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Jazzy (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 5)

Page 6

by Catty Diva

  “I am. I also know your opinion is highly valued. Put yourself in the place of your passengers. Two weeks with nothing but worry about what will happen once you arrive. Some can handle it well, some will not. But I think we can agree these people have been through enough.”

  “Very well. I will pass your request up the chain of command.” He stepped away and came back after a short time. “The captain sees value in your suggestion and will give you the assistance of the person who usually deals with entertainment for passengers and crew. His name is Harry Canner and you will find him where the videos and computers are. He has been notified.”

  “Thank you, Roar.” Jazzy said. They finished eating and Roar left to attend to his duties while Jazzy led him to the entertainment officer.

  It was easy to find. “Officer Canner?” Jazzy called out.

  A young-looking male with hair like a mop raised up his head, quickly hitting the desk he was beneath. “Fuck!” He cried out. “I’m sorry. Can I help you?”

  “Yes, I’m Jazzy and he’s Jetson. Roar said you were expecting us?”

  “Roar did, huh? He mentioned something. Tell me what you need.”

  Jazzy quickly explained her needs while Canner rubbed his head where he’d banged it on the desk. Jetson would bet the kid was fifteen and not much older. “What did you say we should call you?” Jetson asked.

  “Just call me Harry.”

  “What’s your title?” Jetson asked.

  “I don’t have one unless you call be head of entertainment.” Harry offered.

  “You’re a civilian?” Jetson asked.

  “Not exactly. I’m in training for a junior officer title. It’s a test program for the Mazlans. We’re given positions that have the least risk but we’re tested for responsibility. This allows them to see how we adapt to life onboard while we decide if we want to enlist when we’re older.”

  “I see. It sounds like a good idea.” Jetson approved and Harry puffed up with pride.

  “We have some videos we show to potential brides. They are more Oison oriented, but there’s some good information in them and even children can watch them. I think we can set up a screen or two in the cargo bay. They can watch them today while we look for more videos that help them learn about other planets and races. Someone will have to stay with them to make sure the videos work right.”

  “Let’s get them started and we can take some breaks between videos to look for more information. We can even ask Oison to send us more videos. They have sets of them they show to lab refugees.” Jazzy offered.

  “They do. How come you know so much?” Harry asked.

  “I’m a Moon Hunter.” Jazzy explained.

  “Wow, that’s so cool.” Harry said with stars in his eyes. Jetson couldn’t disagree, but he was glad the Harry was just a kid. He didn’t need any competition for his lady.

  Jazzy was an organizer and a damn good one. She had them all organized and moving down to the cargo bay. She even had popcorn and cola coming down from the cafeteria. It was her opinion that movies required it. Jetson had never had either and he was as excited about it as Harry seemed to be and most of his people would probably be. The cargo bay Jazzy picked was empty, but it began filling quickly with his people. They sat on the floor cross-legged and looked up when a buttery aroma came through the door.

  It made Jetson’s mouth water. Was this the popcorn or the cola? A drink was being handed out in paper cups and one of the kids drank it down, then dropped the cup and spit it out. “It’s supposed to bubble.” Jazzy said as she grabbed a cup and drank it all. “See? Now, clean that up and I’ll give you another one but drink this one slowly.” The kid took the towel and cleaned up his mess.

  Everyone was grabbing cups of cola and bowls of popcorn. Jetson tasted his and it was buttery and salty. He liked it. When he got thirsty because of the salt, he tried his cola. It was bubbly, but he’d expected that. The drink was also sweet. Harry had everything set up and there were two screens, one on each side of the room. The lights were dimmed and the video began.

  Jetson had seen videos before, but few of his people had. The screens were bright and the pictures incredible and many people had looks of shock and awe on their faces. They were looking at the planet Oison which was where many of them would go for now. The film showed the different areas of the planet and the space station set up in orbit for trading. It also showed the moon that was inhabited and briefly mentioned Moon hunters and the Phoenix.

  Information was given about how Mazlans mated and the life the mates could have among their people. It went into careers they might be interested in and the schooling and training available on the planet. These people would have knowledge in their hands about where they were going and what to expect by the time lunch rolled around.

  Jetson was impressed with how Jazzy thought of others. Many people looked less scared and some seemed downright happy about where they were going. Jazzy had made a difference to them with her thoughtful consideration of their feelings. She wasn’t just a warrior, he saw her as a leader. He also saw her as his.

  Chapter 8


  The video had went well and at lunch they requested some films be sent to the ship. Preferably the ones that they used to give information to other refugees from the labs. Those would be targeted to giving the new arrivals the information they needed most.

  In the afternoon, they planned to begin assessing children to see what they needed as far as schooling went. Harry had tablets for testing, twenty of them. They would test children in groups of twenty using age to determine groups. One of the teenage girls expressed an interest in teaching and she would help Harry with the testing. Jazzy thought the girl had a crush on Harry, but that didn’t mean she might not end up teaching.

  Teenagers watched some job recruitment films and they seemed to enjoy them as much as a movie. Other groups watched similar films and everyone was tired by supper time. Jazzy grabbed Jetson and hurried him to the cafeteria because she hoped to catch Roar. He was nowhere to be seen. She approached one of the crew.

  “Did I miss Roar?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. He left the ship on an emergency mission right after breakfast.”

  “Thank you.” It seemed Roar had been called to deal with an emergency, too. She wondered if it was the same kind of emergency Gabe was dealing with.

  Jazzy rejoined Jetson in line and they continued on to get their food and sit down and eat. In the morning they would be leaving orbit, possibly even tonight from what Jazzy had heard whispered. She and Jetson sat down and ate the meatloaf plate dinner. Once they were done they finished with pecan pie, a very unusual Earth dessert.

  “You have been quiet.” Jazzy pointed out.

  “I have my whole future to plan. It’s something that’s on my mind all the time.”

  “I’ll help you. I promise.”

  “Thank you, Sweetheart. I’ll let you help me, but the ultimate decisions and work will be up to me.”

  “I know.” It killed the conversation, but Jazzy knew something else was going on in his head. Maybe he would be more open after they had sex. Just the thought of being in his arms later set her body on fire.

  They finished eating and headed back to their room. Jazzy was glad they’d been allowed to help Jetson’s people. She couldn’t stand doing nothing. Two weeks and they would be back near Oison and these people would be in a better position to make choices about where they wanted to live and what they wanted to do within the choices that were made available to them.

  Jazzy wasn’t sure what she wanted to do where Jetson was concerned. She only knew she wanted him to live with her and continue their friends with benefits relationship. As they moved along closer and closer to Oison, she and Jetson grew closer and they worked hard with his people to get them the information they needed.

  Harry was a big help and she sent a letter praising his assistance to the captain. The young man had gone above and beyond with the help he’d given. The young l
ady, who wanted to be a teacher, had started high school courses so she could move along with her plans. Jazzy had heard Oison’s college was adding a medical school.

  There was so much hope for a better life waiting on Oison for all of them. She had noticed all of these people seemed to be really smart and it gave her hope that they would do well. Right now, they were halfway and moral among the passengers was good. Jazzy wondered how Gabe and Roar were doing but knew she probably wouldn’t find out until they docked at Oison.

  Jetson was laying on the bed without his shirt on. Jazzy swore he did it just to tempt her. She leaned on the wall and just stared at his muscular back and arms. “I know you’re back there. Why don’t you come here?” He teased.

  Jazzy moved near and jumped on the bed next to him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind him and held him close. His spicy scent washed over him and for a moment she panicked thinking she could lose him. That was a crazy thought since he wasn’t hers. Maybe he should be? Was she going crazy?

  “Mm, you feel so good.” She whispered in his ear.

  “You feel good, too.” He said as he rolled over so he was facing her. “I’ll miss you.”

  “Why? You’re staying with me, aren’t you?”

  “I want more out of a women than a no ties hook up.”

  “Aren’t we friends, too?” Jazzy asked, feeling panic rising.

  “Sure, Sweetheart. I’ve talked to Cash and I’ll start working for him soon. I’ll start out of the office. He’s found an apartment for me. Cool, huh?”

  “Yeah, cool.” Jazzy said but the light had gone out of her day. “I’m going to go visit a friend.”

  She hopped up and hurried out, needing to get away from Jetson. How things had changed since the day she’d met him. Moving through the halls she went to the bar. Things hadn’t worked out the way she’d planned and now she needed to think things through. It took a lot of alcohol to get her drunk, but maybe it was time for her to cut loose?

  “Give me a glass of Rodus.” She ordered as she sat at the bar. The bartender raised his brow. “Yes, I know the shit has a hard kick. Right now, I need one.”

  He shook his head and she thought he wouldn’t serve her until he slid the glass of orange/red liquid over to her. She nodded at him and took a sip. Fire ran down her throat and her eyes watered. “Good shit!”

  The man shook his head and walked to the other side of the bar to serve some of the crew. Jazzy sat quietly sipping the nasty tasting drink and wondering what it was that had brought her to this point. Rodus was hard core, a drinking man’s drink. The taste too strong for most women to handle. Halfway through the drink, she abandoned it and switched to the sweet umbrella drinks most women liked. The bartender seemed to approve. She had a little buzz from the Rodus, just enough to loosen her tongue.

  “He doesn’t want me.” She confided and the bartender looked stunned. “He told me he was leaving.” The bartender shook his head. “It’s true.” The bartender had to leave again to serve other customers, but he finally made it back. “He’s looking for a commitment I can’t give.”

  The bartender opened his mouth to say something and another customer yelled for him. This time when he came back, he put a cup of coffee in front of her. “You’re right. If I want him I need to commit, but it scares me.” He raised his eyebrow and gave her a hard look. “I see what you mean. You’ve been a big help. Thank you for sharing your opinion with me.”

  Jazzy got up and left hurrying back to the room. Opening the door, she slipped in only to find Jetson asleep. How could he be sleeping when she needed to talk to him? She jumped on the bed and shook him. “Wake up.”

  “What?” Jetson asked, sitting up and looking at her owlishly.

  “We need to talk.”

  “Why do you smell like sour beer?”

  “I was talking to the bartender. He gave me some insight into the way I felt about you and about commitment. I’ve never had a real home or a family that I can remember. Oh, I have some shadowy memories but nothing clear. It scares me to get attached because I’m afraid nothing will last.”

  “So, have you decided to try anyway?” Jetson asked.

  “I don’t want to let you go. You’ll have to be patient and this will be hard for me, but I’ll try if you will.”

  Jetson didn’t answer with words. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately and let his love speak to her. This time he slowly peeled her out of her clothes and made sweet love to her. Using his mouth and his hands to stroke and explore every inch if her body, she was soaked and ready by the time he sank deep inside her. The pace he set was slow and steady, and by the time they climaxed together, it felt so intense it hurt.

  They fell asleep in each other’s arms as they had several night in a row, but this time they owned each other’s hearts and they admitted it. Jazzy no longer feared the unknown or the possibility of losing him. Together, they would make this work.


  Oison was drawing closer and everyone had been alerted that shuttles would be running as soon as they docked. Jazzy was already on shuttle one to start the process of bring people to their new home. They were better prepared to start a new life than the average arrival from the labs had been in the past because the preparation process had started on the way here.

  Jazzy was relaxed and Jetson was her co-pilot. He had been learning some basic piloting and he was working through computer courses for a high school degree. Once that was completed, he might take college courses on Oison. Freedom had given him and all of his people options they had never even imagined before.

  The shuttle was loaded and the ship was locked into orbit. Everything was clear and she pulled out to deliver the first of many loads to the spaceport. Mazlans were on hand to sort the new arrivals and divide them up for delivery to several housing facilities around the planet.

  By lunch time, since they had used multiple shuttles, they were done and Jazzy, Jetson, and other hunters who had been onboard were headed to the Moon Hunter’s Inc. headquarters. She held Jetson’s hand and could feel him vibrating with excitement. His new life had begun on the ship here, but the first real step to becoming a moon hunter was about to be taken.

  They made it to the headquarters probably quicker than the others made it to their new housing because the space station was near the moon. The group hurried off the shuttle and moved to the door of the headquarters.

  Cash waited just inside the door and he grabbed her and hugged her tight. “You worried me to death. Don’t ever do that again.”

  “I won’t.”

  “You keep an eye on her.” Cash said to Jetson who nodded. “Welcome aboard.” Cash and Jetson shook hands and the deal was sealed. He was now a hunter, even though he was a newbie.

  Cash brought them up to speed about Gabe and several other hunters being sent to locations in the hopes of preventing deaths or destruction and Roar had been sent after a female taken by a guard. There was a lot going on and she saw they wouldn’t be told all of it. They left an hour later tired and ready to kick back at home.

  Jazzy and Jetson would share an apartment, but they planned to buy a house as soon as possible. They might even start a family soon. Whatever they wanted was possible and they would do it together. It wouldn’t be long before Jazzy would have to go out in the field possibly with Jetson at her side, to help her fellow hunters finish the work they had started with the labs, but for now she would enjoy a few days with her mate.

  “Home sweet home.” Jazzy said as she opened the door and invited him in.

  “Home is anywhere you are.” He said as he pulled her in for a hug and was glad to finally be home free.

  Moon Hunters Inc.

  Book 6


  He hadn’t wanted to go on this mission, especially not alone, but here he was. Worse, he had met a woman. Donato was both the most infuriating woman and the most exciting one he’d ever met but if help didn’t come soon, none of them would survive.
br />   She felt guilty. He was a guard, but she found him appealing. Guards were bad, even if he was not as bad as the others. Donato and her family survived somehow but she knew their days were numbered. The others wanted her to seduce Gabe and save them. Could she even do it if she wanted to?

  Could things come together to save them all or would they all perish, just another casualty of the labs?

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Book 1


  They had successfully shut down a lab and they were headed home to celebrate. Bad news came, a guard had escaped with one of the females. Roar didn’t want to volunteer, but it didn’t look like anyone else would.

  Zena was terrified. Living in the labs was hard, but at least she knew what to expect. This guard had taken her and now she was constantly terrified. She needed to escape but how could she when they were in a small spaceship?

  Would Roar find her first or would she die trying to get away?

  Coming soon.

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)

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  If you want to read books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series


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