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The Billionaire's Son 8 : Always & Forever (A BDSM Erotic Romance) (Billionaire Erotica)

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by Arabella Quinn

  A finger slipped under my panties and brushed my swollen clit. My desire was growing urgent as my hips thrust against his hand, demanding more.

  My eyes flew open at his grunt of frustration. His mouth and fingers were gone. Derek stepped back and began tugging at my skirt. I shifted my weight so that it slid easily from me. He wasted no time in sliding my panties off next. I sat on the desk before him, fully exposed to his gaze.

  His eyes blazed dark with passion as he deliberately parted my legs and dropped to his knees in front of me. Placing his hands on my hips, he slid me to the edge of the desk, hooked my legs over his shoulders and anchored me only inches from his mouth. I trembled with need as I saw the hunger smoldering in his eyes.

  When his hands slipped between my legs and his thumbs parted my folds, I felt a white-hot desire pierce my core. I shivered with anticipation as Derek's mouth descended on my sex, maddeningly slow. I moaned when his lips met my sensitive skin and began their intimate torture. Soon his tongue was robbing me of all sanity. His tongue circled my quivering clit with agonizing skill building a pressure so intense I thought I would burst at any moment. My hands entangled in his hair, pressing for more. Even as his teeth would graze my engorged clit, his tongue would dart closer to my juicy opening leaving me on the edge of ecstasy.

  Moaning his name over and over, I urged him on. The pleasure was building to an incredible height, so quickly, in fact, that I knew I would not last long. My cries grew more frantic as I came ever so close to orgasm. Derek's thumb was slowly penetrating me as his mouth and tongue worked all around my swollen clit. I could not hold back.

  I cried out his name as I lost all control. My pussy spasmed as my body shuddered with the force of my orgasm. I collapsed backward against the desk, even as my hips thrust desperately against Derek's mouth. His hands gripped my hips, holding me firmly against him, as his tongue lapped up the creamy juices of my release.

  Derek slowed his ministrations as my body finally came back to earth. I leaned up on my elbows to watch him when he finally came up for air. Derek stood and smiled lazily. I watched in fascination as he unbuttoned his jeans. He lowered the zipper and then slid the jeans down his legs.

  My eyes widened as his thick cock popped out of his jeans. Commando style. God, he was so sexy. Seconds later his jeans were tossed aside and he was pouncing on me like a predator claiming its prize.

  I reached my hand out to stroke him, to touch his straining cock. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as he gave me; I wanted to take him in my mouth and torture him until he exploded. But he was much too impatient. He was only interested in one thing.

  I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist as he guided the tip of his cock to my slick opening. Excitement coursed through me once again as I waited for the erotic bliss of feeling his cock plunging into me.

  We both groaned as he filled me with one quick thrust. He started slowly, but soon couldn't hold back, pumping into me with abandon. I was still so slippery that each thrust felt deliciously sinful. Derek leaned forward to press his thumb into my clit as he continued to stroke deep inside of me.

  I marveled as I realized that I was hurtling toward another orgasm so quickly. I felt the feverish pressure building, knowing I would burst at any moment. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on the feel of Derek inside me and the feel of his fingers rubbing my clit with each stroke. I was overwhelmed rather quickly.

  "Oh. Oh, Derek! Harder! I'm going to…." My words were cut off by my strangled cry as my insides convulsed around Derek's cock.

  Derek grunted sexily, but continued his pace. My head thrashed about; I could barely stand the exquisite torture. A few more thrusts and Derek slowed as his muscles tensed. One final push and he was spilling his seed inside me.

  My heart swelled with emotion as I felt Derek deep inside me. We remained unmoving for several minutes while our bodies regained control. Derek bent to kiss me before resting his head on my chest. I kept my legs wrapped firmly around him, not letting him go.

  Derek sighed, "As much as I'd like to stay here all day, we've got a plane to catch. I'm not sure how much work I'm going to get done though. I forgot how damn irresistible you are."

  I shook off my dreamy thoughts. Paris! We were going to Paris. "I'm so excited to go. Get up, ooh, but this is going to be really messy, Derek."

  Derek laughed as he pulled out. I didn't move; I was too mortified. Derek scooped his black t-shirt off the floor and tossed it to me. "Here, use this."

  "I can't use this!" I was blushing furiously by now.

  Derek began putting his jeans back on. "Don't worry. It'll remind me of how damn lucky I am."

  I reluctantly used the t-shirt to clean up and gingerly slid off the desk looking for my clothes. I glanced down at myself and bit my lip with embarrassment. I was still wearing my heels and thigh high stockings. Good lord.

  I snuck a peek at Derek. He looked like a sex god: messy hair, gorgeous body, jeans riding low on his hips, and slyly staring at me like he could go another round.

  His eyes raked over me. "You'd better get dressed quickly or we'll never leave for Paris."

  Derek helped me gather my clothes. He slipped on his t-shirt while I got dressed.

  I smoothed down my rumpled clothing. "Is there a mirror in here? I must look crazy."

  Derek was busy trying to return the items on Jackson's desk to where they belonged. "You look crazy-sexy right now. Let's get going before I throw you down again for another round."

  I gave up on fixing my mussed hair as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door. We stopped by my office and grabbed my briefcase and purse.

  Derek led me down the hall toward the front of the estate. "My car's parked out front. You can leave your car here for a couple of days. I'll make sure security knows."

  I caught a glimpse of Marcy down a side hallway as we headed through the large foyer. She was mouthing "holy shit!" to me and giving me the thumbs up. So much for my little secret. Grinning, I brought my finger to my lips, silently telling her to keep quiet about it. She winked and gave me the okay sign, but I was far from confident she would keep her mouth shut for too long.

  During the car ride to my home, I couldn't get any information about Paris out of Derek. He insisted it all be a surprise. His fingers lazily rubbed my leg the entire time, compounding my excitement. I spent about thirty minutes frantically packing when we arrived at my house. I couldn't decide which dress, which shoes or which lingerie to bring so I threw them all in a garment bag. I probably had enough clothes to last a week.

  When I was satisfied that I had all the clothes and toiletries I needed, I quickly changed out of my rumpled clothing. Derek told me that there was a shower that I could use on the private jet, so I would wash up later. There was no way I was going to miss showering on a jet.


  Derek sat back against the soft leather chair sipping a glass of wine. All through dinner, he couldn't take his eyes off Julia.

  After surreptitiously gawking at the luxuries of the private jet, she had showered and changed into a new outfit. She was wearing flowing black pants and a silver halter top that accented her figure nicely. It was probably designer clothing, but all Derek knew was that she looked damned sexy in it. Derek had also washed up for dinner, losing the black t-shirt in particular, for Julia's benefit.

  When they had finished, Derek set down his glass and pulled Julia onto his lap. "You're too far away over there."

  He loved how naturally she snuggled deep into his arms, like she belonged there always. Julia sighed wearily, almost as if she didn't want to break the magical spell. "Derek, I wanted to talk to you about Jackson."

  Derek's body tensed. Jackson was still a sore spot with him. "What about?"

  Launching into her suspicions about the money laundering, she told Derek everything. Even how she thought Jackson might be the one behind the scheme despite the fact that he had hired her to investigate.

  Derek sat quietly thinking for a few m
inutes. "I can think of two reasons why he may have asked you to investigate for him. One, he really knows nothing about this and is suspicious. But knowing Jackson, I somehow doubt this. Two, he could be using you to see how leaky his operation is - find out how traceable everything is. I'm sure he had you sign tons of confidentiality documents?"

  Julia nodded. "Yes, but I imagine I could ethically and legally breach a contract if criminal behavior was involved. Right?"

  Derek answered cautiously. "I'm not sure. We'll have to get some legal advice before you do anything. I'm not sure I like this, Julia. We need to think this through all the way before you go to Jackson with your suspicions."

  "That's what I thought too. Things aren't really adding up that well. Nothing makes sense. I can't figure out why Vaughn Enterprises would need to launder large sums of money." Julia rested her head on his shoulder.

  Derek rubbed her arm absently. He didn't want to scare Julia, but he was worried. "Who knows? Since you couldn't trace the money to the recipient, it could be anything. Foreign governments, terrorist organizations, drug trafficking - the list is endless. My instinct is that you just forget you found anything. It's bound to be pretty dangerous stuff."

  Julia looked conflicted. "I don't know if I could turn a blind eye to that kind of illegal activity. And I'm also worried that Jackson was so adamant about me checking up on you. What does it mean?"

  Derek had given Julia access to his personal finances while he was away on his business trip. After Jackson's innuendos, he wanted to prove to her that everything with him was above-board. At Jackson's request, she had already scoured through Derek's companies and reported back that everything was in order. Even though she resisted intruding into his personal finances, Derek had insisted.

  "Speaking of checking up on me, how many girls get to go through their boyfriend's financial records with a fine tooth comb? How did everything look?"

  Derek was teasing her. She must have known that Derek was wealthy, but he was certain she didn't know exactly how wealthy. Obviously, his father was loaded, but Derek had accumulated an impressive amount of wealth on his own.

  Hesitantly, Julia answered, "Everything looked good. Quite healthy."

  A laugh rumbled through his chest. "Healthy? Okay. But you're satisfied that I'm not doing anything underhanded?"

  Julia twisted in his lap. "I never thought you were! It was Jackson that kept insisting."

  Derek kissed her forehead. "I know, Princess. I'm just teasing you."

  "You know, people would be surprised at how much you give to charities and other causes you support. Why don't you publicize that like your father does?"

  Twirling a strand of her hair between his fingers, Derek replied, "I don't really worry about what other people think of me. There's only one person I'm trying to impress."

  Julia looked wistful, "I wish I could be like that. I'm dreading what my parents will say when they meet you."

  Derek's eyes lit up. "Ah, so I get to meet your parents? You're not going to keep me hiding in the shadows forever? What would your parents say, anyway - am I that horrible?"

  "No, of course not! It's just your reputation with women is a bit notorious. My parents would be concerned that I might get hurt - that's all."

  "Well, I'll have to persuade them differently."

  "I'm sure they'll come to see you like I do." Julia stifled a yawn.

  Derek didn't miss her tired yawn. "Why don't you go back and get some rest? I have a few more hours of work to take care of and then I'll join you. I want you to be well rested when we arrive in Paris. We'll have the whole day ahead of us."

  Julia kissed him sweetly and then stood. "Okay. Wake me up when you come in."

  Derek smiled. "You can count on it."


  Our day in Paris had been wonderful. After freshening up at the elegant hotel, Derek and I spent the day sightseeing. At my request, we visited all the usual touristy sites. I'm not sure that I had ever spent a more enjoyable day.

  All the defensive barriers that I had erected to protect my heart crumbled along with any remaining doubts. It was the little things that Derek did, that made my heart feel as if it might burst with an engulfing love. It was the way he entwined his fingers in mine and how he constantly reached out to touch me. It was when I would catch him staring at me with naked desire burning in his eyes or when he whispered sweet endearments in my ear or how he always pulled me close to him as we explored the city. I was not one for public displays, but the couple of times that he dragged me against his body and kissed me with a burning passion, I thought my heart might shatter. I was in love and I had it bad. But it felt so right.

  That evening, the restaurant Derek brought me to was located in the heart of the city. I had to work hard to make sure my mouth didn't gape open when we stepped into the elegant dining room. Glittering crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, heavy damask curtains highlighted the enormous floor to ceiling windows flanking one entire wall of the room and an intricate pattern decorated the mosaic tile floor. Each table was lavishly appointed with fine linens, delicate china, crystal stemware, fresh cut blooms and romantic candlelight.

  After we were seated, I had to ask, "So, this is your favorite restaurant? It's not quite what I expected."

  Derek's thumb circled the palm of my hand. "I know it looks ostentatious, but the service and food here are worth it."

  I listened to the lilting melody of the relaxing music and the quiet chatter of the nearby patrons. The atmosphere was grand and sophisticated. The room looked as if it had been lifted directly out of the Versailles Palace and placed right at this spot.

  "It's just that this doesn't really seem like your type of place. It's kind of stuffy."

  Derek arched an eyebrow. "Stuffy? Are you calling me stuffy now? Have you grown bored of me so quickly, Princess?" The corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly, as if he were trying to suppress a smile.

  I laughed at his preposterous statement and the serious face he was trying to maintain. My laughter caused the elderly women sitting at a table to our right to glance over and sniff with disdain. I shot Derek a knowing look and we both laughed at the women's obvious contempt for us.

  Leaning in close, Derek spoke more privately, "Really, the food here is delicious. If you'd like to go somewhere else, we can do that."

  "No, this is fine. As long as we don't get kicked out for laughing!" I kept my voice low.

  Derek brought my hand up toward his mouth and kissed my bent fingers. "Julia, tell me that I can keep you satisfied. I don't ever want you to get bored with me."

  He was staring at me so intently that I sucked in a breath. "Derek, I don't think that's possible. After all that crazy stuff with The Club, I'm longing for something more normal."

  Derek's gaze was so piercingly intense. "You'll never quite get normal with me, Julia. If we don't hide our relationship, you're going to have to put up with a lot of intrusive media attention. I'll shield you the best I can, but you won't be able to fully escape it. Then there's Jackson. When he finds out we're dating, I'm sure he'll make it his mission to make you despise me."

  I was stunned. I couldn't imagine a sexier or more confident man than Derek. And he was insecure about our relationship!

  Squeezing Derek's hand, I tried to reassure him, "The media is just a small complication. An annoyance, really. And if Jackson would try to hurt his own son like that, then I really don't want anything to do with him."

  The waiter interrupted to serve our bottle of wine. When he left Derek sighed. "I told Elise's parents about her situation. They are still in shock and I'm not sure what they're going to do, but at least I don't feel so awful about it anymore. It's all out of my hands, thank God. I don't want to waste another minute on that woman. But, what if she carries through with her threats? What if I'm 'outed' at The Club? It could ruin my reputation. What would your parents think then?"

  Strangely, the more Derek highlighted the obstacles in our path, the more m
y conviction grew. I had worried over these same things days before, but now they seemed inconsequential.

  Derek looked so miserable that I wanted to pull him close and comfort him. I joked, "Have you checked your reputation lately? Being 'outed' at a sex club would probably enhance your reputation."

  Finally, a devilish smile crossed his face. "There were quite a bit of fringe benefits to joining The Club. Seeing you in that rope harness dress being one of them."

  I took a sip of wine, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Or you in that white toga robe - so intent on cuddling."

  Derek groaned. "Don't remind me! I don’t know, Princess, maybe Alex and Katia should remain members. We can always pop into The Club every now and then to spice things up a bit."

  My eyes grew huge. Was he joking? "It would be a good idea to keep an eye on all the girls there, make sure everything was okay…"

  Derek twined his fingers through mine. "I knew you were a keeper from the time I laid eyes on you in the cabana. I love how naughty you are."

  I squirmed in my seat. "I'm really not quite as adventurous as you think. I'm perfectly content just spending time with you here - even in this stuffy old place."

  Derek's eyes lit with mischief. "Well, I'll just have to add a bit of excitement to this stuffy old joint, won't I? I have something in mind - if you're up for a challenge."

  "I love a challenge." I took another sip of wine, wondering what Derek had in store for me.

  He looked quite satisfied with himself. "Why don't you head to the powder room to freshen up. While you're there, check your purse. I slipped a present inside for you."

  "A present? I love presents! Why don't I open it now-"

  Derek cut me off with a laugh, "No, trust me. Open it in private. I'll be waiting here for you. Impatiently."

  As I rose from the table, Derek stood with me. He gave me a quick peck before I hurried off to the powder room. I couldn't wait to see what the present was. When I reached the restroom, I sat on the elegant couch and opened my purse. My hands immediately found the small cloth pouch. I pulled the drawstrings on the little satchel eagerly and dropped the odd-shaped object onto my palm.


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