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Surrender in Moonlight

Page 8

by Stella

  “Yeah, I noticed. You normally last longer than that,” she teased lightly, nuzzling deeper into him.

  “Um, don’t worry, Pet. You won’t go wanting on your mating night.”

  Pulling back, she smiled at him. “Mating night. I like the sound of that.” He was her mate. Her heart fluttered at the word mate. They would always have each other.

  “You’re mine, Carmen. All mine.” He chuckled. “I can’t believe we did this.”

  “I know… I hadn’t even hoped we would get this far.” She kissed his shoulder, next to her mark.

  He shuddered. “God, that’s sensitive, Mena.”

  “Sorry. So, we’re really doing this? The two of us…” She sighed, the guilt returning to her. A mating bond could not be broken.

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s really nice, and well, yeah, I have grown fond of waking up with you. It’s only right. You’re mine and should be my mate.”

  “And I am, come hell or high water.” She frowned, contemplating the meaning of what she’d just said and finding no understanding at all. She was babbling. She rolled her eyes and pulled him tighter.

  “What’s wrong, Mate?”

  She winced, not wanting to lie. “Nothing. All that matters is that we’re together, Mate.”

  “We are together. Nothing’s going to change that.”

  “Good, I hope so. I couldn’t live without you now.”

  “That’s right you can’t—not that you could have after that first night.”

  She laughed. “I could have and for a week after, too,” she defended half-heartedly

  He kissed her. “I beg to differ. Not four hours after I meet you, I bailed you out of jail, remember? You needed me then, and you need me now.”

  “I wouldn’t have been in jail if you hadn’t called the cops.”

  “I wouldn’t have called the cops if you had just come back. I was looking forward to that hotel room.”

  “Well, we’ve had one since then. I’ll tell you this, though. It was way more fun than jail.” She kissed him again.

  “No doubt. So you’re staying, then?”

  “Yeah, I guess I will be. I’ll get to wake up with you every morning.”

  “Then you’re getting what you want, aren’t you?”

  “I guess, but it’s you who’s spoiled with it. What makes you say it like that?”

  “I think I should tell you something.”

  She smiled, pulling back from him curiously. “What?”

  “You really should watch what snakes you talk to around here.”

  “Oh?” She frowned, her heart beating in her chest.

  “You said you missed me cuddling you in the morning, though I do have to say, you reach for me before I ever get the chance to reach for you.”

  “That…you…you heard that?” She frowned, her mind trying to grasp the situation and, at least, remember what she’d told him.

  “I remain sentient when in snake form. Don’t you?”

  “No, I…I can’t hear voices or, at least, understand them.” She shook her head pulling away. “I can’t believe you didn’t stop me. Why? Why not? What purpose did it serve? Did you just want to use it to your own advantage? Is that what this is?” Her voice cracked as anger and hurt swelled. He’d known all along. He’d been playing her.

  He shook his head. “No, Mena. I liked it. And I thought you knew, at first.”

  “Then why didn’t you stop me after it became apparent that I didn’t?” She sat up, moving away from him, grabbing her clothes.

  “I liked hearing what you had to say. Well, I didn’t like your musings about auditioning other males for mates. You’re mine, my love, and I don’t share.”

  She pulled on her top, keeping her tears at bay. “You knew… You always knew, yet you let me carry on as if nothing had happened.” She stood, stepping into her skirt. “I have to go.” She shook her head. “I…I’ll…I can’t be here right now.”

  He moved quickly, grabbing her around the waist to spin her. “Pet, what the hell are you saying? We just mated. It shouldn’t matter.”

  Without thinking, she struck defensively, biting his forearm. She jumped back her hand automatically covering her mouth. “No, I wanted some…”

  She watched him look down at his arm. The two fang marks dripped sluggishly, venom surrounded the bite. She swallowed back bile. Her heart broke and the hot tears flowed smoothly from her eyes. She had to leave now. “I’m so sorry… It…it won’t kill you, but it’s gonna hurt.”

  He blinked. “Mena? What the fuck?” He pitched forward to his knees and looked at her. “Fuck, that hurts.” He squeezed the bite, venom oozing out of the wound, and he went pale. “Shit.”

  She fell to her knees next to him, helping him into a sitting position. “Keep it below your heart. I’m so sorry… God.” She couldn’t stay. She was dangerous to them all.

  He looked at her and laughed, a sweat breaking out. “And you’re pissed at me for not telling you I could hear that you liked me.”

  She refused to make eye contact with him. “I’m sorry… I couldn’t. It’s hard…”

  “Shit, this fucking hurts. So I know you’re venomous. What kinda snake?”

  “Pit viper. I’m like a really big ugly cottonmouth,” she answered quietly. “I should go. I’m really sorry. I’ll get Remy to help you inside.”

  “Go where?” He looked at her, his eyes blinking quickly.

  “I need to get Remy. You’ll pass out soon then the fever will hit. You should be inside. You’ll be back to normal in a day or two.”

  He slumped forward. “Um, okay, but…” He slipped completely over and his eyes closed.

  She covered him with the blanket then kissed his cheek. He was sweating already, his system pumping the poison through his body. Leaving him by himself wasn’t an option, but neither was staying. As soon as he was lucid enough, he’d hate her. She snatched her cell from the kitchen counter and called Remy, asking him to come home and take her mate inside. Then she took her bag and ran to the garage, plucking the keys for the Ducati from the rack and driving the bike out of the drive. She hated herself for it, but at least, she’d be keeping something of his with her.

  * * * *

  His body was achy, like he’d had the flu for a week and had been coughing uncontrollably. The venom had ravaged his body for the past forty-eight hours, and he was weak, bleary and confused as hell. He knew she had bit him, and while it should piss him off for a number of reasons, he couldn’t bring himself to be in the least. Leave it to me to fall in love with a venomous snake. Where is she?

  He knew she was still close but not at the compound. Due to his ravings in his fever-induced sickness, he called out to her, even begged Remy to bring her, but he was always left wanting. She was still in town, though. Their mating mark was strong enough for him to know, and it was about time he went to find her.

  He struggled to sit up, groaning as his body, weak and sore, protested the move. He wasn’t a hundred percent yet, but he would be in the next day or so. Until then, he’d have to make sure his little viper didn’t skip town.

  Grabbing his cell phone was almost as much of a chore as sitting up, his muscles still thick with the dregs of the venom’s potency. It took some doing, but soon he was in an upright position against the headboard, a pillow behind his back and a cell phone in his hand. He knew where she was, holed up at the Rosco. In one of his lucid moments, he’d had Remy check it out and make sure her room was well taken care of, but he wasn’t sure if Remy had actually seen her. Either way, he had to make sure she was okay.

  He called, getting Rudy, the manager, who happened to be one of Reece’s friends from high school, and confirmed that his viper, who had checked in as Carmen Evans, which made him smile, was in the Oriental suite and had been running up room service bills for the past two days. He told Rudy to take care of it for him, making sure her every wish was granted, and to put it on his card. Rudy laughed.

  “Who is this girl to you,
Evans? I mean she comes in two nights ago, uses your last name and hasn’t left the room since. You guys playing some sick sex game? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you do something like this.”

  Reece gave a wan smile he knew was wasted on the empty room. “Rudy, that little hellcat is my fiancée. We had a disagreement, but just make sure she stays where she is, okay? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

  “You okay, man? You sound like you got hit by a truck.”

  “Yeah, Rudy, a five-foot-two truck with eyes like dark honey. I think I’m sold this time.”

  “Hold it, Evans. You are telling me a woman incapacitated you?”

  He winced as he moved. “In more ways than one, man. Just make sure she’s okay, and if she leaves, call me right off.”

  “Can do, man. Oh and congratulations.”

  They hung up, and Reece shook his head, his muscles in torment.

  One thing is for sure. I’m not pissing her off again. I don’t think I could live through another bite. Just the thought of what she’d done and he groaned as his cock hardened. Reece, you are a sick fuck, getting off on your poisonous lover.

  He had been without her for days, and as much as his body screamed in pain from what she’d done, it screamed for her sweetness, screamed to be buried in her to the hilt while she gave herself over to him completely. The mating instinct was very strong, regardless of whether he wasn’t up to par or not.

  “I suppose I should get to the arduous task of remembering how to walk and move, shouldn’t I?” he said to the still air. He knew if he shifted, he would heal quicker, and at this point, the quicker the better. He needed his mate.

  He choose to kneel—which was a feat in itself—in the centre of the bed, and he concentrated, shifting slowly—no doubt due to the poison—and ended up curled in the middle of his bed, the sunshine perfect on his reptilian skin. He dozed, letting the healing powers of his race rejuvenate him.

  He woke, still groggy in his snake form, to see Chrissy sitting on the side of the bed, her hand on her stomach. And what do I owe this honour, preggy? Come to laugh? He thought to her and lifted his head.

  She grinned happily down at him. “Nope, I’ve been doing that for two days behind your back. How are you feeling?”

  Better now that I’ve shifted. I called Rudy. She’s still at the Rosco.

  “I know, Rem said she was scared, but not scared enough to leave town.” She smiled smugly. “She loves you.”

  She’s my mate, Chrissy. She knows I’ll find her. Leave it to me to fall for a pit viper.

  “Yeah, well, whatever she sees in you I have no idea. It’ll be okay, though. Things have a way of working out.”

  I could show you what she sees in me, but I don’t need you need to be fawning over me when you see what you have been missing. He chuckled in his mind.

  “Cute.” She shook her head. “I doubt you’d be much use to anyone in the state you are in. She really stuck you good, didn’t she?”

  God, yeah, she did. My little viper. His voice sounded pleased in both her head and his own.

  Chrissy sighed. “Be that as it may, it’s about time you suck it up and get better. My husband has been paying far too much attention to you rather than to me, and that’s not the way it should be at this stage in the game.”

  Such a selfish snake. You’re right, though. When I shift back, I should be fine. Could you do me a favour though?

  “I suppose.”

  Have Remy get the blue velvet Harry Winston box out of the safe?

  She grinned. “Oh I will… I love weddings.” She bent down and kissed him on the head.

  He hissed at her, the snake form of a grumble, and she walked out laughing.

  A few more hours in the sunshine, and he’d be right as rain, and by six that evening, he’d have his mate by his side, and everything would be perfect. At least, he hoped.

  * * * *

  The hotel room was quiet; the soundproofing was excellent. She’d never once heard anyone else. It was peaceful.

  Carmen had no idea what to do. She’d headed out of town the first night, right after she had bitten him, but she’d ended up driving in a circle and checking into a hotel—the hotel that he’d wanted to take her to the first night. Guilt consumed her. She hadn’t meant to bite him, and she’d only wanted an hour to think about things. She had been irrational, and now he was… It killed her that she’d left him there, in pain.

  Fresh tears ran down her face, and she cuddled the blanket closer. All she’d done for two days is cry. She hadn’t even left the room, couldn’t bring herself to face people. She’d hurt him and lied to him, someone she loved. Leaving town wasn’t an option anymore. Her heart wouldn’t let her. It broke every time she thought about living without him, every time she thought about what she’d done. Whether it had been an accident or not, it was unacceptable. She should have known better. He was Reece, not a threat, never a threat.

  She sobbed, clutching the blanket. He would hate her, but he deserved an explanation. Not that he wasn’t clever enough to have worked it out, but she owed him an apology. A big one. She’d only ever bitten in defence, and she could count on one hand how many times she’d had to do it. It killed her to do it. The venom was so potent. She knew what he was going through. Only fear kept her away, fear and hate.

  He would hate what she was. She did. Deep down, she loathed herself. She was the snake, the bad guy. How could anyone love her if she couldn’t love herself? She laughed bitterly and sighed.

  Gee, that’s a tad depressing, Mena. Her lip trembled. She’d been referring to herself by his nickname, and it made her feel better. Though she understood, by association, it should have produced the opposite reaction.

  Her stomach growled, and she looked at the clock wondering when room service would arrive. She might be distraught, but a girl still had to eat. He would start to recover tomorrow then she would go to him. She wasn’t quite sure how that would go, but she pushed her thoughts aside as she heard a knock at the door. Her spirits lifted as she thought of the ribs she had ordered, just like the ones they had cooked—well, that he had cooked.

  “About time.” She stood, taking the blanket with her as she padded to the door. It had been her comforter, of sorts. It helped her sleep without him or, at least, gave her something to hold onto as she lay awake. She opened the door and gasped, stepping guiltily backwards until her legs hit the bed.

  Reece rushed in and grabbed her, pulling her into a kiss and groaning, his body moulding hers to him quickly. They fell backwards onto the bed and he chuckled, keeping his arms around her, and kissed her again, deeper, his hands making quick work of the T-shirt and lounge pants she wore and casting the blanket aside.

  He felt wonderful, his lips soft. The thought of how close he was made her shiver then wonder exactly why he wore far too many clothes. She caught sight of her bite mark and winced. It was a violent purple-red and looked infected. “Oh God! I’m so sorry! Don’t hate me, please,” she begged, fresh tears welling in her eyes.

  “Nothing you could do would make me hate you, love,” he murmured and nipped his mark on her. It was healing, as was his own, a beautiful swirl reaching down on each side, scrolls so delicate it looked like patterned lace. “You’re my mate. You didn’t mean to hurt me, though it’s kinda hot knowing that being with you could kill me.” He smiled at her and bit her bottom lip.

  She shook her head, relaxing. “No…never. I would never. I love you.”

  He kissed her hard. “Oh, I have known that for a while now, love. I love you, too.”

  She was speechless. He loved her and wanted her. He smelled clean and fresh as she kissed him again, pulling him over onto the bed with her. “I am sorry, though. Are you okay?”

  “It was a wild ride, Pet. At least, I know you’re able to take care of yourself. I’m fine, but I don’t think I want a repeat of that.”

  “No,” she agreed. “Maybe grabbing me when I’m upset is a bad idea. We could have a sign made, hang i
t round my neck.”

  “It won’t be a problem anymore, though I did like the bite. Next time, just use less venom.” He winked and kissed her. “Now, it seems you’re naked, Pet, and I’m not.”

  No, she was never biting anyone again, especially him. She laughed, “You’re insane, but yes, you are wearing far too many clothes.”

  “Then we should remedy that, don’t you think?” His eyebrows wiggled. “We have a few days to make up for.”

  “We do indeed. I missed you.”

  “Don’t you ever leave me again.”

  She vehemently shook her head. “No, never. I couldn’t bring myself to leave town.”

  “I would have found you, you know?”

  “I know.”

  He kissed her and helped her help him out of his shirt. He was naked from the waist up in seconds. She rolled off him, and he got up, getting the rest of his clothes off quickly then crawling on the bed beside her. They kissed, and he touched her stomach and smiled. “Close your eyes, love.”

  She giggled and did as he asked. “Can I peek?”

  “No, and if you do, you won’t get the spanking.” He chuckled, and she felt him leave the bed.

  She frowned. Damn, he knew just what to say. “Okay, but I want that spanking. Where you going?”

  He didn’t speak before he was back, grabbing her hand, her fingers being massaged by his. “Open them.”

  She moaned at the closeness. “Hmm, this is fun. We should maybe look into blindfolds,” she groaned, opening her eyes.

  A two-karat, princess-cut diamond sparkled in a platinum setting, more so in the soft light surrounding them sat on her ring finger.

  He smiled at her. “Marry me?”

  She blinked at him then at the ring.

  He waited, a smile on his face, his other hand playing circles on her flat stomach.

  She bit her lips, looking up at him as tears spilled over her cheeks. She pulled him into a deep kiss then cuddled him tightly. She looked at the ring over his shoulder. It was one big diamond, and it was hers. “Of course, I’ll marry you.”

  “Good, ‘cause you weren’t leaving this room ‘til you said yes.”


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