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A Face without a Reflection

Page 18

by Linda Lee Bowen

  “Grammy,” I began as I gazed into the woods, “have you ever seen the Seeker? Not just her shadow. I mean…have you ever seen her?”

  “Oh yes, dear! Many times! Especially when she was young. She was quite desperate to find the Truth then, and we were all very hopeful. She was close to receiving it several times. But something would block her, and she’d retreat for days, sometimes months. Your dad, mum, and I took turns standing watch every evening at dusk. That’s when she was most likely to venture out beyond the woods. We didn’t say anything to her, but we prayed and read the Word aloud, hoping it would bless her. She was such a beautiful child but so afraid. And it seemed that she was very lonely. That made me wonder if she had a family or if perhaps she’d lost them. I don’t know. But as she grew older, she would be away for prolonged periods of time. Your mum hoped she’d found the way to the Truth but seeing her this time makes me think she’s become accustomed to doing things on her own and doesn’t trust anyone who might offer help. She’s built up thick walls around her heart. If she doesn’t find the Word soon, I’m afraid she’ll be lost forever.”

  We walked in silence until we came to the garden, which seemed to stretch out for miles, with colors that were exceptionally vibrant and brilliantly displayed. Everything was in full bloom, and the fragrance that hung in the air was like scented gossamer floating in the early-morning mist. Butterflies flitted through a field of black-eyed Susan, and hummingbirds gathered nectar from the hollyhocks and bee balm. I stopped to watch one of the tiny birds as it hovered magically beside the thin, lance-shaped leaves. The speed at which the hummingbird’s wings moved back and forth made them almost invisible, yet its body barely moved at all. I leaned over to get a closer look and motioned for Grammy to join me. She crept silently beside me.

  “Look at him, Grammy!” I whispered. “He’s a miracle!”

  Grammy smiled as we watched him gather nectar from the bee balm and then dart off to find another full flower. The beauty and wonder of nature overwhelmed me, and my heart overflowed with gratitude.

  “I am so blessed,” I said to Grammy, who was quick to agree.

  She took my hand as we scanned the field for the flowers that were meant to bring a smile to Mrs. Kettle’s face.

  “Let’s start with some tulips,” Grammy suggested as she headed toward the long-stemmed blooms.

  But I had already become enchanted with the daylilies, so we set out in separate directions. I had only walked a few steps when I felt something move beneath my feet. I stopped to look down and in an instant, I was frozen in place, unable to move as the jaws of a venomous serpent opened wide, with his head stretched toward me. He was trapped under my feet, which felt like dead weight. I could neither lift nor move them. Terror swept through me as my head began to spin. I tried desperately to scream for help, but my words were stuck in my throat. I searched for Grammy, but she was nowhere in sight. My legs felt like jelly and I was nearly overcome with fear when I thought I heard her cry out, “JESUS!” In an instant, Micah appeared before me.

  “Don’t be afraid, little one. I am with you.”

  The snake hissed as venom dripped from his fangs. I wanted to run, but my feet wouldn’t move.

  “Micah! I don’t know what to do!”

  “Just stand firm. He won’t hurt you. He knows I’m here.”

  My heart pounded violently inside of my chest as the landscape around me blurred, threatening my equilibrium.

  “Focus, little one. Look at me. And do not turn your eyes to him.”

  “But, Micah…I’m afraid. He’s so big, and his fangs are so long!”

  “He’s big because you are afraid. The weapon he uses against you is your fear. The Enemy isn’t what’s under your feet…it’s what is in your mind. Don’t give him any territory. He has no authority over you.”

  I thought the snake had stopped moving and glanced down to see. Taking my eyes off Micah for an instant was all the Evil One needed to gain control. He hissed as his forked tongue flitted into the air. I once again felt him writhing beneath my feet. The violent pounding in my chest grew louder as every muscle in my body weakened.

  “Micah!” I called out.

  “Do not look at him,” he said calmly. “Keep your eyes on me. We have already overcome him.”

  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath…then a few deeper breaths. Micah was now a heartbeat away, and I felt my strength returning when he took my hands in his.

  “Stand firm, little one. We’ve got this!” Micah squeezed my hands.

  And I believed him. With everything that was in me, I believed him.

  “Do you remember when we went fishing?” he asked.

  My body trembled, but I stood firm. “Yes, I remember.” I nodded repeatedly.

  “You must speak to the snake as you spoke to the fish when you wanted them to stop coming into the boat. Be firm. And when you tell him to go…tell him to go in my name. Do you understand?”

  The snake hissed loudly, but I dug deep within my spirit and summoned courage to come forth. I nodded. “I understand.” The snake struggled.

  “He will not harm you, little one. Speak to him firmly and tell him to go in my name. Do it now!”

  I swallowed hard and cleared my throat, all the while keeping my eyes on Micah.

  “Snake!” I demanded. “Go!” I was forceful and bold, but the serpent writhed even more, and I nearly lost my foothold.

  “In my name!” Micah said firmly. “Tell him to go in my name.”

  I nodded as I bit my lower lip. “Snake! Go! In His name!”

  I instantly felt the snake move, but his strength was depleted. His power was shrinking, as was he. I looked down at my feet, and he was becoming smaller and smaller…until he was the size of an earthworm. There was nothing that was remotely frightening about him. His fangs were gone, and so was his venom. He was nothing. I couldn’t believe that just a moment ago I was terrified of this insignificant little worm that now wriggled from under my foot and disappeared in the dirt. I looked at Micah and nearly collapsed as the terror that had overwhelmed me was now uncontrollable laughter. Unable to stand I dropped to the ground and sat cross-legged on the very spot where the serpent had been. Micah sat in front of me, his knees touching mine.

  “What just happened?” I asked him.

  “You just met the Enemy, little one. And what you saw when you defeated him is all that he ever was. But he’s very clever. He uses people’s weaknesses to his advantage. He is the Great Deceiver who wants nothing more than to steal, kill, and destroy. The only way to beat him is never to give him power. That weapon is within everyone’s grasp, for it exists in our minds. Remember him as the meaningless worm that he is, for he will undoubtedly return. But the next time, he will have no control over you.”

  I lowered my head to my lap and gave thanks to the One for sending Micah to save me. I knew he would be with me forever. My heart was full of joy, gratitude, courage, and strength. I looked at my friend and smiled.

  “We just beat the devil,” I said.

  “That we did, little one! That we did.”



  Grammy stood on the porch waiting for Micah and me to return. She was overjoyed to see us, and we were overjoyed to see her too. We hugged each other tightly and praised the One altogether. She said she never doubted the outcome of my encounter with the Enemy, as she knew the Spirit was with me and that I’d been given the heart of a warrior. Still, the waiting was long, and she was glad it was over.

  “We must all face evil in our lives,” she said. “And when we do, we must choose either to give in to temptation or stand against it. It is in a moment of indecision that the Enemy gains territory that he has no right to, by claiming we have freely given it to him. Your strength and courage will grow every time you say no to the lies he tells you and yes to the truth in the Word. For you know that His plans are to prosper you and never harm you. And He’s faithful to His promises, as they are all yes and

  Micah smiled at Grammy and gave her a big hug. “You are such a blessing, Petra! I thank the Father every day for putting this child in your faithful hands.”

  Grammy’s eyes were as bright as the stars on a cloudless night as she wiped away tears of joy from her face. “I am honored,” she whispered.

  Micah stayed for lunch, and we waited for Mum and Dad to come home to tell them of our brush with the Enemy. They had questions only Micah could answer, and I almost felt left out of the conversation, but Daddy kept me close beside him and assured me that everything would make sense soon.

  “I know this is confusing, sweetheart. But the pieces will all fit together and when they do, you’ll look back on your time in this place and realize this was your “Aha!” moment. When that happens, nothing will stop you from being who you were created to be, and you will do all that you were created to do.”

  I went to bed early that night, exhausted from the events of the day. After Mum tucked me in, Daddy and Gram came in my room to say good-night. Everyone’s eyes were moist with tears that didn’t spill over but remained puddled near the edges of their lower lids. It was as though they wanted to keep the emotions they felt inside them, unwilling to let them go too soon. I fell asleep as soon as my bedroom door closed and slept soundly through the night.

  The house was unusually quiet when I awoke, and I nearly skipped the ritual of washing my face and brushing my teeth to see where everyone was. I puffed into my cupped hand to check my breath and quickly decided to stick with the routine. Standing in front of the bathroom sink, I checked again for a way to open the medicine cabinet. But my curiosity had turned into a habit, and I decided not to give it a second thought. Whatever was behind that door wasn’t worth breaking a rule for. I knew that I would never think about it again.

  I hurried out of the bathroom, changed my clothes, and went downstairs. I expected the smell of breakfast cooking on the stove to meet me on the way, but there was nothing in the air, and no one in the kitchen.

  Where could everyone be? Then I saw the note in Mum’s handwriting taped to the fridge.

  Dearest One,

  You needed rest, so we let you sleep in and have gone to the market. Micah stopped by with a picnic lunch and said he would wait for you in the meadow. This is a very special day. Take in every moment. We shall miss you, darling!

  All our love,

  Mum, Daddy, and Grammy

  I smiled at the phrase “take in every moment” as I folded the note and stuck it in my pants pocket. They didn’t miss a single opportunity to do that! I shook my head and glanced at the clock. Holy cow! It was 1:46 p.m.! Ha! No wonder I was starving! I ran through the kitchen door and to the meadow, hoping Micah was still there.

  “Hey, sleepyhead!” he called out when he saw me. “Glad you could make it!”

  I was overjoyed to see him. “Oh, Micah! I’m so sorry. Have you been waiting long? You must be starving. I can’t believe you brought a picnic lunch. That was so very kind. I’m so happy you’re here!”

  Micah laughed at my overzealous entrance and motioned for me to join him. I smiled and plopped down on the blanket that was spread out under a giant sycamore. He opened the lid of the tiny basket he’d brought on our fishing trip. My jaw dropped, and my eyes opened wide as a veritable feast appeared from inside the miniature basket. All my favorite fresh fruits and vegetables from the garden, plus fried chicken, homemade chocolate cake, and a big container of ice-cold lemonade were spread out before me. I gasped.

  “What’s the matter?” Micah asked. “Did I forget something?”

  “Plates,” I said jokingly.

  “Oh, that’s right.” He reached into the basket once again and pulled out plates, forks, knives, cups, and two red-and-white-checkered napkins.

  “That should do it,” he said.

  I shook my head in amazement. There simply was no one like him. What had I done before knowing him? But thinking back, I couldn’t recall a single moment when he wasn’t there. It was as if I’d known him all my life, and I didn’t want it to be any other way. We chatted as we ate, and Micah shared more stories of his journeys with a group of friends he referred to as “the boys.” They all seemed like very ordinary people who did extraordinary things when Micah was with them. I certainly could relate to that. I told Micah I would very much like to meet them one day. He said they had said the same thing about me. Knowing that Micah had told his friends about me was impossible to get my hands around. To think that the most remarkable person who ever lived remembered me every day was immeasurably humbling. My heart was just too small to hold it all in.

  “I have something very special planned for today,” Micah said, through a mouth filled with pickles. “I thought we’d take a walk in the woods. It might be the only place we haven’t covered in our adventures.”

  “The woods?” I was surprised that he had chosen the woods. Unlike the lake I was strictly forbidden to go near them. Daddy said the woods were not safe for little girls, and until now, I had no interest in venturing near them. But today was different. Today, I was with Micah. And he made me fearless.

  “Did you ask Daddy if it was okay?” I hoped he did and that it was.

  “I did.” Micah took a bite of chicken. “And it is.”

  “Yay! I can’t believe I’m going to the woods! I’ve always wondered what was there.” I was too excited to take another bite.

  “There’s an amazing path that winds through the trees, passes over the stream, and leads to the most spectacular sight you will ever see. You can’t even imagine how remarkable it is, and I can’t begin to describe it. You simply have to believe it to see it.”

  “See it to believe it,” I said, to correct him. He smiled and gave me a wink; and I knew I was in for an amazing adventure!

  “What about animals?” I asked. “I know the deer live there, but what others are there? Do you think we’ll meet them?”

  “It’s quite possible,” Micah said. “But whether we meet them or not, you can be sure they’ll be watching us.”

  I grew more excited about our journey and began to fidget. Micah laughed at my enthusiasm. After finishing his last bite of lunch, he packed the leftovers in the basket as I folded the blanket.

  “Let’s leave everything here,” he suggested. “We’ll pick it up on the way back.”

  Micah’s path that would take us through the woods was quite a distance from where we had lunch, and it took a while to get there. The trees and underbrush we passed on the way to the clearing were inconceivably thick and dense. “It would take a miracle to get through that forest,” I thought as we meandered farther away from the house on the hill. But Micah promised that our trek would be well worth the effort; so, I traveled happily beside him until he stopped in front of a spot that was no less dense than the woods we’d passed.

  “Here we are!” he said cheerfully.

  “Here we are?” I queried, searching high and low for an opening. “Where is here?”

  “The path is here. So, that’s where we are. We are here at the path.”

  “Micah, I don’t see a path. All I see are trees and bushes and vines!”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Where is your faith? Do I have to take you back to the boat for another fishing lesson? Trust me, little one. The path is right in front of you.”

  I looked around again and sighed. “But…you’re right in front of me,” I said exasperated.

  “Exactly.” He grinned. “I am the Way! Follow me!”

  His words were no sooner spoken when the trees parted before him, and Micah walked into the forest, with me on his heels. The trail was set by every step he took, as no one had ever set foot on this ground before. Vines and bushes separated to reveal a passage by which we traversed, for no obstacle dared stand in our way. The trees and vines formed a canopy over our heads, and streams of sunlight passed through the branches and leaves.

  “We’re almost there,” he said. “Just a few more steps.”

One. Two. Three.

  The trees opened wide, and we stood side by side gazing out at a massive canyon that laid before us. It stretched through and down the mountain in colors that were indescribable, and my eyes could not hold the glory they beheld. The sun burst brilliantly over the richness of the earth to reveal the internal splendor she held within. My breath left me as I fell to my knees in awe of her beauty, and I bowed to the One Who Is, Was, and Always Will Be. The Creator of all things.

  Micah looked out over the canyon and smiled. “He did this all for you, you know. He did this for all humankind.”

  I knelt at his feet, my face to the ground. Tears flooded my eyes and poured over the crimson canyon rock beneath me. Micah bent down and took my face in his hands.

  “Why do you cry, little one?”

  “Because I am not worthy,” I stammered, unable to look at him.

  “But you are. You are worthy because you are His. He knew you long before He formed you in your mother’s womb. He created you for a purpose. You are part of His plan. You are beautifully and wonderfully made by Him and for Him. No one else can be you. And you can be no one else. The time has come for you to know how the Father sees you, so you can live your life as He intended, without fear of the world or a desire to be of it. You are a daughter of the Most High God. He has blessed you with many gifts that will serve His kingdom. Trust me. And have faith. The Father knows your heart, dear. He wants you to know it, too.”

  I fell into his arms in full surrender as a world of sadness that I’d hidden deep within my heart was lifted. Micah held me for a long time, rocking me gently back and forth, until I was able to stand on my own. Then he looked down at my tear-stained face and asked, “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “Good,” he replied, lifting me to my feet. “I want to give you something before we leave here.” Micah gathered some dirt in the palm of his hand and spit into it, making a rich mud. “Close your eyes,” he said. He placed the wet earth on my eyelids with the tips of his fingers. Then he prayed. “Father, give Your daughter eyes that see all the wonder You have placed in her, so she may walk boldly into the Kingdom in Your name. Amen.”


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