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Friction (Oath Keepers MC Book 5)

Page 13

by Sapphire Knight

  People are constantly turning and selling each other out. They’d have to kill me before I ever turned rat and gave up information on my club.

  We’ve stopped at a gas station, loading our bikes up with fuel at the last stop until we hit their club’s location. We’re already in their general territory, but now we have to find the clubhouse. It could literally be anywhere, considering it’s so fuckin’ dry and abandoned out here. If Smiles didn’t have a spot marked out, we’d never find it out here in the middle of nowhere. This stretch of I-10 consists of random dirt roads and the occasional old dilapidated shack.

  “Everyone ready?” Ares barks, and we all fix our skull bandanas to cover our faces and start our bikes up. With him leading the pack, we all fall in order. Once back on the highway, we’re a little more relaxed, spreading out some, but still maintain the convoy. When Prez isn’t around, it’s always Ares, then Smiles, Cain, 2 Piece, me, Spin, and a Prospect. Except today we have Exterminator heading up the back; in case shit goes down, he can hit up the Nomads and let them know asap.

  The Nomads took the other route and headed to Cali straight away. They’re gonna go scope out the info 2 Piece was able to get and see if it’s really accurate. We left Snake, Scratch, and Prez back home to watch the clubhouse. Prez was pissed he couldn’t head up the search, but he has to be close in case somethin’ happens with Mona. She needs round-the-clock help right now with a lot of doctors’ visits. Prez doesn’t need to be worrying about club shit right now; he needs to be concentrating on his family. Mona has to come first, and after putting up with his shit for so many years, she definitely deserves it.

  We ride for what feels like hours before Ares signals to slow down; Smiles’ intercom popping on in our helmets.

  “We’re hitting the left in about a quarter.” His voice streams through pretty clear for being on a motorcycle and none of us wearing full helmets.

  We adjust our speed accordingly, and sure enough, a narrow side street on the right side comes into view. Ares slows and Cain pulls ahead to lead. Being the Enforcer, he’s usually the first one in to inspect. That way if shit goes down, it’s his job to attempt to protect us until we can get set up and fuck some shit up if needed.

  Smiles rasps quickly, “Slow it down, kid! It’s not even two miles up, son. Hit the left in about one point five. Map shows a mass of trees.”

  So he’s saying in about a mile and a half take a sharp left. He always changes it up. We’ve gotten used to it and he does it as added precaution in case someone’s able to pick up our communications system. A massive what looks like wall made of trees appears around a hill and we turn off, quickly quieting our engines.

  “You’d never know this shit were here, if we hadn’t drove down this way!” Cain states as he climbs off his bike.

  Smiles climbs off next. “Yep, ‘cause we’re getting close to Mexico. All kinda shit’s hidin’ back in these parts. It would make sense for these fuckers to be out here; they can get drugs and women from the Mexican Cartel easily.”

  Ares angrily grumbles something under his breath.

  I’ve heard the rumors of his ex leaving him for some dude in the Mexican Bikers Association or whatever it was called, but I’m not sure if any of it’s true. The brothers are bad about gossiping, so you never know what’s actually accurate.

  “We goin’ on foot the remaining half?” I ask, tying my boots tighter. In case it’s a trek, I don’t want one to fall off.

  Ares nods, “Yeah, probably smartest to be as quiet as possible. I’m hoping they didn’t get too wound up from us comin’ this close. Load up on the ammo and new toys; let’s go get these fucks. Oh, and watch out for traps or anyone hiding. Smiles is right, for all we know there could be Mexicans out here for the Cartel or other smugglers and that would really stir the shit pot up for us. They probably have some bear traps set or some shit, not to mention the wildlife.”

  I fix my bandana over my face to make sure I can’t be recognized and also the plain black one I wear over my hair to keep it out of my face while I ride. Folding my cut, I carefully place it over my bike and grab my extra ammo for the guns I have strapped on and a bottle of water. I’m about to have an adrenaline spike, let alone have to walk for who knows how far, I may as well hydrate on the way there.

  A few other brothers quickly chug a bottled water or Gatorade and we all start to make our way through the trees, following Smiles’ directions. He rants on random facts, while sipping from his flask of whiskey.

  Spin jumps to the side, faster than I’ve ever seen him move before. “Fuck! Watch out for snakes! I just saw a scary lookin’ bitch!”

  Ares chuckles, not breaking his pace. “A snake won’t hurt you; they’ll bite, but you’ll live. Pull your panties outta your ass, Spin.”

  “Fuck that shit.” Spin grumbles and the brothers grin. They keep their mouths closed though, because I’m betting the only real fucker out here not scared of snakes is Ares. The brother would probably catch it with his bare hands and take a bite out of it or some wild shit.

  “Shhh! Shut the fuck up!” Smiles growls, and we all still. “Look.” He points, and through the foliage you can make out a large faded building that looks like a cabin.

  “Was this what you saw on the satellite map?” Cain asks and Smiles nods.

  “Fuck me, I bet we’re here brothers.” Ares murmurs. “Hand signals if possible from here on out.” He glances over at us and we all nod. Then he chin-lifts toward the building and we fall in to follow his lead.

  There’s a guy passed out next to the entrance gate with a shot gun on his lap. Great security so far. Not that I’m complaining; it’ll make my job easier if anything.

  Ares signals for Cain and Exterminator to do a perimeter check. We sit still, hiding out in the tall grass and keep watch for any movement.

  After about twenty minutes of us sitting, they return, quietly filling us in.

  Cain mumbles, “Eleven inside the cabin, three sitting outside, but I think they’re wasted. We checked every window and no one else was spotted. There’s one female locked outside under a small covered structure, surrounded by a box made up of chain link fencing. There’s a shed out behind the cabin also, but it was locked up from the outside.

  “A chick?” Ares gruffly exclaims, his eyes growing angry.

  “Yup, bitch looks pretty fucked up too. She’s far enough away though we can torch or blow up the building the eleven Fists are in,” Exterminator grumbles, and when he finishes I think we all take a deep breath.

  He likes to blow shit up.

  Ares nods, “Where do you need us?”

  Cain points to the entrance, “Sharpshooter to watch the gate. There’s two on the east side, but let us take care of them and handle set up around the building. I think the less of us out there, the better chance we have of this working.”

  “You got it, brother; if you need us, we have your back.”

  Cain nods and I turn to the prospect, “Shooter, you got this?” He’s prior military like myself, hence the name and why he’s a good fit for us so far.

  “Yeah man, do I hit him if he moves at all or just to escape.”

  “As soon as that building goes up, you put a bullet in him. If he moves sooner than that, then you put a bullet in him. Either way, make sure you kill him before he can shoot at any of us.”

  “Roger,” he replies and I grit my teeth. At a time like this, I don’t need any reminders of what the military has cost me.

  Huffing, I sit on my ass and place my Glock on my lap. I should be with the brothers, helping take the pieces of shit out, not sitting here with my thumb up my ass like a fucking prospect or something.

  Ares glares at me.

  “What?” I mouth silently.

  “You’re pouting!” he whisper yells and I shake my head.

  He nods, glowering, “The fuck’s your issue?”

  “I wanted to kill them.” I shrug and he rolls his eyes, turning around to ignore me and pay attention.
/>   A few seconds later, there’s a loud rumble, the ground shaking with the horde of bikes flying toward the entrance, and I swear we almost piss our pants knowing Cain and Exterminator could easily be caught and killed. It wouldn’t be so surprising if the new bikers had already been on the compound when we first arrived, but for them to show up right in the middle of our plans is nerve-racking.

  Shooter looks over at me, eyes wide, “D-do I shoot? There’s like twenty of them at the gate!”

  I shake my head, rapidly glancing to see Ares doing the same. He puts his hand to his mouth, telling the prospect to shut the fuck up as the gate guard wakes up and the bikers all begin pulling through the entrance, lining their bikes up to park.

  Seconds later, the first building full of the eleven blows up, and some of the new bikers rush toward the smoking building while five or so take off to leave.

  “Shoot! Shoot them all!!!” I shove the prospect and you hear the loud echo of his shots ring out with the roaring of pipes.

  Fuck this! I stand up in the middle of the field, getting as many shots off as I can at the ones on the bikes, and then the ones in the compound’s yard.

  I see Cain and Exterminator peek around the corners of two of the buildings getting shots off as well.

  Ares turns to Spin. “Go get the bitch outta there. 2 Piece, you go with him, watch his six.”

  They take off without a word and I drop my empty weapon, taking out the other one I have strapped to my side. A shot rings out next to me; the prospect attempting to keep up in between my shots. I can hear the loud screeches of the bikes hitting the road and sliding as each rider drops it or gets shot and falls off. We don’t need anyone leaving and alerting others to come in for back up.

  Bullets whirl next to me. It’s pure utter fucking chaos and just my type of party. I begin walking closer to the fenced-in building, letting loose shot after shot with each step I take, hoping to kill every piece of scum left, ending the lives of rapists, murderers, and who knows what else. One less piece of shit existing in the world is one less for the innocent to have to deal with.

  Ares tackles me to the ground as I get closer, and I’d have shot his ass if I didn’t know it was him.

  “Stay down, brother. Sadie will fucking kill me if I let your ass get hurt again. You have an ol’ lady and kid to be worrying about now. Stop being careless.”

  He’s right and I’m a fucking selfish bastard to forget that. She’s not my ol’ lady officially yet, but it’s gonna happen someday. I reckon I best stay alive for it.

  “I got it, brother, get the fuck offa’ me!” I grunt, his huge heavy ass squishing me. He climbs off and I get to my knees, looking over the high grass to see who’s still alive.

  One fucker on a bike raced away without us getting him, but the rest looks like a bloody massacre. All of them are splayed out everywhere, riddled with bullets. I’m one sick fucker, because it doesn’t even faze me; in fact, the opposite as I crack a big smile at the sight, letting lose a celebratory laugh.

  Ares turns to me, catching my expression and chuckles, “Only you, Twist.” He shakes his head and my smile grows. Fuckin’ right, I’m gonna be happy and smile at this shit. We just took out who knows how many rapists, molesters, killers, and druggies. Just having a chick chained up out back deserves a wrath of punishment to rain down on them.

  Shooter lets out an overwhelmed breath. “Holy shit, that really just happened!”

  “Hey, prospect?”

  “Yeah?” he meets my gaze, clearly shocked at the turn of events.

  “Shut the fuck up, you did your job,” I order sternly, he nods and stays quiet.

  Smiles rolls his eyes and climbs to his feet. He’s only worried about getting his flask out to take a healthy gulp at this point, when a shot rings out.

  The old man falls, hitting the ground in a lifeless lump and Shooter’s surprised gaze meets mine.

  I snatch away his high-powered rifle, scanning over everything with his scope. I find one last fucker, lying across the roof, covered in black to blend in with the shingles. Clearly he’s not a trained sniper, because he’s too busy waiting for someone to stand up. My military training taught me to always look at all possibilities, not limit yourself. He must not know where we’re at in the grass, which, if he tried hard enough, he’d be able to figure it out. That’s one badass weapon he’s clutching.

  I take aim, making sure the chamber’s loaded, line the site up until I have the tip of his nose in my cross, and lightly tap the trigger. The gun’s powerful enough to send me flying backwards with the kick, but when I climb to my knees, looking through the scope, half of the guy’s head’s missing.

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Ares curses. “I gotta let Prez know; he’s gonna be torn up somethin’ fierce. Smiles is his best fuckin’ friend. He’s known him for ages,” he grumbles, taking his phone out and walking a few paces back to the trees.

  Spin, Cain, Ex, and 2 all return with a badly beat up woman, missing her clothes. Spin carries her like she’s a feather, holding her close to his chest. “Anyone have something small she can put on?”

  “I got a wife beater, would probably fit her best.” I shrug.

  “I have a pair of sweat pants,” Shooter speaks up and Spin heads toward the trees.

  Cain’s tired gaze falls to Smiles. “Holy shit! Smiles was hit?”

  I nod and 2 Piece leans down, feeling for a pulse. “Nothing. Fuck man, I can’t believe this.” He shakes his head.

  “What are we gonna do with him?” I ask, and Cain looks over at me.

  “He wanted us to turn him to ash, but I know Prez is gonna want him brought home.”

  “Guess we gotta wait to hear what Ares says.”

  He nods and we all head toward the trees.

  Ares meets us, hanging up with Prez.

  “He’s sending Snake out to pick him up. He said for Shooter to wait here with Smiles. He’s gonna have them torch the remaining buildings, along with the dead bodies of the Fists. Then have the prospects bring Smile’s body back home. He had to call Mona’s sister, Veronica. She and Smiles had a thing back in the day. He was really upset.”

  We nod, upset also and Ares turns to Spin, who’s busily helping the girl get dressed and giving her water. “Prez wants you to head back to the club with her now.” Ares nods to the girl.

  “What about the rest of the trip?”

  “No, don’t worry about it, brother. You go back and help get her situated; I’m sure the girls will be able to give you a hand. Prez needs someone there that can take care of shit. Mona got admitted to the hospital today for a really bad fever. He’s a fucking mess right now, then throw in Smiles, I’m scared he’s gonna have a stroke or some shit. I know you can handle the clubhouse without any of us there.”

  “All right, let her stretch out for a minute, and then we’ll head that way.”

  “What’s your name, sugar?” Cain asks, and her swollen face turns at Spin.

  He nods and she whispers something to him.

  “Her name’s Ariana,” he answers for her.

  We stay quiet, watching, as she turns to Spin and won’t look at any of us. Poor chick. After a moment, Spin speaks to her quietly then turns to Ares. “We’re out, brother. Y’all stay safe.”

  Ares fist bumps him and Spin mounts his bike, helping the girl climb on behind him in nothing but an old wife beater and pair of sweats too big for her. He has her rest her bare feet on his boots, lecturing her about how she can get burned.

  “You have cash to get her shit if y’all stop?” Ares calls over the engine.

  “Yeah, I’m straight. I’ll see you after you take care of business,” Spin shouts and slowly takes off, with Ariana holding on so tightly, that if Spin wasn’t so big, he probably wouldn’t be able to turn his bike without tipping it over.

  “Ready brothers?” Ares inquires and we mount the bikes, minus Shooter.

  “Snake will call your burner when he’s close,” Ares reassures and Shooter nods.
br />   “Don’t worry; I’ll take care of this,” he replies.

  “Keep that shit up, and we’re gonna have to patch ya,” Ares calls as he eases off his brake and we all fall in, ready for the long-ass ride to Cali.

  We can only ride a short distance since most of the day’s gone and give in at eleven p.m., eventually turning off at a shitty hotel on the side of the road to sleep for four or five hours then ride some more.

  Sadie’s been on my mind the entire ride and even though it’s late, I ring her anyhow.

  “Ermmm, hello?” she answers groggily and sounds adorable.



  “You good? The kid okay?”

  “Yes, we’re both fine. I just got sleepy and passed out early. I wish you were here to sleep next to me.”

  “I know, baby, me too, but I gotta get this shit taken care of. I just called to hear your voice before I sleep, then we’re riding out straight away.”

  “Okay, please be safe.”

  “I will. Play with your tits for me.”

  She laughs and it brings a smile to my face.

  “Night, Sadie baby.”

  “Night, Twist,” she whispers softly and I hang up. My heart feels all mushy when it comes to her—in a good way. At least I’ll be able to try to sleep without worrying about her now.

  I jump in the shower to scrub off all the dirt etched into my skin from the ride and then hit the sack. My body’s overly exhausted from the trip, and the stress that comes along with each life I take. Eventually I know karma will catch up with me, and I’m not looking forward to meeting that bitch.

  Even miracles take a little time.

  -The Fairy Godmother

  I finish screwing the last screw into the crib, as the first cramp starts. Twist and my brother both offered to help me assemble the baby’s crib, but I figured what a great way to pass time while they’re gone. So I’ve been steadily working my way through some of the boxes from everyone, assembling awesome baby gear and washing the fifty million socks and onesies in the clear baby detergent all morning.


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