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Twisted Locke (Locke Brothers, 3)

Page 9

by Victoria Ashley

  “You never asked me if I was on birth control,” I point out, feeling a bit anxious over just having unprotected sex. I should be freaking out more, but something in me is holding that down, telling me everything will be fine.

  “Because I don’t care if you are or not. I was going to fill you with my cum either way.” His breath hits my lips as he speaks and for some strange reason, the fact that he came in me without asking has me completely turned on. “You’re mine,” he whispers against my lips, while moving his fingers down in between our bodies, possessively. “It’s been a very long time since I was with a woman and I’ve always used protection . . . up until now. You’re different, special. I want your pussy filled with my seed every fucking night, Angel.”

  With a growl, he pulls out of me and spreads my legs apart, bringing his hands up to grip my thighs. His lips curve into a satisfied grin as he looks down, no doubt seeing his cum slipping out of my pussy. “So fucking perfect.”

  After a second of just staring at me, he stands up and reaches for his shirt to wipe me off with. My heart races in my chest as I watch him clean me off and toss the shirt aside.

  His naked body is pure perfection as he stands before me and it’s hard for me to pull my gaze away, but I manage to long enough for me to crawl out of bed and get dressed, too.

  When I turn back around, he’s standing there, naked, with a cigarette hanging between his lips as he watches me.

  “I should get going now.”

  He doesn’t say anything. He just lights up his smoke and opens the window, before walking over to lock his bedroom door.

  He doesn’t have to say anything. I know he’s telling me to stay, and to be honest I want the same thing.


  I don’t want Melissa to go. Ever. Although I’m not a dumb fuck, and I know she can’t be by my side at all times, the possessive fucker in me wants her locked in my room.

  I sit in a chair in the corner and watch Melissa sleep. The soft rise and fall of her stomach underneath a thin sheet. The sheet has fallen just below her breasts, and my focus is trained on the perfect mounds, the fact her nipples are hard, the cool air kissing them. She is perfect.

  She is mine.

  She might have been afraid of the person I am, the things I do. But she is strong. She came with me, saw me in action, well, as much as I’d allow her to see. I didn’t want her witnessing the gruesome and violent things I did even if it was the life the Lockes led.

  I also don’t want to hide who I am from her. And the fact she hasn’t run screaming tells me she is perfect for me. I was right about that from the beginning.

  I stand up and leave my room, shutting the door softly behind me. I know she’s going to be hungry when she wakes up, so I head down to the kitchen to make us some food.

  I see Sterling at the table, a half-eaten plate pushed aside, his foot kicked up on the edge of a chair. He’s shirtless, with his jeans unbuttoned and unzipped, and his hair a wild fucking mess. The asshole doesn’t even live here anymore, but him and Wynter still stay here some nights.

  Looks like I’m not the only one who claimed my woman last night. He gives me a funny look and I grin, shaking my head, telling him without words to not even ask. What I share with Melissa is pretty fucking private. Even though I love my brothers and would die for them, kill for them, talking about being with Melissa is not something I want to do.

  Which to be honest is pretty damn strange, given the fact I don’t hide anything from Aston or Sterling.

  “Looks like you had a long night,” Sterling says, amusement in his voice.

  I look over at my brother and scowl. “I could say the same thing to you.” I laugh. “Looks like you’ve been ridden hard and put away wet.” Sterling snorts and runs a hand over his face.

  “Dude,” he shakes his head. “I’m not even going go into my relationship with Wynter, but I can see you’re right there with me where Melissa is concerned.” Sterling grins. “And it’s about damn time you fell hard.”

  And then Aston comes in, the third Locke looking worse than either of us. Sterling and I both start laughing, knowing that all of us are good and fucked where our women are concerned.

  Aston stops and stares at us, his brows furrowed. “You guys look like shit, like you got no fucking sleep last night.”

  I look at Sterling and we both start laughing harder.

  Hell, all of us are sure as fuck something to look at now. Yeah, I did fall pretty fucking hard. But hell, I’d bring down the whole damn world if it meant Melissa was happy.

  I grab some food and go back upstairs, head into my room and shut the door softly. I set the food aside, get undressed, and slip under the covers beside Melissa. She smells so damn good, and her body is so soft, so warm. I feel her stirring beside me, and she shifts, turning over so she’s looking at me now, this sleepy expression on her face.

  I don’t say anything, just cup her face and lean in, kissing her softly. After long seconds we’re both breathing hard. My cock is stiff as fuck, pressing against her belly, needing to be inside of her. I roll her over so she’s now on her back. I am on top of her, using my knee to spread her thighs, fitting my body between them, my cock running between her folds.

  I kiss her again, reach between our bodies, and align myself at her pussy. And then I thrust in nice and slow. I’m not fucking her right now, even though I want to go fast and hard, be raw and rough. I take my time, pushing in and pulling out, driving her higher, making things hotter.

  She’s so fucking wet for me, and the soft mewls she makes has me becoming frenzied. But I go slow, make this sweet and gentle. This might be the only time I am like this, but right now this is how it has to be.

  Right now this is what I want with Melissa. She’s mine, every part of her, and I want to take my time, savor every moment I have with her.

  Because after this moment there won’t be any more making love. There will just be hardcore claiming my woman.


  I got off work an hour ago, but came home first to change for the bonfire that’s at Ace’s house tonight. The fact I’ll get to see him, maybe even make what we have official in some capacity, makes my heart speed up. I’m done hiding, pretending like I am too afraid of my own feelings to let them be known. I want the whole damn world to know that Ace is mine and I’m his.

  I’ve slept the last two nights at his place and have only been home for twenty minutes at a time, just long enough to grab clean clothes to change into before I head back to see him. He makes me feel whole, like the person I truly am has been dormant this whole time, just waiting for him to spark it to life.

  This is the first time that I’ve been here for longer and it feels weird all of a sudden, like I’m in someone else’s place, as if this is no longer mine and Kadence’s home. A part of me feels a bit sad about that, simply because this has been my “safe place” for a while now, where I felt sheltered and safe.

  But I feel that way with Ace, and no matter where I am, as long as he’s there I’m golden.

  I grab the rest of my stuff and head out to my car. After tossing the bag in the backseat I climb behind the wheel, crank the engine, and turn on the radio. I drive around for a bit, wanting to take a moment to drive by mine and Kadence’s old place. Once I arrive outside I can’t help but look at the house across the street. It all started there, seemingly ages ago.

  That’s when I first came in contact with the Locke brothers, when they weren’t just rumors to me. It’s then that I should have known I was in deep, that I couldn’t just ignore this . . . that I’d be swept under in the best of ways. When I saw Kadence with Aston I felt like she was living for the first time. I never told her, but I’d been jealous of her, envious of the kind of fire I saw between the two of them.

  I have that now, though. I have it for myself.

  I finally arrive at the Locke property and already see a blazing bonfire lit up. There are chairs around the fire pit, and I immediately notice Sterling and Wy
nter, Aston and Kadence sitting around. I even see the Locke brothers’ Uncle Killian standing off to the side, a beer in his hand.

  I park the car and cut the engine. As soon as I’m out I see Ace striding over, a grin on his face. My heart jumps to my throat. It seems whenever he’s around I get this instant reaction, like I haven’t seen him in years. Part of me knows that this won’t ever change, that it will always be like this between us.

  He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his chest. He has his hand on my nape, tips my head to the side, and slams his mouth on mine. I can’t help but moan at the flavor of him as he strokes the seam of my lips with his tongue.

  When he pulls away I’m left breathless, wanting more, craving it. I look over at the bonfire and can see the brothers and their women looking at us, each one wearing a smile. I feel my face heat. Although this is what I wanted. I want them to know I’m with Ace. Hell, I need everyone to know that he’s mine in the same way he wants them to know I’m his.

  We’re not that different.

  We walk over to the fire and he sits down, immediately pulling me onto his lap and holding me close. It feels good being on his lap, his arms around me, everyone staring at us. I don’t feel weird that we have all this attention. It’s what I want, what I need.

  I turn and look at Ace, and feeling my emotions rise up, I’m the one who kisses him this time. I press my tongue to his lips, stroking so he opens for me, and then I delve inside. I’m normally not so wanton or brazen. I like when Ace takes control, has the power. But I want him to see, to feel that I’m right here with him, that I want him as much as he wants me.

  I hear Sterling whistle under his breath, can hear Aston saying something to Kadence about the PDA between Ace and I, but I don’t care. I’m focused on the man I love.

  I love him.

  He groans but pulls away, and I’m left there panting, wanting more. Needing it.

  “If we don’t stop I’ll have you in my room in my bed.”

  I smile. “Maybe that’s what I want.”

  He groans again and rests his forehead on mine.

  “You’re just as fucking insatiable as I am.”

  I chuckle.

  But I face the fire, knowing that being here with Ace, without us being naked, is just as good as when we are alone in his room. It might be better, if I am being honest.

  For long moments he just holds me, and I listen to the brothers bullshit, even hear Killian telling a story or two about all the shit he used to get into when he was their ages. There are laughs, a lot of touching from the guys and their women, and for the first time in a long damn time I feel like I belong someplace.

  Like I really belong here.

  These guys are family, and I am now part of that circle. But this has me thinking about what and who Ace is, and more specifically, whom he has in the garage. I twist slightly and look at said building, knowing who is behind those double doors, who has crossed a Locke.

  “Ace?” I ask softly and face him again, looking into his eyes.

  “Yeah, baby.” He lifts his hand and smooths his thumb over my bottom lip.

  “Show me him.” I know I don’t have to elaborate on who I’m talking about. I see the way Ace’s expression changes, how he becomes tense beneath me.

  “You want to see him?”

  I nod and lick my lips. “I need to see him.” And I realize I’ve never spoken truer words. In this moment I realize I am not so different than the man I love.


  I pause outside the garage door and stare for a few moments, feeling somewhat anxious that Melissa wants to see this fucker.

  She’s heard the damage I do, has heard the breaking of bones and the screams of my victim, but her seeing the damage is something else entirely.

  We’re just now beginning to feel like a real couple. Her walls are no longer up when she’s with me and the thought that once she sees with her own two eyes the damage I’ve done to this prick, that she might pull back from us, has me feeling on edge.

  “I’m ready, Ace.” She gives my hand a slight squeeze as if to reassure me that she’s ready to witness this mangled prick.

  Ever since I mentioned to her what this fucker did, that he almost killed me, I can tell that she’s been wanting to see the person who was almost responsible for taking me away from her.

  There’s anger in her eyes and in her voice every time I mention that I’m going out to the garage, but I’ve made it a point to keep her away from him.

  “Once you see what I’ve done, you can’t unsee that shit, Melissa.” I turn and grab her chin, pulling it up so our gazes meet. “I need to know for sure that you’re ready for that. I can’t fucking lose you now that you’re mine. I won’t.”

  She keeps her gaze locked on mine, a softness in them as if wanting to show me that she’s not going anywhere. “You’ll never lose me, Ace. Nothing you can do can scare me away now that I know the real you.” Her hands move up to grip my shirt as she stands on the tips of her toes and brushes her lips against mine. “I’m not going anywhere. Now show me.”

  I swallow nervously before grabbing the back of her head and kissing her. She kisses me back with a roughness that has me growling against her lips with need.

  “Fuck, Angel,” I whisper as we break the kiss. “I’m getting really fucking close to taking you upstairs and claiming you instead.”

  Her gaze lowers to my dick as I reach down to adjust my erection. A twisted smile crosses her face as she steps in close and runs her hand down my body. “You can claim me after. Like I said . . . I’m not going anywhere.”

  Before I can lose all self-control and throw her over my shoulder, carry her upstairs and fuck her like the twisted fucker that I am, I release my grip on her head and make my way over to the garage door to open it.

  I step inside first, Melissa following right behind me, so close that I can feel the warmth from her body against my backside.

  Troy is still hanging there all bloodied, cut up and bruised just as I’ve left him every night since he showed up on our property.

  He’s lucky I’ve been kind enough to provide him with water and food to keep his ass alive. Honestly, I could care less if he starves to death out here, but not getting the chance to hurt him and make him suffer for what he almost did is what I can and do care about.

  He begins thrashing around at the sight of me, and although there’s no way in hell he can get to Melissa to hurt her, I find myself pushing her behind me and growling out in anger.

  “Keep fucking moving and I’ll have to break all the fingers on your other hand too.” The tilt of my head as I stare across the garage at him has him obeying me. He’s learned enough over the time since he’s been my prisoner what that look means.

  I feel Melissa move around me, finally stepping out from behind me to get a look at Troy.

  She stands frozen for a few moments, staring up at him as if to take all the damage in.

  All I can do is watch her as she watches him, wanting to see every single one of her facial expressions.

  At first she looks a little shocked by all the cuts and broken bones, but then her expression changes into anger and determination as if she wants to make him suffer at her hands too.

  “He almost killed you,” she whispers. “He almost took you from me and possibly even Kadence if he had the chance.”

  I nod as she turns her attention to me. “Yes.”

  I watch closely as she walks over to stand in front of me, before kneeling down to reach into my boot for the knife she knows I keep hidden there. The one she’s used on more than one occasion to let out some frustration.

  She stands and grips the knife, her head tilting to the side as she looks down at it. In this moment, she reminds me a lot of myself. I can almost feel her need to hurt him, to cause damage because of the damage he could’ve and would’ve caused had he had the chance.

  “He hasn’t suffered enough yet,” she says softly, looking up at me. “I want him to kn
ow that if he ever hurts anyone that I love that I will hurt him far worse. He needs to know never to come back here again.”

  I steel my jaw and watch as she turns around and throws the knife at Troy, the blade sticking right into his thigh.

  She’s breathing heavily, standing still as she watches him.

  I feel joy as he screams out in pain and begins thrashing around again. But joy isn’t the only thing I feel at the fact that my girl is the one hurting this piece of shit. I feel relief and peacefulness, knowing that Melissa isn’t going anywhere.

  This moment right here is the confirmation I needed to know Melissa is truly mine for good.

  She’s not going anywhere.

  I don’t only want her in this moment, but I need her.

  It looks like she’s about to walk over to grab the knife out of Troy, possibly to hurt him again, but I grab her by the hips and flip her around so that she’s facing me.

  We’re both breathing heavily as I look down at her. My need to have her, to claim her in this very moment, has me gripping onto her body so hard that my fingers hurt. I’ve never needed to take Melissa as rough and wild as I do right this fucking second.

  She doesn’t need gentle.

  She doesn’t want gentle.

  She fucking needs me.

  With a growl, I pick her up and carry her outside and to the side of the garage where I know no one will bother looking for us. Shit, even if they did, I’m not sure I’d give a fuck at the moment.

  The craving to be inside my woman is too strong.

  I can see the need in her eyes too . . . can feel her desire from the rapid beating of her chest against mine as she looks up at me. It has me feeling like a fucking animal ready to strike. With a groan, I set her down just long enough to rip her jeans and panties down her legs and free my cock from my pants. Then I pick her back up, align my erection with her pussy and slam into her so hard that she screams out and digs into my skin, drawing blood.


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