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Page 5

by Haley Jenner

  Yesterday morning, finding her in our kitchen, completely at home in the space, I was shocked into quiet at her effortless beauty. The smile that almost broke her face when she recognized me, shit, I’ve never seen anything like it. She was practically panting for it as she fucked me with a few drawn out looks, her big chocolate eyes devouring every inch of my naked skin. The way her tongue peeked out to moisten her full, pink lips. FUCK. ME. Groaning out loud I feel myself grow hard almost immediately. I let the warm water continue to run over my head, down my body as I grab hold of my cock, remembering standing there in nothing but a towel, with her soft body pushed up against me. I could smell the sweetness of her perfume, feel every curve of that body, making my cock strain to make an appearance. I felt like a pubescent teenager having to run upstairs to calm the fuck down. It worked, somewhat, until I came back downstairs. Seeing her bent over the kitchen bench, that round ass in the air, begging for it. Fuck me, raging hard-on instantly. I haven't felt the inside of a woman in far too long. I need a really long, hard fuck to release the buildup of tension in my body.

  Dinner was hell. Having to watch her lick her spoon, drag it through those pouty fucking lips had me almost blowing in my pants like a fucking 16-year-old. All I could imagine was what they’d look like surrounding my dick. Imagine the feel of exploding into her hot wet mouth and seeing my come covering her lips, dripping down her chin. I drag my hand along my length slowly, squeezing when I reach the base, giving myself some relief.

  And what the fuck was she wearing? Those pants, if you could call them that? I could see the firmness of her long legs, the pout of her beautiful ass. I wanted nothing more than to drop to my knees and kiss up her thighs, feel her round globes in my hands, under my mouth.

  Using my hand, I work my shaft quickly as I think about Belle; her body, her mouth, the attitude she throws out and I blow a load in next to no time, a feral growl escaping my lips on release.

  I'm so fucking pathetic, jacking off in the shower like a teenage boy. I really need to get laid.

  Jake is downstairs when I finally make my way down and I sit quietly, watching him move his fingers against the strings of his guitar. The sound is good, a soft strum as his neck moves his head in time with the beat. He smiles as he finishes, laying the instrument across his knees.

  “What the fuck is that in your nipple?” I question, motioning towards the two silver balls framing is left nipple.

  Laughing quietly, he shakes his head in humor. “A piercing,” he answers unnecessarily.

  “Janie know you have it?” Nodding his head, his white teeth are in full show with his wide grin. “What in the fuck would move you to volunteer to have a needle put through your nipple?” I grimace.

  “Same thing that would make you have color inked into your skin,” he retorts. “Plus, I’m too young to get ink so this will have to do for now. Chicks dig it,” he laughs and I shake my head.

  “You got a girl?” I ask but he moves his head in the negative before I’ve finished the question.

  “Fuckin’ around a bit?”

  “Nah, not yet,” he answers shyly. “I mean, I’ve done stuff, but haven’t gone there yet.”

  “No rush, kid. The nameless faces get old. Not saying it isn’t enjoyable,” I smile. “But waiting until you’re ready probably isn’t a bad thing.”

  This is what I’ve missed. Being able to talk to him, being there for him. The contentment of being in one another's company. I’ve only been back for a few days and Jake’s made it easy for me to start reconnecting with him. To let us finally build the relationship we should have always had.

  We sit in a comfortable silence for a few minutes before Jake breaks the silence. “What’s up with you looking at Annabelle like you were going to eat her last night?” he asks quietly, the challenge in his tone evident.

  His directness shocks me momentarily and I watch him cautiously, trying to work out his angle. He mistakes my silence for confusion, maybe stubbornness, I’m not sure, but he continues. “You travel to North Bend and back to buy her favorite dessert. You eye-fucked her while we ate and you got pissy whenever she touched me.”

  Rubbing the back of my neck I take a deep breath. “Depends on what angle you’re coming from, interested party? Concerned friend?”

  Jake's laugh is soft as he shakes his head lightly. He isn’t irritated like Belle was at my questioning, more amused. “Most people read more into it than they should. We’ve always been affectionate, you know that,” he says as a way of explanation.

  “Yeah, but you were like 10, tell me you’ve never thought of it as more,” I test.

  Jake only smiles in response. “I think I crushed on Annabelle when I was maybe 11, it lasted about a week until I kissed Tammy Smith at the school dance. Annabelle was promptly forgotten and my affections for her have never again breached the friend zone,” he laughs. He must see the questions in my eyes, the uncertainty I feel at their shared touches. “It’s a habit we’ve never grown out of. Annabelle craves affection Archer, she didn’t have much of it growing up, except from Janie and me. If I can make her feel loved, make her feel part of my family with a hug or a brief kiss, there’s no hesitation from me. It’s hers. I love Annabelle, she’s my best friend and I emphasize the word friend. That’s all that we’ve ever been and ever will be. We see each other as family and while our feelings for one another are deep, they’re not intimate,” he explains.

  In that moment, I recognize the strength in my brother. Gone is the fact that he’s just a kid. Jake Dean is the probably one of the most decent people I’ve ever known. He’s wiser beyond his years, possibly because he had no choice but to grow up faster than your average teenager. But even without a strong male role model available to him he’s a better person than most I know. I’m proud of who he is, hurts that I had nothing to do with how he’s turned out, but I’m proud. Jake is like Ma. Strong, refusing to let the shit life has thrown his way, drag him down. He’s been forced to move past the fact his Dad walked away, bailed without ever looking back. All he had was Janie and eventually Annabelle. Not even me. Truth be told, I wasn’t any better than our Dads. Walking away from my family, never taking a moment to consider the affect it would have on them. Yet, even considering all that, in front of me sits the most level-headed, considerate and loving man I know. At sixteen.

  “She seeing anyone?” I test.

  He shakes his head on a loud exhale. “Nah, broke up with her boyfriend from school days a little over 2 years ago. She’s not seen anyone seriously since that ended. I don’t know if there’s been anyone that she’s, you know, we’re tight, but we don’t delve into our sexual exploits.”

  I nod in understanding. “What was the deal with the boyfriend?” I don’t need complications with a woman still hung up on another guy.

  “Annabelle ended it. Max is cool, nice guy. Quiet, maybe even a little reserved. He loved her. Loved her,” he raises his eyebrows on his declaration, emphasizing his point. “Unfortunately for him, Annabelle’s feelings weren’t as deep seated. I think she only ever really saw him as a friend. Poor guy. He’s was pretty cut up about it all, but, because he’s a decent person, he accepted it and I think they still speak. Catch up if he’s in town.”

  Jake watches me process his words, eyeing me cautiously. Placing his guitar on the coffee table, he meets my eyes confidently. “What do you want with Annabelle?” he asks me with unexpected concern. “Because if it’s just sex, you need to find someone else,” he warns.

  It pisses me off even if I can appreciate that he has every right to be concerned for her. She needs someone looking out for her and in all honestly, he doesn’t know me. “You warning me off, kid?”

  “Not if you’re genuinely interested. Weird as it sounds, you guys would actually probably work. You’re both fuckin’ feisty as all hell though,” he laughs. “Annabelle…. she’s good people, Archer. When she loves you, you get everything. The guy that wins her over, the guy she hands her heart too will have
her completely. Everything she has inside will be his and he’ll know how lucky he is. They’ll live a happy life, Archer and if that’s you, I’ll be beyond happy for you. But, if you break her heart, it’ll be something I’ll never be able to forgive you for,” he finishes as he stands, the distaste in his words obvious. He pauses at the kitchen entryway, turning his head to put me in view. “Annabelle is my family and I’ll do my best in life to make sure that nobody hurts her. No matter who they are.”

  “I’m family too, does that not count for anything?” I ask and watch his eyes turn sympathetic.

  “Yeah, a little. But Annabelle’s always been here. She’s my constant,” and with that he turns and leaves the room. I can’t even be mad at him, he’s right. As much as we share blood, I’ve never proven myself as someone he can trust. I would never intentionally hurt Belle. Not anymore anyway, once upon a time is a whole different story. Years ago, I would have pursued her until she let me fuck her and then I’d be gone without a word, without a backward glance. I’m not that guy anymore, haven’t been in a long time. I just have to let Jake see that.

  Pouring myself a coffee, I make my way outside for some fresh air. Really, I could use a fucking cigarette. As soon as my feet meet the porch I see her. Feet propped up on her own porch rail, legs covered in grey sweats, large hoodie swimming on her frame. It’s obvious she’s just woken up, looking as though she got as much rest as I did. Her thick brown hair is a mess, but even tired, I know she’d be beautiful.

  I slowly make my way over and her eyes watch my approach. She’s still pissed. I can see that in her demeanor; her body is stiff, her eyes narrowed as I walk up the porch steps. Planting my ass on the rail next to her feet I greet her first. “Morning.”

  Her eyes drift past me, looking at nothing, just making a point to not focus on me. “Morning, Archer,” her tone is as stiff as her body, unfriendly and uninviting. Never thought this would be easy, but shit, she’s gonna make me work for it. Surely I couldn’t have been that much of an asshole.

  “Listen, Belle, I’m sorry alright. I was confused, I was an asshole. I …” I pause mid-sentence when I see a small smirk on her lips, her bottom lip tightly held between her teeth trying to camouflage the smile.

  Little fucking minx, completely fucking baiting me.

  Her mask falls back into place before she meets my eyes, noting I’ve stopped speaking. “I’m listening,” she snaps, her tone laced with attitude.

  The attitude’s forced, injected into her words for affect. Completely playing me, at least attempting to. “I had a chat to Jake this morning, he explained everything about your relationship. I get you guys aren’t ready to be out in the open just yet based on the age gap. Makes sense that it’s easy to keep up the whole friend routine for the time being.”

  Her big chocolate eyes widen as I finish my speech. “What?!” she screeches and I can’t help but laugh. Her eyes narrow on me as she realizes my game before she laughs softly. It’s barely audible, but I see her body shaking with obvious amusement. I wait and watch her laughter die down, a wide grin decorating her sleepy face.

  “Listen, Belle, I really am sorry for being a dick.”

  She waves me off with her hand. “Don’t sweat it, I was a bitch. People are confused by it, that’s their problem. Jake’s my best friend, I don’t feel I should have to explain our relationship to anyone,” she speaks softly, pausing only briefly. “But just so you know, it’s completely platonic, nothing ever has or will happen between us. It’s not like that,” she finishes on a shy smile, making it clear that there are no complications for her, that her attraction to me is real.

  I want to tell her the attraction is live wired on my end too. That I’m so fucking relieved there’s nothing between them, because I want her. But I don’t. Instead, I nod as I stand to leave. I want to ask her out, but deep down I know that right now, that isn’t the complete and honest truth. I wanna fuck her and therein lies my dilemma. Jake is right, Belle’s not just random pussy. I need to know what I want from this before I push it further. I have to decide whether I’m in a place that I want to delve into something…. more.

  We say our goodbyes and I make my way back home. It’s a complete reversal, usually it’s me watching her walk away, but today I can feel her eyes watching me. I look over to her as I reach my door giving her a chin lift before heading inside and not for the first time today, her wide smile makes my cock stir.

  Fuck me, I need to get laid.

  Chapter Six


  A few days have passed since I've seen Archer.

  Well, I've seen him, but I haven't really had a chance to speak to him.

  Okay, that's a lie. I've had a few chances but I've settled for a polite wave before moving on.

  I don't know if I'm avoiding him or if he’s avoiding me. Neither of us have made the effort to speak again since the morning on my porch. I'm confused by our interactions. Our attraction to one another is obvious and I think I made my interest clear, but we haven't pushed it further. I know it’s silly of me to think on it too hard because surely if he was interested he would let me know. Archer Dean strikes me as a man who goes after what he wants. I’m so confused. Maybe he’s still unsure of my relationship with Jake. Ah, fuck! I need to let this go, I'm not that girl. I don't want to be that girl. The girl that pines after a man who isn't interested.

  Repeat, must think of Archer as beautiful neighbor, nothing more. Do not think of his abs and how I want to kiss my way along to his defined hip bones down to that script that I want to trace, with my tongue. Do not think of how I want to dip farther to…. Oh my god, Annabelle. Focus!

  Shaking my head, I pull myself from my deliciously inappropriate thoughts. I should go out tonight. Get dressed up, have some girl time. I shoot Darc a quick text to check if she’s free before throwing myself into work. I finalize the last-minute details on the floral arrangements for the Carter wedding tomorrow. It's mostly done, but I finish rechecking my work, making sure all looks good.

  I take pride in my work. I love what I do and it shows in my arrangements. It's important that the flowers look amazing on the day, people notice the flowers. I do anyway.

  The Carter wedding is only a small event, so there isn't a large array of flowers, but enough to look tasteful, to make an impact. Delivery details have been confirmed with the wedding coordinator and I call Charlotte to check she has the right details.

  Charlotte Smith is my boss, owner of 'Carnations'. I manage most day to day operations for the shop, while Charlotte takes responsibility of all deliveries and oversees my work. The staging is where Charlotte’s art comes into its own. She is second to none where setup is concerned and that’s why Carnations takes most of the weddings across the county and its surrounding townships. I love working with her and I can't wait to learn her art. I have the arrangements mastered, but there is so much more to our occupation.

  Before I know it, everything is done and I close up. Like most afternoons I walk home, stopping at the Maple by the Chapel to sit and relax. Darci responds to my text giving the affirmative to a night out and informs me we’re heading to Everett to meet Aubrey. I love when we do this and I definitely need it tonight. It's a long drive for all of us but it's worth every second. My phone chimes again, letting me know we’re meeting Aubrey at 9 so Darci’ll grab me at 8. Checking my watch, I see it’s only 6ish. I walk home slowly, thinking I'll stop in to see Jake before getting ready. Their front door is locked, clear indication no-one is home and this disappoints me. It's sad that I depend on Jake so heavily, but I haven't seen him in a few days and I hate that.

  Taking my time getting ready, I blow-dry my hair into thick waves and spend a little more time than usual doing my makeup. For no particular reason, other than wanting to feel good about myself. This back and forth with Archer has me completely bewildered. Maybe a little attention from the opposite sex will pull my mind away from thoughts of intense green eyes and wicked smiles. I settle on a simple o
ne-shouldered black dress. It's modest but fitting, showing just enough skin to entice. It's only just past 7 by the time I'm ready and checking next door I notice all three Dean’s cars parked in the drive. I'm hesitant to head over there, knowing an interaction with Archer will further scramble my brain but my want to see Jake is greater. I'd also be lying to myself if I said I didn't want Archer to see me dressed up.

  I walk through their front door and dump my heels and bag. I keep my coat on, the air is still cold and my skin feels as though it's buzzing, possibly nervous anticipation. Jake is watching the TV and I make my way over him on the couch. Plonking myself onto his lap, I cuddle in, soaking up his comfort. I don't say anything and his focus barely breaks from whatever he is watching as he leans down to kiss the top of my head. We sit like this until an advert snaps him from his trance.

  "What's up?" he queries, concern clear in his tone as I cuddle in tighter.

  "Not much, just missed you is all," I lie. I don't tell him I'm crushing on his older brother and that for the first time in my life I feel unsure of myself. Taking in my appearance, Jake’s smile is kind as he tells me I look nice. "Thanks babe, heading to Everett for dinner with Darc and Aubs.”.

  "Ahh, Aubrey, my beating heart," he jokes and I laugh for the first time in a few days.

  Archer enters the room in his usual style, imposing, even from a distance. Standing in the opening of the sitting room he takes in our positioning and I can see his internal dilemma. He’s fighting not to see our touch as more. I detangle myself from Jake's lap to make it easy on the guy, giving him a small wave in greeting. I watch as his shoulders relax slightly at my retreat from Jake. "You're all dressed up," he states.


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