Secrets of a Kept Chick, Part 2

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Secrets of a Kept Chick, Part 2 Page 19

by Ambria Davis

  “Mommy,” they both said, running over to me.

  “Hey, boys,” I said, hiding the guns behind my back.

  “Where have you been? I missed you,” Kayson said.

  “I missed you all too,” I said to them. “Troy, get them and take them outside. We’ll meet you back at the car.”

  “Nooo,” they started to scream.

  “Not now, boys. I need y’all to go with Auntie Troy. I’ll be out in a minute,” I said to them.

  “Will Daddy be coming with us?” Kaylon asked, shocking me.

  “Um, yes, Daddy will be out in a minute. Now go,” I said, pushing them in Troy’s direction.

  “Okay,” they said as they hung their heads. I waited until Troy and the boys were out of the house before I turned back to Stacy. I was ready for all of this to be over.

  I walked over to her and stared at her. “See, I didn’t understand why you was always so jealous of me. You was my friend. Whenever I had, you had. We practically ate off of the same plate, and yet you stabbed me in the back.”

  “Mimi, I’m sorry. My father used my feelings toward Kaylin to get me to turn on you, and I really wish that I could take it all back,” she sobbed as the tears started to roll down her face.

  “See, the first mistake that you and Kaylin made was underestimating me. The second mistake y’all made was when y’all didn’t check to see that I was dead back in that house,” I said and shot her four times in the chest.

  Turning around to Kaylin, I stood there staring at him. Here was the man I’d loved for over ten years of my life, the same man who fucked my sister and had a baby by her. He was also the same man who shot and left me for dead and right now the only thing I felt for him was hate.

  “I want to thank you for what you’ve done to me. Because of you, I finally found and know what a real man is—” I began to say, but he interrupted me.

  “Just cut all of the bullshit out, ma, and do what you came here to do,” he replied.

  “Okay,” I said as I raised the gun and aimed it at him.

  “Bitch, I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” I heard a voice say. When I turned, I was face to face with Jade, Kaylin’s sidepiece.

  “Damn, Kay, your bitches just don’t know when to cut it, huh?”

  “Bitch, please, you should’ve stayed dead where you was,” she replied as she took two steps in my direction.

  “And if I would’ve stayed dead, you still wouldn’t be able to have Kaylin,” I told her. “That is why you’re here right?”

  “It surely ain’t for you,” she replied. Like before, the bitch was never on point.

  “Kill her,” I said to Troy, who had snuck up behind her. She never even saw Troy coming. I heard several shots ring out, but I wasn’t focusing on that. What I was more worried about was Kaylin trying to run. Raising the gun up, I let off several shots that hit him straight in the back, and then he went down. I bet he was probably wishing that he never took me to the gun range. I didn’t even go over to check on him. I was more than sure I’d done what I intended to do.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I said to Jayden and Mark.

  “Hold up right quick,” Mark said as he walked over to the duffle bag that was sitting by the sofa. When he opened the bag, there was an assload of money in it. Picking up the bag, he then began to spread money around the living room, and I knew just what he was trying to do. “Now we can go.”

  I took one last look at the bodies that were lying around the room before I followed Mark and Jayden out the door. I was very happy that everything was over and I now had my kids back. The hardest part was over. Now all I had left to do was to get my life back together.

  Chapter 35


  I should’ve followed my first mind and left when I said I was. Now Jade’s ass had me stuck in the middle of some shit. When she first got out of the car, I was cool. I stayed my ass right there and minded my own fucking business. It was about a few minutes later when I started to hear plenty gunshots that I got worried. I sat in the car scared out of my mind. I didn’t know if I wanted to get out of the car and check on her or call the police. Going against my better judgment, I got out of the car anyway.

  Tiptoeing and looking behind me every second, I made my way toward the house that I had seen Jayden walk to. The door was off the hinges, so I was able to see straight inside. When I walked inside, there was blood and dead bodies all over the place. I spotted Jade over by the sofa, and I ran to her side.

  “Jade, get up,” I said, taking her into my arms. “Get up, Jade,” I kept repeating, but she didn’t answer. I check her arm to try to find a pulse, but I couldn’t find any. I attempted to pick her up when I heard coughing coming toward the kitchen, so I got up and went to check.

  I almost lost it when I spotted Kaylin by the back door with blood all over him. “Oh, my God, Kaylin,” I said, rushing over to him.

  “Help me,” he said

  “Okay, don’t talk. I’m going to get you some help,” I said as I located a phone and dialed 911. “Um, hello, I need some help. Someone’s been shot,” I said once the operator came on the phone.

  “What’s the address, ma’am?” she asked. I located a piece of mail and rattled the address off to her.

  “What’s your name, ma’am?” she asked. That’s when everything hit me. Here I was, sitting in a house with beaucoup dead bodies and I had no idea what happened. Instead of answering her, I hung the phone up.

  “I have to go, but help is on the way, Kaylin. You just have to hold on,” I said as I got up from the floor. I walked over to Jade and removed the keys from her pocket. I then gave her a kiss on her forehead and got my ass the hell out of there. I wasn’t trying to get caught up in this bullshit. There was no way I was going to go down over something I didn’t do.

  I ran all the way down the street, hopped in the car, and pulled off. I silently said a prayer for Kaylin, wishing that the ambulance would get to him in time.

  Chapter 36


  I couldn’t believe that everything was over and done with. I could actually breathe. I now had my kids back, we were headed back to Atlanta in a few days, and I had Jayden. I was not going to say that the road was easy, because it wasn’t. I’d had some trying times, and there were a few times when I wanted to give up, but by the grace of God, I was able to hold it all together. I had a great support system in Jayden, Troy, Mark, Weedy, and Margie by my side throughout this whole ordeal. I really had to thank God for Jayden. Without that man, Lord, I didn’t know where I’d have been. I’d have probably been in a mental institution somewhere.

  It was now summertime, and I was enjoying the weather, so I decided to have a barbeque and pool party. I invited my friends and the people I considered my family. I never got a chance to relax after all of the things that I’d been through these past twelve months, so I was actually enjoying this little peaceful time.

  From a distance, I sat there and watched as my kids, Jayden’s son Cam, and a couple of other kids from the neighborhood enjoyed themselves in the pool. As I watched Kayson, Kaylon, Kailay, and Kayla, my heart warmed up as I noticed the smiles that were plastered on their faces. I was so happy to be back in their lives. It felt good knowing that no one could come and mess this up again.

  I was finally done with the bullshit. Stacy and Julius were probably somewhere in hell together. I made sure of that. Shit, I wouldn’t have been surprised if they bullied the devil for his spot. As for Kaylin, he wasn’t as lucky as they were. He was alive, but he was probably wishing that he weren’t. I didn’t blame him, though. If I were a paraplegic, I’d probably be thinking the same thing. I couldn’t live my life knowing that I had to spend the rest of it in prison while being confined to a wheelchair. See, I thought about killing his ass, but death would’ve been too easy for his ass. I wanted that nigga to be able to live and think about all the shit that he’d done, for him to see the grass wasn’t greener on the other side and how he should’ve never
fucked with that duck-ass ho Stacy, because she’d been a snake. I wanted him to live his life knowing that he had kids he wouldn’t be able to see. I wanted him to see how the shit felt when they were doing the shit to me. They asked me if I felt bad for him, but I said no. Honestly, I didn’t. He never felt sorry for me, so I didn’t feel sorry for his ass. He deserved everything that he got, and if I had to do it all over again, I would’ve done it all over again.

  I sat deep in my thoughts, just thinking about all the shit that I’d been through in the past few years. Some things were great, as others were not so great, but still and all, I’d somehow survived every storm that was in my way. There were a lot of people who would’ve gone through the things that I’d gone through and given up, but not me.

  “Hey, lady! I see you over here daydreaming and shit. You all right?” Troy asked, sitting in the chair beside me.

  I took a minute to look around at all of the people sitting in our backyard. There was a crew of people dancing, some were in the pool, others were playing Spades, and the rest were eating. When I was left to die, I never imagined that I’d be enjoying life again, and yet here I was. “Actually, I’m fine. I’m still overwhelmed. Everything still doesn’t feel real. I swear I thought I would spend damn near the rest of my life trying to get my life back in order, from what Kaylin and Stacy had put me through. I still can’t believe that everything is over. I mean, I finally get a chance to sit there and breathe, to enjoy my family, my kids, my friends, and my man, in peace. I don’t have to worry about looking over my shoulder or worrying about if someone is going to come and try to hurt me again. All of my enemies are gone, and I can’t do nothing but thank God and you all, of course,” I said to her.

  “Girl, who you telling? That’s me. I thought that this thing wasn’t going to ever end. I mean, when I thought that you was dead, I was lost. Then Kaylin had taken the kids and Stacy’s old dumb ass was lurking around here. Not to mention all of the things I went through with not being able to find your body for the funeral and Kaylin’s little side pieces Jade and Star. Humph, shit was just all the way fucked up,” she said, taking a sip from her drink.

  “Girl, who you telling? I thought for sure that I’d end up in a casket somewhere before I’d ever get to see all of my kids together again.”

  “Who you telling? We must be some cats that got nine lives, because we done used about four of them already,” she said with a light chuckle, which in turn made me laugh also.

  “For real,” I replied. We both sat there in silence, lost in our own thoughts.

  “You think that the cops will find Julius’s and Stacy’s bodies?” she asked, looking at me.

  “I don’t know and to be honest, I really don’t care. They’re right where they need to be,” I said, hunching my shoulders. “Besides, if they do, they don’t have any proof that we were the ones who did it, so I’m good,” I said, sitting back in my seat. I grabbed my drink from the table and took a few sips. The last thing on my mind was the police finding Julius’s and Stacy’s bodies. Hell, there probably weren’t any more bodies, because where we threw them, I was more than sure, the bugs and animals ate them all up. We didn’t need to worry about the police finding anything.

  “Yeah, you’re right.”

  “On another note, what’s going on with you and Weedy?” I asked her.

  Her eyes damn near bulged out of their sockets as she swallowed hard. “What you mean?” she asked, with this dumb look on her face.

  “Don’t play dumb with me. I know Weedy’s the one ringing your phone when you claim that it’s your cousin,” I said, busting her bubble. “You don’t have to lie. It’s me you’re talking to.”

  She sat there for a minute, without saying anything. I know she was confused. Hell, if I were her, I’d be confused too. On one hand, she had a man who she had history with. Now everything wasn’t peaches and cream, but at the end of the day, they had a love that only they could understand. Then, on the other hand, she had the total opposite. Mark and she didn’t have a lot of history, but I could tell you that he genuinely loved her. I mean what man do you know would kick it with a bitch he only met, have her back when the going gets tough, and wait patiently when it took her awhile to give up the cookies? He could’ve been like most niggas and bounced, but he didn’t, which should’ve let her know that it wasn’t all about sex. Hell, the odds were clearly stacked in Mark’s favor. Weedy’d had a history of fucking a lot of bitches, bringing home diseases, and not being there when she needed him. Mark was the total opposite and the man she should clearly choose, but that was none of my business. I wasn’t trying to tell her how to live her life, because I’d made a lot of mistakes on my own. She should have known better and learned from my situation. If a man cheated once, he’d cheat again, no matter how much he said that he changed.

  “Um, hello,” I said, snapping my fingers at her.

  “Honestly, there’s nothing going on between Weedy and me. We’re just friends. I’m with and in love with Mark. He’s the one I want to be with. I’m not trying to mess that up,” she replied. I heard what she was saying, but her actions were telling a whole different story.

  “Okay,” was all I said. I wasn’t about to go there with her. As I said, that wasn’t my business. It was hers. I just hoped that she knew what she was doing.

  “Hey, my darlings,” Margie said, walking over to where we were. She gave each of us a hug before she pulled up a chair and sat down with us.

  “Hey, Marg!” Troy and I said at the same time.

  “How are my girls doing today?” she asked.

  “We’re fine and you?” I said to her. Ever since that day Margie had helped me when I was in the hospital, we’d grown extra close. She’d been like a mother to me and a grandmother to my children. She even had Cam calling her Nana. She’d been there a few times to comfort me and to check my ass when I needed it.

  “I’m doing great. Where are my babies?” she asked, referring to my kids.

  “They’re in the pool over there,” I said, nodding toward the area where the pool was. She looked their way and smiled.

  “Look at my babies. They look so happy and full of life,” she said, beaming with pride. I really didn’t know what my kids did to Margie, but they’d really grown on her. She was always coming over to take them to the park or bring them things. We were lucky to have her in our lives. “Oh, that reminds me. There’s a circus coming to town this weekend. Maybe we should take them.”

  “That would’ve been lovely, but Jayden and I are surprising the kids with a trip to Disney World this weekend,” I said to her

  “Aww, that will be so nice. The kids are going to definitely enjoy that,” Margie replied. “Just make sure that y’all take care of my babies and make sure that they have lots of fun.”

  “We will, and I’m pretty sure that they will. Besides, we really do need this vacation.”

  “I’m saying,” Troy said. “I think that’s what Mark and I need our-damn-selves.”

  “Well, make it happen. I’m so used to thinking that I might not get a chance to live tomorrow, that I’m living for today and if tomorrow comes, then I’ll be living for that day,” I said to her.

  “Girl, I feel ya. I just need a minute to enjoy my man,” she said, laughing.

  “I second that motion,” I replied, grabbing my drink and downing the rest. It’d been a minute since Jayden and I did our own little thing, and the shit were long overdue.

  Speaking of Jayden, I spotted him over by the barbeque grill with a drink in his hand, laughing at whatever it was that Mark was saying. Even though he had on an apron that was full of barbeque, I peeped out how sexy he was looking, in a wife beater, some True Religion, and some all-white Air Max 90s. The way the sides of his lips curled up and the deep print of his dimples when he laughed drove me crazy. He must have felt me watching him, because a minute later, our eyes met. I wanted so desperately to kiss him, to feel him, just to be near him, so I got up and walked over to him.r />
  We held eye contact the whole time I was walking. I felt like there was no one else there, but him and me. When I made it to him, I threw myself in his arms, hugging him extra tight. No words were spoken as I placed my lips on top of his, parted his lips with my tongue, and gave him one of those deep, passionate kisses, the one that says, “I love you,” without having to speak the words.

  “Well damn, y’all don’t worry about the house that’s behind y’all. Why don’t y’all just go at it right there in the back seat?” Mark said sarcastically.

  “Shut up and mind ya business,” I said, punching him on his arm.

  “Ouch, damn. You know you can’t be hitting on a nigga like that. You don’t hit soft no how,” he said, playfully holding his arm as if it was really hurting him.

  “Boy, stop playing, you know damn well that shit don’t hurt,” I told him.

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. What’s up with you though, ma? How you doing? You feeling good or what?” he asked, grabbing me and giving me a friendly hug.

  “I’m doing fine. I now have my kids and life back, so I can’t complain,” I said to him.

  “That’s good then, but let me holla at you for a second right quick,” he said, walking away from where the guys were standing by the grill.

  “What’s up?” I asked once we were out of earshot.

  “Look, ma. I’m only telling you this because that’s your girl and all, but something is going on with Troy and ya boy,” he said. I wasn’t surprised, though. Mark was the type of dude to observe shit. He knew shit that you thought he didn’t know.

  “Mark, right now I don’t know what’s going on with Troy, but I don’t think that her and Weedy are messing around,” I said, lying through my teeth. I also knew that something was going on between the two of them, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. What kind of friend would I be if I were to rat my girl out?

  “Ma, come on. You can’t tell me that you haven’t noticed the shit that she’s been doing. I’m trying to give her the benefit of the doubt, because I love her, but if I find out that she’s fucking with him, I’m done with her ass,” he said, looking me in my eyes. I wanted to say something, anything, to make things right for them somehow, but I couldn’t. There was nothing to say. He looked at me for a little while longer with those intense eyes that he had. For a minute, he seemed to be stuck, lost in his thoughts maybe. Then he walked off, leaving me there with my own thoughts.


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