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Scandalous (The Alpha Bodyguard Series)

Page 11

by Sybil Bartel


  I thrust. Hard.

  My cock driving my actions, I ground against her bare pussy, silently cursing the material of my pants between us.

  “Say it again,” I demanded, justifying my actions, telling myself she wanted exactly what I was offering. That she wanted my cock inside her tight pussy as much as I wanted to fucking be there. Because, goddamn, I wasn’t thinking she was like every other woman anymore.

  I was stupidly, foolishly, idiotically thinking she was that one in a million.

  And I wanted a taste.

  “Please,” she pleaded, arching her back. “Fuck me, fuck me.”

  I was undoing my belt before the word please finished crossing her lips. The hand that I’d let go of started coasting down my back and I grabbed it. “Arms above your head,” I warned, reaching for my 9mm and pulling it out of my holster to set on the nightstand.

  Writhing under me, she was acting like she wanted everything I was gonna give her, but when she saw the gun, she stilled.

  I pushed off her and reached for my shirt. “Problem?”

  “Is it loaded?”

  What the fuck? “Is your pussy wet?” I pulled my polo over my head.

  Her gaze cut back to mine, then drifted down my chest. Arms above her head, her knees bent, her cunt waiting, she swallowed. “Have you ever shot anyone?”

  I kicked off my boots and tossed my cell and keys on the nightstand. “You expecting small talk?” I didn’t discuss my service. With anyone. Not even my brothers who served beside me. They knew what the fuck we dealt with.

  Her eyes darted back to mine. “That’s small talk?”

  Calculating, slow, I dragged my gaze over her full tits then her slick pussy. My dick throbbed at the thought of sinking inside that tight heat. “Turn over,” I commanded. “On your hands and knees.”

  She inhaled. Then her voice went quiet. “I want to look at you.”

  For a split second I didn’t fucking move. My dick hard, my mouth watering to taste that wet cunt, I stood there.

  She didn’t want to look at me.

  She wanted to believe in misplaced hope.

  She wanted to be that one magic pussy that turned me from who I was into what she wanted.



  I knew what I needed to say. Fuck, I knew what I needed to do, and that was walk the hell out before I took it too goddamn far. I’d already taken it too far. But I wasn’t doing a damn thing to stop it. I was fucking staring at a woman I didn’t want to admit was the most beautiful woman I’d ever had naked. Except she’d get attached the second I fucked her, and I didn’t do attached. But all I could think about was making that pussy mine and never letting another man look at her how I was looking at her right now.

  But damn it, I didn’t keep women.

  I never fucking kept them.

  My voice rough, my head fucked-up, I barked out an order. “Turn over.”

  She nervously pulled her bottom lip into her mouth before releasing it and inhaling. “Is that what you do?”

  What the fuck? “Did I tell you to talk?”

  She kept at it. “You issue orders, pretend not to care, and fuck women from behind so you don’t have to look at them?”

  Goddamn it. “Who says I’m not looking?”

  She ignored my question. “Why? So you can stay detached? Is that your recipe for the perfect life? Mindless screwing of faceless women?”

  Thirty-fucking-four years old and I didn’t have a comeback for a young-as-shit, sexually inexperienced actress. No goddamn response.

  And that pissed me off.

  Hard core.

  Shoving my pants down, I gripped my hard cock. “You wanna fucking look?” Glaring at her, I stroked myself. “Then look.”

  Her gaze held mine for a moment, then slow, she took me in as her eyes roamed over my chest.

  My dick in my hand, I fucking waited.

  Her gaze dropped lower until she finally looked at my cock.

  I stroked myself.

  Her lips parted on an inhale. “You’re so big.”

  Fuck her. She wasn’t going to get me to surrender that easily. Compliments meant nothing to me. I knew who the fuck I was. I stroked myself again. “Two choices,” I warned.

  She stared at my cock and licked her lips. “What?”

  “We fuck my way, or not at all.” Fuck her detachment bullshit. She’d get hers.

  Her eyes shot to mine. “You’re angry?”

  Shit clouded my head. She clouded my head. “Answer the question,” I demanded.

  “It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.”

  Jesus fucking Christ. “Make a decision.”

  Innocent and doe-eyed, but also firm, she spoke. “I already made it.”

  Women didn’t challenge me. I used them, and they got what they wanted. I wasn’t detached. I purposely kept my distance. There was a difference. I didn’t have time or any fucking desire to share my bed on the regular. Being an active duty Marine left no room for it, and what I did now wasn’t much better. My game plan didn’t include a woman on a permanent basis. I was Falcon Gunther. I flew solo.

  I always had.

  But for the first time in my life, the woman on her back in front of me had me thinking about repeats. I hadn’t even fucked her and I wanted more.

  More of her mouth. More of her bullshit. More of her.

  My mouth opened and I asked the last thing I should’ve. “You clean?”

  Her eyebrows drew together. “Seriously, you’re—”

  “Because I am.” I wore a condom religiously. But right now, I’d move mountains not to have to. “You ever been fucked bareback?”

  Shit crossed her expression, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. “I could get….” She trailed off.

  My chest tightened at the thought. “Period?”

  “Um.” She bit her bottom lip and closed her legs.

  I dropped my voice. “Spread your legs, Audrina.”

  She complied, instantly.

  It was the straw.


  His giant cock in one hand, his body a work of muscled perfection, his face a storm of anger and determination, he grabbed my ankle and pulled.

  My still smarting ass slid across the bed.

  He brought the head of his cock to my entrance and stilled. “Period,” he demanded.

  “I—oh my God.” My core pulsed with aching need. “Um, two weeks ago?” Maybe. I think.

  His rough palm on my inner thigh, he stroked the length of me without entering. “You like that? My cock bareback against your cunt?” He rubbed hard against my clit. “You fucking feel that? From your clit all the way to your hard-as-fuck nipples?”



  He didn’t wait for an answer, because he knew. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

  “Is this what you wanna look at?” He bit out, fisting himself. “My cock sinking inside you?”

  “Yes,” I panted, more desperate than I’d ever been.

  “Then fucking say it,” he growled.

  That’s when it hit me.

  This alpha, unwavering, dominant man needed me to give him permission. All the back-and-forth, all the questions, all of his bluster and crude words, he was still giving me a choice. This was my call. Despite everything he’d said, I was in control.

  My whole body shivered in that knowledge, and anticipation soaked my core. “Come closer,” I whispered.

  His chest rose with a sharp inhale. “Not an answer.”

  “Fuck me bareback, Falcon.”

  He thrust.

  Hard and fast and punishing, he sank to the hilt, and a fullness I’d never felt stretched me to the point of pain. My hands flew to his hard thighs, and I cried out as he groaned.

  One hand on my hip, the other on my nape, he forced my head up and unleashed a command. “Look.”

  My gaze traveled down his six-pack, to his strong, mus
cled thighs as he kneeled between my legs, then dropped lower to his thick, vein-popping shaft buried almost all the way inside me.

  Oh my God.

  My nails dug into his flesh and I shivered.

  His hand fisted in my wet hair as his hips slammed into mine. “Goddamn lock and key,” he muttered, staring at where our bodies were joined.

  Holy shit, he was big. “What?” My voice shook.

  Green-brown eyes dark with something I didn’t understand cut to my gaze. Staring at me, he pulled out a few inches then slammed back in and repeated himself. “Lock and key.”

  His hips ground against my clit and I groaned. Lock and key. Lock and key. The phrase looped through my head, but his assault on my body eclipsed all its meaning, and I simply stared at the joining of our bodies.

  Falcon Gunther was inside me.

  Me, the farm girl who had no experience with men but could smile for the cameras and command a seven-figure paycheck. Except that money had never felt more insignificant than it did right now.

  Huge and looming and alpha, and so, so dominant that I couldn’t take it all in, Falcon “Tank” Gunther was all man. Except I could I take it in. My poor pussy both aching and quivering for more, I wanted to drown in this. I wanted to drown in him. I wanted every single ounce of dominance he was offering and more.

  Not understanding what I was asking for, I sealed my fate. “Harder.”

  It was as if I pulled a trigger.

  He moved that fast.

  His huge hands cupped my ass and he stood. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my back hit the cold wall. Grasping my thighs, he started thrusting. But he wasn’t just fucking me. He was staring at himself going in and out of me like he was transfixed.

  My pussy on fire from being both stretched and pounded, my nipples aching, my body trembling, I held on to his neck, but suddenly, it wasn’t enough. “Tank,” I panted.

  His sharp gaze cut to mine.

  I didn’t hesitate. I leaned forward to kiss him.

  He dropped his hold on one of my thighs and grasped my throat as his forearm landed between my breasts. My head against the wall, he pinned me in place.

  His expression locked down. “Did I tell you to kiss me?”

  Shocked, my mouth opened, but no words came out.

  “Did I say you could touch me?”

  What the…? “Are you serious?”

  His steely gaze unforgiving, he didn’t so much as blink, but his huge cock pulsed inside me.

  I fought a groan. “I can’t kiss you?”

  He ground his hips. “You want to come.”

  It wasn’t a question, so I didn’t answer it, but I dropped the leg he’d let go of.

  His nostrils flared, and he raised an eyebrow. “Change your mind?”

  I didn’t know what the hell kind of game he was playing, and I wasn’t sure I ever would. Intuition, instinct, I didn’t know which, but something was telling me that this man was either deeply wounded or completely emotionally detached. It didn’t matter which. I was never going to win with him. And having him inside me was only playing with my emotions. I didn’t need that kind of false hope.

  “Put me down, Falcon.” Despite begging him only moments ago for exactly what he was giving me, I was suddenly tired, of everything. How could I fuck a man who wouldn’t even let me kiss him?

  Ignoring me, he leaned closer. “What pisses you off more? That you’re not in control or that I didn’t let you kiss me?”

  His cock still buried deep inside me, his hand on my throat, the cold tone of his voice—I should’ve been afraid. But I wasn’t. In fact, I realized it wasn’t exhaustion I was feeling. I was pissed off. “Your shiny newness is wearing off.” Suddenly in touch with my anger, I let my gaze drift down his body. “Muscles or not…” I looked back at him. “Your game is played out.”

  “I don’t play games.”

  I didn’t hold back. “That’s exactly what you do. You can’t even fuck normally. You’d bleed out on a power trip before you let someone kiss you, let alone give up a single ounce of control. And seriously? It would’ve been a kiss, not a commitment.” I glanced down again. “Which is ironic considering you’re taking the risk of fucking me without a condom. Which could lead to one hell of a lot more of a commitment than a kiss if you fuck up.”

  His jaw clenched. “Your wet cunt’s constricting all over my cock, your nipples are hard as fuck, and you groan every time I so much as breathe near you.”


  “You’re bitching me out, but you’re not gonna tell me to pull out?”

  Indignant, I scoffed. “I told you to put me down.”

  “Tell me to stop fucking you,” he challenged.

  We glared at each other.

  His chest rose and fell steadily, my heart pounded, and a thousand thoughts ran through my head. Did I win if I told him to fuck off? Did I one up him if I told him to pull out? Would I have a shred of dignity left if I let him fuck me till I came?

  In the end, none of it mattered.

  My traitorous pussy pulsed, and a condescending tip up of the corner of his mouth sealed my fate.

  I FOUGHT A GODDAMN SMILE. “Tell me to pull out, Audrina.” It wasn’t a warning, but it should’ve been. Because the second my dick sank in to her pussy, it was like a lock and key. Every lush, wet inch I sank further in, I fucking knew.

  I was gonna fuck this pussy more than once.

  Her size, her shape, her sweet fucking smell, I was salivating. I didn’t give two fucks that I didn’t get hung up on women or do repeats. I was gonna fuck the shit out of her over and over, until she begged me to stop.

  No preservation, she didn’t tell me to fuck off. Instead, she bargained. “Kiss me and you can fuck me.”

  I didn’t hesitate.

  I grabbed the backs of her thighs, pulled out and dropped to my knees.

  “Oh my God,” she screeched. “What are you doing?”

  “Kissing you.” I shoved her legs to her chest, and her back hit the wall as she landed at the perfect angle. My mouth closed over her clit and I sucked, hard.

  Her hands sank into my hair as her feet landed on my shoulders. “Oh my God, oh my God.”

  My tongue doing to her cunt what I wanted to do to her mouth again, my first thought was she tasted like pure fucking sin, but my second thought hit me in the chest. Not only did I want to stay buried between her legs and never come up for air, I didn’t want any other man fucking touching her. Ever.

  Lock and key, she fit me like a glove.

  And I was gonna make sure she knew it.

  Sucking her clit, swirling my tongue, I made her fall apart.

  “Oh God, Tank.” She jerked against my mouth, and her legs shook as her pussy quivered. “I’m going to come.”

  I circled my tongue harder and she exploded.

  Keeping the pressure on her clit, I rode out her orgasm. The low moans coming from her chest vibrated all the way to her pussy, but I wasn’t finished.

  Making her come, holding on to her, having her trust, that shit fucked with my head. Ignoring all the possessive thoughts I had no business harboring, I held on to her ass and stood.

  “Falcon!” Her arms went around my head.

  “Audrina,” I mimicked her tone, not even pissed she was using my real name. Which should’ve been a red fucking flag, but I was mission intent. My dick hard as fuck, I wanted back inside her. Tossing her on the bed, I watched her tits bounce, and I was about to give her the show she asked for of me sinking inside her when she surprised the fuck out of me.

  Rolling, she got down on her knees in front of me before I could crawl over her and wrapped her sexy-as-hell lips around my cock.



  I gripped a handful of her hair and watched as she took me halfway into her sweet mouth. “Fuck, woman.”

  Staring up at me, she licked the length of my shaft. “Is that a good fuck, woman?”

  Fighting a damn smile, I kept my expr
ession locked. “Depends.”

  “Let me guess.” She gave me the sexiest kitten smile I’d ever seen on a woman. “It depends on how well I suck.” She took me all the way to the back of her throat.


  I gripped a second handful of her hair. “You like my cock in your mouth?”

  Her response was to suck so hard, I almost came on the spot.

  Easing back, taking a breath, she licked up my length again then sucked hard on my frenulum.

  Damn. “Where’d you learn to suck like that?” I almost didn’t want to know.

  “I didn’t.” She licked around the head of my cock. “I’ve never done this before.” She took me all the way down her throat.

  Jesus fuck. My balls tightened as I gripped her head with both hands. Thrusting shallow and tight, all the blood rushed to my dick. Hot, wet, her lips fucking perfect, I couldn’t remember better head. I didn’t want to. I wanted to come down her throat then eat her pussy until I recovered enough to fuck her for the next five hours.

  But I wasn’t dick enough to come in her mouth the first time she ever sucked a man. Taking her chin, easing her back, I pulled my cock out as I stared down at her.

  Her mouth wet from her own spit, she licked her lips. “I wasn’t done.”

  “Neither am I.” I swept my thumb over her bottom lip. Flushed and innocent, but also one hundred percent sex kitten as she kneeled in front of me, this woman had sunk into my head as sure as an addiction. I knew I was fucking screwed. Worse, I didn’t care.

  “Up.” Reaching for her, I lifted her to the bed, intending to push her to her back.

  Keeping her legs bent, she stayed on her knees as her eyes drifted up my chest. Looking up at me, she bit her lip.

  I didn’t kiss women. I’d never wanted to, not since I’d first started fucking. Cunt, tits, ass, I was interested in coming, not getting fucking intimate. But looking at her full lip between her teeth, knowing what her mouth tasted like, I wanted to kiss her. Kiss her as I fucked her.

  She braced her hands on my hips. “What’s that look for?”

  I didn’t fucking answer. I grabbed her at the waist, my fingers touching in back, and lifted until her full breasts were in my face, then I latched on to one of her nipples.

  The moan coming from her throat, her tight bud between my teeth, it made my cock jump as she fell against my chest.


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