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Just One Kiss: A Holiday Story [The Town of Pearl 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 20

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Salvatore, Lucifer, Gabriele, and Maxwell were pacing as their friends were using their contacts to try and find the helicopter and Lucia. They had others locating Derek McMillian, who seemed to have disappeared along with Lucia’s parents.

  They were at their wit’s end just waiting and hoping for some miracle to happen.

  “She was so excited about decorating the tree tonight. God, we shouldn’t have left her alone. We should have taken more precautions,” Lucifer stated aloud.

  “We’ve been over this. This guy hadn’t done a thing since sending the investigators here during the fall harvest festival. Everyone figured he gave up, especially after the pressure Fisher and the guys put on that Gerry guy and his buddy Roscoe,” Maxwell said.

  “Maxwell, guys, come here.” Fenton Lewis, one of Fisher’s team, hurried to them and looked around them before he spoke.

  “Fisher sent me. You four need to follow me. Don’t let on to anything. Just act like we’re going to grab some food or something,” he said and then headed out of the crowd of police.

  They each took their time walking toward Fenton, who stood by his black SUV, windows fully tinted.

  “Get in,” he told them.

  As they got into the SUV, they saw two men they didn’t recognize.

  “Meet Anton. You don’t need to know the other guy. Seems that Lucia has made some very influential friends.”

  “What?” Maxwell asked Fenton.

  “We know where your woman is,” Anton said in a thick Russian accent. Maxwell looked at his brothers and then at Fenton.

  “What happens here tonight can never be talked about. Understand?” Fenton asked.

  “Understood,” Maxwell said, and his brothers agreed. He knew that accent, and he knew there were people in Pearl who had connections to the Russian mob. Fenton’s woman, India, being one of them.

  The others agreed, and Fenton took off. Maxwell didn’t care who he owed, just as long as Lucia survived and they could bring her home where she belonged.

  * * * *

  “I hate you. I hate all of you. You can’t make me marry you. It’s not legal. You lost!” she screamed at Derek.

  Derek backhanded her across the mouth, and she nearly fell off the chair she was tied to.

  “Let’s move on with this and be done with her. I’ve got a hair appointment in a half hour,” her mom said as she stood there in her fancy outfit, high heels and all.

  “How could you do this to me? I’m your daughter, your only child. You know he drugged me and raped me, and he raped that other woman too. How could you force me to marry him? For money, for social standing?” Lucia cried out.

  “Get on with it,” her father said, waving his arm in the air. The older man behind Derek placed the papers down on the table.

  Derek grabbed her face and squeezed. She moaned in pain. “You stupid bitch. You’re just like all the others. You’re going to complain about me drugging you and fucking you yet you spread your legs for four men. You’re trash, and when this is done and we’re officially married and I collect what’s coming to me, I’m going to get rid of you. A nice clean kill and then I’ll collect your inheritance too.”

  Lucia spit at him.

  “What inheritance?” she asked him.

  Her mom bitched at Derek.

  “Shut up, Derek, and get the pastor you hired to marry the two of you to do it and witness these contracts.”

  “What inheritance?” Lucia asked as she stared at her mother.

  Her mom stomped closer and gave her a backhand across the mouth. “Your fucking grandfather left you a fortune. A fortune that should have been left to me, not you. The moment he knew I was pregnant he changed his will and left it all to you. I’ll have nothing left because of you,” she spat at her.

  Lucia was beginning to put it all together. By marrying into the McMillian family, her mom and dad gained their money, but also Lucia gained the inheritance she didn’t even know she had from her grandfather. Derek would share that, too, but they probably had a plan to steal that as well. If she died, of course he would get it. He was her husband.

  “Begin,” her father yelled at the pastor.

  The older man looked at her. She could feel her cheeks swelling, and her lip was bleeding. This was it. She was going to be forced to marry this monster that would steal her money and then kill her to steal more money. All while her own mother and father watched and waited for their cut. She felt so hollow inside, so empty, and then she thought about her men as the priest continued to go through the motions of making the marriage between her and Derek legit.

  “I’m in love with Maxwell, Salvatore, Lucifer, and Gabriele. Know that I love them with all my heart, my body, and my soul. That’s something none of you could ever take away from me. Ever.” Lucia yelled over the pastor’s voice as he went on with the ceremony forcing her to marry Derek. She kept repeating that she loved them and not Derek and that Derek could never make her marry him. It was illegal and unethical.

  “You are now husband and wife.”

  Derek grabbed her by the throat and forcibly kissed her. He squeezed her throat so hard she thought he would kill her right here when the doors burst open and men came swarming inside.

  She didn’t recognize any of them and didn’t really care as she coughed and felt like she would pass out. But then she heard what sounded like Russian, and then Maxwell’s voice.

  “Lucia!” he yelled. She was slumped in the chair, unable to do anything but cry as she saw Maxwell, Lucifer, Salvatore, and Gabriele.

  “Baby, God, that bastard.” Salvatore stood up and decked Derek, who was being held by two men.

  “We’ve got this. You don’t worry about anything but getting your woman home and cared for,” Fenton told them.

  “But what about them? What will happen? How will we stop them from coming after her again?” Lucifer asked Fenton.

  “Ask Mrs. Higgins. She’ll explain.”

  * * * *

  Gabriele was cutting the rope that kept Lucia bound to the chair. She felt his warm breath collide against her skin. She inhaled his cologne and the scents so familiar and comforting to her. Maxwell lifted her up into his arms and held her against his chest. Lucia closed her eyes and willed the pain, the fear, and the worry from her mind and just focused on the fact that her men had saved her. They all left the warehouse and headed to the waiting SUV.

  She wanted to hide her face. She felt so ashamed to be so meaningless to her own parents that they would force her to marry a man who even told them he would kill her when it was all said and done. What had she done to cause these people to hate her, and to have no emotions, care, or affection whatsoever for her? Tears rolled down her cheeks and her throat clogged up with emotion. She wanted to hide forever and was grateful for the dark interior of the vehicle.

  On their way they called Wyatt, and Doc would be waiting at their house to look Lucia over.

  “It’s okay. You’re safe now.” Lucifer’s strong deep voice washed over her.

  Lucia continued to sob as Maxwell held her in his arms with his brothers around them.

  “We’ve got you, baby. Let’s get you home.”

  “Home,” she whispered. The word caused her to sob—the pain, the heartache and feelings that the word home was something she didn’t know or recognize yet wished for a thousand times in prayers over the years. Where was home? What really felt like a home? How would she know since she never belonged and her parents never loved her? She cried deeply until the emotions, the depth of her sadness, overwhelmed her and then she passed out against his chest.

  Chapter 16

  Mary Higgins sat on the couch and waited for Lucia to wake up from her nap. She couldn’t focus on any planning or activities until she saw for herself that Lucia was safe and with her men. She watched her as Lucia rested, her cheeks badly bruised, her lip cut and swollen. She had cried the moment she saw her. She had suffered a bruised cheekbone as well, and was glad to hear that her old friend Nicola
i Merkovicz had her back when she needed such a huge favor. Now, they were even.

  Lucia began to moan, and Mary quickly patted her hand and told her she was okay. It was what Salvatore had instructed her to do. He was being so protective. They all were. They also were a bit shocked about how she helped save Lucia’s life. They were fine with the limited answers she gave, because they really only cared that Lucia was alive and with them again.

  She watched Lucia come to, her eyes glancing behind her to the still-empty Christmas tree. The party was only two weeks away and there was so much to get done. She hoped that Lucia healed in time and would make it to the event with her men.

  “Mary?” Lucia whispered and then began to sit up. Mary helped her and then smiled as Salvatore appeared with a bottle of water and a straw in it.

  “Thirsty, baby?” he asked as he caressed her shoulder.

  She nodded then took the sip from the bottle.

  “Damn, a fat lip hurts worse than a bruised cheek,” she said.

  “It’s healing well. A lot of rest and little talking,” he told her.

  “I’ll do all the talking, Salvatore, don’t you worry,” Mary told him. He held a firm expression as he left the room.

  “It will take some time for him to be able to leave your side. He loves you. They all do.”

  “I know, Mary. How are you? How is your cheek? I was so worried.”

  “About me? Heck, you went through the rough stuff. Me? I was fine. It will be healed before the Christmas Eve party.”

  “I don’t think the same can be said for my bruises. They’re pretty bad. Maxwell turns away and curses, he gets so upset.”

  “No one likes to see the people they love feel pain, inside or outside,” she said.

  “That was all of us, I guess. I just hope it’s all over.”

  “Oh, it is, honey. It’s why I wanted to come see you. There’s some things to go over. Just minor stuff. Don’t worry, though, I’ve gone ahead and confirmed things for you so you’ll be all set.”

  “All set for what?”

  “Well, as I’m sure your men explained, some friends of mine have ensured that Derek and your parents can never bother you again.” Lucia widened her eyes.

  “Oh, don’t worry, I didn’t have them knocked off or anything like that,” she teased.

  “Oh God, Mary.”

  Mary smiled. “My friend had that entire scene in the warehouse recorded. He also was able to get files and evidence on your parents and on Derek for numerous charges of money laundering, rape, falsifying documents, and a bunch of other things that should keep them in orange overalls for the rest of their lives. I also cleared up the problems with your grandfather’s will and set up an account at the bank in town here. All funds, including money from your parent’s estate since they failed to tell you that you lose money by marrying before the age of twenty-four. Your birthday is coming up, isn’t it, Lucia?” she asked and winked.

  “You’ve been busy, Mary. I’m impressed. You’ve got my head spinning too. I don’t care about the money though. I only care about being here with the guys.”

  Mary patted her hand. “That’s all wonderful, Lucia, but with the money you have, you can do a lot of things to help yourself and anyone you want who needs help. I knew since the moment I saw you in town that you would be perfect for Lilly’s boys,” she said and stood up.

  “What do you mean when you saw me in town?” she asked as Salvatore, Lucifer, Maxwell, and Gabriele joined them. Mary smiled.

  “I knew that you would hit it off and be perfect for them. They just needed a little push.”

  “A push?” Lucifer asked.

  “Yeah, like working on a project with a beautiful young woman. All those enclosed spaces, chemistry brewing, and having to meet to go over plans.”

  “You set us up?” Salvatore asked, sounding shocked. Mary chuckled.

  “I brought the five of you together, but it’s your job to keep together. Love and marriage is a big commitment. And it’s for life,” Mary said as Gabriele helped her put her coat on.

  “Where are you going, Mary? Won’t you stay and help us decorate the tree?” Lucia asked.

  “Oh, I think that’s something special for the five of you to do together. It’s going to be your first Christmas together. Enjoy every moment. Oh, and don’t forget about that box I dropped off, Gabriele. And, Maxwell, can you walk me out?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “I’ll see you soon, Mary. If I feel up to it maybe Gabriele or Lucifer could bring me to your place to help you get ready for Christmas Eve.”

  “Don’t you worry. I’ll have a house full of helpers by then. You rest and just be sure to be there.”

  Mary headed out with Maxwell, taking his arm as they walked out the front door.

  “You’re up to something still, Mary, I can tell.”

  She turned around and faced him.

  “Your mother and father would be so happy and proud of you boys. I know I am. You take good care of Lucia.”

  “We will, Mary. We almost lost her.”

  She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small velvet bag.

  “What is this?” he asked as she put it in his hand and curled his fingers over the velvet pouch.

  “You and your brothers open it when you’re alone. I think you’ll know what to do with it.” She got into her car and left, feeling happy as the Christmas music played on the radio and she prepared to start getting ready for Christmas.

  * * * *

  Maxwell walked back inside, hiding the velvet pouch in his pocket to show his brothers later.

  “What’s in the box, Gabriele?” Lucia asked as Lucifer began taking the plastic wrapping off some new ornaments they ordered online.

  Gabriele opened the box and undid the layer of wrapping paper.

  “What is it?” Lucifer asked, seeing Gabriele’s expression. Maxwell and Salvatore joined them.

  “These are ours. They’re our ornaments from when we were kids,” Gabriele told them.

  Maxwell felt his eyes well up with tears as they began looking through the box, remembering the good times they shared as children and anticipating Christmas morning.

  “I remember this military tank ornament. Mom went crazy trying to find it,” Salvatore said as he held the old ornament gently in his hand.

  “Look at this one. A saw, wood, and hammer ornament. Dad got that for me because I was always helping him around the house,” Lucifer said.

  “Look at this, a police bear in uniform. I was obsessed with bears when I was a kid,” Maxwell told Lucia.

  “Look it’s the Tin Man. Remember when I got that first welding set? I was melting metal together and making those frames for your boxcars,” Gabriele said to Maxwell.

  “I remember.”

  “This is awesome. Mary is like a guardian angel here on Earth. It’s obvious she loved your parents and she loves the four of you,” Lucia said.

  Salvatore reached into the box and pulled out an ornament that was brand new and not opened.

  “What is that?” Lucia asked. Salvatore unwrapped it, and they chuckled. It was an ornament of a pretty little fairy all dolled up, holding a clipboard and a tray of paint samples.

  “Lucia,” they all said together, and Lucia laughed.

  “This is going to be the best Christmas we ever had,” Gabriele stated.

  They all agreed and then began to decorate the tree.

  * * * *

  Lucia fell asleep. She would need plenty of rest before any of them could think about making love to her.

  They all sat in the kitchen, a room away but with a perfect view of Lucia sleeping on the couch and the Christmas tree lit up behind her and facing the front window.

  Maxwell pulled out the velvet pouch.

  “What’s that?” Gabriele asked.

  “Mary gave it to me outside before. She said when the time was right, we would know what to do with it.”

  “Open it,” Salvatore said.

  They were all still feeling on a high from looking at old ornaments and decorating for Christmas with Lucia.

  Maxwell shook the pouch over his open palm on the table and saw the diamond ring land on his palm. The sparkling diamond was gorgeous and the gold band very Victorian. He knew it was old.

  “That’s Mom’s engagement ring,” Salvatore said as he reached for it.

  “What? Are you sure?” Gabriele asked.

  “He’s right. It is,” Lucifer added.

  “Mary,” Maxwell said and smiled. He and his brothers locked gazes.

  “I think we all know what to do with this and when,” Maxwell said, and they all nodded their heads and smiled.

  “Thank you, Mary and Mom and Dad,” Gabriele said, and they made their plan for when they would propose to Lucia.


  Lucia awoke to an erection against her ass and another one against her belly. Fingers grazed over her nipples, and she moaned then rolled to her back.

  “Good morning, baby. Merry Christmas Eve,” Salvatore whispered then licked her nipple as hands spread her thighs wider.

  She opened her eyes and locked gazes with her four sexy, naked men.

  Maxwell was between her thighs, his thumbs spreading her pussy lips right before he latched onto her clit with his mouth. She thrust upward as Lucifer licked her nipple then pulled on it.

  “We want you so badly, baby,” Salvatore told her.

  “I want you too,” she confessed.

  Salvatore scooted down to the side of the bed, and then Maxwell directed her to straddle his waist and ride him. She didn’t need any coaxing as she climbed atop Salvatore, aligned his cock with her pussy, and slowly eased her way down his shaft. “Heaven.” She hissed.

  “Oh yeah,” Salvatore replied and held her hips as he thrust upward.

  Maxwell moved in behind her, and she felt the cool liquid to her anus then his fingers exploring her ass.

  “Yes. Oh God, I love when you’re all inside of me. It’s where everything is right and perfect,” she told them.


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