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Taken Hostage

Page 23

by Hutchins, Hollie

  I can’t believe it’s only been only one week since I’ve been in Little Rock, but when you’re busy with unpacking and working in a new job, one week can go so fast. I love being a primary school teacher, but I was still going through the ropes of meeting and getting to know students and staff, finding my way around the building, and getting up to speed with students; finding their weaknesses and strengths, and what they have learned so far. On Friday afternoon, I was relieved when the bell rang, and started headed for the teacher’s lounge. In the middle of picking up my bag, Anne, one of the teachers entered the room. She was taller than she looked because she wore high heels and glitzy, long dresses.

  “It’s that time of the week again,” she said, picking up her bag too. “How are you fitting in to Little Rock?”

  “I love it here. All you guys have been so helpful in my first week. I don’t know what I would have done without everyone’s help.”

  She smiled. “Yes, it’s a friendly town. I’m sure you’ll notice that in time.”

  I have already noticed that with my next door neighbour, but I didn’t say anything. Well, it’s only early days, and I’ve only just met him. Saturday was the day that I him. I’m going to remember that day just in case it turns out to be our anniversary or something. Who knows? It’s been nearly every night after school that I saw him, not that we were dating. It’s nothing like that. He’s usually out in his garden when I arrive home, either watering the garden or collecting the mail. Although once he knocked on my door, and I invited him in. He seemed a little nervous, but maybe that was my impression of him. Maybe I was nervous. I probably was. He wanted to ask me a question, he said. I waited for him to ask me out. My heart was jumping too. If you were standing next to me you would definitely feel it. I just stared at him a moment too long after he asked me if he could borrow some sugar. That’s why he was nervous. For a moment he thought he crossed the line, seeing that we had just met.

  I said don’t be silly. I must admit, after he left, I felt disappointed.

  On the way home, I thought about all the times I had seen him during the week. I hope I wasn’t misreading the situation, but I didn’t think I was. Every time I saw him, I felt a closeness to him that I hadn’t felt in a long time. I’m sure he was having the same feelings as I was, but he was probably just checking his feelings, and not rushing into anything. That’s the way I should be thinking too, but it’s never been the case with me. I’m way too impatient. I want everything to happen right away. But I keep reminding myself that is the reason I’m in this situation now. I must take any relationship or friendship slower or I’m going to get hurt again. Of course, my other thoughts were pushing this thought out of the way. He’s had his chances to take advantage of the situation, but he’s never once even flirted or tried to hit on my me. And just when I want him to too. What was wrong with him, or me for that matter? Maybe I wasn’t his type. And maybe his type was a guy? I hope not. Because I wanted him all to myself.

  I turned into my street, and drove into my front yard. It was Frank again. Like on cue. Nearly every night he was there waiting for me. He’s stood in my front garden, waiting for me to get out of the car. And I can’t wait to get out of the car, actually. I liked him. As I greet him, he smiled at me, asking how my week was?

  I must have looked exhausted. All flustered and red in the face. It was probably enough to tell him what type of week I had. “Let’s just say I’m glad it’s over. But first week’s are always like that.”

  He smiled at me again. “I don’t want want to bother you, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to the Mayor’s Ball tonight?”

  “That sounds nice. I would love to.” Finally, he asked me out. I thought he was never going to. Mayor’s Ball? Sounds informal. I will have to dig into those boxes that I haven’t unpacked yet to see what I can discover.

  Chapter Two

  I caught a glimpse of myself and Frank in the mirror as we waited in the foyer as other people lined up to enter the ball. It’s been so long since I’ve looked the way I look tonight. My hair auburn hair flowing freely over my shoulders, and I’m wearing a blue velvet dress that fits me so succinctly and perfect. I was also wearing a pearl necklace. Frank looked smart too. A suit and vest that made him look like he was from another era. I was so excited to be invited to a regal event like this. Frank told me all about it before he went home so I would know what to wear.

  I looked at Frank as we started to move forward into the main party room. “Thanks for inviting me, Frank. I’ve never been to a ball before.”

  He smiled. “I’m happy that you wanted to come along. We have several of these balls on during the year.”

  “Why? What’s the occasion?”

  “Oh no reason, really. The mayor just likes to bring the whole community along.”

  The main room was just as grand as the foyer. It had rich crimson drapes, chandeliers, and polished floorboards that you could almost see your face in it. I didn’t feel out of place because all the other women were dressed just as well as I was. It was the same with all the men, who were just as friendly as the women. I was just thinking what a friendly town this is. I kept smiling as I danced with Frank, swirling like magic across the floor as we mingled and expertly averting colliding with other dances. Everyone seemed to be in a wonderful mood; their smiles were an indication of how happy they were to be here. And why wouldn’t you be? Nothing was out of place. The people running the show were expertly attentive by the indication of the tables of food and champagne that swelled with so much variety and choice. There were reds, greens, and yellows that seemed to be the food of the Gods. Maybe something you would see served up for royalty.

  Frank saw me peeking over at the display of food on the tables. “Would you like to have champagne or maybe some cavier on cheese?”

  I looked over to the table again, watching other people eating all the delicate and enticing things on display. Seeing them eating was making me hungry too. “Yes, I think so. I didn’t have anything before I left.”

  “Me too.”

  I didn’t want to stop dancing. It was wonderful to be swept away in Frank’s arms, trying not to trip over my own feet. I wasn’t the best dancer, but the music that was playing was a waltz, and it was easy to dance to. Besides, Frank was a delight to dance with. He did all the leading, and it was easy to be in his arms as took control on the dance floor. It was nice, but the food was calling me. Together, we headed to one of the tables.

  As we were filling our plates, the Lord Mayor was doing the rounds, welcoming people he knew. He looked at me and smiled. “You must be Katie. I’ve heard so much about you. Welcome to Little Rock and to the ball.”

  I was so surprised he knew my name, especially since I’ve only been here only a week. I guess it’s a small town, and, people being people, do what comes naturally to them, and talk. “Thank you.”

  He shook Frank’s hand. “Hello Frank. Enjoying tonight?”

  “As always, Donald.” He went onto the next person to greet them.

  I watched Frank eat, and decided to join him, although I was feeling this was all a dream. A perfect dream that I hope I don’t wake up from. Who would? It was a million miles from my old life in LA, which was more like a nightmare. I couldn’t believe everything had been transformed so quickly. On the surface at least. Underneath my skin, I was still feeling the pain and trauma I went through, especially with the relationship I was in. I was so glad to leave LA and Stephen behind. I could feel the tension lift from me as I started on the long road trip to New England. With Stephen, everything I did was wrong. I just wasn’t good enough for him. I used to have trust, but he beat it out of me. The bruises were still there, but now discoloured to match my skin. I could still feel them every time I touched that area. It’s a reminder of what he’d done to me. I will never forget.

  I looked around as my thoughts of the past started to dissipate, and was hopeful of a brighter future. Maybe Little Rock was the beginning of hope and healin
g. I looked at Frank. I smiled at Frank, and he returned my smile. I was hopeful that I might have a bright future with Frank too.

  Frank grabbed my arm, and leaned in. I thought he was going to kiss me, and I half-closed my eyes in anticipation. “Most of the guests will be leaving soon, but we will stay for the finale: a special event.”

  I sipped my champagne and looked around at everyone. “Wow, I can’t wait for that. What is the special event?”

  Frank smiled with a devilish grin, and placed his forefinger against his lips. “It’s a surprise.”

  “Oh.” I like surprises. I really do. And my whole body was tingling in anticipation of what was coming next. We finished what we were eating, and went back to the dance floor. As we danced, I noticed that people were starting to leave. Soon, we were the only ones left on the dance floor, although there was still people in the hall. Waiting for the second part of the show to start, I guessed. We stopped dancing as the music had stopped. The musicians started to pack up.

  Frank turns to me. “It’s time for the main event of the night.” With arms linked, we move towards the back of the hall. There’s a man standing beside a door that seemed to be glowing, but it was probably the light from the other side of the room. But it was bright, and almost luminous; glowing. We waited until everyone was milled around this door. The man at the front checked to see if everyone was there before opening the door. We all moved slowly in. The room was dark, except in the left corner there was a brightness that was so brilliant that most people had to shield their eyes from it. Eventually, the brightness was adjusted until there was just a dull dimness of light, and we could all see what was in that corner.

  There was a group of strange looking men, all seated on thrones that seemed too big for them. They looked so strange, to me at least. They all looked different. Some had scaly skin, weird patterns like a leopard, and a strange shape for their faces. And the clothing they were wearing, if you could call it clothing, was nothing like I’ve seen before. If you’ve watched reruns of Star Trek, you would soon get the picture of what this scene was like. They had no expression on their faces, and if they did, it would be the wrong expression for the situation at hand. If they smiled, it would be when everyone was trying to be serious. If people laughed, they would just stare back at us. Something strange was going on here. Who were these guys?

  They let us wander forward to take a closer look. Because from where I was standing, they looked like they were puppets or someone in a fancy dress costume. But as I got closer, they looked even stranger than they looked back where I was standing. They weren’t wearing masks at all. Their skin was different to ours too. It was mottled and perspiring, even though it wasn’t hot in here. Maybe in LA. But this is New England. As we all moved within a foot of them, they stared at us strangely. Their eyes, tangled in the light, were, more often than not, animal like. But somehow different from anything I had ever seen. Maybe these were actors in special make-up? Were they going to make a science fiction movie here? I wanted to touch them because they looked so real, but I knew they couldn’t be, could they? All of us who were curious enough to get closer, moved in even closer until we could almost touch them. But we couldn’t, somehow. I slowly reached towards one of them, but when I got within about six inches of his face, my hand stopped, and I couldn’t move it any further. It was like I had hit a force field. It was so bizarre.

  The Lord Mayor stood in front of the microphone. “Welcome to our special event…”

  At first, I didn’t hear him make this announcement.

  “Excuse me, Katie, Rose, and Shelley, can you please take a seat?” Lord Mayor announced, and we all turned around in unison.

  We looked at each other, and whispered to the other girl, “What is going on here?” She just shook her head. She was dumbstruck. I followed the other girls to our seats. I looked at Frank with a confused look on my face. “Don’t worry. It’s ok. All will be explained soon.”

  When all was quiet in the room, and the doors were locked, the Lord Mayor stepped closer to the microphone so he would be heard by everyone. “I would like to welcome all guests here tonight, including our guests from light years away.” He indicated to the strange people sitting on the thrones. I thought it was a joke, and I was waiting for the punchline. Otherwise, I would have said something. “We acknowledge and welcome our esteem friends, and we hope your experience tonight is a good one.”

  At the right of the Lord Mayor, there was a man who was speaking in a strange language, and he was facing the people in the thrones. Was he a translator? Or was this part of the joke?

  “We are here tonight to trade. We want to make sure everyone is happy in this deal,” the Lord Mayor said. “Who has a trade for our friends?”

  Frank raises his arm. “I want to auction Katie here.”

  Frank had his hands on my shoulders, but I still managed to turn to face him. “What?”

  The Lord Mayor was smiling, and looked so enthusiastic. “That’s a great idea.” He looked at the men seated on thrones. They were looking at each other, busily speaking in their own language. When they were finished, they pounded their fists in agreement. “Our friends are happy with this deal. Step forward Katie, and we will start the bidding.”

  Two men wearing black grab each side of me, but I don’t do anything because I was shocked. Is it really happening? This was a hundred times worse than all the nightmares I had in LA. I resisted as much as I could, but the men in black were very strong. They brought me up to these ghastly looking people. Aliens? Are they really aliens? All the aliens stood up, and stepped up so close to me. They touched every part of me - from my legs, my dress, to my face. Some of them felt so reptilian. I shuddered and started fighting, trying to wriggle away from the men in black, but the men held on tightly. “Let me go!” I said, flailing my arms and legs. The aliens started to cheer as I started to fight and resist. The men in black pulled me back so I was only a few feet away from them, but still close enough to see what they were getting.

  To the aliens, the Lord Mayor said, “What is your first bid?”

  All the aliens were jumping up and down, spitting out bids. I didn't know what they were saying. Actually, I didn’t wanted to know. I just wanted to wake up from this nightmare, and go home. But still, I shivered. I couldn’t stop from looking at the interpreter, as did everyone in the whole room.

  “3 gold stones.” The interpreter said.

  Between me shivering and trying to escape, I was screaming words, but I can’t even remember what they were now. My anger wasn’t helping at all. The aliens were getting excited with my shrieking, and more bids were being thrown out.

  The interpreter was getting excited too. Now it was at 4 gold stones. Then 5. Wait a minute. 6. Was it 6? The interpreter was slightly confused, but he confirmed that it was 6 gold stones, which was also the winning bid.

  “Congratulations, Jehveh. Your bid for Katie is the winning bid. You can now take her back to your planet,” the Lord Mayor said.

  Jehveh smiled at me. He was six foot tall, and had mottled skin like a spotted leopard. It looked like his lips had Botox. It was hard for him to smile. Frank came over to collect his gold stones. After getting his reward, he glanced at me before moving back to his seat. “You bastard, how could you do this to me!” I called out to him.

  The next moment Jehveh looked at me momentarily before picking me up in his arms, and headed out the door as I kicked and screamed.

  Chapter Three

  Outside the building, I was kicking and screaming, still in his arms, trying to escape. He was strong, and had a good grip on me. He looked determined to not let me go, but I was just as determined as he was. He was saying something in his own language again, and again I didn’t understand what he was saying at all. Through my struggling, I tried to look around to see where he was taking me, but I couldn’t make anything out. There was lights on the street, where the building was faced, but there was none where he was taking me, which was behind the bu
ilding, even though the spray of street lights was casting a little light. He stopped, and put me down, but he still had a hold of me.

  I looked at him, furious. “Where are you taking me?”

  He adjusted a switch on the side of his head, and he started to speak English. “You are coming back to my planet.”

  I looked around into the shadows of this night, but I couldn’t see any spaceship or way to travel in space. There was nothing that I could see. I was thinking that this had to be some big practical joke. I was waiting for all the people at the party to jump out from behind bushes and yell out: “You have been punked!” I waited. Nothing happened. “Where’s your spaceship then?” I asked.

  He reached in his pocket and pulled out a little square box, the size of a car key, and he pressed down on it. It sparkled with a blue light, briefly, and suddenly a spaceship appeared before my eyes. Where did that come from? I thought. I was amazed that he really did have a spaceship. Well, it looked like a spaceship from this distance.


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