey to find herself in a world that never was. But then Xanadu was right here and he looked at her as if he knew her for a long time like they had become acquainted.

  Her eyes flicked, she began to blink without her own control as she held her head. Her head was throbbing in pain all of a sudden. Xanadu gasped and went to her aid. He placed his hand on her head and sighed.

  "Xan..." Blaze softly spoke as she looked up at him, "What's happening? Was that world real? The world you and I was?"

  Xanadu grunted awkwardly as he looked back at Nova and Kryptonite who were standing behind him with their arms crossed, looking like they were interested in what they were talking about. They were clearly eavesdropping, but there was no use in Xanadu keeping his origins and his mission a secret. He stood up and gripped his hands in a tight fist, showing his inner frustrat

  "This wasn't supposed to happen. The future I was leading you along... It was toward light, not darkness." Xanadu spoke softly, his voice held a hidden indication of anger and pain.

  Nova tilted her head, "Huh? Blaze, what is he talking about?"

  "When I helped recharge your inner battery, Nova, I was taken this world... It was called Between Time, was it?" Blaze tried to explain as she looked back at Xanadu.

  He nodded his head, "Right. Between Time. It is a secret world that lies within the bowels of every world's Timeline. We are not effected by Time, but we have full control over it. We allow everything to age, to die, to become born, to ensure the life cycle of every individual of every Timeline. However, my special Timeline I was appointed became more disrupt than all the others."

  Nova, Blaze, and Kryptonite kept their eyes on Xanadu, keeping their attention on his while he told them the ancient tale of Humanity's origins, the true story, as well as the true ending of it.

  The world was created by the greenery- the greenery that would soon produce grass, trees and flowers. The greenery are what produced the adjusts that were needed for beings to find life in the world. Due to this new found resource, Humans started being created throughout the land. The first wave of children went to create the land called Izequin, where two kingdoms were created. This was the time when Xanadu's research had truly begun, as the Human's true nature would soon reveal themselves at the brink of war. The need for power, the lust for brutality. Humans of this world craved the sight of blood, and even when the war between the two kingdoms passed, there were still Humans killing others. With this knowledge, Xanadu was certain this was an anatomy of a soon-to-be paradox- the paradox that would soon bring about the Ruse virus to the world. With this study, he found that Humans had contained darkness ever since they were born and the only way they were to gain any sort of light in their hearts was to 'find themselves'. Humans wanted to be different than the others, they wanted to be unique. However, even when they found the light they were destined to find, they still found a way to be manipulated by their inner darkness. Ruse was the manifestation of the darkness within the Human heart. Once a Human strengthens the rage or sadness within them, their darkness would manifest and control them. They would be control by the very thing that they suffered from, their emotions.

  Throughout history, there have been Humans who've tried to overcome this corruption, they tried to control Ruse for their own personal preference. To achieve unimaginable power in most cases. But in doing so, Xanadu found a file that contained numerous files about suicides. He found that the Human heart could never contain the high level of emotion, as well as their inner darkness scoffing at them. Their hatred would turn directly toward themselves and they find that killing themselves would make the world more peaceful. These people who are consumed by their inner darkness, or Ruse, are the true victims of this corruption. As they are consumed, they completely lose their free will. But they are still able to see their own eyes, hear through their own ears, and feel the immense pain they are causing to their victims. And the more they suffer from their inner darkness consuming them, the more powerful their dark form would become.

  "The darkness that resides inside their hearts... Does this go for machines, as well?" Nova asked.

  Xanadu nodded his head, "Yes. The Armagna Network was a virus software that was designed to infect machines to where they would have something similar to Ruse. It was created by Lilith as a way to ensure that she would have full control over the machines." He answered as he looked down at Blaze, "But she only did that because she cared about all of them, including you, Blaze.

  Blaze looked down as he began talking about Lilith.

  "So, what was this mission of yours?" Kryptonite asked as he sat down by Blaze and crossed his paws.

  "It was to ensure that this Timeline of yours goes smoothly. I'm supposed to make sure everyone's fate comes true. And... I guess I didn't do so good."

  Xanadu told them about the time he was first given the role of ensuring the safety of the Timeline. He was a new recruit and he had no experience at all. He had most of his experience as a scanner; someone who would research the many worlds in the Timelines and compare them. He was responsible for gaining the knowledge of the environments of the worlds and what was able to either kill or harm the subjects of the worlds, or what could determine an alteration- a swift and bizarre change in the flow of time. He thought that he could ensure the safety of this world, and the subjects of Nova, Atreyu, and Blaze caught his attention first. They had such odd backgrounds, but their futures were supposed to be filled with light, the light each of them wanted to experience. He focused on those three and promised himself that he would do that. And as of now, he is still trying to ensure Nova and Blaze get their light. As Atreyu died, he knew he had already gotten his light as he passed on to the New World. He knew that Atreyu hated living in a corrupted world, similar to Blaze.

  Blaze smiled at him, "You're doing the best you can."

  Xanadu chuckled, "Yeah, I wish I could say that. I'm sure Ace has changed around the Timeline. He created an alteration which brought these dramatic changes, there is no other way."

  "How can we change it back, Xan? There has to be a way to override all of this, right?" Nova asked.

  "There is, but it is risky. I cannot go back to my world because I'm a wanted man over there. So I guess I'll have to bring an alteration manually."

  "How will we do that?" Kryptonite asked.

  "We have to enter the hearts of the dark beings outside."

  Kryptonite gasped, "W-Why? Is there an actual way of doing that!?"

  Xanadu chuckled and nodded his head, "Of course. Everyone's hearts in a world are connected, and that connection has built an illusionous world that we can only penetrate through our dreams.

  Blaze nodded her head as she leaned herself on a table next to her and used that to help her get on her feet, "All right... What's our plan?"

  "No, you can't fight. Kryptonite, please watch over her. Nova and I are going to step outside." Xanadu ordered as he held Blaze and helped her down on the floor again.

  "Roger!" Kryptonite shouted as he plopped himself on Blaze's lap.

  As Blaze sighed from her sudden uselessness, she watched Xanadu take Nova outside. The area was still darkened by the dark red sky, and the dark beings roamed around aimlessly. There were a few who had been trying to rip off the face of one of them, as they dive onto him. The fight only got worse as each of them grabbed its arms and legs and tried to pull its arms and legs off.

  "Why are they so violent?" Nova asked.

  Xanadu scoffed, "Because they're power hungry. Just like the old times, they crave the need for blood and violence. That's just Human nature. The hidden truth of Humanity."

  "And... Us machines wanted to be like them... No wonder why we're in trouble as well." Nova grunted painfully as she spoke.

  Xanadu frowned at beside him at Nova as he pulled out his two blades, two dual blades like Nova, "Get a grip on yourself! What we have to do is steal one of their hearts and we're in."

  Nova raised an eyebrow, "That's all?"

  "Not at all. We have to make them feel vulnerable for the gates of the world to open up. We have to let them know that we are here to steal their heart. But from I saw, they will be highly intimidated by it, so prepare for anything."

  Nova nodded as she pulled out her own dual blades. She followed Xanadu as he ran up front at the dark beings. He stopped just in front of a big crowd of them and shouted loudly to get their attention. It wasn't too long until all of the dark beings look over at the two and growl.

  "We're here to steal one of your hearts. So, why don't you make this easy and fork one of them over? Or shall we do this the hard way?"

  The dark beings stare at Xanadu without moving. But they were suddenly able to make both of their visions go dark. They couldn't see anything, but they were able to hear ruffling in the background. It sounded like the sound of bones breakin
g, and it wasn't just one bone, it was multiple bones breaking in a movement like it was in a movement to create a new form. Nova and Xanadu both rub their eyes and as they took their hands away and blinked a few times, they regained their vision. Though the dark beings had disappeared. They looked around and didn't see anything until Nova looked below them and saw a large monstrous shadow around them. Xanadu gasped as he grabbed Nova's hand and rushed out of the shadow's casting. They both jumped out of the way as the shadow broke through the ground and revealed itself.

  It was a monstrous being, with hundreds of red eyes being lined down its body, it also had hundreds of arms that lines down the monster's sides. Its height reached high into the sky and as it roared, the ground's cracks began breaking into new cracks.

  "This monster is huge..." Nova whispered as she observed it.

  "It is the Guardian of the Human's Heart. It won't be easy, but you have enough light inside you to do defeat it."

  The monster roared as a circle appeared in front of it. Strange symbols appeared around the circle as the symbols seemed to power up the circle. It had been a force field that would repel all of their physical attacks. But Xanadu knew his crystal power could penetrate the force field. He held his arm up and made it morph into a sharp crystalized sword.

  "The only way we can defeat this being is for you to penetrate inside the being and destroy its darkness," Xanadu explained.

  "H-How?" Nova gasped.


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