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Once Upon A Regency: Timeless Tales And Fables

Page 52

by Samantha Grace

  “Well, yes. If he didn’t approve, you’d have been hurt. I wanted to spare you the potential disappointment.”

  “His disapproval wouldn’t have hurt any more than if I believed you didn’t care for me enough to ask me to marry you.”

  “I do care. Can’t you tell? Can’t you feel it in my heart?” He pressed her palm to his chest. “I love you, Cassandra. I cannot live without you.”

  Suddenly hit with a playful streak, she decided to tease him. “It’s true, you wouldn’t have lived without me. Are you sure this isn’t just gratitude you’re mistaking for love?”

  In the moonlight, she watched his lips stretch into a smile. “I thought we’d discussed this already. Gratitude is this…” He took hold of her shoulders and kissed her with no passion whatsoever, then dropped his hands to his sides.

  As chaste as his kiss had been, her body complained when he drew away.

  “Love is this.” His arms wrapped around her, holding her as if he’d never let her go. As if she were a porcelain dish he was afraid he’d shatter. She felt treasured, just in his embrace. He kissed her forehead, the corner of her eye, and continued down with little pecks until he found the corner of her mouth.

  When he passed over her lips to take up on the other side of her face, she whimpered. Why didn’t he kiss her mouth and feed her hunger with his sweet taste?

  “Soon enough, love. Good things can’t be rushed.”

  He proved that, flicking his tongue on the pulse in her neck, and nibbling on her earlobe. Each touch was magical, yet not enough. Her breasts ached with a need she couldn’t name, and a fire burned lower, begging for release. Everywhere he touched she felt scorched. Every spot he missed ached like frostbite. It wasn’t possible for him to satisfy all her body desired.

  He found her lips at last and gave her a kiss. A magnificent kiss that she felt clear down to her toes. Sweet, hot, entreating all at once. If this was what kissing was like, she’d have to kiss him several times a day.

  Tugging at her short sleeves, he lowered her bodice and kneaded her flesh, plucked her nipples until they were swollen knots. She’d longed for this since the first time he’d kissed her, but hadn’t known exactly what she wanted. He knew. He knew and took obvious pleasure in showing her.

  When he bent to kiss the upper curves of her breasts, still squeezing them with a mad urgency, she gasped. She had to bite her lip so keep from crying out. They couldn’t be caught like this. They’d be forced to stop, and she couldn’t bear that.

  He toyed with her body as if he owned it, and she gladly relinquished possession. Suddenly his hands were beneath her gown, beneath her chemise, leaving a heated trail up her leg. When he reached the top of her stocking, she whimpered. He was so close to where she burnt the hottest. Would she be brazen if she put his hand exactly where she wanted it?

  She was a wanton woman. Her father had passed along the worst of his traits. No decent woman could enjoy the way he touched her. Lord Spalding didn’t seem concerned, however. He enjoyed what he did as much as she did, she could tell by the moans and grunts he uttered when he tasted a new place on her skin.

  They would soon be caught if they didn’t stop this. Yet she felt incomplete. “Please, Spalding, help me.”

  “Help you what? What do you need?”

  “I don’t know. Your touch, between my legs. When you brush the top of my thighs I ache. Is there something you can do to solve that ache?”

  “There are several things, but this way is the quickest. When we have hours to spend together in bed, I’ll show you some of the others.” He didn’t take away his hand from between her legs. “There’s still time for this.”

  The touch of his fingers there, stroking through her tight curls, sliding on her damp skin, she was certain she would shatter into so many pieces she couldn’t be repaired. But it was worth it. Worth every moment of stroking, worth taking slowly.

  At least at first. The more he touched her there, the more quickly the tension in her muscles threatened to shatter.

  “Hurry, Spalding. Please? End my agony.”

  “It’s not supposed to bring you agony. Do you wish me to stop? I can now, but I can’t guarantee I can stop in a few minutes.”

  “Don’t stop. This feels so good. I need it to be better, though. Take me over the top.”

  “We need to hurry so we’re not discovered.” He wrestled with the flap on his trousers and tugged his shirt out of the way.

  Cassandra knew when Spalding felt like she did. His eyelids narrowed, and right now his eyes were barely open. His breaths became short and rapid, matching her own. Did his heart pound against his chest? He must feel hers beating when her touched her there.

  When she was on the verge of breaking, he released his rigid penis. Cassandra couldn’t imagine how something that size would bring her happiness. Nothing could make her feel better than she did in those moments.

  She was wrong. He glided inside her, stretching and filling her, then paused. She was tight around him, yet she couldn’t remain still. She rocked against him. Spalding felt her movement and matched it. He began to build in speed, thrusting deeply. Taking her higher in her mind. Weighed down by his body, she couldn’t be floating as she felt.

  Tension built. Loving, burning tension. She wasn’t sure how to relieve herself of the ache. She trusted Spalding to know what she needed. He read her body so well, he must know how she felt.

  The burning and tension increased as he thrust faster, deeper. She chewed her lip, hoping to keep the moans of pleasure at bay. This man was so right for her, so perfect.

  To prove it, he held her when her body broke into a million pieces. He grunted deep in his throat and his body went still. She hoped he felt close to what she had. He must have, or he’d have walked away. The way he’d continued proved he cared for her. Now she needed to find some way for them to be alone while his family visited Royston House. She couldn’t live without him.

  * * * *

  When his breathing finally slowed and the fog cleared his thoughts, Spalding realized what he’d done. How foolish could he be? One didn’t seduce the grandniece of an earl, and most certainly not in the man’s own home. “Forgive me.”

  “For what?” Cassandra tugged her bodice over her creamy breasts and straightened her gown. “I enjoyed it immensely.”

  He kissed her thoroughly before fastening his trousers. “I’m pleased you did. However, I should have waited until we’re married.”

  “We’ve already agreed to marry, though. It can’t be very sinful to simply hurry things a bit.”

  Spalding chuckled. “Your uncle will think otherwise. I can purchase a license once we announce our engagement. There’s no need to wait for the banns to be read.”

  Throwing her arms around his neck, she pulled him close. “I’m glad we don’t have to wait. I don’t think I’m capable of doing so.”

  After one last deep, heated kiss, he said, “Now we must find a way to slip out and join the others unnoticed.”

  “The billiards room is down the hall past the game room. No one will take note of whether you entered one room before the other. They will just assume you’ve been elsewhere.” Cassandra did her best to smooth the wrinkles on her gown. If she could see them in the moonlight, they’d be all too apparent to anyone who saw her in a well-lit room. “I will retire for the evening. My aunt won’t find it too odd. I often read in my bedchamber before I fall asleep.”

  “You have a house filled with guests. Won’t she feel you’re shirking your duties as hostess?”

  “All the excitement gave me a terrible megrim. I do hope I’ll feel well enough to join the picnic tomorrow.”

  Shaking his head, he chuckled. “I never realized what a devious mind you have, my dear. And such a clever actress you are. I hope you never have cause to use either against me.”

  “My dear.” She sighed, her smile broad. “Those are two of the loveliest words I know.”

  “I can teach you many more, but not
tonight. Now, you’d better take the back staircase so you can reach your bedchamber unseen.”

  She rose on her toes and gave him a quick kiss before slipping out the door.

  Spalding returned to the window and looked at the wing across the courtyard. He had no idea which room was Cassandra’s. All he could do was imagine her there, undressing, slipping between the cool sheets…

  It was no good. He must put her out of his thoughts. In the morning, he’d tell his mother she’d accepted his offer, and he’d speak to Lord and Lady Royston. They’d likely have to wait until the end of the week when the guests left, before they could begin planning the wedding. Hopefully it would be a simple affair in her parish or his. Just the family to witness the ceremony, and a wedding breakfast after.

  Then they could leave on their wedding trip and be alone for the first time since they’d been rescued from the sea.



  The moment Cassandra awakened, she realized what she hadn’t told Spalding before she’d accepted his proposal. She dressed hurriedly and rushed downstairs.

  He wasn’t in the dining room. Before anyone there could speak to her, she left the doorway and went to the stables. He’d often gone riding in the morning when she stayed at the abbey. It was important she speak to him before he announced their betrothal.

  Spalding rode up just as she reached the stable. “Good morning, Miss Franklin. Were you planning to ride? I could go out again if you wish for company.”

  “Thank you, but I only wish to talk.”

  He dismounted, handing the reins to a stable boy. “I smell like a horse, but if that doesn’t offend you, let’s walk in the garden.”

  She couldn’t bear to wait while he changed clothing, so she began to walk. “I neglected to tell you something last night. It’s about my father.”

  “Mr. Norton. I know. Your uncle told me everything.”

  “Then you understand why we cannot marry. I can’t raise our children to be the ridicule of their peers.”

  He placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her to face him. She looked into his eyes and read the frustration and love there.

  “Dear Cassandra, you must put your fears aside. Your mother was Mr. Norton’s first wife, correct?”


  “And you were born of that marriage. You are not a bastard. Whatever he did after that doesn’t reflect poorly on you in the eyes of anyone who matters.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Gossips will always find something to feed their tittle-tattle. They have plenty to talk about just from the time we washed up on the beach. Every moment when they think we might have been alone, it will be brought up with the first person they see. We can’t stop them from talking. We must ignore it and enjoy our lives together.”

  “Ever since Aunt Wilhelmina told me about him, I thought my entire life had been a lie. I wasn’t the gentile young lady my mother raised me to be. I’ll have doubts all my life. We were above the servants and plantation workers in station, but we didn’t associate with the plantation owners, the wealthy businessmen and their wives.”

  “Perhaps your mother was afraid of being discovered. She changed her name, so it’s plain she wished to distance herself from your father.”

  “Yes, but just before she died, she said something about my behaving as a lady when I reached England. I thought she meant I mustn’t forget my manners. I was so uncomfortable when I first met your family. I was pretending to be something I’m not. Life was a masquerade and no one must discover my true identity.”

  “You were waiting for the stroke of midnight for your world to come crashing down, weren’t you?”

  “That’s it exactly.”

  “I can assure you, our masks are off and I still love you.”

  Her heart swelled to the point of bursting. She finally relaxed and her smile became real. “I want to hug you.”

  “We’re in view of the conservatory with all those windows.”

  “Am I wicked not to care?”

  “It would be one way to announce our engagement.”

  “A rather scandalous way.”

  “It would give the gossips something to talk about other than your father.”

  “What would they speak of if I kissed you?” She didn’t care what they said, she just wanted to draw out the idea she could kiss him in view of her friends.

  “I imagine that would be even more scandalous than if I kissed you. Do you mind?”

  “I don’t care which of us steps closer first, just so long as we kiss soon. I cannot wait any longer.”

  They came together in a brief but loving kiss, much less exciting that the one last night, but much more appropriate for where they were. And as lacking in passion as it was, it overflowed with love.

  The love was felt, not seen. Much more appropriate for an unmarried couple.

  “We should speak to our families,” Cassandra said.

  “I’m sure someone already has.” Spalding broke into a laugh.

  Cassandra joined his rich laughter, hugging him as tightly as he held her.

  Spalding held her hand as they crossed the garden to face their families. “Our first ball shall be a masquerade.”

  “Who shall we go as? Romeo and Juliet? Apollo and Daphne?”

  “No, I had something more original in mind. You will dress as a siren, and I’ll be the sailor drawn to the rocks from the beauty of your song.”

  Cassandra grinned. “A much more romantic version of our story, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Very romantic. You have entranced me. I am forever in your power.”

  “I will enjoy learning just what power I hold over you, my Lord Spalding.” She might even let him know how he possessed her, heart, mind and soul. Not right away, but eventually. Let his ego stew awhile before he realized he could relax in his exploration of her body.

  “We had better marry soon.” He squeezed her hand when they reached the door. “Are you ready for this?”

  “I cannot wait,” she lied. At least facing everyone meant it would soon be behind them. And they’d be one step closer to their life together.

  When she’d boarded the Sirene in Savanna-la-Mar, she began a journey toward her new life. Never could she have imagined what that life would bring.

  * * * *

  “How long will it take to reach Scotland, Lord Spalding?”

  “If we stop and tour many of the beautiful sights along the way, it could take us months, Lady Spalding.”

  “I love that name.”

  “I love you.”

  “I will enjoy spending time with you where no one might drop in unannounced. Your mother was very gracious to open her dower house to us.” Even the carriage ride was pleasant, overall. They had long stretches of time alone. Time to talk of their future.

  Sitting beside her with an arm wrapped across her shoulders, Spalding stretched out his legs. “I’m grateful we have such a comfortable conveyance this trip.” His hand smoothed over the upper swell of her breast where it was exposed above her bodice. He was more than grateful for many things at that point.

  Sitting forward, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her onto his lap. She adjusted her skirts to straddle his legs, which bared most of her white stockings. “I cannot wait until we reach the inn where we’ll stay the night.”

  “Shall I make you sleep on the floor again?”

  His thumbs circled her inner thighs. “You’ll miss out on this.”

  Climbing higher, his thumbs brought heated desire to the area he touched.

  “I want to see you.” He reached behind her and undid the fastenings holding her gown in place. “Raise your arms.”

  A breeze cooled her skin when he lifted her gown over her head. She sat in front of him in her corset, chemise and stockings. She even had her shoes on. That fact alone made her feel so wanton.

  Spalding tugged the shoulder straps on her chemise and helped her take her arms out.
When she sat in front of him with her breasts bared and her corset holding her chemise beneath those heavy curves, she felt his gaze touching her skin. Such a little thing, such a big reaction.

  “Are you planning to look all afternoon, my lord?”

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to the idea. When we reach Glasgow, I’m going to demand you remain naked while inside our home.”

  “Will you be joining me?”

  “Of course. What good is a naked wife when you don’t savor all she has to offer? Like this.” He reached behind her back and loosened the ribbon holding her corset in place. Tossing it aside, he then lifted her chemise over here head. She now wore only her stockings and shoes. She had little sensation below her waist until he caressed right where she needed it most.

  Growing uncomfortable, Cassandra tried to move to his side so he could lie above her on the wide bench.

  “No, stay. I want to watch.” His hands began their gentle assault, finding all the places he hadn’t touched the last time they’d been together like this. “This is so much better than standing in a dark room.”

  “Husband?” She rocked against the hard ridge in his pants.

  “Yes, my love?”

  “Will we ever make love in a bed? I mistakenly assumed that was where it was done.”

  He chuckled and toyed with the pink knot on her breast. “Yes, we’ll make love there. And in the stable, the drawing room, even on the billiard table.”

  “All on the same day?”

  “That would kill me. We shall start slowly and work our way up to three or four times a day.”

  She’d unfastened his trousers while she spoke and drew out her new favorite plaything. Lifting her hips, she slid him into place and sank down again. “This is one…How many hours until we reach the first inn?”

  “Not enough, dear. Not nearly enough.”

  Rapture was too tame a word for what he made her feel. How did one describe it? Soaring and falling, racing and taking their time. Each moment was different, each touch a new sensation, different from even the last time his fingers brushed there.

  It was too much to bear. The fullness of him inside her, swelling and thrusting deeper, all the while whispering her name. Cassandra. He spoke it with reverence. With love.


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