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A Perfect Moment

Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  There was even a humungous fireplace to one side. Trey had never seen anything so homey. This place had to have cost millions. They had driven up a winding driveway, so Trey assumed they were sitting on plenty of land.

  “Tomorrow I’ll show you the secret garden,” Elijah said with a smile. “It’s one of my favorite places. I just love nature, and the garden always makes me feel like I’m in some mystical place.”

  Trey kept his mouth shut. He wasn’t going to point out that shifters should have been considered mystical, too. This whole flipping secret world was something out of a deranged fairytale.

  “This is Ben’s room.” Elijah stopped at the last room on the right.

  The hallway went left or right, and Trey wanted to explore some more, but he was exhausted.

  Elijah walked in, and Trey followed. He was instantly blown away. There was a huge California bed in the center of the room, two comfortable barrel chairs seated by a fireplace, and French doors that overlooked the forest. The carpet was burgundy, the bedding a cream color, and there were more photos spread over the walls.

  Elijah winked. “If you think this is impressive, you should see his bathroom. I’m so jealous.” He looked over his shoulder, making Trey look, too. There was no one in the room but them. When Elijah spoke, he whispered, “I sometimes sneak in here to soak in his tub. You’ll see why, but don’t tell Ben. I guess since you’re here, my soakings are no more.”

  Curious, Trey opened the door to his right and found a large walk-in closet.

  “Wrong door.” Elijah pointed across the room.

  Trey walked to the bathroom and stepped inside, blown away by what he saw. Not only was there a large tub but also a standalone shower, a long sink that ran the length of one wall, and floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the same forest as the French doors.

  Everything was made of marble and dark wood. The room was ultra-masculine and smelled like cedar.

  “Now do you see why I sneak in here?” Elijah asked when he entered. He opened double doors, and Trey saw it was a closet. “Heated towels, soft robes, and oh my god, his shampoo and body wash smell so good. All I have is a regular tub with a shower. Talk about feeling ripped off.”

  “This is, uh…nice.” Trey rubbed his chest. He wasn’t sure why he felt like crying because Ben wasn’t there. He didn’t even know the guy, not really, and he missed him like crazy.

  “Oh, honey boo. This is more than nice. I’ll let you get settled in and get some rest. I’m on the first floor with my no-frills bathroom if you need me.”

  Trey didn’t stop Elijah when he left. He was too stunned. Just how much money did Ben have? Clearly the guy was loaded, which made Trey feel out of place. He didn’t belong in this world. Then again, he’d never felt as if he belonged in his own.

  With a sigh, Trey left the bathroom, stripped down to his boxers, and crawled into the softest bed he’d ever been in. He was just dozing off when he spotted something moving by the dresser. Trey sat up and groaned when he realized it was Buster.

  The raccoon scared him but not enough to stop him from falling asleep and allowing a very naked Ben to infiltrate his dreams.

  * * * *

  After his shower, Ben slipped into bed, trying not to disturb his mate. Trey had already been through one hell of a night, and right now what he needed most was rest. Trey was facing him, his eyes closed, his lips parted, and one hand was tucked under his cheek.

  Ben lay there studying his mate, memorizing his features. Unable to help himself, he brushed the pad of his thumb over Trey’s cheek.

  Trey’s eyelids fluttered opened. He stared at Ben for a long moment, as if trying to remember how he’d gotten there. “You still haven’t told me what’s going on.”

  He pulled Trey to him and kissed those soft lips. His mate whimpered and grabbed a handful of his hair as he pulled Ben closer.

  Ben didn’t think he would ever get enough of kissing Trey. It was like kissing fresh, ripe strawberries. He nudged Trey to lie back, climbing over him as he deepened the kiss, moaning into Trey’s mouth. Ben pushed his hard cock against Trey’s, snaking his hand behind Trey’s head.

  Explanation later, sex first. Because, after the night Ben had had, he needed his mate, needed to feel Trey in his arms and luxuriate in the knowledge that Trey was there and would always be there for him.

  Ben pulled back, slid his mate’s arms above his head, and then dipped down to suck a nipple into his mouth, the taste of salty skin making his senses roar to life.

  Trey arched his back, grabbing Ben’s hair as he pushed his cock into Ben’s hardened erection. The action made Ben desperate to bury his cock deep into Trey. His mate writhed under him, lifting his groin higher, rocking his hips from side to side. Their cocks danced around each other’s, and the friction had Ben panting.

  Fuck, his mate was a beast in bed. He’d already proven that, and that was what turned Ben on so much, seeing how desperate Trey was for him.

  Ben kissed his way up Trey’s chest until he was at Trey’s throat. Ben traced the soft skin with his tongue, pressing his body harder into his mate’s. “Need you, sunshine.”

  “I’m right here,” Trey panted. “Not going anywhere.”

  Ben nipped at Trey’s Adam’s apple, licking the sting away. Then he licked his way over Trey’s bare shoulder, driving himself mad with desire.

  Ben couldn’t take it anymore. He had to be inside of this heavenly creature. He was in awe of Trey’s creamy skin, slim build, and the rock-hard cock that jutted out from between his legs. Fuck if he wasn’t dying to sink inside of him this very second. Goose bumps rose at the contact. Their cocks tapped at one another, both leaking onto Trey’s lower abdomen. The glistening pool made Ben’s mouth water.

  Ben had never seen a more gorgeous sight in his life.

  Trey stayed on his back while Ben was on all fours. Trey slid down until Ben’s cock dangled above him.

  “Need to taste you.” Trey grabbed Ben’s cock and licked the pre-cum off that had dotted the head. “Fuck, you taste so good.”

  “Oh, god,” Ben moaned as his mate wiggled below him, sucking the head of his cock into his mouth. “Trey.” Ben’s arms threatened to give out as Trey’s fiery-hot hands stroked his cock.

  Ben was lost in a world of lust. His mate was sucking the head of his cock with so much enthusiasm that Ben was going to blow any moment. “Trey,” Ben called out again.

  Trey sucked him down deeper, grazing his sac then rolling the wrinkled skin in his hand, running his fingers over the skin between Ben’s balls and his ass. He pumped his palm, caving in his cheeks for a tighter suction. Ben was going nuts as he pushed his cock all the way to the back of his mate’s throat.

  His mate knew exactly what he was doing. Ben was unraveling, ready to do whatever Trey asked. His mate was the only person on this planet who could bring Ben to his knees, and the little shit had to know it.

  Ben snarled Trey’s name as spurt after spurt of seed bathed the back of Trey’s hot, succulent mouth. He leaned back and pulled his mate up the bed. “You have a beautiful mouth.” Ben kissed the taste of himself right out of his mate.

  “Fuck me,” Trey breathed. “I need you inside of me now.”

  “You never have to beg.” Ben grabbed the lube, drenching his fingers and sliding them into his mate’s tight entrance, scissoring and stretching until Trey was loose and relaxed. The anticipation was almost unbearable. Ben had to reach deep inside himself for patience he didn’t know he possessed as he took his time preparing Trey.

  Ben wiped his hand on the blanket and then pushed Trey’s legs back, the head of his cock kissing the tight hole. Gripping the base, Ben pushed forward. He felt the heat engulf his cock as soon as he breached him. The tight band of muscles clamped down on his shaft, stroking Ben’s cock as he worked his cock inside.

  “Oh, fuck,” Trey cried, bucking his hips to take all of what Ben had to give. His mate grabbed his shoulders and pushed down until Ben felt his balls hi
t his mate’s ass. “So good,” Trey moaned. His fingers dug into Ben’s shoulders, the sting of fingernails breaking skin only adding to the sensations.

  Ben closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath, staving off his approaching orgasm. He didn’t want to rush things. Not when he wanted to map out every inch of Trey’s body with his tongue.

  The tight grip was killing him, though, and Ben wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out. He pulled back until only the head remained then thrust forward, slamming into Trey’s ass. He pushed his mate’s legs back farther, giving him the full view of ass swallowing cock.

  His cock slid in and out, and Ben watched in fascination. The sight of Trey’s twin globes drawing up tight to his body made Ben’s teeth ache to nip them.

  “So good.” Trey’s head thrashed around. “Your cock feels so damn good in my ass.”

  Ben punched his hips faster as sweat slid down his back.

  He knew he wasn’t going to last. Not with the sight below him. Seeing Trey in the throes of passion was so intoxicating that he could get drunk off it.

  Ben panted heavily as he concentrated on his lover. Trey was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Ben caressed Trey’s soft abdomen, feeling the muscles quiver under his touch.

  “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  “Oh my god, shut up,” Trey groaned. “Apologize to me after I’ve busted a nut.”

  Ben growled, thrusting harder and deeper. He’d never had anyone talk to him that way, and fuck, it was such a turn-on.

  Trey’s head rolled from side to side, his lips parting as his hands left Ben’s shoulders and grabbed the sheets, fisting them tightly. Ben snarled, sinking his canines into Trey’s soft shoulder. His mate cried out, his seed spurting between them. When Ben slid his canines free, he threw his head back and roared his release.

  Trey shoved at Ben. “It’s too freaking hot, and you’re a sweat box.”

  Ben chuckled. “You weren’t saying that a minute ago.”

  “That’s because I wasn’t in my right state of mind.” Trey turned over. “Now I have to shower and get ready.”

  Ben frowned. “Ready to go where?”

  “Work,” Trey said over his shoulder after he sat up. “I do have a job, and since I just started, I can’t call off.”

  Ben sat up. “You’re not going anywhere.” If Manny or one of his goons got their hands on Trey, Ben would go insane. “You’re keeping your ass right here in the house.”

  Trey jumped up, glaring at Ben. “In your dreams. You might have the luxury of not working, but I don’t. I’m a responsible person, and I have to go to work.”

  As badly as Ben wanted to argue, he didn’t want to push Trey away. He knew he was being high-handed, but… Ben slipped from the bed, tired as fuck. He needed some sleep.

  He texted Lee, telling him that Ben would need his services. Hopefully the wolf wasn’t still mad at Ben, because Lee was about to become Trey’s official babysitter.

  Chapter Nine

  “I didn’t realize you came with a bodyguard.” Nando leaned his arms on the counter, and in Trey’s opinion, the guy was trying to give his best flirty face, only…he looked constipated. “What’s the stud’s name?”

  “Off-limits. We’re supposed to be doing inventory, not eye-fucking Lee.” Trey was already irritated that the wolf shifter was there. He could have hung outside, but he insisted on staying in the shop. The guy wasn’t even trying to play it off like he was a customer. Lee stood there with his hands crossed at his crotch, glaring at anyone who walked in.

  “Oh, Lee. How exotic,” Nando said. “He’s a little too serious for my taste, but he’s super tall, and I’d love to climb his pole. And look at that bald head. What I wouldn’t give to have my hands all over it.”

  Trey groaned. “First, Lee isn’t an exotic name. Second, dude, I don’t want to hear about what you want to do to him. Inventory, remember? If Mr. Pervert comes back and sees we’re slacking, I don’t want to be fired.”

  Trey might have had to move to Ben’s place, but he still wanted to be his own man, to pull his weight, and to work. He already had had a hard time getting work after being fired from other places so many times, and although this wasn’t his ideal job, he didn’t want to lose it.

  Nando chuckled. “Mr. Pervert. I like that. It fits his creepy personality. Thank god he never sexually harassed me, or I would have cut his saggy balls off.”

  Trey gagged. “Can we talk about something else, anything that doesn’t make me want to vomit?”

  Great. Now that image was stuck in Trey’s head. He’d have to get a scouring pad and bleach later to scrub it away.

  “Listen,” Trey said. “I know you wanted us to be roommates, but I’m pretty sure I’m moving in with Ben.”

  With all the craziness going on, Trey was pretty sure Ben wasn’t letting him leave the mansion anytime soon, and not letting Nando know that being roommates wasn’t in their future would be a dick move.

  “Wow, that was fast,” Nando said. “Didn’t you just meet the guy?”

  Ben hadn’t said anything about keeping the existence of nonhumans a secret, but Trey wasn’t an idiot. “I guess you just know when you’ve found the right person.”

  “I guess.” Nando shrugged, but there was definitely disappointment in his green eyes. “No hard feelings. I’ll figure out something else.”

  Talk about feeling guilty, but there was nothing Trey could do. He and Ben were mates, and according to Ben, they were in it for life.

  Nando’s mood seemed to change as his face lit up. The guy chuckled as he nodded toward Lee. “Maybe I’ll shack up with the statue.”

  Trey grabbed the clipboard from under the counter and handed it to Nando.

  “Go inventory the stuff in the back. I think Lee needs a break from your weird ogling.”

  “I was here before you,” Nando argued. “I get to tell you what to do, not the other way around.” He shoved the clipboard back at Trey. “Besides, if Lee had a problem with it, he would have told me. Stop being a cockblocker and wrecking my dreams.”

  With a roll of his eyes, Trey snatched the clipboard and walked toward the storage room. He noticed that Lee started his way, but Trey held up a hand. “I’m pretty sure I’m safe from dog food and wood chips. The storage room isn’t that big, either, so you’re not about to crowd me.”

  Lee looked uncertain but nodded and went back to standing by the front door, scaring off any potential customers. If Mr. Chesnee saw Lee there, Trey was pretty sure the guy would have a fit.

  But what was Trey supposed to do? Lee wasn’t going anywhere, and Trey wasn’t quitting his job. He just hoped their boss didn’t show up.

  Nando strode over to Trey and patted him on the chest. “Don’t worry. I’m pretty sure I can entertain him.”

  “Stop being so pervy in front of the puppies. They’re babies and don’t need to see you drooling all over yourself.”

  Trey walked off, smiling to himself. He might have protested in front of Nando, but he found it kind of funny. Lee was too dang serious and never smiled. Maybe Nando could pull that stick out of the wolf shifter’s butt.

  There was no doubt Lee was one gorgeous man. His skin was a latte color, just like Nando’s, and Lee had the most piercing bluish-gray eyes Trey had ever seen. He was also muscular and tall, and if Trey hadn’t mated Ben, he would have given Lee a run for his money.

  Putting the wolf shifter out of his mind, Trey looked at the clipboard and at the mess in the back. It looked as if no one who worked there had any organizing skills. Trey set the inventory sheet aside and decided to clean before he figured out what they had versus what they needed to order.

  Then his phone rang. He saw it was Ben calling him. It was the third time since Trey had gone into work. It was cute at first, a little thrilling, but now it was becoming irritating. Trey was still wigged out about what had happened at his apartment building, but he didn’t need his mate breathing down his neck.

othing has changed since the last time you called,” he said when he answered. “Lee is still acting like a glaring statue, Nando is still being a pervert, and I’m actually doing my job.”

  “So am I,” Ben said. “I could have made things more interesting if you’d let me be the one to watch over you.”

  Thank goodness Ben couldn’t see Trey’s blush. His face heated to nuclear levels as he thought about how they could have passed the time, and that wouldn’t have included inventory. “Then I wouldn’t have gotten any work done. The animals won’t feed themselves.”

  “This animal needs fed,” Ben said. “Why don’t you join me for lunch?”

  Trey pulled his phone away and looked at the time. “I still have an hour until I can take my lunch break. If you give me room to breathe, I can get this inventory done in time.”

  “We’ve talked about this,” Ben said. “You know just how important you are to me.”

  They’d had a long talk this morning after Trey had gotten out of the shower. It was still hard for him to understand why he was so important to Ben. They were still getting to know each other, and Ben acted as though Trey was the center of his universe.

  Not that Trey was complaining. Much. He guessed that he just wasn’t used to being that important to someone. But craziness came with being Ben’s mate, and Trey still wasn’t sure he could handle that kind of insanity.

  Seriously? Hellhounds, shifters, and vampires. Mind blown wide open. Even if Trey could handle that, which he wasn’t certain he could, he still wanted to maintain his independence. He didn’t want to be under Ben’s thumb, constantly watched, and told what to do and when to do it.

  He didn’t want his relationship turning into a prison sentence.

  “Once the insanity is over, things can settle to normal,” Ben said, his soothing tone almost convincing Trey that what he said was true. “It won’t always be like this, sweetheart. I promise.”


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