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Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He also wore a worn-out baseball cap that had the word Texas on the front but immediately removed it as he greeted Mary. His dark-brown eyes and crew-cut dark hair were enhanced by the small earring he had in one ear. She could also see the tattoos on his arm. The man was gorgeous and older. She swallowed hard as Mary introduced them.

  “We saw one another at Francine’s during lunch,” Lucifer said and eyed Lucia over.

  Mary smiled.

  “Great. So you know one another. Come in and let me show you what I need done. It’s great that Lucia is here too since she’ll be overseeing the job.”

  “Overseeing the job?” he asked with an attitude that instantly put Lucia on guard.

  “Yes, she’s my new personal assistant and helper. She’ll be keeping a close eye on you and your workers,” Mary added as she led the way up the stairs. Lucifer motioned for Lucia to go first, and she couldn’t help but feel the man’s eyes upon her. She was practically shaking, he was so big and attractive.

  As they first entered the room below where the ceiling leaked onto the flooring, Lucia watched Lucifer inspect the damage. “Damn, I assume that Bob got the leak fixed and did his repairs?” Lucifer asked.

  “Yes. You’ll see the damage in the walls and the floor from the new installation of pipes upstairs,” Mary said.

  “This is a shame. Was that all original wood?” Lucia asked.

  “It was, and I was very upset over it. But Lucifer here is a great finisher. He does excellent woodwork and can make it look just like the original. Isn’t that right, Lucifer?” Mary asked as she headed out of the room.

  “Yes, Ma’am, I’ll try my best,” he said but looked at Lucia and gave her body the once-over.

  Lucia pulled her sweater closed and lowered her eyes as she followed Mrs. Higgins from the room.

  She couldn’t get over the feeling she had. Lucifer placed her on edge and made her feel a bit anxious. She wanted to place some distance between herself and Lucifer. He was tall, at least six foot three, and he had a presence about him that made her feel small and inadequate. It was odd, but instead of being angry or turned off by feeling such emotions, Lucia felt an attraction.

  As they entered the upper bedroom, Lucia gasped at the sight. Walls were partially torn down, flooring wasn’t in place, and the glistening new pipes didn’t even make the room appealing. It was a mess.

  She watched and listed as Lucifer whistled.

  “This is one hell of a mess,” Lucifer acknowledged as he stood there with one hand on his hip and the other rubbing the small dusting of facial hair on his chin. It made him suddenly appear older, more intriguing, and her belly did a series of flips and flops.

  “I know, that’s why I called you, Lucifer. You can handle this. You can make it look beautiful again,” Mary said as she carefully walked between the open planks of wood and looked at the window.

  Lucia saw the emotion in Mary’s eyes from across the room. She felt badly for her. This was a very large bedroom and would be gorgeous once the renovations were complete.

  “Do you want it to look exactly the way it did before?” he asked Mary.

  “Well, it needed some updating anyway. The layout is fine, and really, I intend to use it as guest’s quarters.”

  “Was there anything about it you wanted to change before the plumbing problem?” Lucia thought to ask.

  Lucifer gave her an odd look, as if he were about to ask the same question and she beat him to it.

  “I was going to ask the same thing,” he confirmed.

  “Well, the lighting has always bothered me, the small window and all, but I really want something unique.”

  “What about a larger window with a half-moon inlay at top? Then we can accent this wall with crown molding for a more traditional Victorian style,” Lucifer brainstormed aloud.

  “With the scalloped edging and then perhaps taking the half-moon window and doing etched glass and surround the sides with long, thick velvet drapes that extend from ceiling to floor. You could probably add in a richer, darker wide-planked wood that would truly give that old-world charm feeling,” Lucia added.

  “Etched glass?” Lucifer questioned.

  “Sure, that would look so rich and inviting. Just imagine enhancing the flooring with the wider planks of a dark wood, then the four-poster bed with a thick, rich burgundy comforter and assorted pillows. The canopy atop the posts could almost match the curtains on the window or even bring in some other deep colors like what appeared to be present before the damage.”

  “This is going to work out even better than I hoped. When can you both get started?” Mary asked as Lucia stared at Lucifer, who had a small smirk on his face.

  “We, Ma’am?” Lucia asked.

  Mary smiled as she placed her arm around Lucia’s shoulder.

  “Yes, the two of you are going to work together to redesign this bedroom as well as the room below and bring it back to life. I expect it to be done in time for Christmas and all the guests I usually have, Lucifer,” Mary said over her shoulder.

  “By Christmas? That’s only eleven weeks away,” Lucifer replied as he followed them out of the room. Lucia chuckled to herself. It seemed Mary had an ability to get people to do whatever it was she wanted. Lucia's impression of Mary had changed. She liked her, and she hoped that Mary would be happy when all was said and done.

  “I don’t know, Mrs. Higgins. This is a lot to do in such a short period of time. Plus, what are Lucia’s credentials? How do I know she has a clue as to what her part is?”

  “You don’t, Lucifer. But from the small display of knowledge she projected here, I believe her credentials are clear. Now work things out with one another. Exchange numbers, meet to discuss, whatever it is necessary to get things going, and I'm sure this project will be successful. But remember that Lucia is also going to be doing other work for me, so plan accordingly.”

  “Well, want to give me your cell number and we’ll touch base on this?” Lucifer asked Lucia.

  She was embarrassed as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and looked from Mary to Lucifer.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t have one,” she quickly added. “But I’ll be working here, as Mrs. Higgins just said, so perhaps we could take some time to discuss it when I’m not needed for something else?”

  Lucifer looked at Mrs. Higgins with his arms crossed in front of his chest.

  “That will work out fine. You both can leave. I have a conference call in five minutes. Figure it out and I will see you tomorrow morning at nine a.m., Lucia.” She ushered them out the door, the cold, late-afternoon air chilling her immediately. Mrs. Higgins’s house was so warm and inviting. It would be heaven to work from there.

  She headed down the sidewalk with Lucifer on her heels, but she came to an abrupt stop when he said her name.

  “Lucia?” She turned and nearly collided with his chest. She immediately stepped back, overwhelmed by the attraction she felt to him, as well as the sense of concern. He was very tall, filled with muscles, and had a look in his eyes that meant business.

  “What are we going to do about this lack-of-phone business?”

  “We’ll talk here at the house, or meet up in town. I don’t know. But I don’t have a phone and I don’t plan on getting one.”

  “Why the hell not?” he asked with attitude.

  “I don’t need one. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said and began walking down the driveway. Lucifer followed, passing his black pickup truck along the way.

  “It’s getting late, are you walking home?” he asked, sounding concerned, but her warning radar went off. She did not trust men. She kept her distance from men. She turned around and looked him over.

  “I’m fine, and I will see you tomorrow,” she stated firmly and continued walking.

  “I can give you a ride.”

  She looked at him. “No thank you,” she said and continued on her way, hoping that he wasn’t some pervert or another man who thought he could take what he wanted from
a woman. The thought made her feel guilty. Lucifer didn’t seem that way or capable of hurting her. But then again, she never would have expected a wealthy, attractive businessman like Derek to drug her, force himself on her, rape her, then render her unconscious.

  * * * *

  Mrs. Higgins watched from the window a huge smile on her face.

  “I know what you’re up to,” Beth whispered as she joined her by the window.

  Mary smiled.

  “Look at them. Look at the body language. It’s perfect. She’s perfect for all four of them.”

  “You are out of your mind. The Walters brothers haven’t been the same since their parents passed,” Beth stated as she looked out the window too.

  “Lilly and Benny Walters were such loving, kind people. Lilly had a heart of gold. I can see her in Lucifer the most.”

  “Which is why you planned it for him to meet Lucia first,” Beth accused.

  “Well, look, they met at Francine’s, and I had nothing to do with that. It’s fate, Beth. We’re just giving it a little push.”

  “We? Don’t pull me into your latest project.”

  “Latest project? This isn’t some project. I knew the moment I saw Lucia, and the way that Salvatore watched her in town last week and even watched over her as she traveled through the woods, that something was happening. That man hasn’t been himself for years. Just as he was beginning to settle into civilian life, that situation with Lindsey Tompkins got out of hand. She could have been more understanding.”

  “He could have hurt the girl terribly.”

  “I doubt it. Besides, Lucia is special. Can’t you see it too? So sweet, shy, and hiding from something.”

  “You aren’t going to go snooping around in her background, are you?” Beth asked. “You know that could stir trouble for her if she’s hiding from something.”

  “I’ll give it some time. In the interim, we need to make sure that the others have excuses to come here or, at minimum, meet up with Lucia elsewhere to discuss the construction project.”

  Beth shook her head.

  “I think you went completely overboard with ripping out the wood, severing that pipe, and having Bob help you. I swear that man has it bad for you, Mary.”

  “Well, Bob and I go way back, and it wasn’t such a crazy thing to do. Not if we’re successful. Just look at them. He’s so tall and handsome, and she’s petite and gorgeous. She has those soft doe eyes that draw you right in. They drew Lucifer in,” Mary said then wiggled one eyebrow up and down.

  Beth laughed. “You’re crazy, Mary, but you are right. There’s something there.”

  “There sure is, and I’m going to make sure they all have no choice but to face that attraction and take a chance. No matter what it takes.”

  Chapter 3

  Law Offices of McMillian and McMillian—South Carolina

  “Derek, we’ve tried everything and we can’t find her. She’s disappeared.”

  Franklin McMillian, Derek’s cousin, told him as he stood in Frank’s office. His other cousin William was standing there, too. They were both top-notch lawyers in the family and had been doing all they could to help Derek find Lucia.

  “She can’t be far. There’s no way she made it this long on her own. Something could have happened to her. I’m desperate for answers,” Derek stated. He was playing up the whole concerned-boyfriend thing despite Lucia’s allegations of rape to her parents. Margie and Clarence Monte wanted exactly what Derek and his parents did. For Derek and Lucia to marry, combine their rich, upper-class bloodlines, and ensure their monopoly across the South was maintained. Neither family wanted tainted blood. Arranged marriages were more common than people knew. Some people also frowned upon them. That’s why the deal was done quietly and behind closed doors. He never expected Lucia to react as she did.

  He did what was necessary. After all, she more than likely would be spending the majority of their marriage on her back. Well, bent over any piece of furniture he saw fit. He already planned out her punishment for leaving him.

  “We called all the local hospitals, plus we have people calling other hospitals and emergency centers across the US. That’s a lot of man power and a lot of money,” Franklin stated.

  “Plus we’ve kept it all under the radar as you requested,” William added and gave Derek the once-over.

  He knew his cousin believed that Derek had indeed raped Lucia. Their father, Derek’s uncle, had made a previous rape charge back in college disappear. Derek had power and he had friends everywhere. There was no way that Lucia was going to hide forever.

  “What can we do next? I need to know that she’s okay.”

  “You need to move on, Derek. We can’t risk our names being tainted and using our connections to assist you. She doesn’t want to marry you or be part of the family. Just move on. You can grab any woman you want,” William told him.

  Derek got pissed as he turned around and raised his voice.

  “You’ll do what I say. You keep looking. Hire an investigator, I don’t care. Just find her.”

  “No, Derek. We’re done. You’re on your own,” Franklin told him, and Derek cursed.

  “You’ll regret this. We’re family,” he said and stormed out of the office. He headed to the elevator, some people who heard him raise his voice looking at him. The doors to the elevator closed and he pulled out his cell phone. He scanned the text messages, looking for the right one. He found it, and called the number.

  “Roscoe Levine,” the guy answered.

  “Roscoe, it’s Derek. I want to go forward with the plan. Find her. I’ll have the money deposited within the hour.” He disconnected the call and leaned back and sighed.

  He would find Lucia and make her marry him. Even if it meant tying her up and forcing her to be his wife. Too much was at stake. Her parents knew that too, and they would surely help. That’s who he needed to call next.

  * * * *

  “It sounds like a lot of work, Lucifer,” Salvatore said as they talked about the new job for Mrs. Higgins while they were eating. Lucifer couldn’t seem to get Lucia out of his head. He needed his brothers’ help on this job. It was the only way he could get the job done in eleven weeks. He also kept thinking about Lucia’s ideas. He wondered how she knew about art, etched glass, the Victorian era, and even designing in general. Her ideas about the large-planked wood were awesome. Even the drapery and enhanced etched glass were classy and exactly what Mrs. Higgins was looking for.

  “What the heck is wrong with you? Didn’t you hear me?” Salvatore asked as Gabriele and Maxwell stared at him.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about what happened at Mrs. Higgins’s home today.”

  “What happened at her home?” Maxwell asked.

  He started to explain about Lucia, and he saw he had all of their attention. He went on about her designs, her soft-spoken behavior, and how she would be working along with them to come up with the design Mrs. Higgins wanted.

  “How does she know about designing?” Salvatore asked him.

  “I don’t know, but she sounded like she had a clue. She impressed Mrs. Higgins, and since she’s paying the bill, we have no choice but to work with Lucia.”

  “What do we know about her?” Gabriele asked, directing his question toward Maxwell.

  “Don’t look at me. I haven’t a clue. She showed up a few months back, is renting an apartment at the Anders home, and she doesn’t socialize much. Keeps to herself,” Maxwell told them.

  “She was looking for work. I heard she was having a hard time,” Salvatore said.

  “I think she has a job now with Mrs. Higgins besides helping design those two bedrooms. It’s strange, she looks like a teenager, but she’s really stunning and mature. There’s like this aura around her.”

  “Aura? What the hell, Lucifer? You need to quit reading those online dating tips,” Gabriele teased, and they all chuckled.

  “Whatever,” he replied and went back to eating.

  They were all qui
et as they ate, and then Gabriele spoke.

  “You thinking of hooking up with her?”

  Lucifer looked up, surprised by the question. They never talked about dating, whom they slept with, or what they did in their free time. Especially not since the incident with Salvatore and Lindsey.

  “Why would you ask me that?” Lucifer replied and then looked back down at his plate of beef stew Salvatore had been cooking in the Crock-Pot since early this morning. It hit the spot, along with the buttered egg noodles.

  Suddenly he pictured Lucia in his head. He thought of her olive complexion, big brown eyes, and how petite, feminine, and attractive she was. Her long brown hair smelled so good, and he took full advantage of checking out the luscious curves of her body as he followed her up the stairs in Mrs. Higgins’s home. She was well-endowed for such a petite woman. When he stood near her, he felt like a giant, and an instant feeling of protectiveness consumed him. Lucifer ignored it.

  “Well?” Maxwell pushed, with that smirk of his filling his muscular jaw and tight features. His brothers were one bigger than the next, Salvatore being the largest.

  “I don’t really know her. She’s real quiet, almost passive.”

  “She didn’t sound so passive by the way you explained how she verbalized her ideas with you and Mrs. Higgins,” Gabriele pushed.

  “No, she’s definitely quiet and shy. I walked into Francine’s for lunch, and Dale and the guys were talking to her, telling her about the fall festival. She responded shyly, cautiously, and seemed on edge.”

  “Well, she’s new to town. No one really knows anything about her. Could be she is just shy,” Gabriele added.

  “If she’s new to town, she may be a bit on edge with the types of relationships running rampant. I can tell you from talking with Wyatt the other day, that he has a few men offering to keep a closer eye on her, if ya know what I mean,” Maxwell told Lucifer. Lucifer shot his head up from his dish and felt instant jealousy. It shocked him. But apparently not his brothers as they all chuckled, except for Salvatore. He looked serious.


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