Secrets of a Kept Chick, Part 2

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Secrets of a Kept Chick, Part 2 Page 20

by Ambria Davis

  I turned and spotted Troy over there looking at me. She raised an eyebrow as if to ask me what was up. In return, I hunched my shoulder while shaking my head, indicating that I didn’t know.

  “What’s wrong?” Jayden asked as he wrapped his arms around me.

  “Nothing. Why you asked that?” I asked him.

  “Well, because for one, Mark came back with in a sour mood and for two, you’re standing over here with a confused look on your face. So I’m guessing that something has gone down between you two,” he said staring at me. There was something about the way that he looked at me, and I knew I had to tell him the truth.

  “He came to talk to me about something with Troy and Weedy. It didn’t have anything to do with me,” I told him.

  “Well, what’s going on?” he asked me. “You know my boy is not about all them games and shit.”

  “Honestly, I asked her myself, but I really don’t know. She say that it was nothing, but I’m thinking something different.”

  “Well for her sake, I really hope that it’s nothing, because Mark’s a real good guy. He’s not about playing, and he really likes her. That shit is very rare. He don’t really be ’bout that shit. Normally he’s all work and no play, but with her, it’s different,” he replied. I heard what he was saying, and like him, I hoped that the shit with Weedy and Troy was nothing, because I knew if it wasn’t, shit could get real sloppy and we didn’t need no more of that in our lives.

  “Well, I hope not then,” I said turning to kiss him.

  “You know if you keep on doing that, we’re going to have to end this little get-together early,” he said, palming my ass. He then leaned in and gave me a kiss that took my breath away.

  “All right, you two. Cut it out. We have guests here,” Ms. Carol, Jayden’s mother, said, interrupting us.

  “Ms. Smith, how are you?” I asked, leaning in to give her a hug.

  “I’m doing fine and yourself?” she said. “And I told you to stop calling me Ms. Smith. You can call me Mom.”

  “I’m doing fine and okay,” I replied.

  “Amina, after all of the girls that Jayden has been with, I have to say that I like you. This time I can actually say that my son has finally found the right girl. I just hope he does right by you,” she said, cutting her eyes at him.

  “Ma, you don’t even have to worry about all of that, because I plan on making her my wife one day,” Jayden said, looking in my eyes.

  “Boy, stop playing, you know you damn well that you don’t want me to be your wife,” I told him.

  “I was waiting for the right time to do this, but apparently there’s no time like the present,” he said, reaching in his pocket. He pulled out a small red velvet box, and then looked back at me. I was no stranger to this move, being that Kaylin had proposed to me already. He then looked over to his mother, who in turn nodded her head in approval, and he got down on one knee, making my eyes get watery.

  “Mimi, baby, I know that you’ve been through a lot of things this past year, but throughout all of this, you’ve survived. You’re one of a kind, you’re like a rare gem, and I cannot let you get away. When I thought you were dead, my whole world was turned upside down. I thought for sure that I had lost you forever, but by the grace of God, you’re still here with us right now. You’re a great mother and a wonderful woman, who I’d like to have my own kids with someday, not to mention that Cam loves you also. Yeah, I know that we’ve met under difficult circumstances, and we haven’t known each other that long, but no matter what anyone says about it, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So what I’m saying is, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  By the time he was through with saying all of that, I was in full-blown tears. He was right, I’d been through a lot, and he was right there by my side. He was everything that Kaylin wasn’t, and I didn’t have to worry about him cheating on me, because he made it clear that he wasn’t that type of guy. Still, I was skeptical about marrying him. Hell, who was I kidding? This was the perfect man, my man, and here he was, down on one knee, asking me to marry him. I’d never find another man like that and, to be honest, I was not planning on looking. I had my knight in shining armor, and I was sticking with him.

  “Yes,” I said jumping into his arms, and then I gave him one sweet, long kiss on his lips. “I love you too, baby.” He picked me up and swung me around like I was a big old kid.

  “Yay! Mommy and Uncle Jay,” my kids said, running up to us.

  “Yay, Daddy and Mama Mimi,” Cam said, running up behind them.

  “Thanks, babies,” I said, bending down, giving each one of them a kiss and hug.

  “Congratulations, baby,” Ms. Carol said, hugging us.

  “Thanks, Ma,” Jayden replied.

  “Thanks, Ms. Carol,” I replied.

  “You are very much welcome. Now that you’re about to be my daughter-in-law, you can definitely call me Mom.”

  “Well, thank you, Ma,” I said, just to satisfy her.

  “Jayden, baby, I have to go, but I promise to see you later,” she said to him. “Don’t be a stranger now, and, Mimi, remind that boy that he still has a mother, because sometimes he seem to forget that,” she said, laughing.

  “Ma, chill out, you know that ain’t true. You gon’ play on me like that, huh?” he replied, smiling.

  “Yeah, I bet. You be good and take care of that girl now,” she said, pointing a finger at him.

  “I will, Ma.”

  “I’ll see you later. We should do lunch sometime,” she said, hugging me.

  “I’d love to. Just let me know when and where,” I said, hugging her back.

  “Okay. Jayden come walk Mama to her car,” she told him.

  “I’ll be right back, baby,” he said, giving me a quick peck on my lips.

  “Okay,” I said, kissing him back.

  “Congrats, bighead,” Mark said, hugging me.

  “You know about this shit, didn’t you?” I asked him, poking him in his chest.

  “I’m not saying that I did and I’m saying that I didn’t,” he said, laughing.

  “Yeah, whatever,” I said to him as Troy walked up. He looked at her, she then looked at him, and he walked off.

  “Girl, what’s up with that shit?” I asked her.

  “I don’t know. Shit, he be fucking tripping. Let me see it, girl. Quit playing,” Troy said, reaching for my left hand.

  I held it up so she could get a good look at it. “Girl, it’s beautiful. Congratulations.” She reached in and hugged me. When she tried to pull back, I pulled her closer to me, so that I could whisper in her ear.

  “Whatever the fuck is going on between you and Weedy needs to end. You have to clean that shit up and dead it today. Mark’s getting suspicious, in case you ain’t know or you don’t give a damn. Either way, the shit needs to end. Otherwise, you’re going to end up losing your man, for the same man who left you high and dry,” I said to her. I didn’t wait for her to reply. I moved past her and made my way toward the house, leaving her there to think about what I had just said. I didn’t want any part in that shit. I’d already been through too much drama already. I wasn’t trying to get into this.

  A few people who wanted to say congratulations as I made my way inside of the house stopped me. Most of them wanted to see my ring so that they could go talk about it among themselves, but I didn’t care at all. Today was one of the greatest days of my life.

  Bitter Bitch

  I was on my way to Jayden’s house. I was tired of playing games with his ass. It was time that I put my fucking foot down and dealt with him and his ma. I wanted my child from over there. I wasn’t about to let no bitch think that she could come in and play mommy to my child. Fuck that. I spent thirteen hours in labor when I had my son, and I wasn’t about to let the next bitch think that she was gon’ come in and take my muthafucking spot. I’d be damned if I let that shit happen.

  As I was driving, I received a collect call. I al
ready knew that it was nobody but my little boo, so I answered the phone on the first ring.

  “You have a collect call from . . .” the recorder started to say, but I pressed number five so that the call could connect faster. I didn’t have time to be listening to that long-ass recording.

  “What’s up, ma?” he asked, once the call was connected.

  “Hey, boo, how you doing?” I asked him. Lately, he hadn’t been acting right. Hell, I still didn’t know how he was in jail in the first place.

  “I’m doing fine, ma, considering the situation that I’m in. How are you?” he asked in that sexy voice that I loved to hear.

  “I’m good. I’m about to go pick up my son.”

  “I thought he was staying with his daddy,” he said.

  “Yeah, he was, but I’m about to go get him. I’ve missed my baby, and I’m ready for him to come back home. It’s been too damn long since he’s been with them. Besides, Jayden done moved his new bitch and her kids up here, and I’m not trying to have that ho thinking she’s Cameron’s mother,” I said, getting pissed off. I hated Jayden’s new bitch with a passion.

  “Come on, he doing it like that?” he asked me.

  “Yeah, last time I talk to Cam over the phone all he wanted to talk about was Mimi. At first I thought he was talking about his grandmother, until I asked him. He said he was talking about his daddy’s new girlfriend,” I said to him.

  “You said her name was Mimi?” he asked.

  “Yeah, why?” I asked him.

  “What’s her real name?” he asked, ignoring my question.

  “Um, I think its Amina something. Oh, Amina Washington,” I said, snapping my fingers. “Why?” I asked, wondering why he wanted to know what her name was.

  “Nothing, I just thought she was somebody I knew, but I don’t know her,” he said. “Say, I have to go. We’re about to go to chow. I’ma call you later.”

  “Okay, I love you,” I said to him.

  “Yeah, me too,” he replied, and then hung up. I pulled the phone away from my ear and just stared at it. This nigga was just acting all depressed and shit, but now he was all jolly again and shit.

  Not thinking twice about it, I threw the phone on the seat, just as I turned down the street where Jayden stayed. I noticed that there were a lot of cars parked up and down the street, so I was guessing that they were having some sort of party or something. Oh, well, I’ma break this shit up if this nigga don’t give me my child in peace.

  I spotted Jayden walking up to the front door, just as I was parking. I hurriedly exited the car and made my way over there, before he went inside.

  “Say, Jayden, let me holla at you right quick,” I said as I walked, trying to catch up with him.

  I was guessing that he knew it was me, because before he turned around, he blew up air in frustration. “What do you want, Shelly?” he asked.

  “I came here to get my son, Jayden. I want my child to come home.”

  “Well, if that’s what you came here for, you might as well get back in your car and leave, because you ain’t taking my son from over here,” he replied, turning around to walk inside the house.

  “Don’t turn your back on me,” I said, grabbing him. “I’ve played things by your rules for the past couple of months. I’m tired of the shit. It’s time for you to give me my child back.”

  “You must be tripping. You know the drama that you’ve caused between me and you. Then you bring the shit to my home. As if my girl’s life wasn’t already fucked up, you had to come around here and show your ass. Adding extra shit to the punch,” he said, snapping at me.

  “Nigga, if you think for one minute that I give a fuck about your bitch, then you’re wrong. I couldn’t fucking care less about what that bitch was already going through. That wasn’t my problem nor was it my concern. My only concern around here is Cameron Jahavon Smith.”

  “Bitch, I don’t give a fuck what you think. All I know is that you ain’t taking my child from here and that’s a bet,” he said, getting in my face.

  “I’m really trying to be civil with you right now. Don’t make this shit worse than it already is, because I can guarantee you that neither you nor your bitch will like it,” I said, through gritted teeth.

  “I know damn well this ain’t who I think this is,” I heard a voice say from behind Jayden. When he moved to the side, I came face to face with his bitch.

  “Look, bitch, if you know like me, you’d go back inside and mind your business. This shit right here don’t have nothing to do with you,” I said, pointing my finger back and forth between Jayden and myself. “This shit is between me and my baby daddy. So butt the fuck out of this, or else you’ll regret it.”

  “Look, bitch, I never whooped on your ass for the sake of my fiancé, because I knew no matter what, he’d have to deal with you, but I can guarantee that if you keep playing with me, I’ll light your ho ass up,” she said, stepping a little closer to us.

  “Fiancé?” I asked, baffled.

  “Yes, bitch, my fiancé,” she replied, holding out her left hand so that I could see the huge rock that was sitting on her ring finger. The minute I laid eyes on it, I lost it. Here I gave this nigga a seed, was with his sorry ass for six years, and he gave this ho here a ring.

  “Nigga, you ain’t shit,” I said, walking up to him. I proceeded to slap the dog shit out of him, knowing that he wasn’t going to hit me back. He wasn’t the type of dude to hit on females, which was why I stayed slapping and punching on his ass, because I knew he’d never hit me back.

  I turned around and was about to walk away when someone tapped me on my shoulders. When I turned back around, that Mimi bitch’s fist connected with my mouth, drawing blood instantly.

  “Guess what, bitch? You picked the wrong fucking day to come over here with the bullshit. You want to hit on somebody, well I’m about to show you how the shit feels. See, you already know that Jayden will not put his hands on you, but that ain’t going to stop me from giving you a ass whooping,” she replied. I wanted to say something, but I was still in a daze. I really couldn’t believe that that bitch had just hit me.

  Chapter 37


  After the 1,001 congratulations that I had gotten from the people in the backyard, I went inside in search for Jayden. When I walked into the kitchen, I didn’t see him, so I went to look for him in the garage, thinking he was in there, when I heard a female voice coming from the front of the house. At first, I thought that the person was in the living room, until I got there and saw that there wasn’t anyone in there. When I peeped outside of the door, I had a front-row seat to the show Jayden and his baby mama Shelly were putting on.

  I couldn’t believe that out of all the days in this year, she had picked this day to come over here with her bullshit. Today wasn’t a good day, though. I wasn’t in the mood to fuck a bitch up. My man had just proposed to me, and I was happy, but when I stepped outside, the vibe that they were giving off was a muthafucker. I was actually going to try to calm them down, but the bitch said something that pissed me off, which ended up changing my whole mood and made me go ham on her ass. The moment she slapped Jayden in his face, the bitch had made a huge mistake. She already knew that Jayden wasn’t a woman beater, which was why she slapped him in the first place. Jayden told me about the many times that they’d gotten into it, and she’d hit him only because she knew he wasn’t going to hit her ass back. I was here to show that bitch something different. She wasn’t about to hit my man while I was standing there and get away with it. I was about to show that ho just how it felt to be hit on.

  When I punched that ho in her mouth, she just stood there in a daze. I wasn’t trying to fight that bitch like that. I wanted her to be aware of that ass whooping I was about to give her.

  “Bitch, don’t just stand there. Pick your jaw up and hit me back,” I said to her. I wanted this bitch to pick up her hands and fight me fair so that I could give this ho an ass whooping that she would never forget.
r />   “Bitch, I know damn well you ain’t just hit me,” she finally said.

  “From the looks of that busted lip you got, you can see that I did.”

  “Ho, you done fucked up now,” she said, trying to run up on me, but Jayden had stopped her. “Nigga, let me go, so I can whoop this bitch’s ass.”

  “Shelly, go ’head about your business. I don’t have time for your shit,” he said, walking her to the road. I followed him.

  “Yeah, Jayden, please let this bitch go, so she can whoop my ass,” I said, taunting her.

  “Mimi, please go back inside the house,” he said to me.

  “Nah, I ain’t going nowhere, until I whoop this ho ass,” I told him.

  “Bitch, please, the only ass that’s going to be getting whooped is yours,” she said, trying to break away from him.

  “Nah, ho, you got me fucked up. I don’t get my ass whooped. I do the whooping,” I replied, letting this ho know.

  “Bitch, please. Tell your nigga to let me go and I’ll show you just whose ass is gon’ be whooped, and I can bet my last dollar that it won’t be me.”

  “Bitch, please. You’ll be broke, because I can guarantee you that this right here ain’t what you want. Jayden, pleeease, let this ho go. Please,” I said, begging him.

  “Mimi, baby, please just go back in the house while I handle this right quick, please,” he said, pleading with me.

  “You know what? This ho ain’t even worth it. You got five minutes to get rid of this garbage before I come back out here and do it for you,” I said, and then walked off.

  “Yeah, bitch, you know better. Do what your massa say and go back inside the house,” she yelled from behind him.


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