Page 17
Much to her dismay they had landed harshly in dense trees and lush jungle. It had been a difficult ending to an already traumatic ride. She'd managed to jump and land on her feet away from the skiff as it gently fell, buoyed by the efforts of its small engine and the balloon. It had served them well. He tethered the small vessel to a nearby tree. Its enormous supple branches undisturbed, it felt a shame to interfere. It would do them no harm. They now waited sat upon the boat.
Much of what she wore, she found to be too humid yet kept herself covered, fearfully blushing at the boy as he stole glances her direction.
“What?” She asked.
“Nothing, I'm just curious” he answered indignant.
“Well, you can keep your curiosity locked away” she stressed, she had met this kind before.
“Not in that way you idiot!” He pushed back.
“Then what?”
“You're fiercely loyal to your master,” he commented, “it strikes me as strange.”
“Euricles Arlandus is among the greatest of men, certainly the greatest I have ever known!” She began, her irritation apparent. “He has given more than I have ever owned and given me all I ever had. It would be the ultimate in churlishness to abandon him now, in his time of need.” She retorted, anger spreading through her body like nails in her blood, pushed and pumped hotly through her veins.
“His time of need, what about yours?” He asked.
“You ready to fight again?” She spoke reflectively. “There's no ledge to push me off this time.” She commented.
“I'm not denying he's a great man,” he continued, ignoring her, “but is it not you who spent time on the other side, is it not you who is in greater need?” He asked.
“Is it not you who put me there?” She retorted. “Is it not he who brought me back!”
“If death is such a transient state then why are you so angry princess?” He asked.
Then it happened. Wordlessly and yet speaking volumes more than any argument could. She pressed her waiting mouth to his. A coupling of separate parts it lasted a moment yet eternity passed between them. Eventually she pulled away, gasping in extreme shock.
“Because you stole it from me stupid, because I had so much potential and you set me aside and made me nothing. This state I'm in is not permanent. Soon I will perish and you cannot deny your part. There was so much left for me but you took it away.”
He remained silent, stunned. The outburst had surprised even she. Who wanted desperately for the words to grow wings and fly back into her mouth. Yet now they had been spoken. They were in the world, between them as a barrier.
“Why the kiss?” He asked in earnest “If I am such a monster then what possessed you to press your mouth to mine, there were feelings there and they weren’t hatred.”
“Don't get ahead of yourself lover” she spoke. Now it was his turn for regrets. “I only wanted to see what it felt like before I die again, had there been anybody else's lips to press upon mine own, there they would be. But nay there were none, so yours sufficed.” She turned her back, unwilling to betray herself further to him. Her heart beat faster than it had in her life, or her death. A strangeness filled her. There was no other way to describe the emotion. It tingled, awakening parts of her she had laid dormant inside from strength. Now a weakness came upon her.
“Sufficed?” He managed. “Sufficed, allow me to assure you oh gracious acolyte that with your oh so worldly experience of kissing and the like that one does not describe a kiss such as that, as sufficient.”
“Oh?” She asked, “Would satisfactory do then?” She lied.
“Satisfactory? Did you not feel the lightning as it worked its way between us?” He exclaimed, astounded.
“The lightning?” She asked quizzically. It was more than he could take. Violently he grabbed her spinning her on the spot. She reached for her blade but he held her hand in place, pushing his mouth upon hers this time. It lasted longer as tension melted between them, fading to the ether. Her tongue explored his mouth hungrily, and his her own. Finally, after a long time, he pulled away.
“Sufficient?” He asked, grinning.
“Sure, stupid!” She smiled, reveling in her defeat.
Without warning the trees around them rustled. Stepping forth were men. Men they both recognised. Men she had faced before. Vicious scowls upon ravaged faces and cutlasses drawn they advanced. Stopping only for their captain. An enormous man. A muscular man. Of distinguished taste and cruelty. His black coat swung beneath him as he pointed his blade upward. “Well well Jak my boy, you've done well haven't you? Orochi commented. “Ain't you going to introduce us?” Armatrine’s heart lurched in her chest. They were surrounded.
~Skirmsh, Floating Fortress, Place of Decay~
~ First of the Crop, Song of Sorrow~
The blood shall meet the sky when,
the lilac meets the red.
- Unknown master
Prince Johan sat upon the makeshift throne, his marbled brow creased with the worries of a principality. Heavy, he rested. His skin a garb he wore, that of a much older man. That of a man unresolved in his convictions yet forced to action. Unsure of himself. Beside him the shadows moved across the wall. His sheltered quarters aboard the monstrosity known as Skirmsh were well maintained and well provisioned. He’d be safer here. The admiral had confirmed as much. Yet still he struggled to believe the reports of the Order’s betrayal.
The Order of the Pearl. Ancient and blessed, closer than any to the Three. Their divinity undoubted. Yet what had possessed them to attempt his assassination?They had always been forthcoming with their misgivings. Even when he'd been unwilling to hear them he'd always sent a delegate and allowed the problem to become quickly and quietly resolved. Often at great personal expense. Yet they too had cast him aside. Blaming the crown for the misfortune of the attack on their main temple. Choosing loyalty to themselves over the state.
Thank the Three for Tenebris. His zeal in keeping him alive had remained unrivalled. He’d been able to root out the betrayers and bring to pass their slaying. Thankfully he'd handled the situation quietly and he'd be able to control the flow of information to the principality. A split of church and state. This would rock Neta to her aching, broken heart. Together they were formulating a plan. Soon the people would be told. It was to be a time of great upheaval yet what harm remained in allowing them their faith for a while longer. It was an unwise ruler who operated in broad strokes.
A sudden rapping upon his chamber door pulled him from pensive thoughts. The world seemed somewhat brighter as if the miasma had become lifted. The spiderweb cloud of darkness pulled up from over his eyes. “Enter” he commanded regally. In bowed his butler. An ancient man, somewhat crooked of back. He looked haggard by years of unparalleled service and yet within him Johan saw something else. An unease. A mistrust.
“They await you upon the main deck sire” he continued to bow.
“Arise Lucis” he commanded. The old man did the best he could. It wasn't to be lauded yet it was not a poor effort considering his bent back and the swaying motion of the fortress. He looked at the old man, unable to fully stand and yet still in the service of the crown.
“Yes sire?” He asked hesitantly. An unease filling the room.
“How old are you my good man?” The prince asked.
“Eighty six and fourteen years sire” he answered matter of factly.
“One century?” Johan asked dumbfounded.
“Yes sire. Just, my father was valet to yours, it was my hope that my own children would serve yours and yet alas I was blessed in no such way” he commented.
“I see” Johan fell quiet. He of course felt the barb in the butler’s regret for he neither had been somblessed, much to his dismay. “Follow me outward good sir” he allowed an arm toward the decrepit man. Looking upward he took it. Tentatively. His trembling fingers working their aged grip upon the prince’s porcine limb. They moved from the interior to the main deck. About them sky-sailors s
topped in salute. Stooping to bow before him, then to the continuation of their duties. It was an enormous deck. The largest he'd ever witnessed. Almost more a small floating city than a fortress or a skyship. The admiral’s reasoning supposed it kept them safe. The prince, his household and all associated. Since the Order had betrayed them who else could be trusted? Johan sighed. He'd never been one for show. Yet here he now found himself upon the spectacle of all spectacles. About the fortress large sky ships patrolled. Safety first. Clever admiral, careful admiral.
“Ah your Highness, you’re almost early, I'd hate to be caught unready for your Grace” the admiral bowed. His flowing coat of naval blue trailed behind him in a tail as he went to the floor.
“Arise good sir, arise” Johan dismissed. “Don't you know how well good Lucis has served the crown? It is toward he who you should bow, for had he not, I would not be here among you” the admiral’s face darkened. Jealousy perhaps.
“Would it hurt you to smile at the man and thank him for his service? He is among the oldest of us after all.” The old butler looked incredulous first toward the admiral then toward his liege. Unused to receiving deference of any kind he was unsure if how to accept it. The mark of an honest servant if ever he'd met one.
“Of course not sire,” the admiral bowed then turned to the butler, doffing his feathered tricorn, “it is clear you have been a loyal and devoted servant and I thank you for all you have done in the name of the crown” he smiled. His eyes fixed upon the ancient man.
“However,” Prince Johan interrupted, “there is a time under the suns for all things. This is a moment of eclipse. While Lucis has devoted his life it is now time he were to be relaxed. His family and himself are to be allotted lands and income equal to one eighth of mine own royal estate in the capital” he turned his gaze upon the butler. “It is time good sir to end this, you must enjoy what is left of your time at my expense, as much as it seems I have enjoyed much at the expense of yourself.” He ordered two sailors, uniforms gleaming in the light of the evening suns, “This is mine own most trusted butler and today he is retiring, see him safe to the capital where he is to be afforded every luxury upon and above mine own station.” The men sprang to action, helping the old man from the arm of the prince to their own.
“Thank you sire” he turned, calling back with all his aged voice could muster.
“It is no kindness, it is due,” Johan answered, “soon I shall see you again” he assured him.
As he was led away the admiral turned. “That was kind sire.”
He answered, “Rewards for a loyal lifetime of work at the behest of the crown.”
“Yes, and when he dies?”
“His estates belong to the crown, as they always have. Nothing is permanent, you must know this by now.”
“Indeed sire.”
“Indeed. He was my most trusted adviser, yet he knew nothing of military warfare. This is where you come in. Do you know much?” He asked. His expectations apparent.
“Allow me to show you sire, if you will” the admiral offered his arm to Johan, who took it.
They walked for some time. Sky-sailors all around payed no heed despite their initial bow. Their duties firmly upon them with the hard-worn memory of the lash or the whip. Finally they climbed a set of rigging. Johan struggled with the weight of his body yet surprised himself with his ability as he clung to the ropes. Upward they rose. Steady and sure. It baffled him to think of their altitude. Above a floating fortress atop the clouds. Miles upward of floating islands above a planet where he'd no idea what resided. Here he was. Crown prince of it all, at the pinnacle of their achievement. The pinnacle of power. He eyed the admiral with admiration and envy in equal measure. The man had given so much. Dedication among his greatest attributes. What he would give back to be young and strong as he was. To be muscular and handsome. The ropes chafed at the soft skin of his fat hands. Finally they reached a parapet. A large platform above the rigging.
“Don't look down sire,” warned the man, “only place your vision where I say or you'll feel the height in your head.”
“As you wish” he answered. “Although one expects a full tour in lieu of being able to witness the progress from here.”
“Of course sire. Now if I may? Each cannon on this vessel is capable of sinking each of those vessels with a single blast.”
“Each of our own?”
“Exactly, the dreadnaught class, each dreadnaught is a proven force in these skies, capable of destroying many a pirate vessel. Indeed many have fallen before the might of your navy. An iron fist to the heavens sire as it were. No prince has been as safe, nor as powerful.” He postured. Clearly lines rehearsed, spoken in the heat of the moment to further ingratiate himself.
“This is heartening. When the brigands come we shall be ready” he stated.
“Exactly so my liege, and in that moment we shall be their undoing.” He answered, a smile pursing his lips. Below a cry came forth followed by a trumpeted blast and beating drum.
“Another execution admiral?” Johan questioned.
“I'm afraid so my liege. We should make our way down to the view” he answered darkly. Moving toward the ropes and beginning the arduous descent.
“Yes quite, must we make such spectacle each time though? It appears we have publicly executed half of the principality” he questioned, more worked up about the climb down than the fates of the men below.
“Need I remind his Majesty it is he who signed the execution decrees, any changes to policy I am happy to accommodate” he purred. “It is you who is in control sire and I am but a humble servant.”
“Yes yes I suppose so, it's just such an unpleasant affair” he kept his gaze ahead, avoiding looking downward he felt with his foot for the next rope down.
“That I agree with whole heartedly sire, yet if dying were a pleasant experience then we'd have flocked to it in droves and as a species we would never have survived past our infancy” he spoke as a man disconnected despite the poignance of his words.
“So it is the rope then” Johan decreed.
“As you wish, or the axe, or sword or musket ball, you may even feed them to the drakes.“ He retorted, smiling.
“There is no need to be grisly” he chimed. It would serve the admiral well to keep his place in mind, no matter how priceless he felt himself and his services to be.
“We could do it privately” he suggested. “If it please your grace.” That was better.
“Yes that could be more to my tastes” he answered.
“Then let it be so.”
Johan knew he would need to give a little. “The worst, the very worst. They must be public. Deterrence is important.”
“As you wish sire” the admiral called from below.
Prince Johan looked upwards. Gazing toward the well built platform from which he'd descended. Inspecting the ropes he felt impressed with himself. And only for a moment he thought he saw a figure, a woman clad in black, beguiling and powerful smiling downward.
~ Netan Airspace~
~ Twentieth of the Sheath, Song of Sorrow ~
Dread befalls us all,
The changing of the world
The captivating wail
The captivated fall.
- Children’s rhyme
The sky had changed drastically since Orochi had last been up. The usual peaceful violet of the atmosphere had become covered with violent clouds of rich ochre. Inside they crashed and glimmered with the force of nature Alight with determination they were chaos incarnate. Their shining as dangerous as the darkness within. Behind, the sky had become a richer shade of purple. Blackened. As if the twins above had turned their backs. Caring not enough for the world of mortals to provide their light any longer.
“It's an ill sky this voyage Captain, should we turn back?” Asked Tyde tentatively. Her fear apparent upon her face. She had become somewhat of a confidant to his tender side. Perhaps it would not be so dangerous to allow her inside.
Nay we must travel onward. Now we are up we don't want to expend the effort for nought.” He pressed, unwilling to allow her to see his own fear as it bubbled below his skin. These clouds were indeed ominous and their ramshackle vessel lacked any life saving measures. Were they to sink they would go over to their deaths.
“Press on, press on!” She ordered. The men obeyed by largely ignoring. Yet none had trouble accepting the orders of a woman, that he felt heartening. She had all the makings of a fantastic captain. She needed just to become more confident in her orders, that and better at insulting them. They enjoyed that.
“Aye ye stinkin’ bilge rats. Our orders be one and the same. Now get to it, get to it. Never seen so many eager to lay on their backs, I wonder about ye mothers!” He yelled, his insult met with hearty laughter from the older hands and polite chuckles from those he'd taken from the navy. Pretence would suffice, it was what came after that mattered. They doubled their pace. Beside him Tyde turned a stunning shade of crimson, her skin flushed with the embarrassment of the blushing.