Dangerous Care (Dangerous Care Saga #1)
Page 7
“So, in your opinion, what should I do? Put the country in high-alert when we don’t even know where or when they are likely to strike?” From the man’s edgy tone, Madoc could tell that he wasn’t going to like his advice.
“Well, yes. Release the headline tonight before midnight so that it hits the morning papers. Put extra security details in all hot spots: Parliament, Theme parks, the CN Tower. Notify all border crossings to be on the lookout for males of East-Asian descent travelling in pairs or solo. We anticipate that they would rent a car, so Charlie and your team will start looking into car-rental databases and identify red-flag renters and the identification they used to rent. If we come up with any false identification, licenses or passports, we will have some good leads. Most importantly, you and your family need to go on an extended vacation until we find them.” Madoc said this last point with full conviction. He knew the PM would likely refuse—he was too liberal that way. Saying nothing he got up and walked towards the liquor table, and poured himself a drink.
“Okay, give me the rationale before I reject that,” he said.
“Well, if you and your family are here, everybody needs maximum security details, which pulls good officers away from hot spots likely to be hit. For example, your two kids at school would require a minimum of twenty agents to sweep, secure and protect on a daily basis versus the regular five-to-eight. Your youngest child and wife would require ten-to-fifteen agents vetting locations prior to their arrival. Not to mention your fifteen-person convoy and the service agents of your ministers. If you go visit your wife’s family out east for two weeks, it will reduce the number of agents needed and will eliminate possible weak agents who may let something slip. In these situations, the fewer people you have, the better. All it takes is a misplaced agent at your kids’ school and one of the four diamonds slips in and starts shooting.” Madoc said this last statement for a bit of drama; in his mind, the PM needed to forget about image and do what was best for the country and for his family. The PM poured himself another high-ball of the dark, fragrant liquid. Madoc might have been tempted to rip the drink out of his hand for a little pain relief if he hadn’t been on the other side of the room.
“Okay, two weeks. My team will set up security and manage our safe passage. We leave tomorrow morning. I want your team to find the four diamonds and you have my permission for a capture/kill order if need be, as well as full access to law enforcement personnel. I also want you to figure out who wants me gone. I knew I wasn’t going to be popular, but I never figured I would need a team like yours to keep me alive.” With that, Madoc and his team were dismissed and escorted back to the helicopter waiting on the tarmac. Madoc could no longer hide the limp and felt warm liquid oozing out of his leg. Silence surrounded the team as they made their way and nobody asked him about his leg.
Adams had dropped him off without a word. Madoc had barely acknowledged anyone as they departed—he was thinking only of Kathryn.
Max met him at the door and shadowed him as he hobbled to the bedroom. Max was his only comfort today. For the first time in his life, what he wouldn’t give to have someone waiting for him. More specifically, he imagined Kathryn softly sleeping in his large bed, welcoming him home with half-closed eyes and a familiar murmur.
Chapter 16
Kathryn flipped over in her bed for the 100th time that night. She couldn’t sleep or think. Madoc had jumbled everything she thought she believed in and had left her mind and emotions in a goo-like state. She couldn’t tell Ryanne the details, but had informed her that things had gone sour and that she had discovered lies and omissions that potentially made it unethical for her to continue. Ryanne had begged and pleaded for details but Kathryn had been abrupt and had made it clear that she needed more information before she could say any more. Ryanne had agreed to do her consultation today with Madoc, but Kathryn wasn’t sure they would be going at all. It all depended upon what the news alerts told her on her phone. It was five AM and still pitch black, but she figured if something was as big as Madoc had implied, then news stations would be ready to report for the six AM live broadcasts. Kathryn clicked the side button on her phone and went to the CBC news app. There, in bright red text, read: “Prime Minister declares highest risk security level due to impending terrorist attack.” Kathryn’s mouth dropped. She read the heading again and again. There was no news story to go along with it, but the headline was on every news app she checked. She flipped onto her back and sighed. She was more than relieved that he hadn’t lied again and that she wasn’t about to be ‘removed from the picture.’
Kathryn dialed Ryanne’s phone. She picked up after ten rings. “Jesus Kathryn, what? Do you know what time it is?” Ryanne whispered. Dennis must be there, Kathryn thought. “Okay, so things have clarified a bit and I’m not going to pull us out. Still okay to go at one?” she asked.
“Yes of course you secretive asshole. Now leave me alone.” Ryanne hung up. She lay there in the dark for several hours, unable to sleep and unable to stop trying to piece Madoc together in her mind. Black ops? It was mind blowing. She tried imagining what kind of life he had already experienced and what he really thought of her. His injury finally made sense to her. No wonder he wanted her out of his house. He was some high-level spy who only had to deal with her because of his boss. She was just a blip on his radar. He hadn’t been being kind and charming with her in the gym—he’d simply been playing her. And all that chemistry she’d thought they had? He was a fucking trained spy! Of course Madoc could make someone feel like they had chemistry with him. Kathryn had worked herself into a slow-burning rage by the time she was supposed to leave for his house. Madoc the enigma, the mastermind, the cold and calculating James Bond had not only played her, but had treated her like an object to be used. Kathryn wasn’t sure she could face him knowing all of this, even if he had been telling the truth. Kathryn had never had her power taken away like this and she wasn’t sure she could continue to allow it—even if some parts of her body wanted to.
Madoc sat with Tuck at the kitchen table in silence. His leg had ebbed between numbness and throbbing ever since the recasting. Kathryn had been right. The doctor had regressed him back to his original cast. He had to bite his tongue as they thoroughly chastised him for his irresponsibility. He cared less what they thought however; it was Kathryn he was worried about. Madoc looked at his watch; it was already ten past one, and Kathryn had never been late. The entrance gate chimed- she was here. Madoc quickly got on his crutches and headed towards the door, not saying a word. Tuck followed behind, putting distance between himself and the impending interaction.
Madoc opened the door before she knocked or entered her palm print. He met unfamiliar eyes sparkling at him and a sly grin building across a lightly freckled face. “Ah, can I help you?” Madoc asked, confused. The short brunette with big eyes, a big smile and full wavy hair stepped forward. “I’m Ryanne—the OT, Kathryn thought I could provide you with some home safety and equipment advice.” Ryanne held out her hand to Madoc who accepted it absently. He looked past Ryanne, searching for Kathryn. The small woman pushed forward into the entrance where Tuck was waiting. “Kathryn isn’t coming today Mr. Pearson. I’m surprised you expected her based on yesterday’s debacle.” Ryanne swung back and looked at Madoc who had finally closed the door. “She wouldn’t tell me anything, but I’m assuming that you two, ‘hot shots’ had something to do with it.” She looked at Tuck and smiled coyly.
Madoc almost scoffed out loud. “I’m pretty sure therapists are not supposed to say things like that.”
Ryanne turned back to him. “I’m pretty sure clients are not supposed to lie to their therapists, cut off their own casts and jeopardize the careers of others… but we all do crazy things…” she turned to Tuck. “Like that shirt,” she said, nodding towards Tuck’s designer purple polo shirt.
Tuck laughed out loud. “Ha! I like her already” he said, grinning back at Madoc who was still stone-faced and beginning to look unhinged.
> “I’m here to take a look at that leg and at your bedroom, bathroom and kitchen,” she said. “It will probably take me an hour, and I’ll need you to show me how you’ve been doing things so far, like getting into the tub or getting dressed.” She put her bag down and handed her coat to Tuck. “Thanks Maverick” she said and moved towards Madoc.
Madoc actually took a step back, his eyes wide. “Will she be back? I mean, will she come to another session or will it always be you?” he asked. Ryanne looked back at Tuck and grinned. He smiled widely back.
“I’m not sure Mr. Pearson, she is unsure if this is a good therapeutic relationship or something she should end now. I suggest behaving appropriately and seeing where that takes you. Okay, enough chit chat, let’s get this done. Brad Pitt, can you please help Madoc show me the bathroom and bedroom?” She picked up her work bag.
“Anything for you… right this way,” Tuck said through another grin, walking ahead of Ryanne, who was finally followed by a stunned Madoc.
Kathryn waited in her pajamas all afternoon to hear from Ryanne. She’d been right—Dennis was back in the picture with Ryanne. Kathryn knew because Ryanne was refusing to meet for drinks later that evening. Dennis didn’t like Ryanne going out with Kathryn too often so she would have to settle for a phone call. As she sat near her gas fireplace in her large white leather chair with a glass of Pinot Noir, her phone went off and a text came in. “Where were you? Why didn’t you come?” Kathryn knew it had to be from Madoc, reading the message at least ten times before starting to write back. She started typing, “You needed to have an OT visit and that’s what happened. I didn’t need to be there for that.” She waited a minute, re-reading this over and over until she finally pressed send. She waited and waited, holding her phone close to her chest and sipping her wine. She needed to tread very carefully here, texting a client was controversial. Her phone blipped with a text. “You said you would come with her, why didn’t you come… the truth.” Kathryn read this and laughed sardonically to herself before typing the politically correct text to him. “I now recognize the complexity of the situation and want to ensure professional boundaries are maintained at all times. We have three remaining visits before I discharge and I want to ensure you receive the best service possible.” What she really wanted to say was “Of course you want me to tell you the truth so you can control me and the situation even further, you hot nutjob!” but instead she waited and had another glass of wine. His response didn’t come until half an hour later. “Okay, I understand. Do you have free time to come tomorrow? Tuck will be here and you can bring Ryanne if you think that’s best.” Kathryn was a little shocked at his request. Was this another game? She delayed her next text until she was fully sure of her decision. “I have tomorrow at noon available. Please have Tuck there. We’ll be in the gym… so be prepared for a workout.”
Kathryn’s phone started vibrating as she sent that last text. Immediately she was scared he was calling to talk. She couldn’t handle hearing his voice over the phone. Thankfully, it was Ryanne. “Hey, how ya doing?”
Kathryn didn’t want to talk niceties. “How was it?”
Ryanne giggled. “Okay, well here’s my opinion. He has bunked his leg up again and you’ll probably have to start from square one but I’ll let you decide that. I’ve recommended a ton of equipment that will be delivered tomorrow and his best friend Tuck is a total hottie. Madoc is gorgeous but obviously in love with you.”
“Ryanne, he is not love with me, nor do I want him to be. I am his therapist and he is my client. I want him to do well and give me a good review—that’s it!”
“Oh get over yourself Kathryn,” Ryanne quipped. “The guy was devastated you didn’t show up. I think he’s really interested in you, and given that you won’t tell me what’s really going on with him, I think you’re really interested in him. Why are you protecting him?”
“I’m going to go out there tomorrow at noon for our sixth visit.” Ignoring Ryanne’s question “I have two more after that, one for assessment which I will have to redo and then discharge appointment. I just don’t see us connecting ever again after that, and I am being realistic about that. His job doesn’t allow for it, so why even consider it. Thanks anyways for taking the hit for me today, are we going out for Halloween on Friday night? I have those free tickets to the Mansion if we’re dressed up. Yes? Come over for eight. I gotta go, say hi to Dennis for me and tell him to bring Christopher if he’s coming. I could use a distraction.” Kathryn heard Ryanne try and contest Dennis’s presence but she had already hung up by that point.
Chapter 17
Madoc waited with Tuck this time in the study. Even though Kathryn had said she was coming at noon, he was still anxious she wouldn’t show. He was getting tired of having to have Tuck here, but he was more than willing to endure it for Kathryn’s sake. Tuck had been playing on his phone with his legs hanging over the side of the chair when he turned to Madoc. “So, you obviously like her… a lot… what are you going to do about it?”
Madoc, who had had his head laid back against the chair with his eyes closed, tipped his head forward, looking incredulously at Tuck. “Are you fucking serious? You know I don’t date and certainly not anyone in the country. Drop it.” He returned his head to the chair and closed his eyes.
Tuck wouldn’t give up. “Okay tough guy, except everyone can see it and you’re making a fool out of yourself by denying it. Maybe you could give it a chance? What’s the harm?” Madoc knew that Tuck knew what the harm could be. Madoc had grown up with a mother so abusive, even her drug dealers had tried to help him. His grandfather had stepped in when things got really bad, but only enough to prevent someone from doing something about it. In high school, he had a chance to excel and quickly became known for his athleticism and artistic ability- a strange combination his mom had ridiculed him for. It had been his only outlet versus turning to drugs. By age seventeen, he was working nights to support his mother until one day she just upped and left the apartment with all of their things. Madoc had been working enough hours to finally give them a normal life until that. But his mom had pawned all of it and bought a ticket to Montreal. Supposedly it was to meet up with an old boyfriend who had been in touch. He hadn’t seen her since. Madoc didn’t just end up with issues with women, but with everyone. Tuck was the only person in the world who knew this. “You’ve got it wrong Tuck.” Madoc looked away and sipped at his scotch.
Madoc would have been more hostile with anyone else, but he had a soft spot for Tuck- he owed him actually. In his late teens Madoc had finished a bar fight, returning to the university residence bloodied up. The other guy had been taken into hospital. Tuck had been residence manager on weekends, and so it was his decision whether or not to allow Madoc back into the building without reporting it. He let Madoc go that night and promised to keep his secret safe—they weren’t necessary friends after that but were certainly allies. When a recruiter for the Canadian Intelligence Service showed up the next week to talk to Madoc, it turned out that the guy Madoc beat on had been an agent trainer in hand-to-hand combat. They figured that, since Madoc had handled him properly, there might be some potential. Madoc had insisted on taking Tuck along for the ride as payback and the rest was a real-life movie.
Tuck threw up his hands and sighed. “Okay boss, but I know this isn’t going to end well for you if you don’t start taking notice of what Kathryn does to you and how you react to her. It means something… maybe something really good.” The chime notifying Madoc that a car had entered the driveway went off as Tuck finished. Like last time, Madoc jumped onto his crutches and headed towards the door. Round two, Madoc thought to himself… he planned on winning this time.
Kathryn stood nervously at the door as she heard the bolts move across. She shook her head at herself “Jesus Kat, what are you doing?” He must be opening them manually, she thought, as she had refused to use the hand-print ever again. As he opened the door, she stared up into his dark brown eyes and waited for him
to make the move. Her insides felt like they were going to come outside. She should be scared of him, she had told herself many times on the way over. She had decided she was going to be professional and restrained and then move on with her life—she’d forget about him and his secret ops team. All of that seemed so much easier said than done now that she was with him.
“Kathryn, you’re here,” he said, seeming somewhat surprised.
“I am, Madoc, I hope I’m on time. May I come in?” Kathryn looked past him and into the entrance hall where Tuck stood. He slowly raised a hand... Kathryn nodded at him and walked by Madoc as he turned to allow her entrance. “Ryanne updated me on your new and more formidable cast. This will certainly slow down your progress and will mean we have to return to more basic exercises until a lighter cast can be put on again. Can we move to the gym? We’ll run through some exercises to get started with and then re-evaluate our plan.” Kathryn said this while glancing from Madoc to Tuck, not stopping to let them speak. She found herself having trouble keeping sustained eye contact with Madoc—he was looking at her too intensely.
Madoc was quick to respond once she stopped. “Of course, let’s get down there. I’m sure you’ve got other things to do.” Kathryn set Madoc to several exercises on one side of the gym and walked towards Tuck, who was sitting at the juice bar watching the news. Kathryn was doing her best to maintain her professional distance, and it was much easier when she was further away from Madoc. “So Tuck, you guys are international men of mystery. You don’t seem to fit the bill as well as Madoc—in fact, you two are an unlikely pair. What gives?” Kathryn pulled out a water from the fridge and looked at Tuck. She wasn’t sure she liked him, and she certainly didn’t like his playboy attitude.