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Dangerous Care (Dangerous Care Saga #1)

Page 9

by M. M. Cameron

  Madoc had raced back to his camera room. He wanted to see Kathryn for the last moments she was on his property—not just for her safety but also to watch the way she moved and hear what she said. Madoc saw she was talking on the phone, so he turned his microphone up and listened to her soft voice. “Hey, what’s going on? No, not great, but I’ve got some clarity now… what I am going to do is put on my fabulous costume, go out with you tonight, get wasted, dance my brains out and, if you’re nice, you will have Dennis bring Christopher so I can do bad things to him on the dance floor and let him ravage me all night!” Kathryn paused, but Madoc couldn’t hear anything through the phone, he could only see her thumbing the keys in her hand above the car door. “Fair enough, I’ll meet you at The Mansion lineup at ten with fuckboy one and fuckboy two? Okay, sounds good.” Kathryn slipped her phone into her bag, got into her car and drove away. Madoc could have screamed at her through the monitor, his outrage and fear fueled by his testosterone flooding his brain. Why couldn’t she just go home and have a normal, laid back evening without getting totally wasted and putting herself at risk? Madoc knew one of the only reasons she was really at risk was because of him—someone could have been listening to her from his yard, or could even have bugged her car or phone. If they wanted to take advantage of her vulnerability, tonight was the perfect setup. Madoc told himself that this was the only reason he was worried about her, but deep down he knew that if fuckboy two even so much as touched her he would need some serious facial reconstructive surgery after Madoc was done with him. Madoc flipped his phone on and started texting. “What are you doing tonight?” he waited until his phone buzzed against the table, then wrote back, “Tuck, we’re going out. Come to my house for half-eight. Wear your gear”. Madoc threw his phone on the table and laughed out loud. Somehow, even after all of that emotional manipulation to distance himself, she had pulled him right back into the deep end. Who was the real fuckboy?

  Chapter 20

  The club was packed to the limit. Bodies thrummed up and down to the music, gyrating against one another regardless of gender. Everyone was in costume—they wouldn’t let you in if you weren’t. Kathryn and Ryanne were decked out; they always went big on Halloween and tonight was no exception. Kathryn had told herself there would be no rules tonight, no regrets. Tonight was just about feeling better—tomorrow she would face the reality of Madoc’s rejection. Her faux-leather Cat woman suit hugged every inch of her body and left no room for bra or panty lines, so she had decided not to wear any. The suit had cost her $200 but it fit like a glove and kept everything in the right place. She knew she looked good tonight and could feel most guys’ eyes on her as she walked by, especially Chris’. Ryanne had decided on a full Wonder Woman costume which accentuated her ample cleavage and allowed a good view of her booty and legs. Both women looked like the real deal, which is what they always went for on Halloween. Dennis and Chris had both worn their lab coats from university, trying to look like doctors but really only pulling off sloppy nerds with stethoscopes. Kathryn and Ryanne took two shots, then downed gin and waters. It was time to play…

  As Kathryn’s mind lost touch with her shitty day, she started to loosen up and pay more attention to Chris as he pressed up closer to her as the night went on. She was 100% sure she was going to get laid tonight—she just needed to pick the right guy and not leave too early. Standing next to the tall booth, Chris pulled her out to the dance floor, Kathryn grinned. Her cat-suit accentuated the friction against her nipples and her body was buzzing. She had weeks of pent-up sexual tension from her time with Madoc and it needed to be released. As she moved, Kathryn glanced at the door as it opened. She almost tripped as her body froze, Chris still pulling her deeper into the dancefloor. There, walking towards the middle of the room on crutches, was Madoc, followed by Tuck. Both were in full black swat team gear, only without the helmets. Kathryn ducked down and backed off the dance floor towards Ryanne at the booth. She peeked round someone’s hips and saw Madoc and Tuck head to the bar in the middle of the room. Tuck had taken the “costume” a little further than Madoc had—he’d drawn black stripes under his eyes. Both men towered over every guy in the building, even the bouncers. Kathryn looked around and could see female and male heads turning to catch a glimpse of the two mammoth men. They looked like they were there to shut down the place. Kathryn nudged Ryanne. Ryanne ignored her first, instead asking Dennis to explain where he had just been for the last half hour. Finally, she looked in the direction Kathryn was staring. “Holy shit. It’s him and… other him. What the fuck Kathryn?” Ryanne turned to Kathryn. “Seriously, oh my God, what is he doing here? I don’t get it.”

  Right then Chris came back over to the table. He had spilt a drink on his lab coat and was trying to take the one Kathryn had just bought. “Where did you go Kat? I love this song, let’s go!” Chris shouted louder than he needed to and then downed her drink. He was loud enough to turn the heads of Madoc and Tuck towards them, but by that time Kathryn had already taken Chris’ lead and was escaping to the dance floor. Her mind felt like paralyzed jelly. As the music played, she tried to focus on Chris, moving her body against his, but not paying attention to his hands as they pulled her ass closer to his body and skimmed over her stomach and under her breasts. Prior to Madoc’s arrival this would have turned her on, but now it only confused her as her body and mind fought for someone different.

  Madoc knew they’d brought a whole lot of attention upon themselves as soon as they’d walked into the building. The bouncers hadn’t even questioned them after they excited the limo—they had just walked right in as if they owned the place and all the people inside. Madoc had started scanning for Kathryn as soon as they’d arrived. Madoc could sense all of the female eyes on him and Tuck. It was not the kind of place he would typically visit, especially with all of the losers who got totally wasted and overly sloppy with the ladies. Madoc appreciated a little class, and was usually sorely disappointed by bars like this. A prime example was a joker in a white lab coat shouting for no reason near the bar. Both Madoc and Tuck looked over towards the booth the man stood at and made eye contact with Ryanne. She went wide-eyed and automatically looked towards the dance floor where another clown in a white lab coat was dancing behind a woman dressed in a leather black outfit with a long blonde braid down her back. Madoc knew immediately that it was Kathryn—had she seen him?

  “That’ll be fifteen dollars,” the young bartender said to them in a sweet voice. Madoc threw a twenty down. “Keep the change,” he said, and turned back to the dance floor where he saw Kathryn dancing with, and being dry-humped by, who he assumed was ‘fuckboy number two’. The pounding, rhythmic base from the hip-hop song pounded through him, almost matching his heart rate and urging him closer to violence. The guy had pulled Kathryn close to his body and was rubbing his cock up against her ass in time with the music. Kathryn, who he could tell had good rhythm, was keeping time with the music and riding the wave of the guy’s waist. Madoc could tell she would be an excellent fuck. He bit his tongue—and downed his first rye and water in one swig. The guy started with one hand on Kathryn’s stomach and Madoc watched as he slowly moved it up closer to her tight heavy breasts locked into place by that beautiful leather outfit. He watched as the guy’s hand moved under her breast while pulling her ass closer to his dick at the same time, riding the promise of something more later that night. Kathryn’s eyes were closed as she matched him with each move, raising her arms occasionally in the air and fully extending her tight body like a cat. Madoc’s cock twitched against his fatigues. He swore under his breath and grabbed the next drink waiting for him. Tuck knocked his elbow “Hey, they look good together”. Madoc finished his drink, ignoring Tuck’s shit-eating grin. If that guy made one more move, there were going to be problems. Madoc moved towards Ryanne.

  Kathryn knew Madoc was watching, but that last drink had sent her past the point of giving a shit. She knew he was staring, so gave him the show of his life. Kathryn was not a profess
ional seductress but she did know when she looked good and what would get a guy drooling. She zoned out on Chris and imagined she was dancing with Madoc, letting Chris go further than she might have outside a bedroom. She could feel his hand pull her body up against his erection and imagined Madoc gripping her hard like he had at the gym and running his hands up her ribs and under her breasts. She closed her eyes and rode the wave, showing Madoc what an excellent ride she would be if he wasn’t such an asshole. Chris suddenly turned her around, putting his hand in between her ass cheeks, his fingers grazing the backside of her pussy, and pulled her against his hard-on. He went in for the make-out session on the dance floor, which Kathryn would never do with anyone, let alone with Chris. Dancing from behind, she had been able to forget Chris and imagine Madoc, but face to face it was too much. She immediately pushed him back a step. Chris looked at her, dazed and confused. “Whoa, too much… shtoo sooon?” he said, slurring his words, having a harder time making eye contact without going cross-eyed. Kathryn felt bad for using him, he had no idea what he was up against. Kathryn couldn’t resist looking over and was not surprised to see Madoc heading her way, crutches and all. Behind him she could see Ryanne sitting with Dennis and Tuck, all three staring at her, trying to communicate something urgently with their eyes. Kathryn got the message loud and clear. The greatest gift Kathryn thought she could give Chris at the moment was distance. Pulling a twenty from her boot, she thrust it into his hand and pushed him toward the bar. “Not too soon, but we do need more drinks! Go grab us some and I’ll meet you at the booth.” Chris glanced up at her, shrugged, and headed off to the bar.

  Madoc strode with his crutches as fast as he could towards Kathryn and Chris. He should’ve been there just to protect and observe incognito, but with her, all his rules had changed. First of all, he had drunk another rye and water… and rather quickly. Two drinks didn’t affect his large body, but they did take the edge off. He saw her hand the guy something and usher him away—so she had seen him. He wondered if maybe the show was really for him. As the crowd made way for him and his crutches, she turned fully towards him, only her lips and eyes visible through the leather cat mask and head covering. People around them stared at him in his gear and he could feel the fear and excitement of the crowd preparing for something to detonate. He pulled up as close as possible and lowered his body so as to be face-to-face with her. “Are you through?” he asked, his tone laced with malice.

  Kathryn looked up at him and raised up on her tiptoes to meet his ear with her mouth. She spoke softly. “Not even close.” With that, she pulled back, looking straight in his eyes. Madoc was fuelled forward by her comment and grabbed her arm. “You are coming with me. Ryanne and you are in danger.” Kathryn had been about to cause a stink when he grabbed her, but when Ryanne’s name and the threat of danger were mentioned, she immediately dropped the attitude and followed his lead as he moved off the dance floor towards the back hall where the bathrooms were.

  The DJ continued to play deep rhythmic hip-hop as they moved down the stairs to a quiet area reserved for equipment. Madoc was upset with himself for pulling the “You’re in danger” card. He hadn’t wanted Kathryn or Ryanne to know that the assassins might have marked them; they would change their behaviour somehow, which could trigger a greater focus on them. “What do you mean we’re in danger? Who is after us? Is it the terrorists from the newspaper? Why are you even here?” Madoc turned to her only once they were situated in a small cubby area “I shouldn’t have said anything, everything is fine. I just didn’t want you out in public with these guys on the loose.” He could tell his story wasn’t getting through to her. “London isn’t a hot-spot, but this is the perfect citizen casualty location on a big night that surprises law enforcement and creates big headlines. I just don’t want either of you to get hurt.” He looked down at her, willing her to accept this.

  Kathryn lifted her mask slowly off her face and smoothed down her hair. She crossed her arms before speaking. “Bullshit Madoc, you can’t stop lying to me. That is not the only reason you are here. I want to know how and why you think it is okay to follow me here and involve yourself in my life. You have made it clear that you do not want me involved in yours, so why be here? I just wanted to have a good time tonight and somehow you have gotten in the way and involved yourself in my sex life. Don’t think I don’t know what you would have done if I hadn’t sent Chris away. You’re a liar and a bad one.”

  Madoc stared down at Kathryn, watching her red swollen lips move and her face become flushed as she spoke. Although he had heard her words, his cock had taken over his brain. He flexed his fingers into her arms through the soft leather. “That loser had no business touching you like that,” he growled in her ear.

  She pulled back slightly. “You bet he did, because I liked it. I wanted it.” She pushed up on her tiptoes again and spoke into his ear. “I wanted to feel his hands on my tits, and feel his cock against my body, making me wet. Yes Madoc, I want to get fucked tonight and since you have nothing to offer me, you can’t blame me for seeking it somewhere else. You treated me like the cleaning lady today and then have the nerve to show up here, claiming territory? I’m done with you and your games… get out of my way.” Kathryn turned to leave, but Madoc forced her hard against the wall. Kathryn gasped.

  He spoke directly at her. “I don’t get out of anyone’s way if I don’t want to, and I certainly do not want to get out of your way.” Madoc trailed off as he pushed both of her arms against the wall and dipped down to kiss her. Both crutches fell behind him. The kiss began with him barely touching his lips to hers, but quickly became forceful as he gained control of her mouth and she relinquished her lips to him by tipping her head back. Madoc brought one hand up to hold her chin, varying from soft to hard penetration with his tongue, shallow then deep. As he went deeper into the kiss, he pushed his cock and chest against her body, making sure to take note of how her softness felt against his hardness. The intensity of the kiss could not be contained in the one action and his other hand quick moved to the side of her breast, using his thumb to rub the hard nipple in the middle. She moaned in his mouth and his cocked bulged into her. His gear kept him contained but there was no way she wasn’t feeling it—it was rock hard and getting bigger by the moment. Her hand came up to his chest as she fully engaged him, pushing her softness back into him. The hand that had been holding her chin moved down the side of her body and cupped her tight, firm ass against him. She fit perfectly within his frame and his body kept urging him forward to take more of her. She moaned in protest as his hand left her ass briefly, but was soon satisfied as he reached in and cupped her from the front. Her body buckled against him, his body holding her up against the wall. This is what both of them had been waiting for and avoiding. Madoc searched for the next level, not wanting to fuck her in the hallway of a shitty bar, but also desperately wanting to fuck her. The decision was made for him as his phone starting beeping at a high frequency he had never heard before. The sound popped him back into reality—one of his new alarms had been breached. He pulled back hard from Kathryn. The look on her face was something he never wanted to forget—awestruck, swollen lips, eyes still closed and mouth open and waiting. He hated to burst the bubble. “Kathryn, I need to go. Something has happened at my house and I need to get back to Tuck… Kathryn, do you hear me?” he shook her slightly before letting go and picking up his crutches.

  Kathryn finally opened her eyes. “What? What happened?” Madoc tried not to be frustrated with her.

  “My house alarm has gone off and you know that that can mean several bad things. I need to get to Tuck and back to my house. Will you please come back upstairs with me?”

  Kathryn was now thoroughly feeling the effects of the drinks and the whirlwind of their make out session. “Ah yeah,” she shook her head slightly, “sure, let’s go.”

  Kathryn let herself be led back up the stairs by Madoc until they reached the table where Tuck and Ryanne were still sitting. Dennis and C
hris had disappeared.

  “My property alarm has gone off. I’m going to call Adams and Marshall to intercept. I will head back in a cab, can you escort the ladies home in the limo and then come to the house?” Tuck nodded without saying anything.

  Both Ryanne and Kathryn protested at the same time. “We’re not going home.” Tuck turned to Ryanne, who seemed to be a bit more cognizant than Kathryn.

  “Yes you are and I don’t want you fighting me about it. It’s better if you two stay together, but if you prefer to go to your own homes I will see it that both of you arrive safely.” Tuck turned back to Madoc, cutting his explanation short.

  Ryanne didn’t accept that. “Ah, no way Godfather, I don’t do what you say. I came with Dennis and will be leaving with Dennis and Kathryn with Chris, so you guys can run along and take care of your own business and leave us to ours.”

  Tuck balked at her. “Ryanne... princess, baby, while you and I have been conversing here all night, Dennis has been making eyes at a twenty-one-year-old ‘sexy nurse’ in fishnet stockings and hideous shoes by the door. Hate to tell you, but he left half an hour ago with her.” He took a breath and continued. “Chris the sweaty mess is currently bordering on consciousness on the dancefloor with that forty-year-old cougar in the Elvira costume. So… I think you two should accept the free limo ride and call it a night. You know you are leaving with the two best looking dudes in the room, so that’s a plus.” He grinned at Ryanne, sure of his victory.

  Ryanne looked around for Dennis. “Jesus Christ Dennis! Bah!” She looked to Kathryn who was burning a hole into Madoc’s back with her eyes, trying to hear the conversation he was having on the phone.


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